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She makes out she's protecting children but verbally abuses the ones under her roof. This was November, she was screaming at him because he was asking for her music to be turned down and she didn't like him embarrassing her on live. He wouldn't act up if she gave him attention and spoke to him decent. Vile bitch!


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To all the people saying "they're jealous of you" because we don't like and agree with what they do. Oh huns, there's not a chance in hell am I jealous of any of them! They're embarrassing to say the least!
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Still a cam girl I see 🤢

Could u imagine paying to see her live then up pops those teeth 🤦🏻‍♀️
hopefully shes saving all the gift money for a new set of nashers 🤣🤣

hey sweet cheeks if your in here, have a little bit of your own medicine.. giving it constantly to others😘
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Well-known member
Thank god there's people out there that have the same opinion as me on these bullies!! I for one am a bit dubious on whether or not I believe Amber about being groomed by Bryan 🤔 As a 'victim' you wouldn't want to be doing videos and taking the mick out of L&B or even begging to have one of Lucy's accounts. Just way too weird for my liking. All I've seen from Amber since she outted Bryan in the summer is jump into everyone's lives wanting to see if she gets mentioned, attention seeking at its finest. Now I for one if I was victim wouldn't be posting on it social media, I would have taken in it the police straight away.. Someone please tell me where the evidence where the police are actually involved 🤔 I don't condone anything Lucy has done but she has endured horrific bullying for over a year but I can see why she etaliates the way she does.

Kirsty Kirsty Kirsty... Didn't you say the police told you there was over 3000 reports against L&B.. Hunny the police wouldn't be telling you that for a starters. Kirsty's obsession is getting a little bit tedious now, the bullying is absolutely disgusting and the things her 'crew' come out with is pure vile. Not once have I seen an ounce of evidence from Kirsty, Chloe, Misty etc... Why is that? Because there isn't anything, it's all for attention and gifts. Simba on the other hand I quite liked at the start, had a mature head on his shoulder til he started going live with Kirsty and unfortunately he got dragged down too. Find it weird that no one called Kirsty a Ponce for going live with a 16-17 year old yet as soon as Lucy duelled Simba she was ridiculed with that name. Everyone ounce of crap that comes out of any of their mouths, has been proven to be false and all lies. With Chloe going to court over Lucy, Chloe should have changed her ways as it will look even worse for her in March. Karma will soon take down all the bullies and they will all be faced with criminal charges.

Anyone who supports the bullies need their heads testing. As for that FB page, it needs taking down, because if there is any truth of a police investigation, those that are on there have made themselves look pretty silly. None of you are raising awareness, protecting children!! If L&B are groomers, the only thing you lot are doing is promoting them.
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VIP Member
There’s actually quite a lot of evidence that Bryan’s a groomer. Other may disagree but I’ve genuinely seen it for myself. He is 100% a n
Personally, I haven’t seen enough evidence to confirm that. But let’s say he 100% is and there are multiple victims, any case is ruined at this point.
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Kirsty as soon as someone tries to call you out, they get blocked. I'd happily say all this to your face, without the fear of being plastered all over social media! You won't do that though because it won't get you the views, gifts etc!!
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Wow the picture some of you are portraying of Lucy and Bryan as vulnerable, bullied and naive victims are not the one they showing!!

Bryan telling people to go abuse 15 year olds anally or to kill themselves or threatening to break child a arm or accusing people of lying about cancer, admitting her boyfriend did message and abuse underage girls but then goes about victim blaming, guess that makes it ok what they do?

Being racist, homophobic and transphobic.

All the vulnerable people who have sent theses two money.

they’ve been told to stay off social media and don’t listen they choose to duel people who they know will hate on them.

Lucy is heading down a slippery slope, her body will give out eventually due to the lack of personal hygiene and the junk she eats and the fact she never leave her bed because she choose not to move by choice.

before anyone says I’m a supporter of Kirsty or any of theses lot I’m not I don’t watch her
or participate in either, I’ve been around a while watching what this pair get up too, it’s not pretty and will only end in tears.
Nobody here has said that what L&B themselves have done is ok. Not at all. In fact I’m sure each and everyone of us has said that we don’t support them and they have both done and said disgusting things. Nobody here is condoning their behaviour. But yes they have become victims because for over a year they have been bullied and harassed daily. Do you expect them to stay silent whilst people very publicly attack them over social media and in their own home where they should feel safe? Would you like people doxxing you and have people turn up at your house day&night and send disgusting letters etc through the post? Would you like profiles made of you on dating websites? Would you like people creating disgusting images of you? Would you stay quiet and just take it all? I think not. Think of how that makes a person feel. Most of B&L’s actions will be retaliation from it all.
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Kirsty is now slating us all. Apparently we sit on here all day lol kat knows who we all are but we're not relivent enough to expose 😂😂
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Active member
If anyone knew to the thread hasn’t read this, please do 🙌🏻

And for anyone who doesn't already understand (speaking mainly for the FB group huns here).

This thread is far from supporting Bryan & Lucy but not supporting them, doesn't mean we support Kirsty and her greasy bonce crew. They're all cut from the same shit rag. Bryan, Lucy, Kirsty, Misty, whatever the fuck the enormous Scottish brass is called, they're all scum. But the mindless idiots that "support" Kirsty and Co seem to believe that unless you support THEM and THEM only, you're some how a Bryan and Lucy supporter? Understand that people have their own minds and I can come to my own conclusions about not only Bryan & Lucy being disgusting, all the rest of you are too.
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It's not about awareness anymore its about who can get most likes says oh don't need to gift oh stop then why not turn the gifts off its all getting bit cringey with the whole team kirsty oh she is a legend for what bullying and swearing at people and now got ponces nickname on her
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How are we n*nce supporters Kirsty? Please come and explain that to us. Not once have any of us said we support Lucy or Bryan so I suggest you learn how to read properly and absorb what is being said in the words.
And as for misty.. you know who we are do you? How about you message each and every one of us privately then if your so sure of your facts? Oh because you can’t. All “info” you gather on people is lies and completely false. Prove us we are wrong, we will be waiting…
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Please do not even try and say that she definitely is not on the spectrum.
I think she is very very clever and she is fooling lots of people.

I am not saying they are not bullied they are but they do deserve some of it.
sometimes people make a simple comment actually nothing really bad and B says about raping people ect.
I do not support kirsty so don’t assume I do.
I liked her but over recent weeks thegang thing has been awful and the tattoo is my final straw.
But L&B are vile creatures and not thing he retaliated with is acceptable.
especially when she is begging for the gifts
With all due respect, how do you know she isn’t? Or he isn’t on the spectrum for that matter? They both have additional needs without a shadow of a doubt.
As for the ‘begging’: you could say the same about 90% of the people who are semi popular on Tik tok. Kirsty does it for gifts, she just pretends she doesn’t want them. At least Lucy has the balls to admit she does want them and doesn’t bully and harass others to get them, like our Thirsty Kirsty.
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I would really like to get I touch with some of you privately and see if their is anything we can actively do to highlight the impact of what they are doing and try and actively stop them, it’s alright we are all here voicing our opinion but it’s not going to stop them from their money making bullying cult.

the problem is we are all anonymous and I don’t have a clue who’s who and if you can actually trust anyone 🤣 if anyone has the means to make a Facebook account or something maybe we could all join on anonymous profiles, just remember to protect your children and families by leaving no trace to your real name, as much as I would LOVE to do it all u see my real name I know the crusty crew have absolutely no morals at all and don’t give a shit about kids and there is not a chance in hell I would dare put my husband or kids in danger.
Not to blow my own trumpet but im quite known in the lucy rose, kirsty, weird tiktok lives community, the people I slag off on here think im their friend. if i came out and did this on my real account i'd be hounded lol
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Active member
Protect our kids? She can’t even protect her own the fucking waffle. Everyone’s too scared to say anything incase they get hate (which they will because everyone admires kirsty and would kill for her). The embarrassment of a woman her age acting the way she does, especially on live for thousands to see. EEEEEK .
This is why everyone is coming to this thread now they know about it. Because they can actually say something and state what everyone is thinking without getting the hate.
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Active member
I swear if anyone else says that Kirsty is keeping our kids safe I'm gonna scream. If you can't keep your own kids safe online then i question your parenting skills!
Who the fuck would genuinely put their childrens safety in the hands of the morbidly obese tattooed baffoon and her greasy hun crew?
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God I’m sorry but Kirsty your kitchen is a tip love. Maybe spend less time sat on your backside screeching and keep on top of your housework 😝
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Well-known member
Seen her lives a few times, she’s an absolute gobshite who looks almost as filthy as Lucy. People see her as a hero and I literally don’t understand why, all she does is sit on her arse looking like a tramp obsessing over Lucy and Brian.
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There’s actually quite a lot of evidence that Bryan’s a groomer. Other may disagree but I’ve genuinely seen it for myself. He is 100% a n
Can’t you point me in the right direction to find this Evidence and not in the direction of amber as her story has continuously changed, she constantly tried to entice lucy and duel them to get gifts and at one point in an effort to try and be Lucy’s friend so they could duel she said she made everything up about Bryan before going back on that later on so she is really not a reliable person at all and having pics of Bryan’s pecker or knowing him while he was in his last relationship is not proof of grooming, the handcuff to the radiator story keeps changing aswel I have heard 2 different names that he apparently handcuffed, I know he has admitted to this one but he has said it wasn’t sexual at all it was a prank and more people were involved and he said he regrets participating now because the way everyone’s talking about it makes it sound noncey.
I am in no way saying Bryan isn’t a nonce or child groomer and I am not saying he is, there seems to be a lot more gumption to any rumours said about him than lucy so it might be true but I genuinely haven’t seen any viable evidence myself and the fact the police haven’t taken away any devices or anything makes me think it’s all a loaf of cack.

you say he is 100% n like it’s a fact but honestly please show me the evidence because I am ready and willing to join you on this opinion and I am giving an open invitation to anyone who has reliable evidence to help me reach a conclusion here
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Chatty Member
This thread was mentioned a few time in L’s live last night and I know she’s aware of it so she’ll definitely mention it soon.
Does the fact that Lucy doesn't milk this tattle thread for all it's worth on her own lives not prove that Lucy is not the brightest star in the sky.
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