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Chatty Member
Kirsty is purely going after Lucy as it gives her money. The amount of gifts rolling in now is huge. Whereas before the whole going after Lucy she never really got gifts. Plus what a liar she is saying she has be given secret information about Lucy & Brian. Love shut the fuck up all you do is sit on your sofa all day doing TT lives. Get up have a wash & start looking after you child.
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Finally! A group of vocal like minded people🙌

I believe there are so many that agree with the points made in this thread, yet due to the hiddious backlash people get on TT they are scared. Listen up, no need atall to be scared, What threat is Kirsty?!, she sweats and pants just making her way to the toilet and back. Kirsty whom when confronted for being a bully claims " I only bully lucy and ponces" so explain then the numbers of others you've doxed, explain then the back screens of people's family members you've had up, explain then the desire to get people's dates of birth. Being able to literally roll out L & Bs numbers but probably dont even know your own stepkids numbers- and after quick as you like, off by heart calling out the phone numbers, she slobs there, chuffed, proud, smirking, swigs a load of energy drink, lights a fag and " trust me i know everything" like thats some sort of achievement and not some odd weird obsession. Troy never leaves his box room at daddies house, when he's not on live he's probably sat admiring his size 6n half size trainer collection- such a manly man, im going to hold back on the does he or doesn't he wear a toupee for now!. Kat, well hasn't she just been an abundance of assistance. Her exposure lives that bring nothing other than doxxing completely innocent people and their families, 45 year old woman running round the app with her fake accusations. Chloe- Well I think last night's comment that left her mouth is all that needs said for time being other then Chloe girl, please consider your phone positioning a little, by no means is it going to make a huge difference but anything is surely better than the view we have! Misty, Louise P, cupcake99, Cindylou, Sis- whichever you know her by, what even is that mouth of hers, yapping thing she is and I think she feels she's intimidating with it! Infact I'm sure she truly believes that. Modded secretly for lucy for ages for what reason? Did the big investigation get you anything, nope, nadda, nothing, so number got doxxed and quickly ran to the energy drinking, chain smoking, slobbering kirsty and believed noone knew, not been much of a reaction has there to that- because it was always known!!!!
Grots of society all congregated together, making stuff up as they go along!....but they speak nothing but facts, they come with receipts, they trust their source 1000%- 🙄 🥱
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i hope all these dickheads get done for wasting police time! did anyone see bry bry crashing through the door going "GUESS WHAT? THE POLICE ARE ON THE WAY!"? this whole thing is an absolute shit show
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No tattle life posts are being accepted and they have said they aren’t going to talk about it, they are SHITTING themselves over people finding this thread, honestly everyone in here if you watch any lives or are on any groups keep advertising this thread get as many people here as possible so they have to acknowledge what we say and answer to the things that have been put to them
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I feel sorry for kirsty son cairon he is obviously on the spectrum and needs the attention he is lacking, put unfortunately hes got a mother like her who’s not interested in him one bit and doesn’t care about him. That poor lad wants attention from her. He acts up cos he wants attention but this mother of his would rather troll and bully vulnerable adults on a app for kids says it all
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Everyone saying Kirsty is protecting our kids 😆 I protect my own children! I don't leave it to some nobody on TT that loves the gifts piling up!
How is getting a tattoo of mouldy willlaayyy helping raise awareness? It is bullying, which makes you no better than L&B!

You're just some random woman sat on a couch screaming at anyone who has a different opinion to you, you're not the police!!
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First time poster.

What relevance would she have with no Lucy?...What would she go live about?

What cracks me up is that Lucy sits on live doing absolutely nothing and I mean nothing, Kirsty streams Lucy's live doing nothing and earns money from doing it! I dislike Lucy and Kirsty. Kirsty jumped on something and has ran with it, she couldn't care less about the circumstances- its all about her ,not having a job and justifying her existence.

Kirsty's time will end, as will Lucy's, I mean wtf is going on. Seriously.

If you were clever, you would bring this beef on= makes a lot of money(-75%)
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VIP Member
Thread suggestion Kirsty Matthews #2 That Tattoo is so embarrassingly bad, being called out on Tattle has her cult going mad!
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Biggest fans 🤣🤣
This isn't fan behaviour, its sheer disgust and disbelief that someone could be so brazen and nasty about innocent people.

Answer Kirsty, you claim you raise awareness, reciting a couples phone number at every opportunity is raising what awareness?.
Dressing up as someone, how is that raising awareness?
Your tattoo of a " trend" that you started is raising awareness of what?!...
Having a back screen of mock photos of lucy and Bryan raises what awareness?...
Accusing people of being behind mod accounts raises what awareness?.
Outing INNOCENT peoples family's and social media raises what awareness?!...
Outing and verbally abusing anyone who mods for lucy is raising what awareness?!.
Outing people who gift lucy is raising what awareness?!...
Whether Bryan does or doesn't see his child raises what awareness?.
Asking people to find people's dates of births is raising what awareness?.
Telling someone who's son has passed that your going to dig their son up and smoke him is raising what Awareness?!..
And of course- you only go for Lucy so what about the points above that don't involve lucy directly, how does that raise awareness?!..
Doxxing their gp, how does that raise awareness?.
We will wait ✋️
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Last night was honestly disgusting and again proved exactly what we’ve all been saying.

She sat there winding them up as much as she possible could, even talked about Bryan’s car insurance (what has that got to do with anything) and then when she dueled them tried to be all cool calm and collected to make it look like L was being the mad one.

How can people sit back and think what they’re doing is okay?! She sat there sharing Ls personal info (whether or not it’s been shared before is irrelevant).

She clearly gets a buzz off what she does to them. When she said “I’m breaking her down day by day” it just proved everything I thought of her. A vile bully that is targeting them. You are a perpetrator kirsty!

And before any of the FB group huns start no I’m not a ponce supporter 🤦🏼‍♀️
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I haaaaate the overuse of words like “narcissist”. Do the likes of Kirsty and Misty actually know that they are the the leaving breathing definition?
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FML are people falling for the “cry me a river” act, watching all the gifts roll in !! I’m 35 and my childhood was shit but that’s my shit to deal with not strangers on an app and that northernbint christ her tongue couldn’t be up Kirsty’s arse anymore soon it will be coming out her mouth !
Can’t stand that northern bint, he voice goes right through me. All acting mother of the year but they ignore their kids to sit on live! Kirsty must of made a few hundred quid easily last night in gifts
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Look at her DESPERATELY trying to keep her head above water 🤣 I would just like to say misty it’s nice to see you are reading and taking our comments on board 😘
they 100% stand by doxxing people, the admins of that group have actually taken part in the doxxing. They’ve made their beds now they have to lie in it.
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New member
So I’ve just about caught up.. So happy I found this group as I had to stop watching Kirsty a few weeks ago just something about her lives didn’t sit right with me and that all the people jumping in her box praising her like she’s found the cure for cancer was really off putting but you could see she’s loving it and laps it all up with the gifts. I thought long ago it stopped being about anything and started to just be about the gifts.
The trolling of Lucy is disgusting whatever the girl has done let the police do their job they don’t support from Kirsty and her gang who are more of a more a hinderance than a help. Honestly I think some of her fans are actually crazy they post ‘when is Kirsty I’m missing my fix’ and I’m there thinking fix of what she does literally nothing bar sitting on the sofa chain smoking chatting fart all day. Sometimes I go to work and she on from the time I start to the time I finish and I do a 9-5.
Do they actually think this is their job? And they are helping children because mine is a preteen and I’m telling you they do nothing to keep him safe.

Anyway rant over! Glad I found some sensible people who can see things for as they really are finally! 🙂
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“A paedophile can’t perform in front of an audience, that’s fact.” - Dr Misty Holmes, Professor of Criminal Psychology from the University of Unwashed Dunce Clunge
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Chatty Member
We're low life scum that support Lucy because we don't support you? I and many others have said throughout this thread that we don't support n*nces! You only read what you want to read clearly!!

And Misty you still haven't answered why you think the tattoo was a good thing?? Would you have supported and laughed if it had been Epsteins face tattooed on her?
Grow up!! In all of this real victims are being penalised and made a mockery of. I imagine the police haven't been able to do much on this case because vigilantes keep sabotaging it.
Im far from low life scum im just writing what i see and as you can see from this thread alot of us are in agreement!!
So if it all proves wrong with lucy and bryan kirsty will you publicly apologise???
Will you get all your "gang" to apologise too!!
We are entitiled to our opinion as are you! But dont call people ponce supporters cos they dont agree with you!!
Maybe you cud make ur arm into a lovely quotes of ponces?? Now then now then, 2 litttle boys??? Or even have some faces put on? Epstein for instance??
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Yeah when the benefits hit the bank account. I might go get Tattler on my chest bone to make myself feel good 🥴😄😄😄
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