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If I’m going to be doxxed please make sure it’s 100% me before doing so. My heart can’t take seeing another innocent person being harassed.

As I’ve mentioned before, I know for a fact that Kat talks crap. She shared someone’s full name, photo and address and it was absolutely nothing to do with them. (Sharing her personal Insta)

Its like she closes her eyes and just randomly points at who to doxx next.
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I can’t say too much on here but I know Kirsty is being looked into by certain people. Reports and screenshots have been sent to relevant authorities where Kirsty has threatened to kill/bash l&b up and the constant aggressiveness in front of minors.
unfortunately the awareness has turned into serious bullying of 2 people who will now be made out to be victims because of the constant stuff being sent to their house and people turning up or threatening to turn up etc etc. someone at some point did say to Kirsty simba and crew that it will turn serious for them and one day soon they will have criminal charges while l&b will be victims. So much for your so called awareness eh Kirsty!! As you and your crew will be the ones in a courtroom!!
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Does anyone else get severe secondhand embarrassment from Mistys attempts at being some type of motivational speaker? It actually causes me cardiac pain.
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New here ✌🏼 The tattoo just proves how much of a joke this whole thing actually is. Now I don’t disbelieve Bryan is a wrongen but I no longer have faith that any of these claims Kirsty and her “crew” come out with have any truth to them. And like a lot of you are saying l&b will be looked at as the victims in all of this.
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Hi Bea 👋

Firstly, the only people that could potentially be triggered by that tattoo is the victims you all refer to.

I’m sure if you knew who we were all of our personal details would be all over TT by now because that’s how you all work.

I hope you see the light one day ❤
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I am so pleased that people can really see Kirsty for who and what she is. I have been watching her for the last few months after a well known tiktoker gave her a mention in their live. At first, I was pleased that someone was raising awareness of "paedophiles" on social media apps.

As time has gone on, this woman has become an embarrassment to her family and the wider public. She is nothing but a bully. She isn't raising awareness of paedophiles anymore. She constantly doxxes b&l personal information. She slags them off left right and centre. It's all become too much.

She has the cheek to say about Lucy and her appearance but should really look in the mirror herself. The reflection certainly isn't a pretty sight. I watched a live a little while ago where one of the kids was giving her lip at bedtime. She shouted at them just as she shouts at Lucy. Feel sorry for the kids in having to live with a person who is nothing but a bully.

She sits around all day and has nothing better to do than sit on live, claim she knows everything about B & L and is the cause of all the trolling that Lucy gets. She is a vile woman and I won't sit there and watch her anymore. I haven't got time for people who bully others.

Kirsty claims to know that the Amber case is true as she has seen evidence. This however is a historic crime. What evidence has she actually seen? She wasn't there when the so called offence took place, was she? I have had a feeling for a little while that something isn't right about all of this. That Lucy & Bryan are being made to look like the criminals when in fact they are victims of such hate and bullying.

It's no wonder why Bryan says the things that he does when they have had to put up with all of this for a year. Kirsty is just a bully and I sincerely hope that more people will open their eyes to what type of person she really is.

As for Chloe, Kinky Kat & Misty, they are all as bad as one another. Foul loud mouth women!
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think lucy gave this thread a little shoutout when she said to kirsty "people are taking the piss out your tattoo" 😂 😂 😂
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As for not making a penny, turn your gifts off then ☺
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So apperently after reading this thread Kirsty is upset.... you think you being upset is something that will give you automatic forgiveness? A bit of sympathy? What about the people you have terrorised over the app, only the other day you had a green screen of an innocent old lady, a grandmother of someone you claimed, yet again🙄 had come from a reliable source- disgusting, the whole bunch of those people have done nothing, nothing atall AND even if the lady you had outed as being behind the barbie mod account- was behind that account so what?! God forbid any one of your small minded followers knew that little old lady and gave her grief, let alone all the other family members you showed!!!.
You claim you raise awareness, turn off your gifts, stop slobbering into your phone screen and highlight the dangers online- outing people who are mods, outing innocent people and innocent family members is sick!!! That's not awareness that's down right bullying. Let's hope that child of yours is never bullied as my god you'd be hard pushed to look into that child's eyes and sympathise with the feelings he may experience- and maybe have a jumper on if it happens hey? That tattoo is also a huge contradiction. A tattoo like that, seriously, sick!
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Right I’ve read enough to get the gist. I just want to say I in no way support Lucy and Bryan- like at all. Bryan for obvious reasons (the language, the amber situation, the homophobia.. fucking hell the list is endless with that barnacle) and Lucy because of the way speaks to people, the fact she shit on a live, also the things she has said and done to people are horrific.

But I’m sorry, all these people like Kirsty are doing is making a situation 10 times worse. It’s clear it’s for clout, no one is being protected by them (plus who gave them this job?) and it’s seen as a fun game to them I think. Any form of investigation is now tarnished and they’ve done an unbelievable job of making Lucy and Bryan look like victims which absolutely sickens me.

I think Kirsty and her followers are pretty much like the blind leading the blind. It’s tragic and it needs to stop. You want them off the app? Dont watch her, don’t talk about her, don’t give out her new usernames to viewers. They’re doing more damage by sending floods of traffic straight in her lives, which Lucy thrives off. The less views Lucy has = less gifts and eventually she would get bored if everyone just pretended she wasn’t even on the app.

I dunno, just my opinion at the end of the day! Lucy is an easy band wagon to hop on these days and whilst I believe they have both done wrong (from what I’ve seen, not what other people have said) I highly doubt nothing will come from this now. It’s really sad.
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Chatty Member
Oh dear lord, anyone in Mistys live?! She just stated that a few months ago police used the red key to bash through LnBs front door as they wouldn't open it 🤣🤣 ohhh the lies just get even more ridiculous
The red basher is only used in extreme cases, IE drugs busts, armed threats or dangerous criminals, definitely not used for vulnerable women eating monster munch in bed.
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...and there we have it, kirsty actually left her natural habitat of that sofa position to stand and "dance: 😳 to dedicate a video 🤦‍♀️....that ladies and gentleman is the behaviour of what few have labeled "a legend", crazy isn't it, woman cant work coz of a healing broken ankle but can sit slobbed on sofa for hours on end! Still Kirsty we're waiting for your answers, also could you add to the list of questions how that video and posts on the group are raising awareness?
Misty mouth piece, you didn't add to the list on how raising awareness and not bullying covers your comment on threatening to run LnB over with your car?
Chloe, did you want to give any explanation of how screaming at someone " I hope you get r#ped by your Mum" is raising awareness?
Kat, did you want to give an explanation to how you think its acceptable to dox innocent people? You claimed on your live that you come with facts and receipts and noone can fool you, but you were fooled weren't you? And as for your facts and receipts, we're they written in invisible ink? As you've nothing to show but poor innocent people
And just to run over this one more time, you all claim that you DONT bring children into it yet, everytime you dox someone you are putting a child at risk, terrorising their mother/ father, taunting a sister/ brother - labeling them ponces, you need to seriously think about your actions. One day it'll be done to a poor soul who isn't strong enough to handle it and you'll have blood on your hands!!!! Devastating the life of a family and maybe even a young child!!! GROW UP
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The police are always on their way, every time they go live everyone jumps on to record it, Kirsty is on within 2 seconds, it’s actually horrific what they are doing the most blatant worst form of bullying I have ever seen Kirsty you obsessive horrible rat go and suck daves mouldy fucking willy
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My definition of a n*nce supporter is someone that has a tattoo permanently etched on their skin with links to said ‘n*nce’
My definition of a n*once supporter is someone that knowingly jeopardises a possible police investigation linked to a ‘n*nce’
My definition of a n*nce supporter is someone that spends a considerable amount of time discussing and in turn promoting the social media of linked ‘n*nce’
Not supporting Kirsty does not mean we are supporting L&B, I dislike them, refuse to follow them and hope that the police will finally get to investigate them properly and find out the truth however whilst there are little gangs using their own methods to ‘expose’ them that will never happen, it will be classed as an unfair and biased trial-leaving L&B, if they are p*dos, free to lure more victims and destroy more lives. Tell me again how anyone on this thread has supported L&B ???
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So Kirsty, or any of her gang, if you’re reading this can I ask a question, a genuine question, would you get a tattoo of something related to Jimmy Saville, for instance his well known saying of ‘now then’ or a tattoo of his cigar ? Would you get a tattoo saying ‘Epsteins island’ ? Would you buy a mug that had links to a p*do ? Do you not, on reflection, think it’s a poor choice and if a victim was upset or triggered by your tattoo what would you say to them ?
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I'm not a supporter either, I don't like any of the scummy gits but at this point in time Kirsty is the worst of the lot of them 🥴
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Chatty Member
The great unwashed. How can a woman who is responsible for 5 children actually think it's ok to slob about, unwashed and undressed all day. Someone asked her the other day why didn't she get dressed instead of sitting around all day in her grubby dressing gown, her reply was that she wasn't going out so why would she bother. Um..... because you are actually streaming live to over 1.2k people!! If you just ran to the shops probably only about 20 people might see you. You dirty skank. I don't leave the house every day, but I shower every day, I wash my hair every day, ok, I might not style my hair every day, but then 1.2k people aren't watching me for hours on end. Get looking in the bottom of your wheelie bin for your self respect Kirsty, it's clearly where you threw it.
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I love how people on that Facebook group are saying tattle is full of trolls 😂😂 that Facebook group was made to troll two people! When Kirsty and co talk about L&B it’s “raising awareness” but when we talk about their beloved Kirsty it’s trolling? 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

The way they dox people (with little to no evidence) is disgusting! Everything they do is from hearsay or something Kat has randomly pulled out of her arse. They know what’ll happen to these people as soon as they share their info.
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