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I really hope this is the beginning of the end for Kirsty and co.
Lucy has nothing in her life aside from Tik Tok, she’s effectively housebound, publicly shamed and abused by her own family and clearly has no friends. I think for Lucy, finding one kind comment or receiving a gift means the absolute world, no matter how much abuse she has to wade through to get it. Because despite all the hate, it’s a tiny bit of sunshine when she has absolutely nothing else to bring light into her life otherwise. She’s not perfect, but no one deserves the abusive, hate cult that Kirsty and Simba have created around her.
I really hope that we can all have a massive party dressed up as Kirsty once she scuttles away. The whopper.
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Last night she had them all thinking she was in the car on her way to Lucy's house and someone was relaying back to Lucy. Then she gives it the big hard 'no one will know when I turn up to Lucy's, it may be next week, next month, but I will be' 🙄😆
Sit back down you fool you are embarrassing 🤣
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i hope all these dickheads get done for wasting police time! did anyone see bry bry crashing through the door going "GUESS WHAT? THE POLICE ARE ON THE WAY!"? this whole thing is an absolute shit show
It’s Because misty the Mighty Mouth piece has called the police and they’ve told her there on their way 🤣🤣🤣 I highly doubt it tbh.. I mean in the past we’ve needed the police for a fight between teens and they come like the next day.. so mouthy Misty I doubt they’re on there way.. 🙄 and btw your sat their both winding them up to get this kind of reaction fucking making awareness more like a mockery
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Does anyone else on this thread pretend to support Kirsty and the wacky backy cult? I know everyone on the Facebook group is reading this now and everyone here is anonymous so I am interested to see how many there are? I know of 1 person on here so far that is actually in their close knit group and is “friends” with them all portraying to support and it made me laugh because they go on about rogue mods so think this is karma serving them a slice 🤣
think theres about 5-6 new people since they posted it on the group. myself included , and 2 of us are VERY close to the group that I know of .so the jokes are definitely on them now
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Hello kirsty little message for you and your mods it’s time I dox all of you let me actually get the right information before I dox them I’m not called kat smith. And I will dumb aload of information about them let’s see how they like it much love RB x
Please don’t do it on here. We don’t want our thread closed down. 🙏🏻
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Ive been reading just not commenting because im not gonna join in bashing her when i support her so ive not just come on here ive been reading since i first commented earlier
Don't feel like you cannot comment on the thread, everyone is entitled to their opinion. You and I are on a lot of threads together and have similar views on things, just not on this one. But that is OK. Would be boring if everyone was the same!
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Do you know who I feel sorry for the most?
Kirstys poor dog. It never seems to get walked because Kirsty is sat on the sofa screaming all day every day
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Oh dear lord, anyone in Mistys live?! She just stated that a few months ago police used the red key to bash through LnBs front door as they wouldn't open it 🤣🤣 ohhh the lies just get even more ridiculous
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It’s actually concerning that a lot of people aren’t seeing why this mouldyywillayy tattoo (and the mugs etc) are wrong. It’s not the fact that you’ve tattooed what you want on your body it’s the fact that this saying is related to someone that is a suspected ponce who you say has multiple victims. I can’t even imagine how I’d feel if I was the victim in that situation.
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As Kirsty is clearly reading here I hope she answers the questions regarding the tattoo and how it makes a mockery of victims, no doubt she will just say it’s her choice what she has on her body, that’s because there is no way to answer !
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I don’t understand why so many people are up Kirsty’s ass regarding her tattoo?? So she has a saying on her arm that she throws at ponces? Best thing is if Lucy got a tattoo on her, a saying that Kirsty says she’d get endless hate for it, but because Kristy has done it it’s fUnNy?🤢she ain’t raising awareness more like trying to keep Lucy on the app.
Kirsty would become a nobody if Lucy left the app for good
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So glad people are finally opening their eyes 🙌🏻 I far from support Lucy and byran - in fact I can’t stand them. All of this is a joke. Kirsty is deffo clout chasing. She needs to scrub herself and her house before she bashes Lucy for being dirty and living in a shit tip


Best comment with the most likes wins new thread title
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Finally a page which talks sence. I am one of kirstys long time followers and we speak daily. After taking time to read these comments on here I will no longer want to be associated with her or support her or kat. Absolutely agree with the comments on here. I'm mind boggled to why anyone who is 'for the children' would go and have mouldy willaaayyyyy tattooed on them. Its as bad as having Jimmy Savile or rolph Harris inked onto your skin. She's sat live now talking utter rubbish and relishing in the fact lucy and Bryan have seen the tattoo. Anyone who disagrees or has a opinion are blocked as its kirstys way or no one's way. I honestly feel for the people this women has doxxed incorrectly. This is why the whole thing should be left for the real police to deal with and not the kirsty Matthew's constabulary.
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Yes what Kirsty is doing to me and Bryan
is not nice and she’s Gotta live the rest of my life with that tattoo on her arm she only Come live with me For the clout and all the gifts she is just a bully and all the little minions that are just sitting behind a screen being keyboard warriors and bullying to vulnerable adults they just all need to get a life
Don't think this is the place for you hun, your thread is just as bad. Off you trott 👋
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