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If l&b are guilty Kirsty and co have ruined any chance of securing a conviction with their constant childish meddling, in my eyes that makes them just as guilty especially if this leads to l&b grooming anymore victims ! She must get a kick out of n*nces herself to get a the nickname of an alleged one tattooed on her ! My partner was a victim as a child, they’ve only just opened up about it due to having therapy for CPTSD-if I saw someone proudly stamped with the name/nickname of my partners abuser I’d be fucking disgusted. It makes a mockery of victims and and she clearly couldn’t give 2 fucks about them. I don’t get good vibes from her and it makes me wonder what she’s trying to hide herself-those that scream the loudest and all that !
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Let’s take this from the top..

Kirsty Matthews what a beast. You claim to wanna raise awareness about a “known” sexual predator against children but L&B haven’t got any convictions against them so how are they known? You sit on your dirty fat arse all day streaming peoples lives. Get of your arse and find a job. You ankle is obviously better if you jumping round like a elephant dancing and making TikTok’s. Your A full on bully and that’s it. You bully your own children and partner which says it all.

Moving on to double chin Chloe. You made accounts for lucy and as soon as everyone was taking their Accounts back and getting loads of credit for it you jumped on the bandwagon and become kirstys miss piggy. How she dare comment on peoples looks is disguising when you look like that and good luck in court the evidence I sent will be show to the judge.

Oh god it’s big gobs time misty..bitch who are you? Your no one jog on you need it.. god only time she shuts up if theirs food in the big arse gob of hers enough said about that man beast.

Simba aka Reagan Wright 17 year old who acts like he’s 30 jeez mate daddy told you off for going live other week after the police went to your door and now your back again bullying not just lucy but others on the app that don’t agree with your agenda. This big secret we all know what it is carnt hide it much longer matey.

Kat Smith the biggest clout chaser on tiktok makes up evidence and then never shows the receipts how many times has lucy been going to the police station lost count with all the shit she chats doxs vulnerable people for no reason but to get off on it and let her boss man beast kirsty know she supports her.

Now to the one and only amber… we’ll well well girl you’ve been caught out lying your story has changed way to many times and people are clicking on and so are the police.‘I contacted them on your behalf too’ I showed them evidence of you being in contact with the alleged defendants. And taking their accounts tell me again who got hand cuffed cos you change it daily attention seeking hoe. You wouldn’t talk to them or anyone to do with them if you was groomed by them go back under your rock cos ya boring.

and Then we have dumb arse Irishman god this cunt must be ugly if he has to wear a face mask on a live dumb cunt he his carn’t stand him bores the shit out of me and isn’t relevant same has rubes that bitch looks like she’s advising space raiders.

wonder how kirsty would feel if I doxed all her mods mwhaaaaa
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She’s sat live at 1am doxing Lucy’s full address date of birth and full name telling ppl to repot her to the police every time she’s live 🤦🏻‍♀️ Ffs give up will u mouldy the police will seriygwt annoyed at all those phone calls they have better things to be dealing with other than phone calls saying Lucy is live.. 🙄 yes I’m still awake as have Covid and cannot sleep burning hot 🥵
Feel like doxing her, I know everything about Kirsty, I know her address, number EVERYTHING, right down to her mums d.o.b and every time I see her on her fucking high horse telling everyone ‘they are not allowed on the app’ sayssss who Kirsty?! SAYS WHOOOOO?? Tell your mum I said happy birthday on the 1st may 😘 horrible bullying bitch
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Iv just joined here just to say it makes me sick everyone saying omg Thankyou so much for everything you do Kirsty!!
Jesus what bout all the nurses/ doctors/ soldiers etc actually doing something to be thankful for!!
none of them bully’s have any idea about doing anything genuine to help people! And sit there moaning they are tired?!! Try working 12-14 hour shifts actually helping people!! They are all vile
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It’s Because misty the Mighty Mouth piece has called the police and they’ve told her there on their way 🤣🤣🤣 I highly doubt it tbh.. I mean in the past we’ve needed the police for a fight between teens and they come like the next day.. so mouthy Misty I doubt they’re on there way.. 🙄 and btw your sat their both winding them up to get this kind of reaction fucking making awareness more like a mockery
i'd love to hear the phone calls to the police
'hello, devon police, how can i help?'
'yes i'd like to report a crime, someone is on tiktok when they're not supposed to be'
'right, what are they doing on tiktok?'
'staring at their phone and breathing heavily'
*instant hangup*
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" Thanks for all the gifts guys, honestly you dont have to gift me, can everybody go and give the gifters a massive follow" 🙄

Last night it was said she only says things that are true because she wouldn't want the backlash of being a kirsty give us one thing you've said that's actually been true!. I'll help you out with a few things you've stated in just the past couple of weeks
You claimed you'd had it confirmed that Lucy and Bryan were in court👀 you trusted your " reliable source" 1000%.....Lucy then came on live to proof they weren't and so you turned it to it was actually a plea hearing by zoom 🙄
You claimed a while back that DNA of a child had been found in their flat- only a hour or two after you claimed the police had been there 👀....from yet again a reliable source 🙄
You claimed Bryan had a second flat 👀 another reliable source 🙄
You claimed Bambam had not spoken to Lucy for months and was no longer on the app 👀 another reliable source 🙄
You claimed that you had found out who was behind the barbie account and proceeded to have photos of innocent families fb accounts and photos as your green screen 👀 another reliable source 🙄
You claimed you were showing a live of which Lucy admits she is going to court for offering to buy a child an Alexa👀 what you actually showed was Lucy saying "apperently" ALOT and Lucy stating she had recieved a insta message telling her she was in court for it 🙄 even you're own " evidence" is unreliable.
There's many more but don't want to over load you with too much at once, that would be unfair of me with your busy workload lifestyle....

And for those claiming this is a bullying thread- no, it's somewhere things can be asked, pointed out, raised without being instantly blocked. There's a reason Kirsty and her mods block people who question things that have been said!!
Make it make sense.
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Also I’ve seen people screenshotting the thread and talking about it on a Facebook group- I’m sorry but there’s a reason people post here. They can say what they feel and actually have a different opinion without having mass amounts of people jumping down their throats with the slim hope that they can get some recognition and a gold star off Kirsty. She isn’t going to notice you guys, in the nicest way possible, you mean absolutely nothing to her. Like literally, she doesn’t know you from Adam but ok.

People are allowed to freely express their opinion- you don’t have to like it but it doesn’t mean you can target and bully them for a different outlook. So slate this all you want, but don’t be hypocrites saying ‘too much free time on their hands’ when you lurk here more than the people who actually post.
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Oh ffs those tattoos are ridiculous, rank and badly find ! Wtf fuck would you want a n*nice related words permanently on your skin 😫
I might pop into the local tattooists next week and ask for the words ‘now then now then’ with a cigar underneath 🙄
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In no way am I a Lucy supporter but when you break it down, Kirsty is no different to Lucy


lay’s in bed all day
Dox’s / bullies people
Eats non stop
Taking money of every Tom and dick and Harry
Hygiene is horrendous
Teeth are disgusting


Sits on the sofa all day
Dox’s / bullies people
Eats / smokes non stop
Taking money of every Tom and dick and Harry
Hygiene is horrendous
Teeth are disgusting

oh and people fall for their BS
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May I just add it's refreshing to see a group of like minded people on here who see past the bullshit and haven't just jumped on pointless, bullying bandwagon. 👏
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Grown ass women apparently spreading awareness….. if this was the case
1. She would turn her gifts off
2. She would tell anyone new to her live that they are to late and she’s not explaining it again
3. She wouldn’t be sitting there bullying a vulnerable person
4. She bangs on about mental health but then bully’s others with it
5. She would recognise hidden disabilities
6. She is the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen for one example bullying lucy about having a blanket but sits there on live half naked with a blanket!!!! ANYONE that supports this women is just as disgusting as her I do not support lucy or Bryan but I also will not support disgusting bullying behaviour KIRSTY take a long hard look at yourself and look at the example your setting for you kid and step kids your teaching them that bullying is ok and it is NOT
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This is my face the whole time I’m watching the live and they all burst out laughing at stupid things that aren’t remotely funny
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just seen some post saying if anyone sees lucy live they have to message kirsty about it 😂😂😂 why exactly? cos PC black tooth is on the case of course. lucy is a nob but i find it hilarious that kirsty is absolutely raging at lucy still being on tiktok, and lucy's just sat on live not saying a word and still gets over 1k viewers. kirsty & co would be fuck all without lucy, but sadly they will never ever realise that. they actually think their opinion matters and that they're doing something good, it's sad really, if they went outside and touched some grass it might sink in how pathetic they are.
as for that chloe girl she goes live with, i'm sorry but i am speechless that she has the audacity to talk about anyone's looks. that's all i'll say on that front 😂😂🤭
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Love this post!! Kirsty is the biggest bully! Kat comes with receipts that aint true!
Misty is an admin of the fbook group that is getting all "evidence" but screaming and shouting she used to be lucys mod cindy also under the name of cupcake.
Chloe in court for malicious communication.
When lucy is off they are all asking where she is, kirsty just wants them off tik tok, in her words " i dont care about other apps i just want them off here" raising awareness by bum by dressing as her?? So they think they are groomers but dress up as her, make merch with lucy and bryans face on. How they thinking of victims then?? They are all out for money, turn gifts off if you wasnt bothered?? Christmas saying she had no money for presents for the kids but sits smoking fags all day and pays 50 for a tattoo!! She was saying the kids have only had 50 quid this year cos we cant afford it all. She aint gonna get a job with that on her arm!!! Pure bully she is. Oh and chloe getting the same on 2nd feb!! Kat will be next! Her evidence is as useful as monopoly money!
Sunday morning rant over 🤣🤣🤣
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HEY FACEBOOK GROUP. JUST TO LET YOU ALL KNOW NOT ONE OF US IN THIS THREAD ARE NONCE SUPPORTERS. we are just kindly letting you all know Kirsty and everyone else on that group are as bad as each other the time you have to spend watching endless lives of her ruining her kids life’s and posting pictures of her dirty clam packet for money is actually more time than we spend commenting 30s of our time AH THANKYOU 💃🏼😌
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No different to Lucy! Jobless bum who sits on live all day with manky teeth and a terrible attitude! Yuck! Oh and smoking in a house with kids is ultimate trash especially when you try to downplay it by saying it’s my house my business. Tramp
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I genuinely believe Nickinackinoo, Kirsty williams etc all exist purely to EXPLOIT vulnerable people (single mothers, SA victims) into thinking they are some kind of savior, purely all for monetary satisfaction. People flock to these characters like cult leaders and I can't wait for someone to bring them down.
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I have so much second hand embarrassment who would get that tattooed or buy that hoodie 😂😂 what happened to leave L&B alone and not making them victims it’ll jeopardise the “case”? Kirsty has been vile tonight and just showed everyone again that she’s a big bully.
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I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Kirsty is absolutely no better than the pair of them. Her hygiene makes me feel sick. Her attitude is disgusting. And selling her dirty clam packet online definitely isn’t even protecting her own kids. Awareness? TURN YOUR GIFTS OFF THEN YOU TRAMP
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