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But FOD is so lonely and devoid of normal interaction, his time out of the house and with whom is so closely controlled by Clemmie he seems to be desperately craving interaction. She can’t have the kids for a day without meeting a friend to share the load. But sharing his texts with Anya proved he has a ‘dad’ relationship with her and in his need for company he’s confusing his emotions.
He lives a fake, for show life, relationship and kids. They’ve tried to be more careful but she constantly used to snipe at him and he constantly undermines her.
I dont like the way their marriage is portrayed online. I'm sure they are very happy, but they portray it has having a weird toxic element to it with all the passive aggressive undertones. I think it fits their "Of Daughters" personas, he the hapless modern man just trying to get parenting right, she the selfless midwife who deserves all events she goes to BECAUSE SHE IS A SELFLESS MIDWIFE. It just seems really fake to me.
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Long time lurker, first time poster here!

I’ve so enjoyed reading the back catalogue of entries on all 5 posts about the OD’s, even from way before I knew Tattle was a thing.

I’m a midwife, working reduced hours having come back from mat leave in spring. I’m lucky to have been given a good amount of flexi work since returning and with annual leave one day a week, I’m actually only on the labour ward currently for 12.5 hours. It’s still incredibly hard work, though I love what I do, but as I’ve said to everyone who enquires how work is going, you really can’t get that stressed by something you only do once a week. Clemmie is in such a privileged position. I’d kill to only work one day a week full stop, but y’know, bills, mortgage, ‘normal’ life puts a stop to that. Plus I’d actually enjoy seeing my child for the remaining 6 days, rather than swanning away most evenings and weekends with such beautiful inspiring women.

And let’s not forget about ‘Clemmie from the Blogs’ original collaborations and suggestions that would be out of many women’s mat leave budgets. Perhaps she wasn’t get paid way back when, but I first discovered her whilst I was a student midwife and even back in 2012 she was suggesting that Elizabeth Arden’s 8 Hour Cream was an essential for your hospital bag. This stuff costs £30. I was happy with a pot of cocoa butter Vaseline and a £2 tub of aqueous cream from Superdrug while I was in hospital! Not forgetting a whole article she wrote (which I can no longer find 🤔), again to do with hospital essentials, which suggested the only decent bag was from Tiba and Marl, packed with pyjamas from M&S. That specific bag in question? At time of writing cost £165.

Such attainable and cost-smart items for the pregnant population of the world...
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I don’t even care if people use nannies, you do you boo. It’s when she tried to hide it and pretend they’re having this amazing family weekend together, when they’re not.
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Chatty Member
She obviously reads this. Why else address it in her stories.

She can’t come back onto the threads after the mumsnet disaster so I suppose stories is the only way.

Can the mods publish the traffic for this thread? Would be interesting to know ish the number of unique users who come and read!

And yes, her comment on tearing sounds appalling. And smug.

So she gave birth naturally and didn’t tear. Doesn’t mean that she’s at all representative. I remember watching a derren brown show about predicting horse racing (just googled - the system). With childbirth (and most of the rest of life) not cause and effect, it’s luck of the bloody draw.

For every woman that massages her vagina and hypnobirths and has a beautiful labour that lasts an hour and a half, there are 28 who have a fucking shocker and nearly die.
People like MOD and other hypnobirthing advocates put far too much pressure onto women. I’ve had friends say they felt like failures because they ended up needing forceps or other interventions by doctors, no no no you’re supposed to be happy that you’ve just met your baby! You’re not a failure because it didn’t go how these people tell you it should!
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I think so-called parents who aspire to be friends with their children are contemptible. That's not in the job description. It's typical of inept parents who don't want the hassle or responsibility of being sensible, reliable and having to take tough decisions.

My teenagers have lots of friends but only one Mum. And that's me. It's a totally different relationship dynamic
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There’s two separate issues here with feckless nanny-gate

1. The moral issue of whether parents should go to family festivals/holidays only to hire nannys once they arrive. As far as I’m concerned the morality discussion is irrelevant and pointless here because everyone will have different views about how to raise children. (I personally would never take my young children to a festival but WOULD consider it if I could afford hired help. But that’s just me and plenty will disagree); and

2. The way in which the ODS have deceived and misled their audience by flogging family friendly festival tickets but failing to tell their followers that they intended to use hired help. FOD even did videos telling followers what to pack (forgot to mention cash for the nanny- funny that!!) and suggested that attendees could limit children’s screen time. The audacity to tell other parents this when he already knew full well that he would not be parenting for large chunks of the festival.
The lack of transparency is what is flagged time and time again with these ODS. They should have been honest from the start about their plans and not misled and missold this insta festival ‘dream’ to their followers when it was never the reality. More peddling of a fake lifestyle that is going to make other parents feel shit about themselves because they’re missing all the musical acts having to deal with toddler tantrums and toilet trips. Shattered disillusioned parents wondering how MoD and FOD do it (without screen time!). When the reality is the ODS don’t do it. They hire help.
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non binary coat

Chatty Member
Him reeling off song names from Wikipedia to jump on a death bandwagon is some of his best content. " idol" sounds better than the singer of one #1 song he bought and liked as teen.

Fod strikes me as stingy, if this idol had of been behind him in a newsagents and 10p short for a pint of milk I couldn't picture him helping.

Both mod and for strike me as people that when seeing a fundraiser for a cause they really agree with they'd do a shout-out and not give a penny of their own money, then congratulate themselves on how much they helped.
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So MOD says the feckless nanny “hung out” with the family yesterday. Right well that’s as clear as mud. Hope that poor nanny was paid. The video clearly shows that what MOD described as “hanging out” with the family, is in reality the nanny putting in a shift with the twins!
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The Mumsnet threads.
I think there’d been a long one that covered a lot of the Instamums, in which MP came on and handled herself very well. She responded politely to anyone who had a problem with her and took on board people’s concerns about child safety and said that she wouldn’t be featuring her children on the grid anymore. Then MOD tried to do the same, except she doesn’t have anywhere near MP’s savvy, plus she didn’t give a shit about safeguarding concerns. Her bullying of other IGers was also brought up, something which she also wasn’t bothered about and also the fact that she never labelled her ads was raised. This went on for about 10 threads, with MOD sporadically popping up every now and again to defend herself then disappearing when she had her arse handed to her on a plate. I suppose it came to a head when she had a sly dig on her feed at KK advertising a weight loss lollipop and she was slated both on IG and MN but somehow MN bore the brunt of the blame and I think she deleted her account for a while. When she came back, she started supporting a campaign that was started by another IGer (can’t remember her name at the minute EDIT: was it Natasha Baillie? ), who’d pinched someone else’s post about what vile bitches MN were, and (NB) did a post about being ‘just a girl, sitting on step, waiting for MN to apologise’ (remember that, anyone?). It didn’t really take off, so I assume she’s still sitting there.
Also, FOD purported to never have read the MN threads til someone called him a wanker then MOD went absolutely ballistic on the threads (strange when she claimed not to care about every other point that anyone made their accounts) and FOD did a ten minute Insta story about the dictionary definition of ‘wanker’ and how he totally is/isn’t one.
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You see now I have a soft spot for MP. She’s messaged me numerous times, made me laugh, been helpful and generally lifted my day a number of times with humour and compassion. She is open about ads and if pulled up on one does not block and delete, she use the info (pampers and conversations about washable nappies and biodegradable products etc) her ads are often ok and her house is not gifted white goods, gifted tiles, gifted sofas etc. She is careful that products are vaguely relatable (crisps?!) I don’t mind because I know what’s going on. She generally shows herself wearing clothes from monki etc which some weeks I can afford. No sleepyhead or deliveroo shoved in your face. All in all MP has been positive in my life to follow. God knows her real ness of breastfeeding and body shape and clothing saved me in my dark post baby hours. I’m sorry but saintly MOD does none of this.
MP has also addressed kids, photos of kids, safety issues etc, all these things she discusses and comes back to. She’s not perfect, but if MOD did half what she does I’d have a lot more respect for her.
Totally agree. MP operates in a totally different way to MOD. I have no problem with ads anyway so long as they’re clearly marked. That way you know what you’re getting and you can choose to unfollow is you wish.
It’s this new ‘press discount’ that I’m having trouble with. They aren’t journalists and it’s just a way of getting round the ad guidelines. And they’re still doing the ‘can anyone recommend’ bollocks which is just a blatant blag (MOD and DLAM, I’m looking at you).
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Just seen a post just now on DLAM's IG who's obviously hanging out with the Hoopers....there's Clemmie sitting down scrolling down on her phone, totally oblivious to what's going on around her ...and most definitely not living in the moment ...what happened to no screen time eh?'s all so contrived for the 'gram
She’s probably reading the posts on here about her and worrying as she keeps getting bumped from the top of the comments list by that other bottom-feeder PTWM 😂
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That story about westonebathrooms is another undeclared ad 🙄
What, no #pressdiscount? 🤣

How does she make money from Gas and Air?
It’s their LTD company name for one, but I don’t think she makes money from her G&A insta- probably wrong about that though 😂

New thread?
“Reduced screen time with a secret nanny, now it’s adult headaches and admin on my fanny”

I condensed your great suggestions @Tothemoonandback 👏🏼
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Mumsnet sadly silenced those of us with a voice and an alternative view as they seem to place these Instamums on a pedestal- so much for freedom of speech....they seem to forget that the vast majority of their audience are normal families muddling through parenting and do not need to made to feel inadequate by not being able to afford the latest brands/fad/tat...not realising that these 'influencers ' are paid / sent goods....a reality check is most definitely in order for MOD/FOD et al
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I think the fact that the 'feckless nannies' advertise "hangover slots" says all you need to know about how they view family time at a festival
I’m surprised they don’t have #adultheadache on there as that is the code to show you are a proper instawanker.
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Chatty Member
They definitely just pressed play and it was embarrassing to watch a video of her pretending to cue up the next track in her headphones and twiddle random knobs :unsure:
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I can’t take this level of cringe yet I can’t stop snooping on their stories it’s like watching trash tv.

They know the festival is utter 💩 and they are trying really really hard to pretend to like it 😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
Apart from her ‘look at me’ face 🙄 she then waffles on about Clemmie Telford giving one of her ‘special talks’ with inspirational women watched by other inspirational women ( so many inspirational women inspiring us mere ordinary women) how lucky we are to get to bask in their special glow of self importance how on earth did we manage without them 🤷‍♀️


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