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I dont think clemmie has always been this snappy. I think shes defensive and sensitive. I feel shes got her back up as she does get quite bit of hate, so shes had to 'harden's up. Where as you can tell, simon doesnt care and he doesnt take it to heart
No, she hasn’t always been this snappy. In fact, I reckon her snarkiness started rouandabout the time people started to see through her flogging her lifestyle and family for £££’s. Funny that.
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And as predicted, MOD on stories today chatting about how hard is it to work on the summer holidays and how her and FOD have to tag team to make it work... so they can pay a nanny while they are in Camp Bestival but not when they have to work?? she tries so hard to be relatable and is not working
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Just seen his Ad ! He as hidden the AD very well and not made it clear to see ! He is giving parent hacks 🙄
1st parenting hack : get nanny who kids have never met for a FAMILY festival ! ✔
The white text on white background is so devious. Just makes them look like untrustworthy twats.

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Yet another ad on FOD page- this time a nice barbecue. For someone who claims they are quite fussy about what ‘collaborations’ they do at this point I think he’d advertise a turd if someone gave him some money for it. Surely people are getting tired of it?
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Let me get this right ..... a midwife hires a festival nanny - someone she as never met in her life - to be in charge of her children ??
Oh, but these aren't just any festival nannies, these are BABINGTON HOUSE trained festival nannies, yah? So, they're like rilly, rilly cool, yah? They've got like rilly cool names like Hetty, Sabine & Noushka so you just know that they're, like, the right sort of nanny, yah?
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Of course they all automatically remind me of Rosa Parks, Marie curie,Kelly Holmes, J. K. Rowling etc,

Exactly, inspirational to me and what I try to teach my daughter are Mary Seacole, Mother Theresa, Serena Williams, Sharon Davis. Not someone who flogs a load of gifted crap
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FoD and she are now tag teaming😁, what she means is she’s had a massive queenie strop , stamped her foot and demanded he take over because it’s too much for her .

That’s how I pictured it 😁
Yes he has to stop doing his regular days work from home for his actual well paid job because he moved to Kent for her, so she can sit on her free Microsoft (at the time undeclared ad) computer and update her chuffing blog. Rather than update the blog in the evening and spend time with her kids on their summer holidays.
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I've also been reading along for a while and not commented! I was completely taken in by her 2 years ago and bought her book. I also live near her and would see her around and thought she looked so cool and together!

I had my baby at Kings and had a great experience with the midwives that looked after me. But I did encounter St Clemmie who was bought in post birth to examine me as I had some damage! I told her I had read her book and she made what I felt with hindsight was quite a sarky comment about had I read that section of her book on tearing...

I too feel stupid for being suckered into the whole instamum world what you "must" buy etc. I've unfollowed most of them but MOD remains a bit of a guilty pleasure though I now won't let myself buy anything she recommends!!
That's so unprofessional. I'd complain to Kings.... I'm gobsmacked
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I think it’s admitting that her lifestyle is so murky (all her/their fault) with all the collaborations they do. Was she like this before all the ASA rules came in? Did she respond to her fans, or ever disclose her #pressshit then?
I think they have been like this for years. I remember the Martinhal trip, they didn’t disclose if it was gifted or an Ad but they put shit loads of stories and photos up so I’m guessing AD. Also, they said they paid (how much? Who knows! This was way before #pressdiscount ) for the MW holiday in Turkey and they so happened to be in the same hotel at the same time as DLAM (who is the biggest flogger/grabber there is!). When one of their followers had the audacity of asking if it was a gifted holiday or an Ad, their fans jumped in on her and apparently she got pretty nasty DM’s, obviously MOD went on the comments and wrote some sarcastic shit to her (it was on FODs IG). I sent the poor girl a DM because it got pretty nasty and she confirmed she was blocked by both FOD and MOD 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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I read her book (it was utter shite) and have had a number of births. I have never found my perinium let alone massaged the bastard. I found myself quite busy and not inclined to do so. I never tore once, I consider myself very lucky with my child birth experiences. Reading a shit book won’t help. It’s just something no one can predict.
When tens of thousands of birthing mums and their babies die needlessly every year in undeveloped countries, due to lack of modern medicine and procedures - it's the height of smug, thoughtlessness to imply that women have somehow 'failed' if they needed medical intervention during labour.
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It’s off topic but I think childcare requires a huge amount of emotional intelligence. I’m a degree educated professional but I wouldn’t say I’m more intelligent than someone who cares for children. It’s a different sort of intelligence. I do see that there are some childcarers who aren’t bright but the good ones are very intelligent in their own way. I think we devalue childcare the same way we devalue most caring and generally feminine professions.
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All this ‘press discount’ stuff makes me laugh. What a kick in the tits for actual, trained journalists when this bunch of freeloading are ‘press’.
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I can’t quote from the last thread but the point about spelling is bang on. MOD’s spelling is atrocious, same as most of the IG hangers on. Her favourites are your/you’re and draws for the wooden things you keep your undies in. Her MW notes must be nigh on illegible.
It sickens me how so many Instagrabbers trot out the 'dyslexia' card when challenged about their poor (lazy) SPAG. It's not actually how dyslexia manifests, and even if you did have dyslexia it normally makes you try twice as hard to ensure your writing is clear.
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Why was this comment deletedView attachment 30595
Because some pesky Member of the Public had the audacity to mention FOD’s advice regarding no screens. Also because whilst the nannies cost a fortune they are not qualified and under paid.
Regarding the nanny hire during Pox, I remember FOD saying that the POX had cost a huge amount in emergency childcare so I’m guessing it’s true, these revolting excuses for parents actually paid strangers to watch their ill kids.
So much disrespect for these utter tools.
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Hi Clemmie! 👋🏼 We know you read here hun 🤭 what a shame you lack the ability to self reflect and see just how horrid your social media presence is, and so cowardly to just block people rather than engage in honest conversation. I thought you enjoyed starting conversations? Or are they only ones that benefit you? 😏 why don’t you actually read the posts by mums here who’ve shared their experiences of feeling insecure and being swayed to buy buy buy because of people like you. The reason there are so many threads and comments about you is because you exploit your children and women. Some ‘midwife’ 😒

She should be grateful she gets to work from home and enjoy her children during the holidays, not that she does. Many would love to be able to be around and not stress about summer clubs and actual childcare, it’s another “I’m just like you” ploy and it’s so disrespectful and screams over privileged spoilt brat. Its not even a - my children are bored what should I do with them point but a oh o I don’t have time to look after them properly because I need to write some more bullshit out on my blog. Imagine being at home and having the chance to have adventures with your children and choosing to bitch and moan that parenting them is getting in the way of your blog because it is just a blog no matter how much you self inflate it and anything midwife based would be out of date seeing as you do one day a week.

I just cannot believe the audacity to be complaining when you’re in such a position of privilege?!
Book all your children into summer camp and clubs so they’re busy and not stuck at home with your sour face.
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 100% this!!! 👆🏼

I used to think deep down she was probably a nice person and just got caught up in it all, but it just keeps getting worse 😒

Everybody makes mistakes. I know it's not the same, but I spent stupid amounts when I was severely depressed. Buying something new helped me feel better in that moment and I was easily spending £100 a month.

You have to remember though that you were doing your best. I don't have any children yet, but I honestly know that I too would have fallen into the insta trap.

Have you got a repayment plan in place? Stepchange is a charity that could really help you if you haven't contacted them already.

But you are good enough already. Your baby won't know or care about any of that. My mother and hundreds of other women raised children without a sleepyhead. If my mother would have had a changing bag I can honestly picture it being a plastic carrier bag. The pump for my sister was a simple manual avent one. You do what you can- and that is enough.

To ALL the mums reading this, this is spot on!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Being loved, fed, played with, given attention, clean and safe. That’s what babies and kids need. Not £30ph nannies at a family weekend away or a Tiba and Marle bag 🙄 they definitely don’t need cliquey privileged instashitmums flogging freebies to their mums just trying their best! Our babies and kids need us ❤
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