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The £2.3k gifted BBQ, they will be delighted in comments Clemmie is going on about Webber BBQ’s. She’s misspelled the brand. Good work Clem.
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Oh come on Mamas, when one’s at Bestival ,🤘🏻what’s wrong with hiring the help to enable us Uber successful IG guys to show you lot how to have a good time without using a screen😴😴

You’re all so jealous😁 , I’ll have to kill you with kindness and a DJ set , laters y’all👄.
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Her mum being “given the year off” is awful behaviour in itself! She’s not free childcare or to be expected to just do it, I can’t fathom the audacity to word it like she’s an employee...

THIS is why I will not leave it unsaid.
This 👍☝🏻☝🏻 So important. It’s so easy to get sucked into the whole instamum lifestyle. They have everything pretty much gifted to them (or #pressdiscount whatever that is!) and is so unattainable to the bast majority of us. Both my partner and I are in similar jobs to fod and mod and we struggle to pay for everything and have 1 holiday a year. They stopped being “one of us” a few years ago. The sooner people realise that, the sooner the will stop comparing themselves to them and making themselves unhappy
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Hopefully this knowledge can also liberate you from feeling inadequate because you’re not! Prioritising the care of your baby is what matters, not having a thriving social life with a newborn. But it can be hard to remember this when the images we’re shown tell a different story. They’re very clever sales people, I’ll give them that 😒
Thanks! I’m actually out of the baby phase and in to the toddler one and I still have no life outside family. Especially as I’m now working. I’m just so tired of these “amazing, inspirational women” pretending that you can make lots of money, get your nails and hair done constantly, see all your mates and go to loads of festivals whilst still being 100% with your kids. Yet secretly they have nannies, daily nursery, loads of family help etc.
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I've also been reading along for a while and not commented! I was completely taken in by her 2 years ago and bought her book. I also live near her and would see her around and thought she looked so cool and together!

I had my baby at Kings and had a great experience with the midwives that looked after me. But I did encounter St Clemmie who was bought in post birth to examine me as I had some damage! I told her I had read her book and she made what I felt with hindsight was quite a sarky comment about had I read that section of her book on tearing...

I too feel stupid for being suckered into the whole instamum world what you "must" buy etc. I've unfollowed most of them but MOD remains a bit of a guilty pleasure though I now won't let myself buy anything she recommends!!
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Chatty Member
Yes, I only ever associate now with fabulous, really amazingly amazing women who are just so fierce, beautifully beautiful, inspirational and very, very amazing in an amazing way that amazes me.
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Ah FOD you didn't mention when doing your 'rider' requirements on IG story the other night that a feckless freckles nanny was required when attending a festival 🤔
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Imagine reading these genuine stories of how you've made people feel & not feeling reflective let alone remorseful about it.
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What's worrying is how total strangers are so familiar with your children that they can tell your identical twins apart.
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That comment about Marnie talking to the random person is FRIGHTENING oh my days and because they are recognised and shipped off to a nanny Clemmie has absolutely no idea who her children are talking to!! Absolutely frightening.

Years and years ago Michael Jackson got made fun of for making his kids wear masks when with him. However this meant when they were with the nanny without the masks no one knew who they were. This was a time before social media really took off, even Micheal Jackson had the wit to safeguard his children when it came to public . 🤦🏻‍♀️

Not comparing the Mods to Michael Jackson fame level I don’t want to inflate their ego more or else Fod’s head might explode
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We have been to CB a few times and the ODs tent really isn't busy at all, compared to the crowds I have seen in other tents (and people being turned away).

The fact so many Instagrabbers were going actively stopped us going this year, and several of our friends, too.

It's the oldest daughter I feel for the most. Kids that age tend to find their parents intensely embarrassing at the best of times. Can you imagine how mortified she must feel knowing all her mates will see her parents twatting about in fancy dress & dancing badly all over social media.
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Chatty Member
I’m absolutely cracking up at nannygate- it just further underlines their shadyness- they absolutely implied esp in FOD stories that they were going to be attended as a family without any help. I presumed someone would be minding the kids during their set but it looks like they’ve hired help so they can day drink in peace. It seems like a rarity for MOD to ever look after all 4.

It’s just again a falsehood implying to their followers that you can go to a festival, dress up, dance etc and look after kids and that just simply isn’t true in their case.

Look on the bright side it’s pissing it down today maybe they’ll make a quick getaway a la last year 😂
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New member
Thanks! I’m actually out of the baby phase and in to the toddler one and I still have no life outside family. Especially as I’m now working. I’m just so tired of these “amazing, inspirational women” pretending that you can make lots of money, get your nails and hair done constantly, see all your mates and go to loads of festivals whilst still being 100% with your kids. Yet secretly they have nannies, daily nursery, loads of family help etc.
Please don’t EVER feel less than amazing for everything you’re doing for you and your family. What we all see on IG isn’t real. What you have and what you are doing is real. They are literally employed by agencies to make us feel bad. It’s ‘keeping up with the Jones’” to the nth degree.

There was literally about 40 people watching their DJ set. I’ve had more people enjoy my phone plugged in via the aux cable in an Uber than they had at Bestival.
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I used to think they were a nice little family too (though never got to the fan girl stage)... I do think FOD is probably a lot nicer than her, aside from being very self absorbed. MoD however is just a nasty piece of work. Wolf in sheep's clothing. Her snarky replies are just cringe and you can tell if the other person is emotionally challenged then those responses can really destroy them. And as for reading about people getting into debt to try and keep up with them, I'm so sad but not surprised. And this woman is supposedly all about empowering other women??!!

I love tattle because people are coming here and having their eyes opened. It's like a slap of reality. All these so called influencers are telling people they need all these pointless material items, but you lot all give a good reality check and tell them, no you don't! There's nothing a $100 changing bag can do that a $10 can't do. You all show that spending time with children is priceless. So reading that MoD wants to ban tattle because it's "bad" is laughable. You can live like her by spending more on material items and less time with your children, or live like a tattler by spending more time on children and less on material items. Hmm. She's just a very greedy lady.
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The whole Nanny thing is ridiculous and could have been avoided so easily. All he needed to say pre festival was "Oh CB also has a Nanny service, that we have used before. It may not be in everyones price bracket but we've chosen to use them this time"
There job done. Personally if I was taking little ones to a festival and could afford to pay an extra pair of hands I would. Its only the same as going on a holiday to a resort and the kids going to kids club
That’s the thing, no one here is criticising them for using a nanny, it’s the lack of transparency. I think it’s a fab idea to have some help at something like that, I can’t imagine how tricky it would be to look after the twins, and be able to have some semblance of a good time.
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People who are negatively responding to endoduck don’t get the point- no one cares if someone has a brass band looking after their children it’s the lies they spin “ look at us oooh groaning car full of unruly kids and stuff we have to take, poor us hope we make it through the weekend in one piece” . Then the photos of the private nanny pop up oh and what’s that didnt FOD do an AD about limiting screen space and bore on about his quest to limit the kids usage 🤔 but then, what’s that? oh look a whole basket of headphones,cables, iPads etc Now if he’d said “we are off to the festival but hey guess what you can hire a nanny when you are there” that might actually encourage more parents to go and drum up business for freckles nanny services and if he had said “hey for a bit of peace and quiet I’ve relaxed the no screens for a bit” then all fair and good but they don’t because they are LIARS spinning a false image because they are not normal parents they market their lives and their children for MONEY 💰 it’s not rocket science, people just want transparency not smoke and mirrors because as FOD/MOD now realise the truth comes out in the end
Exactly, no one is shitting on them for having a nanny when they were “working” (yes, very loose term for pressing play on a Spotify list). It’s the fact that FOD had those whole charades of “this is how we survive festivals with kids” and then did the complete opposite
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I feel such a failure compared to Clemmie, I spent ages um-ing and ah-ing at a discounted dress in tesco.

Good job I now see her for the pedalling fraud she is and I would hate her influencing job.

Having money must get boring pretty quick if you can impulse purchase anything or get it for free.

She can never buy back her privacy or all the moments that have been ruined because they're occupied with thinking about if this life event is good for the 'gram.
You're not a failure for not spending £50 on a single jumper (Scamp and dude) for not buying/having the latest must have items of clothing from Fatface/Boden or m&s to know that you still have value.

It's perfectly normal to um and ah at clothing from Tesco or anywhere. I've actually stopped buying clothes for almost two years now, but most of my dresses that I wear for uni were on sale from there. I got a bargain too!
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The hypocrisy is unreal! Stories and grid posts about how to do festivals with kids. It was bad enough he'd used all those screens after flogging screen restrictive tech last week, but they are using a nanny too! There's no AD disclosure on their posts even though we all know they're working with Camp Craptival. Why do they think they are such shining beacons of parenting? What's the point in their twins even being there if this is what they do with them? Hardly wholesome family memories being made?! They would have absolutely no right to request that video be removed. They are public accounts, public personas & have exploited their poor children for money to the point that potentially 1.6million followers could spot them a mile off. How would they feel if a follower approached their child & started chatting to them as if they know them? That's the relationship they have potentially created with their followers by pretending to be their mates, to be just like them, to gain their trust in order to flog them not treatment, babysitting apps, holidays, Renault cars, cruises, kitchens, BBQs & whatever else offers them cold hard cash. It's such a frightening safety risk to take. Deary me, what will it take for influencers to care about their children's safety
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