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I feel like if he was leaving IG, especially if part of the reason was that they suddenly realised how dumb it’s been to blast all of their kids’ info over the internet, he’d delete his account. But since it’s still there and the horrors account somehow keeps getting followers (80.5k!) I think he’ll be back. Maybe with the start of the new school year?
I think he'll come back like nothing happened and not address why he's been absent so long. It's how these two operate.

I feel they may have spent this time joining the influencers union 🙄 Fuck sake these people want a union when really they need a fexking regulator! Jesus!
This in today’s times!
With the Good Vibes Only poster in the background. Interesting since they are a self-serving backstabbing lot. Also good vibes only is the whole issue - thou shalt not criticise! It's all the bullshit around #bekind. I believe in being kind, of course, but it's also a covert attempt at censorship.
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I am more than happy that they’re both off Insta in a public sense, but I guess like others I am nosy and would love a general life update and closure from them. I wanna know;

- Is she‘s still practising. If there were ever any career consequences for her. (from a midwifery standpoint....we have all enjoyed the very public consequences on her social media/influencer career 🤪)

- Whether they stay together or not.

- Why he hasn’t just deactivated his account and what discussions have been going on in the background about the potential for any brand going forward.

- If the kids have suffered any consequences online or IRL as a result of their parents actions.

- If Pablo is ok 🤣

- if they’ve done anything with that fecking bathtub yet.

As long as he has a public account this thread can remain, regardless of whether he is active or not. It’s only if he goes private that it would be shut down.
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Makes sense that Clemmie could spend two weeks in bed after having a baby / babies as she sent her mum out in the middle of the night to get Calpol for her.
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Miss Anne Thrope

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I’m 100% for self love and non body-shaming but I can’t abide lies and deceitfulness. Look at her claim to be size 10 in that book photo up there, published for new mums to buy.

There’s no way on earth she’s a size 10. DLAM is a size 10, and they’ve been pictured together many a time. She’s lying, and this lie is another way to make women feel bad about themselves.
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Interesting this #ad just appeared in my feed....

If this is all true, then this white middle class mumfluencer who got called out for her behaviour during Black Out Tuesday will fit right in!

Posted this at end of last thread, brought it here too, in case it gets missed. If Clembot is hanging with Sarah and Sarah is employing her old mates how long before Red gets the inside scoop on the mumfluencers ...I am living for Clem spilling the dirt.
At the risk of sounding like a big snob.. when everyone says DLAM is loaded I don’t buy this at all. Look at the state of her front door. She might think she’s posh but she clearly does not have the cash.

What’s the story with glemmy and Zoe? Are they still beat mates now they live near each other or had that friendship gone?
not sure Zoe you tell us?
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Having had a traumatic instrumental birth I can confirm that the NHS will wheel you straight into surgery for a proper vaginal reconstruction. Literally straight away.
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Wow, the book sounds so much worse than I imagined. What a well written review. Also the absolute bloody gall of MOD to position herself as a body positivity guru post twins after having written this awful heteronormative, body shaming, sexist tosh. Biggest disingenuous band wagon jumper going. Also, just plain thick not to have recognised as she was writing it what kind of damaging sexist subtext she was perpetuating. She didn't deserve a penny of the cash or kudos she somehow managed to accumulate.
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As for ‘fanny admin’ that is every woman’s choice and the fact that she suggests it implies her preference and therefore judginess. There can’t be many things worse for labouring women than a judgey, prejudiced midwife.
I feel the same as you Miss Anne. You'd really think midwives would simply be focused on keeping the mother as comfortable as possible, and delivering the baby as safely as possible! Just wow.

Some of the other stuff referred to in that review reeks of heteronormative stereotypes as well as being sexist, and not everyone giving birth has a partner. I wonder if the book covers that. You'd think, as a midwife, she would have had a fair bit of exposure outside of her own bubble.
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Told the teen with pride this morning that I had written on this thread, she rolled her eyes at me and replied you wanna watch yourself mum, you're gonna end up in a pyramid scheme... Mum brownie points.

Also, have had first warning for writing in bold, which in my defense was by accident. I'm no techspert.
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I don’t know much about CC but reading this article she reminds me of that friend I used to have that no matter what she did, it went wrong and she always complained. Thriving in negativity and make things much worse than they actually are.
CC was an extremely nasty piece back in the heyday of MoD being in her prime. She drove Cookie off Insta and some of her Live Insta stories were beyond vile. MoD was no better ( as we later found out) but CC was the absolute scum of the earth.
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Jesus. I was honestly hoping that the days of gifting and ads would be coming to an end on IG. Unbelievable that places that have been closed during lockdown are still giving away haircuts etc. No idea how the furlough thing worked, but a lot of hairdressers are self employed as well, even when they work in a salon.

Seems like everything’s back to normal then 🙄 AND they should’ve marked it as gifted.
Nicola Chapman got the train from Norwich to London yesterday to get her gifted Josh Wood haircut!
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My SIL was given a copy of the book and I did look through it. After having gone through pregnancy and labour beforehand, I can honestly say that Glens book should not be recommended to expectant mothers. I mean honestly, who needs a new leather jacket during this time? Your body balloons in the last trimester and none of us know how it will change during that first year after birth. Could be months before wearing it and even then you’re likely to have it smeared with food or baby sick/milk etc. I agree with normalising all the bizarre and unpleasant things that happen to our bodies during pregnancy and beyond, but the women’s stories she included were probably just from other instamums. Hardly helpful. If you want to pull up the drawbridge do it, but you’re not failing if you can’t or don’t want to. It’s all hard enough without having sanctimonious ‘authors’ 🤭 telling you what you should or shouldn’t be doing. Piss off Glen 🤣
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They don’t depend on gifted stuff that is never quite their taste and holidays they wouldn’t necessarily choose themselves to bump up their yearly income.
I've often thought how much I would HATE to be sent loads of stuff that I personally did not carefully pick and choose. I wouldn't care a jot that it's "free". Remember when we used to see FOD doing frequent tip runs with mountains of packaging in the back? Too much "stuff" stresses me out so I'm really choosy about what I let in my house.

On a similar note I also don't want "gifted" work done on my house, I want the clarity of paying for a service and (hopefully!) getting what I pay for. I can't imagine having ridiculous conversations with contractors about how many squares or stories a certain piece of work is worth (though I'd love to overhear some of those negotiations so I can have a good laugh :LOL:).
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Am I the only one pleased he's stopped posting?

One less of those Insta pricks to worry about.

Only another eleventy billion of the fuckers to go.
Yeah very true 😂

I don’t really want him to come back either. Who needs another photo of him sat on the loo, or using his daughters for advertising. Had enough of him, and the rest!

Just wondering when they’re going to pull the plug on this thread 😂
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I know this isn’t SOD related but to be fair what is these days on here? Anyway - does anyone else get the rage when these influencers say
“Sorry I’ve been silent on here recently” especially as they’ve done 8 billion stories and 50 posts in the last 24 hours while they’ve (in their heads) been away - what they mean is “sorry I haven’t come on, with full make up in my best new outfit, to talk inane shite at you and eye fuck myself in the process” IT MAKES ME MAAAADDDD 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬 why do these people think that we can’t cope without their drivel for 22 hours (cos lets be honest is rarely and actual full day)? Is that not narcissistic af? I mean like say I haven’t rang my parents like I promised I can say genuinely, sorry I didn’t call on Saturday, because I know that they would be waiting for that call. Hun, I’m not sat on Instagram on your site just waiting for you to are not Jesus ffs...were you planning to turn some water into wine? Yeah? You’d have me waiting, but love, you’ve come on to say absolutely nothing of any consequence to anyone...YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT...I don’t get daily updates from my kids who I love and care about, I don’t want 7 a day from you!!!

Oh so making this about FOD, when if he does come back then do you think he will apologise and give us a week by week catch up of what he’s been doing? Hope not!

Sorry about that rant I just went on 3 stories where all 3 said “sorry guys (guys and they always use fucking guys 🤬) been silent on here for a while” you think they have forgotten they posted some kind of content 47 times in the last 24 hours?
Grrr grrr grrr 🤬🤬🤬
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That woman went out of her way to call EVERYONE with differing views a cunt. Each and every time. She was called out for her lies numerous times, not just by the insta-mums but also by followers who actually liked her. She insulted people, she bullied people she is one of the worst kind of liberals in that she bemoaned others none acceptance but then would never accept alternative points of view. Then, when she decided that someone had over stepped the mark she would make a big song and dance, never quite giving the full story and proclaim that death by her own hand would be a good idea - master manipulator.
Her and Clementine have tonnes in common. Their flounces and also, so it appears, the place they had their teeth done.
To be fair I don’t think anyone on this thread is saying that Cash Carraway is whiter than white. She is clearly a ‘problematic’ character herself from the little I’ve read. For me it’s just hilarious to think that someone might make a play that covers one of the most awful fuck-ups of my life? Like that’s just wild. And brilliant. And karmic. I don’t buy into all the claims made in her little intro for the play though- it would be an interesting watch I’m sure.

But just think back to a stupid, embarrassing, awful thing you might have done in your past (probably no where near what Alice/Glen did, but you know....we’ve all done things that make as ashamed or embarrassed at some point), and then imagine finding out that some bastard has decided to write an entire play about it and sell tickets for people to go and watch. I mean.....Jesus......I can’t imagine what that would do to my mental health. Glen must have skin as thick as a rhino to not be seriously affected?
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I have to admit I was one of those moronic pregnant women who bought that book 😟😔 it was one of the most boring and obvious books on pregnancy and birth I’d ever read and some crap in it about spa days and stuff I couldn’t ever afford just pissed me off
Definitely not moronic!
I probably would have bought it but when I had my first nearly 10 years ago I was gifted a book by Mylene Klass of all people about motherhood and it made me feel so crappy, and didn’t really give me anything useful at all. Then my sister in law lent me Gina Ford Happy Contented Baby or whatever it was called and I first opened that when baby was 2 weeks old and I ended up throwing at the wall (the book not the baby, just to be clear!). So since then I’ve steered clear of all pregnancy type books, they put me off! But I’d have probably been tempted by Clem’s though (before I saw through all the bullshit) as she is a midwife and you’d expect it to be quite useful!
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Just to say if looking for that house lust page on Instagram don't put an 'of' in, gives you a whole different range of pages 🤦‍♀️😳
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