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Active member
I would not put too much faith in a photo from a forum without a verified source. But if true, that fits in with taking a dangerous short-cut route from the top of P du S to La Glera pass.
Find me the bright yellow tent please or I call this staged.

Beige barren landscape. Bright yellow tent. Should be easy to spot.
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Find me the bright yellow tent please or I call this staged.

Beige barren landscape. Bright yellow tent. Should be easy to spot.
I'm sure it will turn up - but it may not be an easy spot. It's likely to be in it's bag - so only the size of a water bottle. That could easily be wedged between rocks, out of sight.
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One point I'd like to raise re the dogs, by the way I am no expert, is that they would be given the scent to follow, so someones, I suppose ideally dirty, clothes. Did they get these from her camper van or were they given them by someone?
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Peggy, my error. DC did confirm the "new friend" who gave her a lift on 19th is a male.

This man has made contact with the police.

I've always been bothered by the "Maybe I can see you!" comment when she tagged DC as that view does not cover the village of Arreau.

It does imply he is heading her way.

Article that includes DC statements on Monday.
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The Mirror also carried info about Antonio Ballarin aged 70 who gave her a lift on the 21st. She was perfectly fine on the 22nd hiking back up the mountain when the Spanish skier saw her.

In one of her last FB posts she tagged DC and said "Maybe I can see you!" Perhaps she meant the view was so clear she could see Gascony 3hrs away.

Or perhaps they had discussed him coming to see her?
This mountain peak was a good way to "cross the border" between France & Spain without having to show papers.

We all wonder why she was hiking back up the same route she had already climbed earlier on the 22nd. Late in the afternoon which is not a good time to do this - dusk falling soon.

Had someone asked her to come meet them?

It takes 3hrs by train from Toulouse near the village DC was living in, to get to where ED was.
Not a long time. One could feed the dogs, get there and return same day.
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Gosh, do share what horrified you. I never read the document, just snippets others posted.
It tells you all you need to know.

Personal Statement by Esther’s Partner, Dan Colegate

Esther is simply the best person I’ve ever met. She is kind, generous, compassionate, intelligent and creative. She wears her heart on her sleeve and always sees the best in others.

There is a reason Esther has a first class Oxford degree and represented Great Britain as a junior rower, among her many other material achievements that came from her determination and resourcefulness. Yet none of those achievements are the reason I love her so much. The real reason, the one that drew me in almost 19 years ago and sustained us both through the ups and downs of any normal relationship, is her unwavering goodness and commitment to doing what she feels is right.

It is true that once Esther sets her mind to a goal she will move mountains to make it happen, but that has always remained secondary to her commitment to helping those in need and leaving the world she touches a better place. We can never finish a hike without her pockets bulging with litter she’s picked up, she won’t pass a stranger without smiling, and every decision Esther makes is governed by a powerful moral code.

Since Esther went missing I have been lost in a world that no longer makes sense to me. Every aspect of my life and the future I dream of includes Esther. We have built a life that focuses on being a team, where ‘home’ is wherever we are together, and where nothing matters as long as we have each other. Spending occasional times apart, to pursue separate goals, recharge and intensify the pleasure of being together, is part of that for us. Seeing Esther happy in the mountains, expanding her boundaries and discovering more about herself makes me happier than I can describe.

I never imagined that one day she would not come home. Many times we had discussed how we would grow old together and take slow walks reflecting on the adventures of our youth. The pain of her disappearance is excruciating, but even that pales into insignificance against the pain of not knowing what’s happened to her. It’s crippling. The nightmares. The constant questioning. The helplessness.

Until Esther is found I have to continue to hold on to the hope that she can come home safely.

If anybody has any information, no matter how insignificant it might seem, or if they know anybody who was in the area at the time, who may have been working outdoors, hunting, walking, hiking or cycling, please, please contact the LBT Global Hotline. Information can be provided anonymously and passed on to the police in this way.

LBT Global Hotline: +44 (0) 800 098 8485

WhatsApp: +44 (0) 7545 826 497

Email: [email protected]
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The things that puzzle me:

1. Her mother said in the statement that she & ED spoke several times a day.

So why did it take 3 days for DC to raise the alarm? Her mother must have been on his back daily.

2. Why did DC initially say it was common for her to be out of contact for a day or two. Then recently states they spoke every day?

3. Why have the search dogs not scented her trail?

Read the article.

It tells you how to do it.
That article says it's a feature that is 'coming soon' though, not already available.
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For those who did not read the news reports yesterday, I've attached a screenshot.

I quote: "When the police made this a CRIMINAL CASE..."

Oh have they :( so your thinking .... they have some kind of lead which makes them think that? I really bloody hope that bf didn’t do it.
Yes. See screenshot.

My thinking is that the reason he put out that all that PR yesterday is because he is starting to sweat.

The usual reason a man who wrote about loathing a woman in a book he published June 2020 would yesterday declare her his soulmate.



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VIP Member
Could it be possible that an accident was had and perhaps she rang "him" for help and he did nothing. Pure speculation.
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Chatty Member
Esther summits Pic de Sauvegarde & her phone goes dead after a call with DC.

Then we are supposed to believe with darkness falling soon that she then summits another Pic (peak) and accidentally gets into an "inaccessible" place.
Exactly how accidents happen - even experienced hikers can overestimate their ability when tired (she had minimal food), in fading light, with temperature dropping, potentially icy conditions. If she’d fallen and had an accident with those conditions she’d be severely impaired.

The recently found piece of skull would have narrowed down the search area, entirely possible that where the rest of her remains were found has been covered in snow until now
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Interested to know which bits of the FB posts people found odd? I had a look just now and nothing jumped out to me as being obviously weird or worded strangely - maybe the bit about him going out walking...? There was also typo in one of them, but that’s about all I could see! The publishing of the media advisory note was a bit strange I guess but I’m not sure whether that was a common thing to do in high profile missing persons cases.
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Explaining the cancellation of their wedding DC wrote in his memoir published in June 2020:

“what was supposed to be a chance to rediscover our love of one another did, at times, seem to have transformed into a festering pit of mutual loathing”.

Also, describing the aftermath of getting into debt: “It was around this time that any last traces of romance slipped away from us. We clung on to the belief that we still loved each other, but beneath all the animosity, it was hard.”

Excerpts published in the Times

How any man, while continuing in a relationship, can write that kind of stuff about a woman and expect things to improve is beyond me.

Either this is severe codependency or masochism.

In The Times article LBT really should have read DC's book before announcing this:

"Matthew Searle of LBT, said: “As I understand it there were no problems in the relationship at all.”

That makes LBT look stupid.
I have to admit I don't find any of that particularly concerning. Lots of relationships go through bad patches. They've had to deal with life threatening physical illness alongside mental health difficulties. I'm not surprised they've had times where they've felt like that.
I suppose it's unusual for people to write with such searing honesty on a public platform but they are both fairly into sharing their lives publicly from what I can gather.

Also, I think a lot of those quotes relate to a time several years ago. Their relationship now could be relatively problem free. I don't know that much about them though, I only had a quick flick through their blog on Facebook.
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Pippa M

VIP Member
Why? Why would he hide her there? What’s your theory? It’s a good new take on the subject? But I can’t see what that would achieve unless it’s one of those horrible locked in a cellar things?
In the back of my mind is a nasty suspicious creature with horns and a red cloak and a pitchfork....:devilish:

Seriously.I just vaguely wondered if the farmhouse/holiday house had been searched. The partner may have realised she was " cooling off " and he didnt want to lose her so when he realised she wanted to go away alone ...he hid stop her leaving.

I am still hoping and praying for a good outcome,for her own sake as well as for her parents and family. Life will be on hold for all of them until there is news...not a nice situation at all.
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Check out this angle. That area is not as steep as it looks from most angles.

What's interesting is that part of the rough cliff face where her body was found, was not as steep as the cliff face to the left of the photo, but steeper than the drops on the right making it easier for getting to and hiding a body, while also being a more dangerous looking area. (You need the rough terrain to hide a body well, the smooth planes far harder obviously.)
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