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It's not widely available/used in lots of articles. I can't remember where I saw it 2 weeks ago so I'll describe it...

About a stone heavier... from scrawny to hefty...

Long beard.

Seems way older looking. You'd hardly recognise him.

In 2020 when French police searchers said the bf went off on his own search - refused to join their route - did they state where he went?
oh interesting if anyone finds a picture please post/link
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In the back of my mind is a nasty suspicious creature with horns and a red cloak and a pitchfork....:devilish:

Seriously.I just vaguely wondered if the farmhouse/holiday house had been searched. The partner may have realised she was " cooling off " and he didnt want to lose her so when he realised she wanted to go away alone ...he hid stop her leaving.

I am still hoping and praying for a good outcome,for her own sake as well as for her parents and family. Life will be on hold for all of them until there is news...not a nice situation at all.
Given that it's not even his farmhouse, it's almost certainly been searched and he is not even there at the moment I can't believe she is there.
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What's the deal with all the new posters in this thread that only ever look and comment/react on this thread, and never any others?

Are they Dan, or employees of LBT Global, getting ready to steer the narrative?
I am on quite a few other threads and comment on them. Sorry if its aimed at me,been following this story from the start. Wanted to wait for her to be found before commenting.
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Giggling Squid

VIP Member
I never thought that, but looking back now and at their posting history (99% this thread) I do see how it could be

having said that, I do think it’s more likely than not to be an accident.
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Agent Krycek

Active member
I just watched that for the first time. To me, he doesn’t come across as I would expect. Your partner is missing, you’re worried sick, you don’t sleep well, you’re helpless and vulnerable.., the last thing you want us to be interviewed because of the state you’re in. Ok, everyone’s different but he was calm enough to confidently correct his ‘I loved her’. He doesnt have the air of an anxious boyfriend, worried sick about the welfare of his girlfriend who could be trapped with broken limbs and starving to death. More like a man who is almost enjoying his interview and directing the situation.
I agree with you 100%, for whatever reason he has sought to control the narrative from the beginning, but info from Esther's social media posts indicating a troubled mind, to the statements from the police and the new friend Esther made while hiking have really put his version of reality into question. Just goes to show that you can spin things via the media any way you want, but the truth will always seep through somehow. This doesn't mean he necessarily had anything to do with her death, but it would explain why she kept extending her time away, and her vague text messages where she seemed to be trying to be gently evasive - and perhaps why she didn't turn her phone on again after their final conversation.

Maybe he was just trying to protect their 'brand' which was heavily focussed on two soul mates travelling around together, and he didn't want the world to know that all was not as idyllic as their blog presented in the hope that she would return and they would be able to carry on 🤷‍♀️
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I know we shouldn't really speculate but if he did something, I wonder was it because he was jealous that she met another male traveller? Would he be able to do something though since he was so far away?
OMG I just learned that the French village they house sat in is only 40 minutes drive from Luchon! She was right next to Luchon!

The train from Toulouse takes 3hrs but someone posted that by car, Arreau to Luchon is 40 minutes!

What about when they were initially looking for her and her partner wouldnt walk with the search teams, preferring to go alone. What about if he took opportunity to destroy evidence. Should they of arrested him on suspicion
A new fact has come to light. :(

To drive from the village of Arreau to Luchon (where she was basically) is just 40 minutes!

The train takes 3 hrs if you go Toulouse - Luchon. Someone knowledgeable online shared this today.

ALERT to Davidosky

If you're reading this please take care on that site. The others are not warning you. You'll be banned from posting soon unless you use vague terms like "partner" vs real name. Even initials are too much for them if you're casting doubt on their alibi. Also pose an hypothesis rhetorically rather than outright.

Well done. A breath of fresh air. Come join us here.

You won't last long there as they only tolerate the non brave and reward unproductive parroting of news articles - no fresh thinking.
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With the latest revelations by ED's Spanish hiker friend and everything we've read about DC's 2020 book (loathing, all romance died etc) I still maintain that this relationship was a clearcut case of "I hate you, don't leave me". Plus I doubt a man loves a woman he lets go solo hiking in dangerous mountains. That's just not love.

But I do not believe DC caused her death. I was told it was "someone else"

It was not suicide.
She did not run away.
She did not have an accident.
A 3rd party killed her.

Someone noted that vehicles can drive up to Refuge de Venasque (or a nearby refuge. I was speed reading so could be wrong about which). There is a possibility ED accepted a lift. It would explain why dogs could not trace her movements forward.

There were also hunters in those mountains.

Just to clarify my certainty. Weeks ago I asked a highly rated psychic if DC killed her. I was told No. It was someone else.

I wasn't expecting that reply (hoping nobody had) and it chilled me.

I can ask her for more info. I frankly did not want to hear more details till I could stomach it. She's proven her accuracy to me over a year which is why I trust her.

She's based in India and has testimonials from clients worldwide. Her answers are very succinct.

Please ask, I think you are probably right from all the evidence, over on web sleuths the lack of any signs from an accident make me conclude what you do.
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New member
The Mirror also carried info about Antonio Ballarin aged 70 who gave her a lift on the 21st. She was perfectly fine on the 22nd hiking back up the mountain when the Spanish skier saw her.

In one of her last FB posts she tagged DC and said "Maybe I can see you!" Perhaps she meant the view was so clear she could see Gascony 3hrs away.

Or perhaps they had discussed him coming to see her?
This mountain peak was a good way to "cross the border" between France & Spain without having to show papers.

We all wonder why she was hiking back up the same route she had already climbed earlier on the 22nd. Late in the afternoon which is not a good time to do this - dusk falling soon.

Had someone asked her to come meet them?

It takes 3hrs by train from Toulouse near the village DC was living in, to get to where ED was.
Not a long time. One could feed the dogs, get there and return same day.
No need to show papers travelling between any countries in the EU
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I think a lot of his journey would have been on motorway. Are the police likely to stop him on a motorway? And a considerable amount was though Spain, so I'm not sure if they were doing checks or under a lockdown. Different regions in France were under different Covid restrictions, not all were under the nighttime curfew. There's a list here

It does seem a long way to go and get back in a window of time. It really depends on the timings of his alibi to see if it was possible.
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Sounds right in this case. The first time I thought something odd when I watched the Wadham College video. He was so quick to say they had been a 'couple' ever since meeting at Wadham. So quick, so anxious to get that in - to stake his claim almost.
If he started to feel anxious about being abandoned then it would be necessary to remove any possibility of being abandoned - even to the extreme of removing the person who might do the abandoning.
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The article I just read said he was 100 miles away and his phone and bank card were used in that village, 100 miles away from Esther, all day.

Thus ruling him out and the police suspect no foul play at this stage.

Hmmm... The whole thing just keeps getting stranger. I hate unsolved cases so I really hope the body brings some answers but I have a feeling it will be closed down quickly now.
It would have to be more than "all day" as there is a bigger unknown 'window' than that - but yes, this appears to be why they are not investigating him i.e. they know it's logistically impossible - at least that's my take on it so far.

I agree on how this is likely to go, I suspect that they will just shut it down as an accident, suicide would need conclusive proof and even if it was the case they are unlikely to get that.
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In the new lockdown rules for France that people are passing around it's quite strict. They say papers are required and you have to leave your ID with the local police if going on any excursion, which has a time limit. But I don't live there so can't verify.
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Koko17 if it's a CW scenario there are 2 main options:
- she travelled to him earlier than planned, leaving the van behind - to surprise him or at his invitation
- or he travelled to her - to surprise her - then took the 3hr train back to Toulouse.

Which option do you think may have happened?

I also can't help wondering if there is a mademoiselle lurking in the background.
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Well-known member
This is the report of what the police are saying - so while it might be Dan (or another murderer I guess) it looks like an accident is higher on their list.

"the public prosecutor at Saint Gaudens where the search operation has been run, said Dingley’s body had been found high in the mountain, leading credence to the hypothesis that her death had been an accident.

“It’s not the kind of place you just come across. It is high in the mountains and difficult to access,” he said. “I have just spoken to the gendarmes who are carrying out the investigation and they tell me that their inquiries lead them to believe strongly, even almost exclusively, that it was an accident.”"

Like I say, I don't know but I do feel an accident is more likely, and while controlling partners do murder, it's not always - I just hate to jump to conclusions, where someone might always be suspected no matter what the evidence shows.
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Lol Bordinaro seems to be making fun of Dan.

Quote (latest DM article)

"Police chief Jean Marc Bordinaro said Mr Colegate had been best placed to look for his girlfriend as he was familiar with her hiking abilities and had ‘paced up and down the area’ in his personal search."

The pacing comment is code for "look the guy's a freak. We're onto him despite how it looks"
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Olive Press News Spain reports that Esther "[ED] had been set to return to the village of Benasque, in the Spanish part of the Pyrenees, after a four-week solo trek, three days before she vanished". Also, a fellow hiker who photographed her on the Pic gave her a lift back to her camper, in Benasque. Interesting. She didn't return to Dan in those 3 days.
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IF one of these people is a PD here's a brief pattern I experienced 1sthand.

- 2 wks after meeting "let's get away from your family & friends. Go on holiday to xyz. Your sister is a psychic vampire"

- 4 wks after meeting. "Let's get married here on holiday like in The English Patient in the sand dunes"

- NO re wedding. Followed by violent tantrum by six foot 4 character in the airport. The ONLY public display ever. All tantrums conducted in private otherwise

- Daily: you don't love me. (Was an orphan adopted so pity play). Major tantrums daily followed by sweetness & spoiling.

- PTSD & chronic fatigue grew to the point nerves were shot.

- further attempts post holiday. "Let's go live in Thailand. Let's go look at engagement rings."

- I knew nothing about these disorders. I feared he was bipolar or on drugs.

- he would break down sobbing if I wanted to go to a book club or lock the doors if I wanted to go outside to get my stuck cat out of a tree. The tiniest hint of independence. (Highly respected foreign journalist & 6 foot 4, had travelled to over 30 countries.. very good looking ie popular, hugely charming with ALL.)

- travel theme is prevalent

- they grant you independence when they have no other option eg you'll leave if you don't get fresh air

- their acting skills are Oscar worthy. The public get told how much they care for/adore their partner

- only the partner witnesses the 4yr old inside these people

- they discourage or sabotage partner's careers while the partner is in their clutches

- they suck up to partner's friends & family so that the entire support network become their fans! And would never believe what they do privately

NOT surprised ED father never met the guy till years later. Dads get fooled too but less easily!

On all blogs etc ED is the one to reassure about her feelings for him.

It's the "you don't love me" blackmail. So she overcompensates.

Just reading a report again -so when she met Ballarin she outlined her plans and they were different to what they had been previously - in that Ballarin appeared to suggest she was considering crossing the Pyrenees into France.
She said she was going to French town of Bagneres de Luchon and mentioned the city of Toulouse.

So what prompted the change of plan? - was it because she had been informed that she would be getting a visitor or that someone was on their way to Luchon? Which then leads to her meeting on the 22nd causing her to climb the mountain at a specific time.
Why had she changed her plans from what they were originally? This chance meeting with Ballarin maybe very useful in that we know she had changed plans for some reason.... had she been informed of something unexpected?? (report below)

Missing Esther Dingley's secrets, by the last man to see her alive - Dope Albums
The last person to see missing hiker Esther Dingley (left) alive Jose Antonio Ballarin (right) said she discussed her route with him – and it was different from the one she was believed to have been planning
There, around 10.30am on Saturday, November 21, she set off up the mountain path from a spot known as Plan de l’Estany.

It was the day before the Oxford graduate was last seen in the Pyrenees.

Speaking exclusively to the Mail this week, Mr Ballarin said Esther discussed her route with him – and it was different from the one she was believed to have been planning.

When she went missing, she was thought to have been in the middle of a hike of several days, taking a circular route from Port de la Glere to Port de Venasque via Pico Salvaguardia.

Having set off from Benasque that Saturday morning, Esther was believed to be planning to spend Sunday night at the Refuge de Venasque before looping back to Port de la Glere and Benasque.

But she had previously changed her routes to get around icy tracks or to avoid bad weather and in her conversation with Mr Ballarin – conducted in French because she spoke no Spanish and he no English – she appeared to suggest she was considering crossing the Pyrenees into France.

She said she was going to French town of Bagneres de Luchon and mentioned the city of Toulouse.

Further down the report it states:
" Esther’s conversation with Mr Ballarin raises the possibility that she might have radically changed her plans at the last minute, perhaps explaining why there has been no sign of her despite extensive searches before winter blizzards set in last week. "

Why would she radically change plans -sounds to me like there is a missing factor which caused this change.
Hypothesis only because ED may have fallen off a cliff in the dark or into a lake so that dogs could not detect her scent at all. So odd they could not scent her tracks forward...

ED is filled with hope (the curse of the rollercoaster life with a PD) as PD persuades her she is loved and missed and to please forgive any bad words or behaviour during lockdown.

Note while being apart for a month ED told BBC in interview in late November "we are so happy now".

So so happy now. Finally. After all these years.

To be continued.


Just theory based on the sudden Luchon plans as per Peggy's post:

Practicalities go out the window with PDs. Ultra spontaneous, with grand hope-inspiring gestures of remorse.

ED's camper is in Spain so she should go to Venasque to collect it.
It's also getting dark & she shouldn't hike so late but her PD has finally seen the light - or some nice guy she met on her hike has told her how special she is and he can't stop thinking about her.

She's so starved for romance. After all, DC published a book in June 2020 in which he wrote all traces of romance disappeared. Well, that was 2013 he referred to. So 7 yrs later ED is emotionally deprived.


So PD or New Guy ask her to meet them on the mountain.

How romantic.

Possibly they made the grand romantic plans on the 21st as that is the day she excitedly writes about Luchon.

Even tagging DC and stating "Maybe I can see you!!" as she shows the view to Luchon from the peak.

Odd, as the view does not reach to Arreau where he lives.

But DC is a very fit long distance runner as he says about himself, so possibly he had gone for a long run to Luchon?

It's only 41 minutes by car from Arreau to Luchon. So if one runs perhaps it takes them 2hrs or so?

Either way, New Guy is also somewhere in the background. Possibly he lifted her spirits, especially as she noted the rainbow that appeared the day they met - the 19th.

PDs are ultra possessive BUT also very prone to simultaneously stacking up alternative love interests.

The rainbow post timing is interesting.

Either a PD got enraged at fears of abandonment or New Guy made a very strong impression on a romantically deprived woman.

So let's just say from the 19th of November trouble loomed.

The Rainbow Day.

Then on the 20th ED apparently remained in her camper all day and night, according to DC.

Two days later she hikes up the mountain very late in hiker best practice - at 3pm.

She is possibly not thinking clearly ie distracted emotionally because she's craving fruit. She has not packed well in terms of glucose or liquid.
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I definitely think she went up that mountain late in the day so she could meet someone ( him) and I’m wondering if she was pleased to do that or apprehensive. How she was feeling.
She was both.

Hope alternating with fear.

Take it to the bank. I recognise too many patterns.
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