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VIP Member
Drives me mad how she impulse buys everything and nothing matches.

Proper obsessed about these ‘olivia pope’ wine glasses. Don’t watch the show, just googled it. Seems like the glass is very round with a particularly long stem. She’s bought 2 completely normal large wine glasses.
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Regressed living with her parents, wasn’t the proper adult of the house and became a stinky teenager. Also not going into work in a year where you would have to be clean and dressed well hasn’t helped her. She’s happy to work in a dirty tracksuit she’s been wearing for days, no bra, greasy hair scraped into a bun, face mask on for 3 hours but believes wearing glasses helps her look put together.
Everyone can have scruff days, but most people aren’t filming those daily to show the world.
New jeans are awful. I don’t know what it is she looks for in clothes. Wrote a style book, has zero style.
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Omg that red wine is what we’d order in weatherspoons at uni because it was the most cost effective way to get drunk! It’s horrific 😂😂
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It's painful to watch isn't it? Just use a decent shampoo & conditioner that work well together then use a small amount of oil as and when you need/ to protect from heat damage. Then maybe a foamy sulfatey/ clarifying shampoo every so often if it's needed. And for God's sake stop the dry shampoo.

Using silicone detangling/ heat protection, then a sulfate free shampoo in the bath combined with not conditioning then presumably adding more oil.... no wonder it's greasy.

I know we keep saying it but she needs to just research and understand what she's putting in her hair and the effects of this!
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VIP Member
Fuck me that 'reset' vlog. When YouTube people do this and she has done it A LOT over the years, it really shows how narcissistic and self absorbed they are that they sit and waffle for aaaages about the most boring and miniscule, uninteresting changes they are going to make to upload schedules, channel names and what videos on what channel.

Never have I ever, no matter how much I have liked someone, given a single shit about hearing any of that stuff. I really couldn't give a shit. It kind of takes the assumption that your viewers are sat around going 'what the hell! It's 5.23 pm on Tuesday and Mik has uploaded instead of a 3.30 pm on Wednesday??!' I would not notice. I would not care what her channel is called, what her schedule is. Most people that aren't teenagers obsessed with someone, have a life!

Why not just...make the changes?!
I agree, I'd rather someone just make decent content. I only notice upload schedules when they're pointed out and Youtubers make a big deal of it if they're going to miss an upload or something. I generally open YouTube when I get a spare minute and just watch what's there.

The suggestions are killing me.



Shall we place our bets on how long the no buy will actually last? I reckon two weeks then she'll go to B&M and buy some random tat.
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Chatty Member
Sheesh, just watched the latest vlog with Emma. Why is she so awkward with her? Like she looks uncomfortable in the shed and then uncomfortable again in the puddle-tub. I don't get it, I thought they were best friends and Mikhallax acts like she barely knows her and looks down her nose a bit?
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Chatty Member
Love how she thinks her hair is like beachy waves when it’s actually just looking like someone has dragged her through a hedge backwards! 😂

Why is she not wearing a bra …. Boobs everywhere. One nipple was at the shop the other was coming home with the change.
Seriously Mik get some support for them :oops:
this made me laugh out loud! 😂 😂
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I get really irrationally pissed off with people who don't read the rules properly. It doesn't surprise me at all that she's one of the people who didn't bother to read past "rule of six" and see that it's that or 2 households of any size. This stuff is important!
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I bet it's something to do with her friend Caz, or someone else she is jealous of that's had photos done. It's certainly nothing to do with her love for Lee, and all about wanting to fulfil her own fantasy version of herself.
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Delia Smith

VIP Member
Bincident! I’m howling :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
We knew she would be quiet this week but I imagine with Easter holidays and being forced to spend time with her kids she’ll be back vlogging again in no time complaining about it
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Delia Smith

VIP Member
I can’t get over the IG post where she’s dancing cos she cancelled the gym.
So embarrassing. She has no neck , huge head, fake glasses on. I just can’t.

Creepy comment :sick:

Screenshot 2021-05-02 at 11.19.57.png
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Chatty Member
I completely agree about her being high as a kite in the boots video!!! She seems like she’s on something to me the way just she talks and talks utter drivel at 100mph that makes no sense. She loves the sound of her own voice I swear.
I rewound the video MANY times to see if she even mentioned the name of the product! Then I still didn’t hear it and had to rewind again- I was so confused as she was all over the place with her talking!

What are these...
At the beginning of her video 🤯

The boots make me feel sick 🥺🤢
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Chatty Member
Does she realise her hair won’t look like any of those photos because she doesn’t, wash, brush or anything it?!
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In her Poundland haul she showed chocolate for both Lee and Milo but no chocolate for Ella just Pepsi max so she lives on packet microwave rice and Pepsi that girl couldn’t be more neglected
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Has anyone noticed how she never says hello at the start of her lives? She's just already halfway through a sentence. Same on an Instagram live. It's like she's always talking to herself and occasionally let's us hear it.
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Yes, I don't 'exercise' in terms of going to the gym or anything but I have a short walk every day and a longer walk at weekends, just to get out and have a change of scenery if nothing else!

The thing that really gets me about Mik and her lifestyle is that she seems to have a pretty good life. She owns a house, has two kids, a husband, she only needs to work part time in a job she loves, her parents live nearby, she obviously has good friends. She also lives so close to lots of natural beauty and good days out (minutes from Yorkshire Wildlife Park, an hour from the Dales). Despite all of that she just doesn't seem like she's making the most of it and would prefer to chase this weird '20 something American Youtuber from 2014' lifestyle. Her life seems so unfulfilling and she doesn't seem happy.

As someone a couple of years younger who's trying to get on the property ladder, would love kids but doesn't have any yet and makes the most of having access to the amazing places around Yorkshire I just cannot comprehend that all she does is take trips to IKEA and Primark... why make a thing out of having a good car (two actually!) and then never bloody going anywhere in it? Have a family day out, have a walk, go for a picnic, just DO something that isn't shopping or an Instagram Live! You might even enjoy yourself.

Sorry for that ramble :rolleyes:
I get you completely! She’s got two kids who I’m sure would love a day out. Even just take them for a walk in the park. I’m sure it would do everyone in the family the world of good.

plus Mikhila has talked about Ella being conscious of her weight, so help her! Go on walks with her, have a family bike ride.

she’s obviously against spending any money on her children. But there’s so many free things they could do to be a bit more active but also spend tome as a family
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