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VIP Member
That podcast is truly awful. She's drinking a can of beer through a straw and comes across so unlikeable. She said she did something really weird as a teenager but wouldn't say what it was, but apparently she was sent to a psychologist for it who said she was jealous of her brother. Wtf?
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Delia Smith

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She’s very pleased with herself isn’t she. She ls in New York, her ‘home’ :sick: . Except she’s in loads of debt and looks like a tramp
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What a dire trip to London, staying in a Heathrow airport Premier Inn and getting dinner there before driving into the city to see a live podcast, then off to McDonalds breakfast in the morning. Fon!
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Tavi Huit

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adhd - Affected Dull Hoarding Disaster- my previous one was Annoying Donny Housewife Disorder, but she does nothing to contribute to that house so I retired that one
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I’d be depressed living in that house. Every where is so oppressive. Sitting in a box room FULL of mismatched, ill fitting furniture, now clothes rails towering over behind her while she eats a block of cheese. ughhh

She shuts every door in the house all the time, the house is dark with small windows, there’s never any light. The ‘hotel vibes’ bedroom with the curtains always drawn bed unmade, clothes everywhere.

Working in a tiny utility room with shelves across the backdoor.

Sad beige clothes slung all over the bannisters after being excited how nice the weather was, you wouldn’t get the clothes drying outside?

Dark miserable living room with her shite everywhere, skincare in a bag on the back of the sofa??! What? Stinking dog blankets on every surface.

Get outside and walk your dog. No wonder she’s so depressed, I am watching her videos.
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Chatty Member
I watched part of her latest vlog, she mentions posting on Reddit - she’s very identifiable from the small piece of information she gives in the vlog.

just to say, her post in the ADHDUK subreddit is ridiculous and if that is her childhood trauma, she’s led a very sheltered and lucky life 😂😂😂
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They’re defo skint. Complaining about the prices on everything on her latest post. $10(£7) a person for a ride on the ferris wheel… as if she’s not in one of the most expensive cities in the world… you’d pay that here. 🙄🙄
Pretty sure i paid £5pp for the crappy wheel at yorkshire wildlife park... in, erm, Doncaster.

So that sounds a bargain.

They don't do days out though, do they? So she has no point of reference for these things.

When she went to london a few week's ago it was premier inn, McDonald's and home.

I wonder if she's going to try and copy Emma and churn out 83 travel vlogs from the one same holiday 3 months ago?
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I’ll never get over people who wash their hair in the bath. Like unless you do it first are you not just washing it with things you shouldn’t, unless you have a shower over your bath, it’s just rancid
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We’re back on the forehead line thing! Oh and we had ehlers danlos the other day too.. she’s back on Google scoping out new illnesses to mix it up a bit and change the rules to our drinking game! Cheeky minx!

That video with Emma. Oh man! Emma tolerates mik, you can see that one! Mik is all me, me, me, making it all about her when it’s not, and you can see Emma being the diplomat, biting her tongue when mik spouts her crap. Mik by comparison is just woo woo as she calls in. She has no idea who she is, deep down, she’s fully materialistic and selfish, she has it all but doesn’t realise what she has, and she is oblivious to others sensitivities or needs.

Not sure why em is friends with her. For collaborative videos?
Oh - and saying adhd and perimenopause are the same? Errr okay dr mc scruffy. Difference is Emma has what the nhs call a diagnosis of this symptom based condition - whereas our mik does not. Just a place in the long line of social media types clogging up the system, seeking a diagnosis for.. well, what is it? Attention? Distinguishing factors? Munchausens? Hypochondria? A new personality trait!
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Tavi Huit

VIP Member
Oh my god, now she thinks she has TMJ disorder. I have suffered with this myself for years and I'm pretty sure she doesn't have it. Never heard her mention teeth or jaw pain before but now she's convinced she has it.

The crying after all appointments is so odd, she does it with everything, even a smear or a phone call with a counsellor. I think she just loves someone treating her like an ill person
The only TMJ she has is TOO MUCH JUNK disorder
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What a strange video, it's so hard to watch.

I'm not saying she isn't in pain, chronic pain is awful. But she's doing herself zero favours. Hunched over in an inappropriate chair all day, shovelling in lumps of cheese and pepperami (?!), constant caffeine, sugar and beige food. A better diet and lifestyle wouldn't make the pain go away but it's worth a try to feel a bit better? When she does a short walk she talks about it as if it's a full workout but it always seems to be the amount of steps most people do in a day by just going to work or looking after their kids or whatever. If walking or running outside isn't her thing she could join a gym or a class. Reduce takeaways or just stop necking energy drinks all day. She seems to think she doesn't have enough time but it seems like she's got too much time to overthink things without changing anything. You need to help yourself, there is no magic wand. Medication will only do so much and if you're spending all day in a cluttered messy house staring at screens when you have the means to do more then you're not going to feel great! The walking pad gets me every time- go and get some fresh air instead of wallowing inside watching Netflix in the dark!

I'd LOVE the spare time and money that she seems to have.
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Some great logic from Mik in this last vlog. A few years ago when they lived with her parents she never thought they’d have a garden, THEY LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE! The garden was an extension of the parents living space.

I've said it before, but what a miserable existence if she thought she was unable to mix in certain areas. That’s where her whole depression/bipolar started spiralling. That whole set up was a miserable time for all involved. They obviously didn’t get on enough to warrant buying together if they’re avoiding parts of the house that each other are in. And that’s before you consider the arguments about being tidy, cooking rotas, washing machine rota, parenting, dogs mixing, Mik’s old fella smoking inside…
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Can't wait to watch 5 drenched travel vlogs in her summery creased clothes.

She is taking a beige suit to NYC 🤣 she really does think she is Meghan Markle from her suits days.
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Spending days inside watching tv in the dark and playing Monopoly over and over while eating takeaways doesn't sound like a fun way to spend the school holidays.
I think she's trying hard to appear an involved parent. Reading in-between the lines she's picked an activity that allowed her to stay sat on fat arse whilst she watched 2000s and 80s movies.... because all 12 year old boys are into those right 🙄

I want to avoid commenting on individual children but.... do you ever look at kids and can tell just by looking at them they have a crap diet, severe lack of vitamin D and no exposure to fresh air..?
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Not watched it, but just seeing the title of the latest ‘podcast not podcast’ and my eyes rolled into to back of my skull ‘perimenopause and ADHD…’. Change the sodding record 🙄🙄
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Chatty Member
"we will talk about it at length" (the IKEA Boaxel) - christ, can't wait 🥴 :sleep:

The way the rooms in her house look like the sorting area out the back of the charity shop is uncanny. What part of owning this many random and unmatched pieces of clothing is a 'capsule wardrobe'. Am I missing something? If stuff doesn't fit in the one wardrobe and chest of drawers I have for all my clothes then I take that as a sign I have far too many and get rid of what I need to get rid of to make space, and I definitely don't keep bringing things in every time I leave the house either or buy new clothes montly/weekly. Continually expanding storage to accommodate clothes you don't wear or need to the point you can barely move is mad. I don't think I've ever seen her genuinely like and repeatedly wear a single thing she's bought either, no matter how much she hops up and down with manic excitement about it when it arrives or when she tries it on or prances around the kitchen in whatever it is + a pair of daft sunnies mumbling about vibes or which celebrity she reminds herself of.

It's not like she ever leaves the house so what are all these things actually for.
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