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When you look at mabels diet, some aspects seem good when singled out. For example she eats a decent amount of fruit. But very sugary fruits. But I cant actually think of one time I can recall where shes eaten a meal. Like a meal the whole family would eat. I also cant recall ever seeing her eat a vegetable except when she was small and she used to eat them little pots with gravy. My daughter who is 9 months. Has vegetables with every evening meal, plus she eats the same as me in terms of variety. I just think it's easier that way and a lot healthier
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there's also the thing about her wanting another baby (specifically a mixed race one) and lying about her income!
nightmare. x
(though that may have been in the previous thread, not sure)
ughhh, that’s vile. imagine wanting a specific raced child, should love it no matter looks
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I mean (sorry I feel like I'm defending Mia a lot on this thread, not actually sure why or how this happened!) but I don't know if I'd call an 18 year old who Facetunes her body a liar necessarily - at least for that reason alone. It's really fucking difficult to not edit your photos in this day and age, especially when you're a little bigger than very thin Instagram models and you've had a baby.

It's depressing as it shows the height of her insecurity, but I'm not sure I'd consider editing a character flaw alone.
I agree with you on this. It is hypocritical in the context when she’s talking about her PP body while being a bit deceptive in the thumbnail... but she’s so young! It doesn’t feel right to me to expect such high standards of her when it comes to this because it’s definitely something I need to work on myself at 6 years older than her. And to be honest on the whole I feel like Mia doesn’t even edit her photos that much! And she did already post those same photos unedited on insta and within that video.

It does show she’s in way over her head trying to position herself as a role model for other girls, when she’s just not reached that kind of maturity level yet. I don’t see it as lying to her audience, more like she’s being dishonest with herself. It’d be so much more authentic if she sat down and gave a genuine opinion for once. Like “yeah, I try to be happy with my body but I definitely still feel pressure to have a flat stomach even though I pretend otherwise sometimes”. But I don’t think she has the confidence to be that honest online so the cycle continues 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I wonder when her next tattoo appointments are as most good tattooists have long waits so she either got really lucky and had two spaces or she booked them before she turned 18, I booked mine the end of September and couldn’t get a space until December on the birthday vlog it was good to see mabel went the the birthday card in the pink envelope over the pile of plainly wrapped presents, why did she give her crisps with her breakfast I could swear that brand actually does cereal products which would be a better alternative.
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Chatty Member
Unless you are recently 18 though, I'm assuming you were insecure about your lips for a long time and didn't have unnecessary procedures during a pandemic? I wouldn't want anything where I couldn't wear a mask around other people (and I think this is just an impulsive decision of what Mia thinks will make her interesting). No disrespect to you though, it's your lips! :)
Yeah 100% I’ve been so tight with where I go especially because of my daughter, Mia just seems so careless and will do whatever she wants regardless :(
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Her hair looks kind of grey brown now? Like in the body of her hair, not the highlights
I don’t think it suits her as well as some of her previous colours but as long as she’s happy.
I think the funny brown is because she’s had the brown colour added too rather than keeping her natural brown and adding in the highlights
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Personally, I'm not that keen on the lips.
I can see why she wanted them and I can see that it fits into a certain trend, but I think the big eyebrows and big lips thing may easily be the 2010/20s equivalent of big 80s puffy hair and shoulder pads.'
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Blue Rose

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I kinda like her new hair I’m amazed how much it’s grown in a year but if it was proper narcissa hair it should be black hair on top or at least a darker brown

With that light brown it’s almost like she’s betting on going back to blonde as soon as the HP obsession is over
I don’t get why, if she’s so badly trying to grow her hair out, doesn’t she stop dying it? She’s dyed it at least 4 times since having Mabel. I honestly haven’t been to the hairdressers since last March (I don’t like getting it cut and Cuba to spend so much just for a trim I could do myself) and haven’t ever dyed it, so don’t really know how much it costs but have a feeling it’s probably very expensive to be constantly changing your hair colour. If it wasn’t for all the other things she’s had this month (filler and tattoos) it wouldn’t be so bad but she must’ve spent so much on herself recently, when she’s meant to be saving to buy her and Mabel their own place. Part of me feels sorry as she probably doesn’t feel very comfortable in her own skin so constantly wants to change herself, but at the same time it’s quite selfish because we all know she’s not gonna move out for a while (probs blame it on wanting to finish college) and sponge off her mum and keep Mabel cooped up in her room all day.
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Its half term at the moment for schools and colleges, I'm guessing shes on half term
Ooh that makes sense! I forget that exists 😂 I still find it weird that you would put them in nursery when you don’t need them to. I’d feel so guilty having my son looked after all day by other people while I just sit at home doing nothing... 😬 I can’t bring myself to say she deserves the break either lol
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It looks like a bee sting or an allergic reaction right now 😳 😳

Also it's so ironic after this Tiktok she did a while back: (the last line)

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His tiktok bio reads:
"19 Bi
91.342% of 500k
British different draco
Insta:Owen.Vallance 🐝🌙💐"

So not a big age gap, but that does explain things somewhat.

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Chatty Member
does she think people are stupid? Extreme morning sickness is HG, wheremany people end up dehydrated and being hospitalised. Extreme SPD leaves mothers in wheelchairs or crutches for their pregnancy and often months after. She clearly had neither of that happen to her 🙄🙄
I had extreme SPD and got put on bedrest for 13 weeks having such a high risk pregnancy, seeing her pregnancy vlogs I with mine was that easy 😂
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I know so many people who get abit achey and say they have it when in reality if you have it its nothing you wanna brag about its horrendous!!
I seem to remember her going to a chiropractor but I don't ever remember her being on bed rest, only unable to walk long distances and wearing a belly band I believe
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This!! This is my point 😂 Can’t fathom how people are saying “Mia isn’t neglecting Mabel... oh but she is lazy and selfish and doesn’t feed, wash or pay any attention to her child” like, sorry, how is that not neglect? I completely agree it’s not a severe or dangerous case, otherwise we wouldn’t just be talking about it on a forum! But mild cases still exist and are still damaging. Especially considering it’s not just Mabels mental well-being at risk, but her health too.

My son has never slept through the night either, many babies/toddlers don’t, but it’s the fact that Mia MAKES Mabel wake up that I don’t understand!
I feel like neglect is such a strong word but I’ve looked on the nspcc website and things that mia doesn’t give Mabel like a good meal and stimulation she gets from nursery, we can also see that mias mum does take care of Mabel when she gets given the chance... she doesn’t just get left on her own like she does with Mia. If Mabel was left alone in mias care I’d be very concerned for her, she wouldn’t be getting the basic care she needs. I guess you could say nursery is somewhat saving her. I think Mabel would be better spending more time in nursery than in mias care, which isn’t normal for a mother. I definitely think mia should have waited to have children to have time to mature as a person... she wants more but she can’t even look after the first one 🤦‍♀️

my daughter is over 1 and she still wakes up too. I used to give her a dream feed at 12 or 1 on the nights I had work so she’d sleep the whole night through until I woke up at 6. I realised recently that she sleeps better when she sleeps when she wants to and wakes up when she wants to. I was waking her slightly for a dream feed and she wanted to get up and play then she wouldn’t sleep at all! I find that when you wake babies up at night you’re damaging their sleep pattern. I think mia might wake Mabel up for her own selfishness... she says Mabel sleeps in till 9.10am and is an amazing sleeper but she didn’t mention the fact she woke Mabel up for a dream feed late at night. Mia doesn’t really need to get up for anything and she has so much spare time in the day she can always make up for any loss of sleep then. Mia thinks what’s best for mia is what’s best for Mabel but everyone but mia can see she’s completely wrong.
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