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I felt sorry for mabel she was sitting there with her toys mia ignoring her playing with another toy then Beth snatches the wooden block of her
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It’s borderline child abuse in my opinion
My daughter is a little bit older than Mabel and she has slept in mine and her dads room since she was born and still is, our house is being decorated so we’re currently staying at my parents. We put the tv on every night for background noise so when we enter the room we don’t wake her up and we sometimes keep a lamp on for extra light... I think it comes down to the parents and a baby for when they should move rooms, they should do what’s best for them. Mia is very selfish doing lives loudly on Instagram when Mabel is trying to sleep and I also don’t think mia should be complaining at Mabel when it’s partly her fault as to why she doesn’t sleep easily.

Even without mia not washing Mabel for 2 days in a row I don’t think she’s neglected and they are abusing her. In one of mias videos, after Mabel had her dinner mia wiped mabels hands with a wet wipe. I don’t know if mia still brushes mabels teeth but I do know she has bought Mabel a toothbrush with baby toothpaste. I think if Mabel was abused or neglected you would definitely be able to tell, she’d also look a lot dirtier than she does.

As a first time mum I’ve made many mistakes, some the same as Mia... 1 being giving my daughter homemade fruit pots for lunch because she eats so little instead of a substantial meal. I now have a fussy eater who will eat anything sweet, a bit like Mabel but I have looked online at EVERYTHING I can do to help her, like not offering her substitutes for meals, giving her healthy snacks instead of wafers and puffs (that Mabel gets given) and I’ve also taken a lot of advice, especially on meal ideas on tattle. I think mia and mabels worst problem is her diet, she isn’t getting everything she needs and Mia feels vulnerable and insecure when people give her advice so she automatically blocks them.

I think there’s a lot of things mia could be doing to better herself and give Mabel a happier/healthier life. I always try to comment on only the things necessary where I think mia needs to change her ways. I don’t really care what she does to her body or what she looks like (even though I do think she will regret so many big changes at once) but I do care about Mabel as she reminds me of my own daughter.

I’ve seen a couple of people post about social services or child abuse and personally I don’t think mia is THAT BAD. But her followers make her worse by telling her they feed their children shit like crisps for breakfast and they’re still healthy and happy. I think if our country wasn’t on lockdown and Mia was going to places with other mums and all these baby classes she used to go to she would be more open to advice. Mia’s attitude would definitely need to change if she wanted mum friends or was going to places with other children and their mums.

(Sorry it’s so long)
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i haven’t even watched this video because it sounds so painful but she can’t be serious about the way she speaks about jkr. i’ve been a harry potter fan for 6 years now and she probably has the same amount of merch as me. she needs to realise that she can’t possibly be an ally if she can’t but her wants aside to not support an awful woman
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Can she not just let the first one heal and wait a minute 🙄 Tattoos can be pretty expensive so idk where she's getting the money for 3 tattoos when she couldn't pay her mum the money for her car the other month until her brand deal had been paid...probably why she's done so many recently!
Also, tattoos are permanent and her "love" for HP is most probably fleeting!!
Aye she's gonna have a pretty brutal time with careful showering and moisturising if she gets a ton at the same time (though I'm not sure she's thought about that)
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I’m worried we are giving her the idea to pierce Mabels ears...
since she has changed so much from being pregnant with Mabel up until now she probably will. I do recall her saying that she will wait until Mabel is old enough to understand and give her answer that she will take her to a professional to get them done.
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Chatty Member
Feel like it speaks volumes that she’s plastering her lips all over Tik Tok now without letting them settle down first. To me that seems like she hasn’t done it for her own self-esteem in everyday life but to get validation online. I can understand someone being excited to show them off but it seems a bit OTT to me 🤷🏻‍♀️
That’s what I thought, and I think she will be disappointed with the size when the swellings gone considering she’s put lipstick on already. Idk if that makes sense but she must like them that size to put red lipstick on
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i’m not a parent but shouldn’t mabel be sleeping with nothing in the cot?
Yep, the saying goes “a safe cot is an empty cot”. No toys, defo no cot bumpers (even mesh ones), no loose bedding etc. A blanket properly tucked in or a sleep bag is it. A toddler pillow and duvet can be introduced at 1 but I find it a bit young personally x
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New member
If you’ve looked at Victoria’s Instagram you can see the pictures of Mabel doing activities at Nursery and the smile on her face honestly melts your heart 🥺 I really wish that she had that kind of interaction at home

I also have a serious question about Mia’s plans she says she wants a relationship and keeps begging for men on her social media but says she doesn’t want someone’s baby?? She wants loads of kids but from a donor?? I’m confused.
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I didn’t catch the bit about her Nan put money towards the pram, I think other people contributed more for the expensive present and she paid fully for the cheaper ones which is fine but don’t make out your buying the main ones and others are buying the filler presents. The pram is for age 3+ As well
She said her mum bought the kitchen and her and her nan bought the pram, my for my daughters first birthday me and her dad got her toys and asked everybody else to buy her clothes cauae they where the boring bits and we wanted to get her the stuff to play with lol
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Got not even 2 mins into her video and clicked off. Her attitude repulses me, I haven’t watched any of her videos this week 😶
I haven’t watched any of her videos since she shared the first thread on her story all those months ago it was such an eye opener
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I actually love all the toys she go Mable but maybe for a 2-3 year old... not the pram tho I love it 😍 I have my eye on a different one for my daughter’s 1st birthday in March and thought I was mad for thinking about paying £80 for it.... we have started buying wooden toys now and I really do like them they don’t make lots of noise since there is plenty of that going on in my house 😂 but we have boxes and units filled with plastic toys😂

books she bought are fab but £6 for one book could get loads in the charity shops I don’t buy new books ever..... she’s all about being environmentally friendly
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Benefits 👏 do 👏 not 👏 make 👏 you 👏 a 👏 bad 👏 person.

Every time she mentions her not taking benefits, it makes people who are in worse situations feel bad for needing them.
Lots of people get kicked out of their homes for teen pregnancy, or are already in low-income families who need the money to feed another mouth.
Benefits are literally there for a reason - if you need them, get them. Your privilege is showing (literally coming from someone who is middle class and privileged and STILL needs benefits).
she does get benefits. why is she like this 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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I hope her mum stepped up for once and told her not to get some ridiculous hp thing she’ll hate by the end of the year. I don’t know if it’s just because he’s a strict Indian dad, but my dad wouldn’t even let me get my seconds done for my 18th (I’m just waiting till I move out now) he would genuinely disown me if I got a tattoo, especially a stupid hp one. Tbh I think 18 is too young for a tattoo, I know she’s always been interested in them but I’m just not sure you can be certain you want to permanently change your body so young.
100% think she’s too young to decide, especially since she already hates the ones she did to herself a few years ago
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Chatty Member
I don’t think it’s fair to call him creepy tbh I don’t think we’ve ever seen him do anything that makes him creepy. From the little we’ve seen I think he’s good grandad considering Mia isn’t his child.
I made the joke because he kept talking about Beth showing her boobs on a live.. might just be me but we already discussed on here how creepy it was!
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Blue Rose

VIP Member
View attachment 280084
First time poster, long time lurker! I was on tiktok and came across a video about girls wearing pads over tampons, looked at the comment and you will never guess who I found 😂 I just thought I’d post it on here because it gave me a giggle and thought it might be something good to talk about 😂
I know it’s possible to start then but how much do we wanna bet it’s true. I got my first period at 10 but didn’t have another one for a year so I just say I started at 11, which was before any of my friends had. You’d think she’d have mentioned it before, perhaps in her update video when she talked about how regular her periods were before Mabel. But she might not like saying she started so young because it can feel embarrassing when you’re the only person to have started so young.
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Does anyone else think the life-changing thing Mia is getting is plastic surgery? I have a feeling she’s mentioned wanting something like that done to her body, but I just can’t remember what exactly she’d want done, might be lip filler.
Also agree with citrineday, I don’t like how Mia forced Ocean onto the end of Mabel’s name. It doesn’t sound right and was clearly done to make it more unique.
At least Mia actually filmed her actually leaving her room today, showing Mabel opening presents in the living room and going to the farm. Probably one of the best videos she’s done in a long time, sadly also the only video centred on Mabel (the reason she has the teen mum title) and only because it’s her birthday. Let’s hope Mia realises that and her content gets better and more about being a mum, as opposed to all about her.
I don't think plastic surgery is the life changing thing... but even if it is the first thing she would do is something about body not face. I have lip fillers and they aren't really life changing since it goes away within 6 months-one year and you really have to build it up over a few months to get noticeable/big results which costs a lot overtime
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