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Not sure if anyone's mentioned this before but how do you get so distracted buying yourself stuff that you forget about the present you want to buy for your own child??? What kind of a mum does that???
I thought that!!! Then again (I don’t have kids) but I’ve totally done the same 🤣
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In such a stuck up voice too 🙄 she wouldn’t be saying that if it was one of her sperm donors. The whole time Beth had Mabel Mia didn’t get involved in watching or making her laugh once, it’s so sad to see. At 5:43 Mabel had a wet patch on her trousers right where the side of the nappy is, if that’s urine then it means her nappies are that full she’s leaking and not getting changed often enough :( poor Mabel!
And then in the background Mia full on threw a nappy down on the bed in a temper
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Just watching her new video update about her and Mabel, firstly why is she saying Mabel isn’t ready for cows milk yet? The NHS website and health visitors encourage you to wean once your baby is 1, it’s saves you a cost and it meets their current developmental needs.

also her comment about Mabel not having meat because she only has 2 teeth? As a mum who did do blw my 1 year old is happy on all meats and has literally only just cut her first tooth and it’s not even half out, I also find it funny how she says “Mabel just doesn’t have a need for meet”??? Did she ask Mabel? Meat is a key part of most diets unless vegan or veggie in which case they’ll find iron and what not in other sources but the toast and crisps won’t be cutting it for her- Mabels probably anaemic.
But it’s okay...Mabel has plenty of eggs 😂

I’ve gave my little boy meat since we started weaning at 6 months - we did actual BLW unlike Mia claims she did with Mabel 😂 he’s almost 8 months old now and suddenly has 4 teeth (and 2 others cutting through!) but their gums are strong enough to use to bite and chew so Mia is just lying AS ALWAYS!!
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mia really didn’t consider that babies are for life and not just the newborn phase. she’s so out of her depth and i can tell that she’s regretting having mabel now. what’s she going to do when mabel gets older and just won’t tolerate being locked in her bedroom. the constant talk about baby number 2 is concerning
MY guess would be to wreck havoc all over the house then get told off and displined for doing so.

I can understand her being clucky. But she needs to grow up and be an adult. Your struggling to split you’re time between you and Mabel. You don’t just get another hour or two every time you have a child.
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I made the joke because he kept talking about Beth showing her boobs on a live.. might just be me but we already discussed on here how creepy it was!
Ah okay, I weirdly have zero memory of that! Without seeing the clip of it in context myself I would still back him anyway. I can see how a comment like that made by a father-figure could be massively taken out of context by strangers... Maybe I’m just being naive imagining it as a really rubbish Dad joke or an inside joke. You and anyone else that saw him say it and got a creepy feeling about it obv must have a good reason to!

Either way much like Mia’s dad and Mabel’s dad he doesn’t have a way to defend himself against false claims so I still don’t think it’s fair. Obviously I know you only mentioned it as a passing joke.
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Seeing this made me so sad for mabel ): mia would never sit with her teaching her like this being patient
What a sweet little video, can starkly tell the difference between the girl in this video and Mia. She acc seems to want to be around her kid, unlike Mia who usually looks pissed off around little Mabel or looks zoned out probably thinking about DrACo or her next “OrIGinAl” Pinterest tattoo now...
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Well if it was next to the wall she could fall back and hit her head on a wall? If a baby is going to fall they’re going to fall. All babies do it unfortunately!
Which is why it would be sensible to move her away from any walls, sharp edges, furniture anything she could hurt herself with. Mabel has just started ‘walking’ and she’s not got perfect balance yet which is normal for babies but that also means when she looses balance she goes down HARD and could seriously injure herself
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I think what your child wanting to wear something to express themselves is more important than your tastes, when they’re babies sure dress them however you like, but when they have their own likes and interests you need to put yours aside, expressing themselves helps their emotional development and confidence, if my daughter wants to wear a bright pink tutu then she will.
I personally think that goes without saying but my daughter is only 10 months so I’d rather dress her how like and when’s she older if she wants to wear a tutu then great it’s only clothes at the end of the day and whatever makes her happy makes me happy lol
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there's also the thing about her wanting another baby (specifically a mixed race one) and lying about her income!
nightmare. x
(though that may have been in the previous thread, not sure)
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off topic but I need advice I messaged Mia asking for advice id say about 3 weeks ago and still no reply but she’s sooooo involved with her “fans” more invested in her haters. I was looking for advice as I’m a new mum and only a teen myself and I’m having struggle with my baby not being liked burped she cries and screams when I try to (don’t get me wrong I don’t stop till she has but it breaks my heart hearing her cry) Mia wasn’t any good I would probably get more sense out my dogs tbh, I was so invested in mias videos before she became this person but now I’ve had my own baby girl I can just see how wrong she is doing with hers she could be a good mum don’t get me wrong I’m not bashing her but she’s needs to change her attitude not only to her DAUGHTER but to herself and her fans
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I can't believe she said 'im gonna go again but not too often' but why? going there once should be enough? I understand maybe bringing Mabel wasn't a good idea since its all dark and babies aren't into stuff like that so I get why she would want to go alone but I don't understand why she would want to go there 'often'... she clearly doesn't care that doing something that is official is giving money to the transphobe. how much are the tickets to go there anyway? I doubt they're £20 or less. even if they are and 100 people visit everyday she's making £2,000 a day (or less since some has to go into the actual thing to keep it running) but either way she's getting a lot of money from people supporting her even if they don't agree with what she has to say. im not into hp at all and never watched the movies but if I was I wouldn't want to go or buy something that gives someone money who is awful
Pretty sure an adult ticket is around £50 from what I remember it’s so pricey and so is the stuff there. I loved HP growing up and went to the studios a few years back and it was honestly incredible but I think it’s a seen it once don’t need to again kinda thing. It was packed when I went and I still didn’t miss anything. This was before all of the stuff came out about JKR
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It’s ringing alarm bells to me that she went through a phase of wanting to be a teen mum, but now she’s fed up
I mean it definitely is easy to aestheticize the idea of teenage pregnancy based on the teen mum Youtubers that people see...
I'd also be mildly surprised if she did actually have a contraception failure, but maybe that's my prejudices / personal opinions seeping in...
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The comment about the carseat on mias picture on Instagram has been deleted 🙄
I know she denied she was forward facing then I nicely said something like it's alright you made a mistake your only human but she was definitely forward facing I'm not trying to attack you I just want you and others to be educated on the importance on rear facing
Then she deleted
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The music in her intro triggers my fight or flight response

What happened to mabels room makeover?
She decided to use the spare room as storage instead, for furniture for her new house that she thinks she’ll move into next year.
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Chatty Member
Honestly, there is no way of knowing how she will look until she actually gets them. I personally think she is stunning and that they will suit her a lot. It will just take a while to get used to them.
it’s not that she won’t look good, it’s the fact that she’s likely to go waaaay overboard like she does with literally everything..
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