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View attachment 597402
I find the way she replies to this question so dismissive and arrogant. It's a completely valid question and obviously the person HAS read the caption otherwise there wouldnt even be a question to ask.

And then just a few hours later she puts up this in her stories.

View attachment 597403
Such a nasty person. The single mothers she is celebrating on the caption she is patronising and bashing as seen above. Hypocrite Mel strikes again. God the in laws must detest her! Imagine living with someone like that. If she's this toxic when she is portraying her best self. I can imagine her sitting in the attic bitter as fuck spewing her rage online. Again, I feel so sorry for her baby!
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I honestly can't believe that it's taken me so long to notice the similarities between Thomas and Jonathan joly. Not only physically but exact same personalities- metrosexuals who love being on camera. Mel has always wanted to be the sacconejoly's 2.0.
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Melanie: The ‘village’ won’t help me.

The Village: THATS BECAUSE THERE IS A GLOBAL PANDEMIC HAPPENING!!! (And you refuse to leave the house)

Tommy’s Folks: Er... we’re providing you all with food, shelter, a roof over your head...
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Does she ever shut up though?

It's a little after 9am and I'm exhausted reading that. Can't imagine how much she sucks the soul out of people in real life.
Why do people ask her for her opinion 😅 she's exhausting and seems very on edge about her opinions like she's prepared to fight people on it etc
Also really annoying how she is like oh if people just doubled up on contraception there would never be any need for abortions. Sorry hun that's not how it works and it such a narrow view on the reasons people need access to safe abortions... Anyway.

She's a dose and I can't stand the lip.
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She's a weapon
Long time lurker here! I'm sorry, I know the discourse on this particular incident has sort of passed but this comment has really boiled my blood. I got pregnant by accident whilst on the pill and using condoms. Fortunately my baby's dad is the love of my life and had already talked about having kids one day but we still discussed the possibility of me having an abortion? Am I a bad mother to my lo because we briefly thought about terminating the pregnancy? I'm the same age as Jesse I'd loveeeee to know what she'd have to say about that lmao. People can double up on protection and still get pregnant but it's probably still not a valid reason to not follow through with a pregnancy in her eyes 🙄

I'm so glad I wasn't watching all of this unfold during my formative years because I used to take what she said as gospel. Yikes.
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Can we have anti-abortion in every thread title going forward so people will know when they search?

I get it, Mel, a lot of us were raised catholic families who had/have very strong views on. It’s a tricky subject, and I’d imagine a very emotional decision for most people raised in Ireland to make. Or it might be the easiest decision someone makes. It doesn’t matter. But to say you are anti-abortion, but pro-choice is absolutely a contradiction. Especially when you double down on that view with slut shaming and sexism. Also the whole ‘I’m not one of those people who jump for joy at the thought of an abortion’ is such a reduction, sensationalised argument perpetuated by the church about abortion. The fact that the repeats it online to impressionable young girls makes me sick.

Think whatever you like without consequence, but the moment you spout your judgemental views online, after you’ve pretended to be pro-choice enough to *make a short film and win awards*, you are completely fair game for any criticism.

I think Thomas and her are perfect for each other. Both live so far up their own assholes.
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What I find ridiculous is that half the video was her speaking to a GP which is fine and exactly what she should be how does the app have anything to do with her actual treatment/diagnosis etc. Like she literally spoke to a real doctor. Honestly, she makes no fucking sense and it's beyond evident that she didn't do any proper research into this app and just jumped on it to make some money.
Also that video was just awful. I'm all for spirituality, meditation, whatever makes you feel good but to preach about it like you're the second coming is just beyond cringey.
You are a lost little girl in a woman's body Mel.
I agree if spirituality makes you happy go for it but this shite all the influencers are yapping about I manifested this house, I manifested this boohoo haul, all you have to do is want it and its yours, It's just that easy!

Twin flames, dark night of the soul or whatever is so toxic and damaging. I won't hammer on about it but Jesus, really unhealthy stuff.

I notice a pattern that those who are really lost and unhappy cling to dear life to stuff like the secret and manifesting. Shoving down feelings in favour of positive thinking (niomi smart).

(IMO) Manifesting and the secret actually hyper focuses on what individuals lack so you are always looking for the next big thing and never happy with what you have currently.Look at Mel for example- a beautiful baby, marriage and a good wage, yet constantly whines about what she doesn't have or lacks- a big house, wanting four children while constantly complaining about the one she has. Writes badly but refuses to take steps to better her writing. Her whole child's purpose revolves about how it has empowered Mel as a warrior mama, instead of a child softening Mel, it's make her more egotistical and selfish.

Influencers like Mel tailor spirituality in order to not have to do the hard work or take accountability. Perfect example being ; Mel acts out in her relationship and she refers to it as her "inner child acting out"
It's always the most problematic, narcisstic self proclaimed empaths who are just so so spiritual youse goise!

Its face to face intensive therapy that's needed not the secret or Deepak Chopra.
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I know I'm not the first to say this but now more than ever I'm wondering .. what exactly does Melanie bring to social media? What benefit does she provide to her followers? Her content seems to have died a slow and painful death, with her behaviour during the pandemic being the fatal blow. Her one reliable income has now ceased - Drabletics - so what now. Writing? LOL.
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She's a fucking joke. What an insult to real deal single parents who really have NO ONE around them. No partner, no family, no support. She really boils my piss. Drama queen.
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Iconic Member
What’s the point in her uploading a “project reset” without a spon like scam-pathetics

let’s see what she fills that slot with, because she never uploads without a spon now. 🤐


or maybe they don’t spend 16 hours online scrolling and bitching and trollin and replying to short compliments with thesis length answers of the bull shit variety, better add a “haha” because it’s just banter right.
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I have to ask, what was that hair treatment even meant to do? Sure the hair that's coming in is thick but Thomas' hairline is so receded, it makes his forehead look cartoonishly big. And this is coming from someone who likes a widows peak. He looked much better bald, he should have just owned it.

And why is she pulling out a dirty old hotel bible for her baby to play with? Those pages have likely been touched by hundreds of people and can't be cleaned. That is not normal! Get that out of your baby's hands and get him more stimulating toys/books! The idea that her baby is more stimulated by a neutral coloured book with thin pages and no pictures? Am I supposed to believe that? Get that baby some soft baby books. 2 bucks each at any store. No risk of paper cuts. She can't be serious.

Oh wait, my bad, it's because her baby is so unique, normal baby toys aren't good enough. He's not like other babies you know. Just like how Mel is not like other girls.
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Ugh what a moron she is. I struggle with anxiety that is exasperated by consuming too much news and doom-scrolling. But I also want to stay informed - so I give myself 20 mins with breakfast to read the news. I know what’s going on but I’m also looking after myself. It’s possible to do both!

(Edited to add: some days when the anxiety is bad I dont read any news, and it’s definitely okay to step back sometimes IMO. Provided you’re not constantly stuck with your head in the sand except if it’s about you a la Melanie and Thomas. Bet they read every aviation news article....)
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Would love to see Irish aviation resume fully on the same day Thomas moves to Manchester.

Melanie acted woke online for years, changes personality depending on who she's around and now she's got someone legally binded to her she feels safe to air her very real toxic views to the world because she has a pilot wage to fall back on and a safety net in the form of marriage.

She's also well aware her younger followers are too young to comprehend or question her shitty takes because they don't have the life experiences yet to think critically or question the vitriol that she spews everyday.

Someone asked would she be willing to do a video on United Ireland. I, for one would love to see her manage to offend the entire country with her spicy takes.

Then again she might make another clique documentary where she stays firmly on the fence, taking profit and then, when it would come time to vote in the ref on unity Mel would have recently succumb to IBS, a milk bleb or a neck strain and stays silent online when half the country question whether she voted or not.


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Chatty Member
A come on
View attachment 571228

I was waiting for Mel to reply to this and of course she delivered 😂

It’s obviously a throw away account, no posts or followers, a normal person would ignore it and answer one of the complementary comments she’s so far ignored but not our Moany Melanie.

She actually thinks what she does compares to a full time job in media. Bless.
Ah come on - trying on shite clothes, drinking coffee, bathing with dove products.....she's sooooo busy from #spon 😩

So busy she can't even correct typos or add trigger warnings or captions to her videos 😎 she'd be fired if she had an employer. No question.

Sorry I am ON ONE today #nosleepclub 🤣🤣
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Oh my days. I just sat through the new project reset video, and take a shot every time she says spiritual or spirit. She's like that posh girl that went to uni and acted like she was the first person to discover weed, manifestation and incense. It's just regurgitated bs she's found on instagram and tiktok without any critical thinking.

I really cannot stand influencers who "find out" about this stuff and preach it like they've been practicing daily, can't wait for the shadow work content to eventually come.
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Definitely no intention of moving going by that.
She keeps mentioning how he can come home in comments. The guy will be doing long haul flights and then commuting back to skerries on his down time while Mel's work is remote and can be done anywhere.

She's going on and on about how hard he's worked for his dream, the sacrifices he's made- dept, years of study. She's so proud of him and he's her ride her die.Mel is in a position to make the move yet the only one who's making the sacrifices is Thomas.

Moving is the obvious choice when it only serves to benefit the child and isn't actually posing a problem for Mel's job unlike say, a partner of a pilot who has to leave their job and uproot their family.
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Thomas knighting himself as the spokesperson of aviation with his cringe tweets, trying to appear large and in charge while tweeting from the attic in a fluffy dressing gown. Goon. Would you be able 😂
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I agree with ya he’s a pilot he was always going to just have to work whatever they had available, he can’t dictate what hours he wants, where he wants to fly, nobody can do that in their jobs you just work and do what you’re told especially just in the door

I suppose the narrative she is portraying, and this is no doubt how she wants it to come across, is that he is abandoning her for his career
At least to me that’s how it comes across rather than a couple who are making the best of a situation and making compromises together in their relationship

They both come across as selfish bints who couldn’t really care what the other wants, I really can’t stand her and I think he is the exact same, he’s selfish and immature
I think they’re just toxic and pretend they have an idyllic relationship when it’s very obviously not

Meanwhile there’s a kid in the middle now who isn’t really being prioritised from what I gather
Again that’s just my opinion
I don’t pity her at all considering the last year how she has supported anti-lockdown constantly
I think she cultivated this life for herself and will always try to spin it that she is a victim but I can also see how toxic he is

to summarise...they’re both gobshites 🤣
Totally agree with everything you've said. There's a pair of them in it.

Even in the stereo they refer to it as long distance marriage, how much Melanie will miss him. Not once did they mention the baby or how they are planning on making sure the child has consistency and a stable environment.

I guess like you, I'm astounded how selfish they both are because they keep referencing themselves and not the most important person, the child. Like they are acting if they are only considering how it will impact them individually and not as in a family unit. V strange.
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