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Chatty Member
Another thing that really annoyed me about the post is the fact that she bemoans the fact that there is no "village" to help and that "in other cultures" the mother gets so much more help from women around her. Literally all the examples are of other women helping the woman, and only the woman is mentioned in her post, with the child.
First of all, that puts all the child caring work on women, which is not necessarily something to strive for, imo. And second of all, has Melanie EVER been part of somebody else's "village" when they had a child? Like ever? Yeah, didn't think so.

From what she shares on her socials Thomas seems to be a very active part in his child's life, even more so because of the pandemic and shortage of work. To make it all about her and pretend that he "helps out" is just inaccurate and unfair. He's not "helping" with his child, he's raising him. Why is she framing it that SHE will accept help if they have more kids and not that THEY will accept help? Thomas seems to do his share. Why leave him out of the equation?
It really gives an insight on how she sees this whole parenting thing. At least to me.
All I can think is that it will be a rude awakening when/if he leaves for the UK and she stays back with the child by herself.

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Yes to all of this!

As a society, are we not trying to move past women being the sole homemakers/minders/cooks/child-raisers?? As you said, Thomas appears to be very hands on as a father. What a slap in the face to him! She does nothing but disrespect him when it comes to the baby. Just because she's breastfeeding does not mean she's raising the child on her own. She makes out like the inlaws take him for a walk occasionally. If she wants help why not ask them to do this every day they're free? Because she doesn't really want help. She loves being the martyr
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Jesus he just won't shut his trap will he? Everytime I see that imaginary 143,000 families number floated around I have to laugh as it's been months now and none of those families seem to have access to a computer to sign this petition that will somehow magically save aviation for everyone 🤣🤣

A very small amount of pilots will probably be put on redundancy and he knows he's first out the door despite his thinking he's the one man representative for irish aviation. every other industry has had cuts too and earlier than this year, what made him think he'd be so special that flying/international travel, one of the biggest spreaders of the disease, would somehow be unaffected?

Does he honestly think anyone is going to feel sympathy for him after him and Melanie went to every rag they could find with a big sob story even though their situation is solely because both of them have made shit financial decisions on their own and are currently being saved by his family
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It's the "..wouldn't think twice about having an abortion." comment for me. How can Mel, a friggen author, not understand that people have inner monologs and may need to safe face in that kind of situation? Apparently she can read minds now and knows how women are internalizing traumatic events and procedures.

"Listens to different podcasts" is the most high school aged response she could have possibly had to that question.
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Don't even wanna count how many 'I's, 'I'm's or 'I've's are in that post :rolleyes:
Yes totally this. She can't seem to write a happy birthday post without making it all about her! Also we all know the truly happy people never need to prattle on about how in love they are, this post reminds me of the post influencers make before they announce a breakup or divorce 😂
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Came out of my Mel-coma to say you’re welcome Melanie, I was one of those giving you the idea of Thomas commuting to the UK instead of hauling your family over there.

On another note...I don’t really understand what they want. I think she values stability and that’s perfectly okay and normal. But everyone I know in the aviation field, from the ticket agents to flight attendants to pilots, are in the field partly because they love the instability and travel and get a rush from it all. I get that you get older and tend to value family and home a lot more, and pilots who have been flying for 10+ years are able to have more choice in their flights and schedules - however, the whole career is a lifestyle, not just a job.

This is coming from someone who worked at an airport for a short bit many many years ago, and has friends still in the field. A lot of people aren’t in it for the pay or the work that you do, but for the benefit of seeing the world. It’s hard to do if what you want is a nice, stable family in the suburbs.
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Does anyone else think it's evident that she wants to drink alcohol but has dug herself such a hole she now can't back out of it?
She's an asshole whether she drinks or not, the sooner she realises that the better.
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VIP Member
What is wrong with the woman? Just like the comment and move on or reply ‘I know I could eat him!!’ Like any normal mother lol. She’s such a freak it’s so weird to see this behaviour.
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Also so much for hiding his face. I've seen enough of it to figure out what he looks like. Could probably pick him out a line-up 🤣
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Iconic Member
There always has to be something wrong, always.
she can’t poo for 2 days, she goes to A&E. (I’ll never get over that)
gives herself intolerances and addictions and traumas out of thin air. Now she has a trapped nerve and the world is coming to an end.

it must be soul destroying to be around.
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She admitted she doesn’t know what to post anymore. Resorted to dead birds and bath clips 😂
At least she's finally admitted to it. I find that really funny for some reason, but then again everything she does deeply amuses me. 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡

Her whole channel used to be about sex sex sex and now she’s not having any anymore she has no content.
Perhaps she could consider an open marriage. Back to the days of crazy bisexual polyamorous Melanie. Oh, my mistake, women should be "sexually choosy" now to avoid getting abortions to pass the time. Back to the drawing board.
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Am I going to be petty? Yes.


People over the general undergrad age not putting pictures/posters in frames but sticking them on the wall/door is a genuine pet peeve of mine. I never claimed to be mature 😂👀
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VIP Member
Well, this is alarming.....

Also on the note of his twitter. He retweets the people who in turn retweet him. It's funny to me that Mel calls people out for circle jerking when that is the perfect description of Thomas's 'work twitter'. 😅
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Melanie: there are 4 areas of an apple pie that are important to wellbeing: life, body, mind, social. Life is about balancing those four. But I'm actually going to talk about a sneaky fifth extra, spiritual...

The metaphor is badly constructed for even her. What's spirituality, the custard?

Sorry for the double post but Jesus her victim complex is OFF THE CHARTS when she talks about how she was "twitter villain of the week". You mean when you promoted fascism and got called out Melanie? Not even remotely in touch with reality at this point.
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Size 12 ? Naturally settles into a size 12-14 when taking care of her body? Is she for real?! She very much looks like a slim size 10 to me.

That honestly comes across as a beg for everyone to say 'Oh but Melanie you look amaaaazing! Surely you're more like a size 8 or 10? I could only dreeeeam of looking like you after having a baby!'

Having a slight mum tum does not a mid size make.
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Chatty Member
I think it's evident she's struggling with motherhood. Every post about motherhood is tinged with passive aggressiveness and martyrdom.

The SA video she is clearly not doing great, reminiscing on her wild days of threesomes and magic mushrooms and ex boyfriend's. In the comments of that video someone said they hope she's okay and she made a snippy statement that tears shouldn't be confused with depression and that she was, in fact really happy.... yet the latest reel directly contradicts that...

I also seen this comment from Mel on the latest reel. She wants to start trying for another baby again, yet she's clearly struggling as is. She also mentions the possibility of moving country. She's not even considering it lets be real but needs to pretend to her followers so that she doesn't look selfish and like she's putting herself first, which she is... imo. Baby should come first.

If moving abroad was a possibility... surely the ball should have been rolling to make the move and adjust a good few weeks prior.
She wants another baby asap but also is struggling with lack of sleep, having no time, not being able to share her kids on SM, misses drinking alcohol and has no time to read books. Yes Mel, another baby sounds like exactly what you need right now. :rolleyes: She can’t even put a roof over the head of this one, how’s she gunna manage with Thomas gone and two kids in tow?
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How ironic that they are paying towards a car (that they bought during the pandemic when he was already not working full time) specifically for him to go to work. And now he won't be needing it and she won't be able to make use of it either as she can't drive. Money down the drain every month. Another instance of tip top planning 👌🏻
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Iconic Member
Oh fuck off, so we’re not being introduced to Eco-Mel.

I’m confused, they get take away coffee every day in skerries. Why is she pretending they don’t.

if you’re an adult calling an item like a coffee machine “she”
you need to grow the fuck up.

”I don’t believe in diets” - just calorie counting apps you’re paid to push then.
”my IBS has gone away” - you never had IBS. It was one of your phases that will come and go when you want to restrict again.
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