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She’s back already. I reckon her husband is going to be responding to any comments she doesn’t like on her behalf with his account she mentioned.
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Did anyone see her Instagram begging stories last night where she was literally begging followers to like & comment on her tiktoks videos?

She said "It's disheartening to put the effort in and reap no rewards"

If Mel was ALL about reaching just that ONE traumatised person and helping them, reaping no rewards, AKA, getting paid by tiktok for the views etc, wouldn't feature! The begging was absolutely cringe worthy! 🤮

The arrogance of Mel is astonishing, she says she has to have been shadowbanned as what else can it be?! Erm, people are utterly bored of her posting the same crap day after day and the majority are only there to catch the car crash drama! 🤣 The only person who cannot see that is Mel 🫣
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I’ve never known a creator on tik tok focus SO much on what others are saying about them, it’s like she’s really feeding off the negativity and tbf its almost like it gives her some kind of boost/excitement to make videos and talk about it 🥴🥴 comparing what’s said to her to what her mom said to her for 20+ years too it’s almost like she’s DESPERATE for her followers to not believe what the ‘trolls’ are saying and the way I see it, if she truly thought she was a good person, she wouldn’t need to guilt trip anyone into disbelieving what a handful of people who don’t even know her are saying about her online 🤷🏻‍♀️ surely her character alone should be enough but deep down she knows she’s not a good person and it’s almost like a battle at the moment for people to take her side strangely!

Also, one thing she doesn’t understand about tattle is that we keep what’s said ON THIS SITE, none of us go over to her comments or her lives and say anything so if anyone is commenting abuse on her stuff that’s purely the people that are following you Mel it’s nothing to do with what’s being said over here!
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Her face pisses me off now, because she constantly has this 🥺 expression. I think she's hoping with each video that some family members will retaliate, so she can then shriek 'SEE! THEY WONT LEAVE ME ALUUUUUNE' in her millionth tiktok of the day. Also, if I was her boss, I would've fired her months ago. I'd certainly query her "too anxious to work" excuses, when she's making endless tiktoks. Sometimes my anxiety is horrendous and I'll be awake all night with it. Still have to crack on ever day though, going to work, raising a family.

Honestly, it's time she got a life. Stop claiming you're happy. You're not. You're one of the most unhappy, superficial people I've seen on tiktok, and that's really saying something.
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The irony...

Mel has a social media account focused on criticising her family.

Her brother seemingly has a social media account where he criticises her.

But, she reports his page to the police because he talks about her!

And she thinks her page is acceptable!

You couldn't make it up! 🤣
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She’s actually really irritating me now. She’s wrote a comment saying it’s not her responsibility to monitor what kids can access but she’s spent months telling us her step kids are her responsibility and how much she does for them etc. I think she feels like she’s been caught out and knows it’s wrong to tell TikTok the literal days she has sex so is just doubling down and now looks even worse.
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I’ve just joined her live and fuck me I was bored. Only on it for 2 minutes bad think I lost a couple of brain cells and he looked bored shitless as well
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Chatty Member
oh dear… was it health anxiety, or tattle you wanted to talk about Mel?

thanks for answering a very selective few of the comments that suit you and your content.

It’s made me question your authenticity more, because you do open yourself up to some very large holes in your stories. See below:

You’ve confirmed that your grandma knew she was a very unwell woman, she also knew your mum was an arsehole and knew you were struggling horrifically between ages 17-19, thus had over 2 years to change the will, but decided 3 weeks before her death to do it, but never did it?

It doesn’t make sense to me, maybe it’s me? But I’ll leave it there and that’s all I’ll say on it.

I don’t talk about my trauma because I’ve done that in therapy, and I’m very much content and at peace with it. I hope that answers your question and I really do hope you get to the same place one day.

PS. You don’t need to repeat yourself, you have topics at the top of your page that does that for you- direct people to that!
Also if the grandma was terminally ill she probably had a power of attorney appointed, to deal with her affairs maybe , Mel's aunt or uncle . So changing the will wouldn't be an issue
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So, she goes to work and every lunch time instead of eating lunch at work she opts to go sit in her car and dwell on her 'traumatic past' for an hour.

In true dramatic Mel style today she had a panic attack on yet another of her trauma dwelling lives. She's posted thanking strangers for pulling her out of the panic attack that happened live on the Internet.

She doesn't even consider that if she'd eaten lunch in work and had a laugh with colleagues at her job that she says she loves, she might not have even had a panic attack, as she might not have been dwelling on her trauma! And, if she did have a panic attack at work, real people could have helped her.

Clearly Mel prefers the drama and attention from strangers online.

Guess it's not profitable having a panic attack at work 🙄


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When Mel doesn't get her own way she appears to regularly get angry, then sulks, then cries and tries to manipulate the narrative that she is a victim. What Mel is doing on tiktok was always going to cause her grief but she's a master at blaming everyone but herself.

Plus, she clearly hasn't seen other threads on tattle where mothers, fathers, uncles, whole families pictures are regularly found, shared and discussed on threads due to curiosity & calling out the morally reprehensible behaviour of their relative.
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Why does she look like she has 4 nostrils?? What are those black marks beneath both nostrils? Her talking about her facial hair makes me want to gag 🤮
I wouldn’t feel comfortable going to work looking like that 😂 each to their own though.

I do appreciate that she’s attempting going down the “honesty” route, but there’s still a filter on that video, when you zoom in on her forehead you can see it slip in and out. 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Fascinating how the actual law on child sexual abuse can be bent to suit some people's narrative.

@Bbang I see that your friend is getting called out again towards the end of today's troll video again.
I’ll have to unblock her and go screen record it. Honestly why can’t she just fucking leave her alone? She’s done enough damage.

News flash Mel when you don’t do you research and invite 30k people to pass comment and opinion on someone that you don’t know. Based on a bogus claim made by a gf of 8 weeks. Then laugh and refuse to delete the videos and hate comments, despite being asked to repeatedly. Yes that DOES make you complicit when you are made aware of what your followers have done and what the truth is. And instead of correcting your mistake, you choose to ignore this not only leaving the videos up but making more mocking the horrific effect you’ve had on multiple peoples lives.

You are not innocent in this.
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Apparently she never had a voice? 🤣🤣🤣

But, she told social workers,
She told teachers,
She told her friends,
She told her family,
She told multiple counsellors,
She told her aunt and uncle,
She told police,
She wrote blogs,
She wrote about it on Facebook,
She makes serial tiktoks about it.

Silenced? 🤣 Don't make me laugh!
*Oprah voice*

But Mel were you silent, or were you silenced 👀😂
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What a treat Sunday evening was, Wayne & Waynetta Slobs sat on their sofa
Both burnt to a crisp swigging from their beer cans, smoking, burping, swearing, saying the c word and shoving a pringle plastic top in her mouth for fun. What an insight into their "loved up life" that was! Not!
What we did learn is Mrs Bossy Boots won't let her husband watch films or TV apart from when Mel has American "Friends" on repeat all day every day!


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I’m going to say it, parenting was so much different back then- I’ve had my own very decent sized portion of childhood trauma and I resented my mother for years for it, there was a level of hate there too (I ended up in care). Now I’ve grown up, I’ve matured and gone on to have my own children and realise how lucky we are to have so much awareness and access to resources for help (not only with our children but also our own mental health). I love my mum, flaws and all.
Her mum probably is a narcissist. But, I think she’s beating a dead horse. if we all looked back, we could all dissect and tear up our childhoods/parents to shreds for what they did and how they brought us up. 😂
If she’s so content with life and in control- leave it alone now. Seriously what benefit is she getting my digging into her childhood?

I do think she’s going to look back on all of this and regret some of it (especially nieces and nephews). What a load of wasted energy.
I think you speak for many re childhood trauma, mine too was horrific and I left home at 15 never to return. There is so much I don't know and chose not to know as it serves no purpose now. No amount of documents will ever explain why her mother did what she allegedly did to her or her brother.
All the information she seeks is in her brain it just hasn't come out yet, I see it as the brains way of protecting us. She looked so unstable at lunchtime, simply because a document hasn't given her the information she requires. Regardless of what info she seeks and finds it won't ever be as much as what's in her own mind tucked away.
Someone who cares for her needs to tell her to calm the fcuk down and realise she cannot change the past. That, won't happen as she's surrounded herself with a bunch of enablers.
I bet somedays her husband dreads coming home from work, no wonder his 1st port of call is the fridge for a beer before listening to another Mel drama! She is exhausting and we only see a snapshot!

She honestly looked demented/delusional at lunchtime, such a massive over reaction and that was over 1 document! Scary! 😳
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Is she still doing those horrendous ‘fit checks’ with her too tight crop tops and seam bursting jeans ?
And dragging her husband in to do the same like he’s being held to ransom?
She sure is 🤣
Her husband looks to me like he's permanently suffering from Stockholm syndrome 😳
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We’re not trying to silence anyone Mel, but you are not the universal voice of trauma. You also have zero interest in helping anyone but yourself!
I am already anticipating the too anxious to go into the office video tomorrow even though we all know that alcohol exacerbates anxiety.
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Boom! Today's Mel grenade thrown squarely at anyone who calls Mel out.
Woe is Mel with bells on today!
The woman is a perpetual victim. Victimhood is a way of life for her. She chooses to absolve herself of responsibility for her actions. It's ok for her to say exactly what she wants about everyone else but she expects to do this without any consequences! As if! As always, DO as Mel says NOT as Mel does 🙄

Mel telling the world her mother had a termination was so wrong, telling the world her eldest brother sexually abused her middle brother is cruel & wrong, there are plenty more examples where she tells other people's private stories like its her place to tell them! These things have absolutely nothing to do with her alleged abuse and they show how cruel & nasty she is by sharing them on tiktok.

It's clear that she's only doing TikTok for the money, so she'll be back after a bit of sulking & sympathy like always.

Her posts are actually like Groundhog Day, her telling the same woe is Mel stories over & over & over, exposing private stories, repeat until people call you out, cry, sulk, back to buisness, repeat... 🙄
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Interesting how this woman says she would never talk about her sex life in front of her step children like her mother did in front of her husband, does she not realise how her step children will see what she says about her sex life with their dad because she says it all in tik tok! Saying what she says online is much worse than having a conversation indoors in my opinion.
How humiliating for those children that their step mother discusses her sex life on tik tok at all! As well as her mothers sex life and failings!
Her step children will see their step mother telling the world to get dicked.
Airing her mothers dirty laundry so much is getting tiresome, I think it's clear to see the mother is hypersexual and is clearly on the spectrum. Maybe she and her brothers are. None of hers or he families behaviour is normal that's for sure.
She is clearly desperate to air the families dirty laundry multiple times a daily. Some days there are more "insights" than you'd think possible. She doesn't seem to have a filter herself. It always looks like a race to spill as much tea as possible.
The whole family would benefit from seeing if they are on the spectrum, diagnosis and treatment might calm them all down.
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