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Many survivors of complex childhood trauma, myself included, have emotional dysregulation, I have met lots of people on various courses who struggle to regulate their emotions, they all sought to understand why they struggled and then they all wanted to move on to coping better, changing that behaviour so it made their life better. Mel seems absolutely stuck on blaming the people she says caused her trauma, she seems to keep wanting to say it was her mother's fault, it was her mother's fault, it was her mother's fault, then Woe Mel, Woe is Mel, Woe is Mel. We got that months ago and yet she's still banging that drum. Following her recent "performances" clearly her therapy didn't help her gain the skills to regulate her emotions very well.
She said in an old video that she wrote a blog 7 yrs ago re her abuse but the police made her take it down! someone else on here has alluded to her calling out family etc on Facebook over the years. Clearly she has been looking for a sympathetic woe is Mel audience for a very long time. Bit of a case of be careful what you wish for!
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She looks just like her mum 🫠👀

The husband looks miserable, she engages in so many subtle put downs and negative behaviour with him. It reminds me of the emotional abuse my ex would put me through, the way he was so clever at bullying me in public without being called out for overtly doing it.

He can do better. I hope he’s okay.
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Why’s she acting like she’s being trolled when she only has an 8 page thread filled with opinions? It’s not trolling!
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I completely agree. Notsubmissive has taken over this thread with their essays and if you don’t agree with what they say they’ll write an essay about you 😂 Only those who are agreeing with their comments can post on the thread it seems. If they are an advanced nurse and a complete stranger to Mel I think they need to book in some therapy themselves because to pick holes in another’s story and compare it to your own is dangerous and wrong. Fair enough offer a different perspective but you have went too far on a lot of your posts and you come across as a strange and nasty person. I enjoyed this thread til you took it over now it’s become something awful.
Changed tense half way through lol don’t mind me
wouldn’t say anybody has taken over the thread. Everybody is free to voice whatever opinions they like, that is the whole point of tattle.

I think your comments are quite hypocritical tbh..
You’re saying @notSUBmissive has taken over and shouldn’t pick holes in Mel’s stories and compare, but they can do what they like. If you don’t like it press ignore user 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I’m quite shocked how much she’s letting it bother her, I thought she’d have a look once and then say ah fuck it and not bother again but I can tell from her mentioning it so many times already she will keep tabs on it. Which to me shows she’s not who she says she is and still has a lot of work to do on herself so probably shouldn’t be on such a large platform. One thing she hasn’t addressed is her accusing someone of trauma dumping on her, not that I saw her say that myself but other people have mentioned it here and surely if it wasn’t true she’d say something along the lines of ‘everyone’s welcome to tell their stories on my page’.
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OMG, Narc Drama Queen Mel mode activated!!

Bringing her step children into this issue when another poster discovered she and her husband had their Facebook open exposing the children & apparently her husband had the town they live in on his profile!!! for goodness knows how long, how careless! So if her brother was going to come, he'd have come before now asher own husband posted where they live! 🙄
It is Mel that has chosen multiple social media platforms to expose herself and her family, she just annoyed it was super easy to find her family! She's also rattled that her family might use their right to reply and tell their side of this drama. I admitted I looked up her family because I was curious, nothing more.

The fact remains NONE of this would happen if Mel hadn't decided to expose her whole family's private information just to sell cheap tat! Mels choice to expose her step children, Mels choice to let them see their step mothers stories of "getting dicked" by their dad and seeing their real mothers slagged off by Mel online to the world!

For anyone new to reading here my issue with Mel is simple. She uses stories of sexual abuse & encourages other victims of sexual abuse into her safe space ALL BECAUSE she wants a large following to sell her tiktok shop tat!!!
It is insidious and abhorrent to me to use sexual abuse issues in such a way and I'm calling it out. I have absolute distain for any person who does such a thing. Most ppl who talk about sexual abuse online are either qualified and signposting others SAFELY & ARE NOT DOING IT TO SELL TAT 🤬🤬🤬
It’s taken for you posting her moms Facebook page and for us to comment their fb profiles are pretty much open for all eyes to see for her to realise it’s probably not acceptable having photos, one in particular of her husbands children in the sea topless (his son and daughter topless) on there for all eyes to see! She says her brother is a Pe*do and her husbands dad is one yet she finds it acceptable having pics like that of other peoples children on her open profile and we are the problem 😅😅 get lost five head Mel! You can’t be moaning about your mothers photo being shown and then in the next sentence saying ‘I’ve posted photos of my mother on here’ 🤦🏻‍♀️ the photo posted here was barely seen my anyone yet all her followers and more on tik tok have seen the photo she’s posted of her! Make it make sense!!!

Never known anyone SO defensive 😂😂 no one’s leaving anything Mel, so you crack on with your day chatting your bullshit lies and we’ll crack on with ours 👍🏼 How many creators have said they’re going to take down tattle 😅😅 Mel’s next on the list! Good luck with that chick!
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Yes. A screenshot of her mother’s fb showing her full name. It got removed pretty quickly by mods. Mel must watch this thread 24/7 though as she clocked it before it was removed and had made a video! I think going out of your way to find her family members on socials and stalk them is obsessive. They aren’t engaging publicly at all with Mel’s content so it really isn’t fair to invade their privacy.
Far from obsessive when Mel is putting out content on these family members day in day out really 🤔 she’s said herself in that video she was scared her brother would find her address and come murder her, she knows her family watch her socials yet she’s decided to make a video about something (that’s been deleted) knowing it could direct said family members to the thread to see where she exactly lives 🤔🤔 I think the only obsessive person here is Mel herself! This thread is pure content for her I don’t think she actually gives a shite if people know who her family members are!
Yes it was me, I posted a pic of her mother which was easily found on Facebook. I see other threads post pictures of allsorts of family members of content creators on every thread I follow. I really hope her family have their right to reply re Mels posts.

I'm not denying anything Mel. I posted a picture which got removed. I'm not stalking anyone, I spent a few minutes doing a quick search because Mel tells us so much about these people I was curious. The only reason Mel doesn't post more info, by her own admission, is because it would get her into trouble with the police, because of everything else she posts about them.
Don’t even worry about it lovely, not even denying the fact that I’d be interested in seeing what this evil mother looks like that she harps on about constantly 😂😂 I haven’t got the energy to search it out myself but would happily have a look if someone else posted it 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s been done plenty of times on this site!
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It's amusing how Mrs Know It All says she doesn't need therapy 🤣 I don't know anyone who needs it more than her! 😳

How many panic attacks has she had recently? How bad does she say shes been feeling about herself for ages? how many times does she keep saying she's going to throw the towel in? how clear is it to see her mood is affecting her life and her work? Etc etc.

When you hold onto trauma like she does and keep ruminating about it on multiple lives a day etc, and keep going back to it and talking about it every single day it's clear to see how she is deliberately dysregulating her own nervous system.

It's only when she doesn't get her own way that she sulks and throws her toys out of the pram like a child, the rest of the time she bizarrely looks like she's actually enjoying hurting herself?! She's so fudged up it's incredible! And she's willfully doing it to herself which is bizarre!!!

Also on tonight's live her selfishness showed itself massively. Her husband showed her his sore foot, she had a look, laughed and quickly got back to talking about herself like she always does. It was disgusting, the man's in pain, he needs his feet for work. She showed zero empathy, didn't say about finding him a chiropodist, she looked miffed something wasn't about her. She really is a narcissist.

What kind of woman won't spend £35 on her husbands sore foot to get it fixed when he has a manual job on his feet all day. If it was her with a sore foot she'd be taking a week off work, writing a poem about it, using crutches, sitting on her fat arse getting weighted on hand and foot, expecting flowers cards and gifts and crying into her phone everyday!!!🙄 Selfish woman!
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this woman is constantly on my fyp!!! she seems to have a very glass half empty view of life and rather than her vids coming across as a win/survivors story she's actually a bit dreary and depressing.... odd. also, is she only 30? im 37 and thought she was me age or even older.
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Mel has put her WHOLE family under scrutiny by exposing all of their secrets to the world, all because she wants attention. Step Children's Mothers got it, her whole family got it, today her husband is under scrutiny because she's told everyone her life story. Wait until her step children start getting involved, young people have alot to say!

All this drama ALL caused by desperately seeking attention Mel.
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my friend just sent me a link to another forum about Mel, and apparently someone is trying to get on tattle to “set the record straight”….

Also Mel, no one is “trying to find out where you live” hen. If you want to push that narrative, then go for it- it’s in black and white on here.

If you put as much energy into safeguarding your family on socials as you did on here, you wouldn’t have this issue.

nice to see the filter is still going strong.
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Talking of mother's with issues, my grandma behaved horrendous towards my mum, even when my mum left home & bought a house, my grandma bought one across the road from her to carry on her behaviour, so many ppl have parental issues.
Mel said snarkily last week that those of us who've suffered trauma clearly need to talk about it. I talked to my friends, my partner, a clinical psychologist & some self help groups. I've talked to plenty of relevant ppl confidentialy about my traumas and cannot understand Mels need to do what she is doing so publicly at all. I summise it's for tiktok infamy & money which as I've said, I think is low to use Sexual Abuse in such a way.

I thought she was scared of her brother finding out where she lived? My friend in Mirfield didn't know her but based upon things I told her that Mel has said online, she's told me the town she lives in which is about 4 miles from her hometown. So if I, a random online person online can work it out, surely her brother can! To me it looks like Mel is really goading her family, yesterday's video where she said the police have told me not to do it but I'm doing it anyway totally seems to sum Mel up.
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On her live last night, Mels stepson was on the live commenting so she knew he was there. She went on to talk about how she sits on her husband's face during sex, it was disgusting and as always it was wholly inappropriate. She knew her stepson was watching as he'd commented so I think the comment is to do with that and the implication is that it's even more inappropriate if Mel wrote the message as she thinks we are prudish for calling out her talking about her sex life and sexual abuse.
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She seems to think that you are the one share on all of her videos which are all on an Instagram account that she found. I think she thought that it was her brother, but from what I caught - she thinks it’s you.
She referenced us talking about where she lives and I think the thing where you said that you have a friend from the same area/city. Also you posting the picture of her mum.
I remember when she started going live whilst she was working and seeing her tell people where she lives and talking about meeting up with people.
I know! This thread was started in February and it moves slowly! I think the police are paying her lip service because she is a nuisance.
Thankyou for the explanation!
Why would I or anyone from tattle share her videos? Tattle is designed for us to come here and say exactly how we feel about people like Mel, everyone can clearly see how I feel about her. Sharing her videos, which anyone can see is futile in my opinion.

As for my friend, she sounds exactly like Mel, certain words and sounds etc, and that was to do with where she lived as a child, where Mel developed her accent, it isn't where she lives now as by her own admission she's moved a few times! So why was me guessing where her childhood accent is from an issue, it's just actress Mel making more drama where none exists!
If anyone has threatened her then of course the police should be investigating, but I've never seen anyone threaten her. I certainly haven't. Having heard sooooo much about her mother curiosity got the better of me. Nothing more. Funny enough, social media makes it so easy to look people up nowadays, especially people who constantly over share what should be private information.

Expressing an option on tattle isn't a crime despite Mel wanting it to be. I looked at some other big tattle threads the other day to see how many times a day individual people post about people on tattle and many people post many many times a day on the same thread. Far far more than I do.
This thread is so slow because Mel's tiktok is dying on its arse and as I consistently call out her behaviour I'm accused of stalking her despite posting 1 or 2 posts a day. She cannot abide anyone calling her out. As you know she utterly incensed me re her "abuse" stories, me spending less than 5 mins a day calling out a disgusting human being isn't stalking. It's my reaction to her actions on a site designed for me to do so.
I say everything I want to here on tattle, I can see her videos on tiktok so I have no need to post anything on Instagram. Anyone who wants to see Mel being called out would come to tattle, not Instagram.

I didn't see her early lives so I didn't see her sharing where she lives. She's not the sharpest tool in the toolbox so it doesn't suprise me. So many contradictions with her. No-one who feared their sibling like she says she does would fill social media with years of posts seemingly designed to make him angry!

Blaming me for imaginary things won't stop me calling out her behaviour on a site designed for calling out such behaviour! 🙄

Mel is a drama queen with a drama degree, she's an actress, so many people forget that where she is concerned 🙄
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*** Trigger Warning ***

It's funny you should mention about her tiktoks not been appropriate for children, does anyone remember the post screenshotted below where throughout the whole tiktok she laughs HYSTERICALLY that "she and her husband initially BONDED over the fact they were both related to paedophiles!"
It's a whole different issue when it's a private joke behind closed doors, but imagine a sexually abused child or adult searching online for some guidance and "help" (because Mel is doing all this to help others) & they stumble across Mel hysterically laughing at paedophilia!!! 🫣

I say this without diminishing any sexual abuse survivors experience, but it's tiktoks like this that clearly show she was not penetraviely sexually abused to the extent many people like myself and others have been, because if she had she would not be laughing hysterically at paedophilia and risking causing damage to them by laughing and joking about the issue in a public arena where ANYONE in any frame of mind, can see her performance. Any child seeing this tiktok wouldn't understand why the paedophilia they are heartbreakingly enduring is so funny.

Mel doing all this for others? Don't make ME laugh 🤬
I understand what you mean, but I think it was more a ‘what are the chances?’ dark humour thing rather than his father and her brother being pedophiles funny. But from someone stumbling across that video or her giving details of her sex life, it doesn’t give the impression of being a safe space.
- - -
She still sees herself as a victim which if she was speaking from as accepting a place as is possible with trauma healing, I wouldn’t expect (and I use that term loosely) her to see herself as a victim. My therapist asked me if I wanted to feel like a victim forever. If it was harder to live and feel how I was or to go through the pain and see what is at the other side. That sounds harsh but it was said from a caring place! The grieving process is hard - to grieve the childhood that you didn’t have and what could have been. Mel is still a victim. She wants people to feel sorry for her and to show her love. The internet isn’t the place for that! She isn’t speaking from a learned, reflective place so she can’t give hope to anyone. She wouldn’t care who believed her.
And if you don’t think or talk about trauma outside of TikTok, why did you say that you aim to film three videos a day and act out situations from the past? 🤔
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Been following this thread for a while now and I have to chirp in, before I explode with irritation. If you played 'drink a shot every time Mel says trauma', you'd be unconscious in 2 minutes. Her whole identity is her trauma and the last couple of months it's been built into such a huge thing, that when you actually go back to look at what her 'trauma' is, it's an anticlimax. She talks like she's escaped a prison, or her family tried to do her in. Her mum was an asshole. She seems to try to beat every other living person with her trauma stories, it's revolting. And her husband seems consumed with adoration for her, but she honestly treats him like shit. The whole thing gives me the biggest ICK and something just seems massively off about the whole thing. Id love to hear from other people in her life, just to have some other perspective. Also, does she ever go to work anymore?! She seems to be on live ALL. THE. TIME. TaLkiNg aBouT hEr TraUmA aNd tHiNGs heR mUM dID.
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I signed up to Tattle initially for another creator who sensationally slid down the TT rabbit hole. Mel is very similar . Obsessed with TT. Goes on live as soon as she can. Loves the sounds of her own voice and won’t accept anyone else’s view point if different to hers. She knows everything. I do wonder why she feels so important as a step mum? So many people are step parents, it’s not that special. She thinks she’s soooo good at it though. Desperately seeking validation again.
And that’s Mel really, a drama queen (Funny that’s what her degree is in!) desperately seeking attention and needing to be seen as amazing. She’s actually quite a sad pathetic character.
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Delia Smith

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I think my comments riled her too.
At 30, it’s time to realise better fitting clothes (clothes that actually fit your body, who cares if they are a size 18 which she seems offended by)would look a hell of a lot more flattering and even slimming than teeny crop tops and boob tubes.
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Here's what I really don't understand about Mel.

By revisiting her perceived "traumas" everyday, Mel is repeatedly choosing to to go back to incidences of pain that she suffered.

That is like returning into the fire after you have spent so long recovering from being badly burned.

It's bizarre and the more she revisits her "traumatic past" the more I question her version of reality as no one so traumatised would want to deliberately immerse themselves in so much pain so many times a day?

Never seen anything like her behaviour at all, something definitely not right about her whole story. Who apart from Mel gets off on been called a victim and who deliberately chooses to be immersed in their trauma rather than living their life?
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