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Interesting how this woman says she would never talk about her sex life in front of her step children like her mother did in front of her husband, does she not realise how her step children will see what she says about her sex life with their dad because she says it all in tik tok! Saying what she says online is much worse than having a conversation indoors in my opinion.
How humiliating for those children that their step mother discusses her sex life on tik tok at all! As well as her mothers sex life and failings!
Her step children will see their step mother telling the world to get dicked.
Airing her mothers dirty laundry so much is getting tiresome, I think it's clear to see the mother is hypersexual and is clearly on the spectrum. Maybe she and her brothers are. None of hers or he families behaviour is normal that's for sure.
She is clearly desperate to air the families dirty laundry multiple times a daily. Some days there are more "insights" than you'd think possible. She doesn't seem to have a filter herself. It always looks like a race to spill as much tea as possible.
The whole family would benefit from seeing if they are on the spectrum, diagnosis and treatment might calm them all down.
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Wait until Mel finds out there’s another thread on a site about her! She’s going to lose her mind. Used to think her tik toks were ok but she’s just so nasty and fake. You can’t do social media if your going to cry every time somebody don’t ageee with you. Mel my dear. Go touch grass. 😘
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I think we saw a glimpse of the real Mel on last night's angry video. He face, her language, she hides the real Mel and with her acting skills she puts on a fake persona, she is not nice! As for criticising anyone who spends a few mins a day on here she says as soon as she stops filming she forgets about her abuse and goes back to normal? Hmmmm so 4 hours on a live several nights a week is normal? Wasting the polices time is normal? Talking about all of this to her husband on every tea time live is forgetting about trauma and being normal. Mel you are a liar, a prolific liar who wouldn't withstand 5 seconds of a barristers cross examinarion because you lie!

Here's a screenshot of a glimpse of the real Mel behind the facade.
Bang on! How can she say once she comes of she goes back to her normal life when she forces her husband to be on tik tok live from the moment he walks in from work until they go to bed!!!

She can’t control people on here talking about her so she’s trying to scare us off with mention of the police, each video she’s posted about it she’s said ‘you might aswell give it up’ very very smug for someone who claims to want to help others! If you look back through her comments on videos you can see just how rude she is to people who don’t always agree with her! She’s a vile LYING bully by the sounds of it from the person up above who said her friend has suffered at the hands of Mel! It doesn’t surprise me with how she’s coming across!
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One of the most common signs of a narcissist is a constant need for praise and admiration. Narcissists need to feel validation from others and often exaggerate their accomplishments for recognition. Today was a perfect example, Mel filming herself buying and wrapping gifts AND another video baking a cake and a video to summise the two narcissistic gift videos 🙄
3 VIDEOS just to get 3x worth of praise!

She desperately needs to exaggerate her behaviour & to feel appreciated which boosts her ego.
Mel cannot miss an opportunity to show what a wonderfully wonderful person Mel is 🤣

Something we all do once a year is buy birthday presents for people we love. Mel HAS to film it like she is uniquely kind, to show what a wonderful selfless person Mel is 🙄
It is so transparent that the mother in law videos are about Mel showing off her need for recognition AND more importantly they are to rub it in her mother's nose that Mel has a new mum to buy gifts for. There is an agenda behind everything Mel does. An absolute narcissist through and through.
Pathetic Mel, Absolutely Pathetic.
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Delia Smith

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God I hope not. She’s very strange looking. I suppose her husband thinks she’s attractive which is the main thing …..
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“There are 10 people who don’t like what you’re doing” no babes they just can’t get on as the tiktokkers thread is closed to newbies 🤣
She was supposedly worried about the above happening but ignored her actual own behaviour which I believe is tantamount to emotionally abusing her nieces and nephews. She does this by causing them untold damage by over exposing their private family information to huge audiences, by oversharing & talking about the children's alleged dirty underwear, their alleged poor hygiene & all the other very personal information she exposed in her attention seeking posts about them. More things that we, complete strangers, should not know. Things they could get bullied for. Things that could destabilise their family.
Telling tiktok that information about those children was in no way protecting them, it was malicious & abusive.
This! Just because her general followers don’t know her nieces or nephews, it doesn’t mean others dont. Kids have tiktok, as much as she wants to deny it, it’s a fact, I see some of my friends kids on there. Mel has a recognisable face so any school friend that’s met her are going to know who she’s talking about and then rumours start and before you know it you’ve got kids being bullied for being dirty or because their dads a n.

I’m all too aware that her family are scum but what she shouldn’t do is drag down innocent children in the process (or even adults, such as andrews exs)
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Mel’s head circumference must break records
Are we allowed to comment on appearance? No judgement, genuine question because I’ve been really holding in what a funny looking fucker she is
This is a screen shot from Comment Cafe, read the comment below mine and you’ll see the context! Her stepson was in her live last night where she was talking about sitting on his dads face knowing full well her 18 year old step son was listening in! When someone mentioned on CC that she knew he was in the live and still spoke with a sexual tone someone on the other website commented that one I reposted earlier! I didn’t say Mel said it but it was obvious Mel and her husband was in commenting on the other site last night when that comment was posted!
But how was her step son on her live ? She’s repeatedly said her step kids will never see this stuff 🤔 this is the thing about compulsive liars, they can’t keep up with the lies
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I get that each person trauma is bad to them & it's not a competition but I agree with you re her trauma. Many people have been through alot worse than Mel and deal with it much better than she does, and most don't need to liable others to recover.
I too would be interested in hearing the other side to her "stories" as I see her as a drama queen!
The problem with Mel is her followers seem to believe her every word, I don't.
Her stories are her interpretation of her past but it doesn't mean it's true.
She's currently on a live with her husband at midnight on tik tok! Imagine being so happy with your new husband / home / life etc that you feel the need to go live with strangers all day including at midnight in your home? 😂
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It’s always good to lend a listening ear to those that need it, but it should stop there.
Mel has a degree is drama, and no two traumas are the same. The only advice she should be giving is to seek professional help and provide contacts.
Honestly with the type of stuff she’s talking about it really is a risky giving people advice that will most likely require proper medical help
Am I right in thinking the first time she’s mentioned the three having hearing aids is only now after it’s been discussed on here?
Correct!!! Also noticed she’s taken the filter off since someone mentioned the other day that she’s still using the filter! She’s obsessed with reading on here 🙈
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I've gotta try stay awake all day as I'm not in work tonight & need to try sleep normally. I could spend my day living in the past, blaming everyone and anyone for my lot in life, exposing other people's traumas online, but instead I choose to write this message, go out for lunch with friends, and live in the moment.

I could however get to lunch early, park up and do an impromptu expose on anyone & everyone who's ever hurt me over the decades 🫣🙄, but I choose not to. I choose to let the past go. I trust that anyone who needs awareness re these issues will goto safe regulated people to help find their answers.

Moaning Mel just cannot function without blaming others, today she "nearly didn't" get to work due to hurty truths on a site she DOESN'T read! Fact is you either did or you didn't make it into work & according to your post, you did so pipe down and try spending a day not blaming others for how you feel! 🤥🙄
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She said on a live a few weeks ago that she is bi sexual? Did anyone else hear that?
Also revealed Andrew's dad is a nonce?
Wow she certainly knows how to tell a story
I wonder how her step children feel about hearing that?
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It’s her stepdaughter’s birthday but she makes everything about herself, how she feels, how she is perceived, the card she received etc etc. The mention of her stepdaughter’s birthday is a passing comment at the start of the video. Definition of a narcissist. She’s fucking dull as ditchwater isn’t she.
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Hope your Nightshift (aka unemployment) was ok! 😂😂 I'm also constantly at work, or raising children. And I HAVE to go to work every day. Can't stay home cause iM tOo anXioUS foR tHE offiCE. She needs to spend less time obsessing over what strangers say about her on a 'troll site' and more time worrying about how she's treating actual people in her actual life. Like her husband, and the mums of her step kids who's pants she's totally pulled down on tiktok 🥴🤦🏼‍♀️

I feel really sorry for those kids mums, obviously we don’t know the truth of how anybody has been or acted. But I do know she (at first) so like last November/December absolutely destroyed them on her TikTok. And I do firmly believe everyone has the right of reply, I do not condone punching down via the means of social media, or at all.

I find it very odd that these stepmums preach about being better in every way, yet engage in this bully boy behaviour with the mums. It’s very distasteful and every time I see it I raise an eyebrow and immediately want the other side of the story. Which usually is a story of a mum who has dealt with repeated overstepping, bullying and harassment from these stepmums.
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I’m really sorry your friend had to go through that and it’s a shame more people aren’t aware of what a massive liar, manipulator and hypocrite she is. Her TikToks aren’t getting much traction or engagement any more so I think people are putting two and two together and coming to a conclusion of ‘wtf’. Anyone talking about sitting on their husbands face when their stepson is in the chat is grim, I don’t care whether he’s 18 or not, it’s highly alarming and a massive red flag in my opinion.
She’s thankfully doing much better now. Has a new job and in therapy, and has the support of the kids safeguarding lead and social services. But I’ll ever forget the panic in her voice, how she called her ex to let him know what his gf had written to Mel about her. It was shaking and she was holding back vomit. And then the videos about her started, full of the gf lies and degrading comments. And (let’s call her S after her nickname) S had no right of reply. Even though she did make her own videos in response. I hope she makes them public to be honest, and tells the world what these two bitches did.

I keep saying I’ll copy and paste her message on but the abusive ex and idiot gf like to bully her via the children. And the gf stalks literally everything she does, it’s insane. She’s probably even reading this, because that’s how bad her stalking is. So she’s reluctant, I think she’s trying to get her own account to detail what Mel did to her. I hope she does because it’s absolutely foul. Mel states that people are cowards and she says it how it is. That’s funny because she definitely blocked my friend before she made these videos. Then doxxed her in the comments and let the threats sit in her comment section. She had to mass block and change her name on everything. When that didn’t work she deactivated for a while. We all mass reported them and it seemed to work and TikTok removed them.

This is how I was introduced to Mel and frankly she needs to be deplatformed, fast. She’s a garden variety narcissistic bully. And karma seems to be finally doing some good.
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It really is.

I can imagine when I was in my most vulnerable state with PTSD/OCD etc., I’d have watched someone like her, I’d have taken her words as gospel and if it wasn’t working, I’d have blamed myself and spiralled/done something silly.

These are such vulnerable people and mental health isn’t something to profit off or get views for.

I’m really not for it, seriously if she cared, she’d tell them to get proper help.

She’s not exactly stable herself either,.,
She acknowledged that she’s not a professional, but I agree with you. She should be signposting them not offering unqualified advice for attention and money. She has already criticised the Samaritans and complained about people messaging her. Now she is trying appear to be helpful to avoid criticism.
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From reading Mels comments, it appears Mel is doing what she does just incase a random child /teenager is feeling traumatised and alone & needs to see a vaping, beer drinking, ever growing woman have multiple meltdowns on tiktok. The child/ teenager will see posts telling them to "get dicked" and will be told about a strangers intimate sex life regardless of any trauma the child/teenager has suffered.
They will be shown in great repetitive detail how to live in the past, talk constantly about the past and how to keep the past in their present so it affects their everyday life.
It's quite alarming to read that Mels content is aimed at any traumatised children and young people! 😳
Her page is far from child/young person friendly!!!
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Going back to the pancake making video a few days ago, did anyone else find it creepy that the husband was just stood in the background watching her make pancakes looking thoroughly miserable? I cannot put my finger on it but their relationship dynamic is really bizarre.


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Delia Smith

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this woman is constantly on my fyp!!! she seems to have a very glass half empty view of life and rather than her vids coming across as a win/survivors story she's actually a bit dreary and depressing.... odd. also, is she only 30? im 37 and thought she was me age or even older.
It’s the forehead creases for me. Or fivehead in Mel’s case
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Today's "period" tiktok demonstrates how crass, rude, vulgar, disgusting and crude Mel is!!!

Nobody needs to know the intimate details of her monthly period! 🫣🤮

Someone I once knew described someone else as "rough as arseholes" and I thought it was an awful way to describe someone, that was until I saw Mel's tiktoks! She is the person that description fits! The description certainly fits her better than any of her ill fitting t-shirts!

She apologised for having a whinge despite actually whining and whinging everyday! 🙄

What an odious insufferable person she is! It's absolutely no wonder she has no friends! She is embarrassing on every level! She has a potty mouth, she looks grubby and all she has to talk about is her past, what a catch she is NOT! 🤮🫣🤮🫣🤮🫣
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Wow, MORE do as Mel says but not as she does! Mel cannot understand why women pull other women down!

Is she for real!

Wasn't it Mel who joined pulling down @Bbang friend a few months ago?
Haven't we witnessed Mel cruelly pull her mother down by sharing her private info re having a termination, or saying her mother, who actually is another woman, looks like jabba the hut, issues which have absolutely nothing to do with their relationship issues! Just Mel being nasty about another woman!

Mel you are a dirty hypocrite! Perhaps people give you a bit of what they've seen you give others! Perhaps people come on your page and get converted to being as negative and nasty as you as your page as your page is full of your negative past!

Mel just cannot cope with people calling her out, her response repeatedly telling everyone to go fcuk themselves shows how inarticulate, how common and how nasty she is.

If her husband had any balls he'd refuse to sit staring into her phone all evening looking docile, he'd be suggesting they get a life, have some fun together, relax, maybe go do some exercise, read, anything other than invite random strangers into their home to dwell on the past all evening.

I cannot imagine sitting with a bunch of strangers from getting in from work to going to bed! Then again it's clear he doesn't stand up to her as he looks scared of her! Maybe he's relieved it's not just him having to listen to her whine on and on and dwell on the past on his own.

Mel you are a complete hypocrite, you create a negative space dwelling on negative pasts and negative people, you heavily criticise other human beings and their looks yet you expect others to be all nice and positive!

You are deservedly reaping what you sow it seems!
Yes it was her. And coincidentally a day or so after I posted the ins and out of Mel’s attack on here of a SA and domestic violence victim and her inane defence of the angry, unstable gf of a few months that was lying, stalking and harassing my friend. Said video mysteriously vanished. She’s left one of them up but deleted the worst one. Interesting really, because when she was originally asked to take it down by everyone involved she refused. So why now? Perhaps she realised the new gf hoodwinked her. Or most likely she realised she didn’t want people to know she actively participated in the post separation abuse of an already traumatised woman and her children. Simply by virtue of my friend being a ‘birth mother’ and the new gf of a few months calling herself a ‘step mother’.
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