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Can I ask what actually happened between Mel and your friend? I know that you have already said but I was confused because it seemed a bit convoluted. Apart from it being something to do with an ex partner.
I’ve asked her to simplify it so I’ll copy and paste when she sends it over.
Can I ask what actually happened between Mel and your friend? I know that you have already said but I was confused because it seemed a bit convoluted. Apart from it being something to do with an ex partner.


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I have a friend who has Waardenburg Syndrome, Mels features actually reminds me of her. I genuinely don't think she even considers that she has Waardenburg syndrome, as she seems in denial about her widely spaced eyes?

The most obvious waardenburg symptoms in her I see are -
Her widely spaced eyes.
Her pale blue eye color.
Her hair turning grey in her 30s
She says she has IBS, but it could be the gastrointestinal issues associated with Waardenburg Syndrome.
I always thought she looked like Sid from Ice Age tbh 🤷🏼‍♀️😅
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We’re not trying to silence anyone Mel, but you are not the universal voice of trauma. You also have zero interest in helping anyone but yourself!
I am already anticipating the too anxious to go into the office video tomorrow even though we all know that alcohol exacerbates anxiety.
She getting sozzled and playing Fortnite again then? Like she's 17 😂😂 she'll work from home tomorrow then, with anxiety. And spend the day on tiktok, deep throating the straw on her gifted cup 😂😂
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Sharing the messages between her and the therapist is a bit fishy ! Surly that breaks the professional code of conduct . My sister is a therapist and often deals with patients who see her as a friend how ever she has to have clear boundaries in place
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I wonder why she never talks about the therapy she's had and the tools she's used to help overcome her past. When I saw her page originally I really thought it would be a place where people healed together.
Shes not interested in anyone else's problems at all, she recently accused people of "trauma dumping" on her by sharing their stories in her safe space. I'd never heard of that term but think it's quite cruel in terms of people who saw her safe place as a place to open up and share. She definitely only wants to tell her story. I feel sorry for anyone who shared their story with her and has been accused of trauma dumping. They must feel hurt, I would if I'd opened upto her.
In terms of the amount of posts she rushes out every day, I didn't realise she was on a mission to get famous quickly, to get freebies etc. That's even worse.
I cannot put my finger on it but there's something not right with her imo.
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Interesting how many commenters on her page have read the thread 😂 Why are people so pressed when they learn that professionals post on here? Wait, do they think we’re all ex Jeremy Kyle guests with a lower IQ than Homer Simpson? Wrong my love, you would combust if you knew where I worked. But that’s the point you see, you don’t - this is an anonymous forum where individuals can express an opinion. It’s not trolling - stop making the sweeping statement that we are ‘trolls’. It’s such a lazy response to criticism. I’d also like to add that these ‘creators’ read their threads out of free will, no one forces them too. I have never nor would I ever comment on her page - but I reserve the right to express an opinion as and when I see fit in here with other intelligent rational individuals. Don’t like it? Fuck off. But don’t paint us as deranged mad women on here, that’s just a dull old narrative to justify your own sense of self worth when we point out the harsh truth.
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get the gossip

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I find it very odd that these stepmums preach about being better in every way, yet engage in this bully boy behaviour with the mums. It’s very distasteful and every time I see it I raise an eyebrow and immediately want the other side of the story. Which usually is a story of a mum who has dealt with repeated overstepping, bullying and harassment from these stepmums.
Bit of a rant about my own personal experience of being step-parented….
My parents split up when I was too young to know any different. I always remember my dad’s new partner (who he’s no longer with) being lovely to us for the weekends we were there, and my dad referring to her as “the girls’ second mum”. I remember thinking as a 5/6 year old that that was an odd thing to say as she was not my mum and we hadn’t known her all that long at the time. And even years later despite never disliking her she was still NOT our mum. It never particularly annoyed me or upset me but I did find it odd, and sort of like she was clinging onto a game of playing happy families, all for show. Looking back now though as a mother myself, I have new admiration for my mum hearing these comments and holding back the rage she must’ve felt! I also kind of think to myself how dare they have the audacity to think they could compete with my actual mother who made so many sacrifices for us, raised us on her own and showed up for everything not just the fun parts… and without ever badmouthing our dad and stepmum in front of us.

No beef with the majority of step mums, but I do get the ick when it feels like the birth mothers (as Mel calls them) are having this perfect social media family life rubbed in their face, when they are doing the majority of the hard work of raising the kids.
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I haven’t joined that other forum as I can’t handle 2, but I dipped in to look earlier and that wakey wakey posted an odd screenshot, then deleted it. Is this from Twitter?

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I don’t know why she’s bringing more attention to the accusations and the other forum, she has 300+ people on live 🤦🏻‍♀️

Her older stepkid seems to be aware of the situation as they’re on the live, I feel so bad for them
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I’m struggling to understand what’s wrong too! Plenty of threads on here have screenshots of people’s Facebook pages 🤷🏻‍♀️ what else is expected when you make your entire content about someone, of course people are going to be interested about who’s been spoken about! I could understand if people’s exact addresses were being posted on here like door number and street etc, that’s stalking! Looking at someone’s Facebook page is far from stalking!
I've seen so many similar posts on here too. I hold my hand up I was curious, disgusted by everything and grimly fascinated by the car crash we are witnessing. This whole debacle of Mel using allegations of sexual abuse for financial gain has really stirred up emotions for me and Mel would 100% post family pictures herself and she said she would but she said she'd get arrested if she did due to her brother, accusing her of harassing him.
What sort of person tells the world their mother has had a termination??? Mel does!!! What has that got to do with Mel or anyone??? Was she respecting her mums right to privacy when you overshared that information, I think not.

The picture I posted has gone, I respect everyone's opinions on the matter, it was my choice to post it
However, Mels expose on her whole family & anyone who's crossed her remains online for the world to read, see and watch forever, because not only is it all overshared with malice, it's all acted out like the soap opera Mel is trying to make it.

Mel loves self made drama, it's her modus operandi, and she'll dine of this for days because she loves blaming other people and taking zero accountability herself.

I only know what I know because of what Mel has herself overshared. When she does her drunk lives she reveals allsorts, I told my friend a couple of places Mel & her husband mentioned on their live and my friend knew straight away where she lives now. I haven't posted that information. There is so much I haven't posted. Because a quick 5 min search online yields allsorts when you post your life online! 😳😳😳

I find it absolutely hilarious that Mel talks about "peoples right to privacy!" 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

She also talks about the "audacity".
Funnily enough, what kind of woman has the "audacity" to use alleged sexual abuse, by talking about alleged sexual abuse, so she can flog cheap plastic tat for money once her alleged sexual abuse chats gain traction? Mel has the audacity to do that!!! 🤬🤬🤬

I posted a picture out of curiosity, nothing more nothing less. I see similar family members pictures all over this tattle when discussing the immoral behaviour of their relatives who insidiously use ANY MEANS to flog tat to their followers. I have never seen ANYONE go as low as Mel though, a woman who uses alleged sexual abuse to flog tat. 🤬🤬🤬
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THANKYOU for the support everyone 👍❤

As an advanced nurse & SA survivor I have seen way too much abuse and too many abused childrens broken bones. Mel has the luxury of not seeing such cruelty and physical abuse up close & personal. She is too blinkered and busy trying to profiteer from her "trauma" and she is too busy living in her attention seeking cycle of woe is Mel ness. If we all reacted to trauma like Mel does the world would come to a halt!

She shows absolutely zero consideration for the majority of trauma victims who choose to live their lives without attention seeking and who save their healing for therapy sessions where trained professionals can help them heal & risk assess them.
Mel is desperately trying to normalise tiktoking a childhood she hazily remembers & tiktoking a public critique of services who tried to help the "old Mel"
She is desperate to build a community of sycophants who revel in her attention seeking woe is Mel behaviour.
She's tried grifting with step family posts, she's tried grifting birth control posts and BINGO for Mel, she's hit the follower jackpot with slagging off her family & trying to dress it up under "abuse posts" for likes, gifts & £££

What she does is selfish and dangerous
and if she cared one jot about real trauma victims she would create her channel very very differently, and she definitely would not rub her marital "intimacy" in vulnerable peoples faces so gleefully!

Isn't it interesting how EVERY close family member & 99% of external agencies involved in Mels life have ALL wronged her?!
The Samaritans
Crisis Teams
People who all trained for years, volunteered for years, so that Woe Is Mel could blame them for her issues!

Having admitted online MANY TIMES how she is now a completely different person to who she was a few years ago, she still HEAVILY CRITICISES all the above agencies without reflecting on who Mel was when they were in her life, & perhaps how challenging she was to try & help when she was a different Mel to the one she says she is today.
Because if what we now see is the "good" side of Mel, I'd hate to see the "bad" Mel all those agencies had to deal with!

This isn't "victim blaming" this is applying common sense to a woman who, by her own very public behaviour, is very clearly out for attention at the expense of anyone and everyone in her life. A woman who has no compulsion in blaming her 30 years on earth on everyone else because she's a "victim"

I take accountability for my actions in life, being a SA survivor does not give me free reign to blame everyone around me!

It appears that after years of trying to find a platform of sycophants to listen to her on a revolving loop of attention seeking posts, she has found tiktok. Her sycophants forget they're only hearing one side of "the story" they are not seeing this woman has a clear agenda and they are not seeing how much damage she is causing to SA survivors who have yet to find their voice. If this tiktoker has anything to do with it they never will dare speak to any of the above agencies, who for all their successes & failings (yes they are human) they have survivors interests at the heart of what they do, far far more than an attention seeking drama queen with a selfish agenda on tiktok does.
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Why are we getting the blame when it blatantly sounds like someone that she knows? It’s probably her brother again.
The whole point of tattle is we air our annoyances on here. Why the fuck would we message her anonymously when we know she’ll read it here anyway 😂
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genuine question, does she have a job? she just seems to either be on tiktok live all day or sitting in a car doing videos
Yeah she is a ‘billing executive’ for a Telecoms company. Cushy job with very little to do going off the lives she used to do on her employers time!
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If she rang them and asked they’d tell her to stay away. It’s honestly not worth it to a business to have the bad publicity of someone catching it so she’s defo full of shit.
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Oh yeah, I’m not talking about you! It has been an opinion of mine for a long time having seen how people with a BPD diagnosis have been treated by the NHS and how difficult it is to get it changed to CPTSD. There are so many stories on social media of people being treated as a problem. I hope it is due to underfunding, but there does seem to be some people who are working in NHS mental health services who shouldn’t be.

The symptoms are the same!
I have CPTSD from my ex and what he did to me. The symptoms are 100% the same, also if you’re a neurodivergent woman you’ll likely be told you have BPD first too. The NHS is a great thing but it fails women OFTEN.
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Thought she was having a break from TikTok. Didn’t she announce her epic flounce from the app? 😂 Lasted maybe a day lol
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I am genuinely really sorry you went through that. No child should have to experience one iota of this and i am glad that the police took you seriously and dealt with this properly.

I do think you may be letting your hatred of Mel cloud your judgement. Just because your case was taken seriously doesn’t mean others are, it’s not one size fits all. I think it’s pretty common knowledge that SA reports and the success of them going further are pretty hopeless in the UK.

I’ve noticed you bring up her SA quite graphically a couple of times now, I don’t think it’s necessary to recount others experiences in such a way and it didn’t bare any relevance to what you were saying. Mel is many things but there is no correct way to act following an SA and I think it can be quite triggering to others who have been through a similar thing when you start berating her experience and how she’s handled it. There’s plenty of other shitty things she’s done without being so vocal on such a controversial and sensitive topic
Is this not what Mel is doing though? Clouding judgement on the success stories of historical SA experiences?

I will never not understand a perpetrator admitting to SA’ing someone (the victim reporting it too) and the police not doing anything? Maybe she needs to speak more on it.

Mel really needs to stop blaming everyone for everything and take some accountability, particularly her work situation. Everything is “toxic”, I feel like she goes out of her way to find it and twist it. I’d be scared being her friend.

I do think she’s moved on a bit and now focuses on her mother being a total narcissist because I think the footfall is dropping on the SA stuff
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It’s quite rare for a successful tiktokker to not have a tattle thread. Not sure what she was expecting if she wants to grow her account
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I am genuinely really sorry you went through that. No child should have to experience one iota of this and i am glad that the police took you seriously and dealt with this properly.

I do think you may be letting your hatred of Mel cloud your judgement. Just because your case was taken seriously doesn’t mean others are, it’s not one size fits all. I think it’s pretty common knowledge that SA reports and the success of them going further are pretty hopeless in the UK.

I’ve noticed you bring up her SA quite graphically a couple of times now, I don’t think it’s necessary to recount others experiences in such a way and it didn’t bare any relevance to what you were saying. Mel is many things but there is no correct way to act following an SA and I think it can be quite triggering to others who have been through a similar thing when you start berating her experience and how she’s handled it. There’s plenty of other shitty things she’s done without being so vocal on such a controversial and sensitive topic
I completely agree. Notsubmissive has taken over this thread with their essays and if you don’t agree with what they say they’ll write an essay about you 😂 Only those who are agreeing with their comments can post on the thread it seems. If they are an advanced nurse and a complete stranger to Mel I think they need to book in some therapy themselves because to pick holes in another’s story and compare it to your own is dangerous and wrong. Fair enough offer a different perspective but you have went too far on a lot of your posts and you come across as a strange and nasty person. I enjoyed this thread til you took it over now it’s become something awful.
Changed tense half way through lol don’t mind me
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