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**Trigger Warning **

In her latest video, all in one sentence Mel says

"my brother sexually abused me when I was 9 years old and he is now a convicted paedophile"

That sentence, which she's said MANY times before is clearly designed to imply she was raped as a child and is a real insult to the many children who were raped as children.

I am qualified to speak about abused children as I've seen too many at work & i was sexually abused as a child. I am ABSOLUTELY SICK of Mel trying desperately to get a bigger tiktok following by repeatedly implying her childhood was far worse than what she says it was to get a following, and then earning money from that following.

Many abused children were raped in their home for years, regularly beaten, underfed, removed from their homes, placed in care and or foster care, constantly shouted and sworn at instead of spoken to, disciplined physically, burnt with cigarettes, given alcohol to make them sleep, regularly shaken and thrown by adults, had years of veneral diseases as children, made to sleep in dirty flea ridden beds, made to wear unhygienic clothing and underwear, left scared, hungry and thirsty home alone when under age most nights. Some were passed around like rag dolls, some had to have reconstructive surgery to repair where small children were raped. I could go on...

Mel needs to get some perspective, ok she alleges her childhood wasn't the best. Thank god it wasn't like many other children's! She never even acknowledges that many of her followers will have suffered far worse than she did as she is a stuck record repeating her childhood over and over to many people who think she got off lightly! When people do ask her for help she has no idea what to say each time they ask. She's pathetic absolutely pathetic. She cannot even signpost people to places as she's criticised them all in her woe is Mel rants.

Mels page is all about Mel wallowing and being miserable in public, whilst alluding to certain things that didn't happen to her and repeating over and over the things that did, all said to get paid and profit from and I think that's disgusting. 🤬
I understand that this triggers you and enrages you, but Mel was neglected and abused regardless of whether it wasn’t as bad as cases that you have seen. We can disapprove of her making money from her vulnerable followers and her being fucking annoying without dismissing what actually happened to her.
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Each time she pops up on my fyp all I can see is the comedian Mel Smith. Those old enough might remember him with Griff Rhys Jones. Separated at birth.
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It is amusing to me that Mel is horrified by this page, as far as tattle threads go this one is mild, no one’s insulted her and we’ve only really stated facts based on things she’s put out.

She strikes me as quite a self aware and reflective person, aware of the effects of a narcissistic parent but the one thing she will absolutely not accept is hypersexuality. Probably because she doesn’t want to admit she has anything in common with her mother
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Her latest video about doxxing, hypocrisy at its finest.

Hey Mel do you remember when you doxxed my friend at Christmas? When your sycophantic followers left threats against her life and threats to harm her in your comment section and you thought it was funny, remember the multiple videos you made about her saying the most derogatory comments after having never met her, remember how she had to go into hiding and reactive her social media to escape you and that idiot woman her ex is fucking. Because she was doxxed by you both. Remember that? I do, I remember her being terrified. I remember a vulnerable abuse victim that was being relentlessly bullied, stalked and abused by her ex and his crackpot new girlfriend and you aided in making her life as upsetting and as difficult as possible.

Now similar is happening to you and you don't like it.

Good I’m fucking glad you don’t like it. You deserve it.
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The reason that you can’t get an appointment with your GP Mel is because the NHS is massively underfunded not because of the receptionists. Wind your fat neck in you Tory bint.
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Delia Smith

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Ugh, before I get into the trauma, why does this woman wear the tightest , too-small clothing all.the.time ?? Tiny Crop tops exposing her belly, jeans busting at the seams, towering over her husband like Mr Blobby.
Talking about sex all the time … then ironically claims her mum was sexually inappropriate towards her husband …. Seems like they were definitely cut from the same cloth !
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The way she’s gleeful and giddy when she talks about her sex life makes me feel very uncomfortable. I genuinely had to turn that TikTok off after a few seconds. She’s too much, fucking cabbage headed weirdo.
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Just caught her video about us. Several observations to make:

1. She claims she’s kept it secret from her husband and friends that she is obsessed with reading the comments. Mel hun, this is no secret, you’ve been harping on about it for weeks, poor Andrew wasn’t home two minutes and you’d somehow turn a conversation about pasta into tattle.
2. How many more times is she going to say she can’t carry on posting and then jump back on the horse the next day because “da trollz can’t win”, it’s getting repetitive.
3. What does she think sending screenshots of someone’s social media profile is going to achieve other than completely waste police time?

Like others in here I have complex childhood trauma and am sensitive to criticism, can fixate over minor things and ruminate over the past, so I completely understand her current emotions and I don’t doubt anything she’s gone through but she really has to call it a day as she is doing a lot of harm to any progress she’s made.

Sadly people just believe tattle users are sad jobless trolls who live at home with their parents when really we are professionals looking for a place for discussion, and as the majority of us have said, we started out liking her and only started posting here once she got more chaotic. You would think she would take something away from that.
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So the latest update from Mel is she is "switching it up" and starting to use her account more for talking about her life in general and who she is.

Using and abusing trauma victims to profiteer from was always going to see her be criticised.

We have called out her using family members private life events to spill the tea in order to get tiktok famous by literally acting out their private life events for profit.

I'm hoping she's going to stop inviting trauma victims into her safe space and then telling them to get dicked whilst also trying to flog them clothes where she profiteers from v vulnerable people.

I hope she's realised how bizarre it looked when she kept saying she was in recovery from her trauma yet she chose every day for whatever reason to publicly drown herself in her trauma.

It's so easy to blame your critics when you fcuk up spectacularly as she has done. All we have done is call out her very cringy, very inappropriate behaviour around sexual abuse and getting dicked and then promoting for profit some clothes, we have addressed the many inconsistencies in the bullet speed "performances" multiple times a day.

Mel had shown her true colours by suddenly dumping her fellow trauma victims who she invited into her safe space, told them she was doing everything for them, then when criticised she has dumped then in favour of becoming tiktok famous by other means. Her desire to become famous knows no bounds!!

She and her whole family are clearly extremely hypersexual so I'm sure the switch from doing tiktoks for trauma victims to dragging more followers in by talking about her sex life will enable her to get the notoriety she desperately craves. Next she'll be wearing a tshirt that saying "getting dicked made me tiktok famous"

I knew there was something not right with her and her account and now I realise it is just one person's cruel attempt to become tiktok famous and rich by ANY means. Using trauma victims along the way then just dumping them because of very valid critics is low in my standards and I believe she deserves all the criticism she has received.

She says we don't know her but I know I know more than enough to criticise her publicly because of HER OWN vile behaviour.

Sadly, people are going to continue to watch her due to her car crash tv life. I have absolutely no respect for anyone who steps all over trauma victims as she climbs the ladder to alleged fame and fortune

NO real trauma victim would do what she has done to her fellow trauma suffer followers by using them then dumping them so quickly, shame on you Mel. You went low, way way too low! 🤬
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She knew her husband from 15 and he had 4 kids when they got together not greatly younger than herself. What does a 40 year old want with a fresh 20 year old, not only that a vulnerable one at that. He watched her be abused by her mum and she had curfew etc while he had 2 baby mams wild wild
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She is far too reliant on external validation and this narrative that she is really important to her stepchildren. It’s great that they have a good relationship, but I know that in her head she sees herself as their mother - and the better mother. It’s like a Channel 5 lunchtime movie!
This will all come crashing down in some way. Pain demands to be felt, as they say. Trauma can only be buried or glossed over for so long.
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I find this woman relies far too much on the validation of children, strangers and anyone that will give her it. I’ve gone through a lot very similar to her and I go weeks without even bringing it up. Whilst I know trauma affects people differently, I’d just hate discussing it SO often as that would fuck up my mental health so much more.

I have no relationship with my mum, I even moved hundreds of miles away to get away from her. I can go a few days without even thinking about her at all now, it’s been almost 7 years and I’ve worked so hard on myself to get to this point. She needs to take a step back and do the same for her mental sake. Her husband must be sick of hearing about it, surely that affects his mental health too? I wonder how the mums feel about their ex partners wife and her TikToks.

I’d be fuming if they were my ex partners wife putting private details up about my children, cards or anything. I’d also be worried about about her telling them things that they shouldn’t know about at all. I’ll probably never tell my children the full extent of my trauma, my partner and dad don’t even know all of it because it’s such a heavy topic.

I personally get the ick from her husband, he’s a pedophile in my opinion. I know she thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread but he was lurking around a vulnerable teenager whilst he already had a partner and 4 kids. I’d find that alarming but she was young, vulnerable, easily manipulated, no idea of boundaries from her own abusive family, and he’s probably her first love.

I’d wonder what they even had in common besides her grandmother and him being her gardener. Grown adults shouldn’t be around teenagers, especially ones who have so much more life experience. She became “step mum” before she even lived her life free of her abusive family. She should’ve had time for herself to heal, get therapy, focus on herself. If my son dated someone that much younger than him and met her as a teen I’d feel disgusted to be honest.

I also find him weird in the sense that he said he hadn’t loved like that tell Mel or some shit. I’m sorry to save but clearly you did otherwise you’d not have 4 kids with different women? 🤣 That must be nice for the mums to hear, that he was faking the love. Even better for the kids to hear that he didn’t properly love their mums too, such a weird thing to say. I think he’s just saying it to inflate her ego and make her feel better. She’s got to have her head in the clouds to think her partner didn’t love or have relations with someone else but she does come across the jealous type. Which is why she should’ve been with someone her own age from the beginning.
Completely agree. I find him creepier and creepier. Why was a man so much older than her with four kids with two women, lurking about a young vulnerable girl like herself at the time? Power imbalance or what. Nice and malleable for him to shape into what he wanted, which from what she used to infer back when she did the step mum series. Was someone that took care of his kids for him and ‘helped out with the mums’. Cant think why they don’t like her, overstepping all boundaries from the get go.

I find it very interesting that the eldest and youngest have the same mum. And the two middles have a different mum. An interesting insight into his character and morals.
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Simply, I'm amazed someone with 30 odd thousand followers on tik tok who posts several times a day would NOT expect there to be posts on tattle about them. There's posts on here about thousands of tik tok users. If you don't like it Mel, DONT READ THEM. Same advice you've given people on your tik tok: 'if you don't like my posts, don't watch', so the same rule applies to you. You have a public platform, it comes with the territory. Welcome to social media, I guess? 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Before I start work I need to show there is another side to what Mel has said in her latest performance re the CPS & Police. She absolutely boils my blood 🤬

As a SA survivor, I had zero actual physical evidence from my childhood decades before the CPS took my case to crown court, and they successfully prosecuted my abuser.

I gave a 3 hour video statement about the SA I endured. The police spoke to family, ex teachers, ex doctors, ex neighbours etc who all didn't know I'd been SA, but all gave statements to say in their opinion I was an honest person who didn't lie. In the trial, each person was asked if as a child I lied or fabricated stories, all witnesses said no I did not in their opinion lie. All said I was a v quiet, v sad, v withdrawn looking child etc.

My allegation video and several witness statements from ppl who briefly knew me as a child were all the evidence there was, nothing more. No physical evidence, just my allegations and defendant who pleaded not guilty.

If a SA survivor tells the police they have been abused, the police do indeed thoroughly investigate it in my experience. It took the police 2 years to investigate my case, ie to speak to the above people and put a case together, not weeks.

Each time she tells this story (and she keeps telling it, acting it, telling it again!) I don't know what she hopes to achieve? Will her latest story put ppl off reporting their SA allegations? In my opinion YES it will.

If she was all about SA survivors she would approach ALL SHE DOES VERY DIFFERENTLY, she would approach things with caution and with consideration for the effect her words will have on all the people she's allegedly doing this for, because I maintain she is only doing what she's doing for herself only!

Desoite Mels performance, If ANYONE is wondering if they can be believed and get a successful SA prosecution with no physical evidence, please know that you can.
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Her views are low because she’s boring as fuck! I’m sorry but who really wants to listen to the same thing over and over and over again! Yes, people like to be nosey and we all like to hear what someone has been through but how long does it last before people move onto the next thing once they become bored of hearing someone sat in their car talking about themselves!

She’s not likeable or relatable because she’s just very self centred and it’s all me me me which is fine as it’s her page she can just harp on about herself but when your engagement becomes low you can’t moan about it when tik tok is full to the brim of people all trying to make it big 🥱🥱
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She's not interested in helping anyone, she's interested in making money from gifters, that's it. She's just another tik tok beg, simple as that.
Yes, gifting is on lives. She's also been told you can turn off gifting, I saw a live video where someone told her that, because I remember laughing at how awk she looked. She's obviously 'forgotten' to turn off gifting.

She's not offered anyone advice on handling trauma. She's not suggested any books, podcasts, helplines, types of therapy. She's slagged off the Samaritans and sold her estranged family down the river. She's self appointed expert on trauma, motherhood, self love, shagging, everything. As for being a safe space, I've not seen in any of her videos or her lives where she's offered support or advice to a single person. She just thanks everyone for their support over her TrAumA. I hate it when people masquerade as a safe space, or being caring and concerned, and they're just out for a free lunch.

She also lives 5 minutes away from her horrendous family, reason being she doesn't want to be away from the kids..... You could've moved a few miles away and still be very close to the kids. But your dad wouldn't be your post man! You're so traumatised by these people, but purchased a house on their doorstep? It's all so bizarre. She's just stuck on a loop, all her videos are the same. Same content, same questions, same approach, same echo chamber. She's getting high on her own farts and is developing a very scary ego from all the insufferable hype in her comments.

I miss old tik tok, where people who were useful and good at stuff were the ones making content.
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So I saw her videos a while ago, and as someone who is still dealing with childhood trauma and abuse as an adult (as well as sexual abuse by a family member) her content resonated with me. But then it started to feel like her ONLY talking about her mum and upbringing (along with the ads??) left a bad taste. So I avoided her content.

...until she pops up on my FYP, claiming doxxing and a 'gossip forum'. Well, hello again you beauties here on Tattle. I knew something must be up if she's being posted here. So I've caught up and I'm seeing a side of her now that reflects the bad taste I got from her.
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This girl keeps coming up on my fyp and god she's annoying! Especially when she acts out scene's of her childhood pretending to be her mom. Cringe
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*** Trigger Warning ***

It's funny you should mention about her tiktoks not been appropriate for children, does anyone remember the post screenshotted below where throughout the whole tiktok she laughs HYSTERICALLY that "she and her husband initially BONDED over the fact they were both related to paedophiles!"
It's a whole different issue when it's a private joke behind closed doors, but imagine a sexually abused child or adult searching online for some guidance and "help" (because Mel is doing all this to help others) & they stumble across Mel hysterically laughing at paedophilia!!! 🫣

I say this without diminishing any sexual abuse survivors experience, but it's tiktoks like this that clearly show she was not penetraviely sexually abused to the extent many people like myself and others have been, because if she had she would not be laughing hysterically at paedophilia and risking causing damage to them by laughing and joking about the issue in a public arena where ANYONE in any frame of mind, can see her performance. Any child seeing this tiktok wouldn't understand why the paedophilia they are heartbreakingly enduring is so funny.

Mel doing all this for others? Don't make ME laugh 🤬


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I really don’t like Mel. I find her incredibly irritating and her content dire BUT I have to agree with her most recent TT. I reported the above user for posting a photo of her mother with her full name. That’s a step too far. That woman has not shared anything publicly online and exposing her face and name is horrible and creepy. I’d actually be concerned for my safety. This forum is a platform for discussing public content creators, not doxxing their family members
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