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It’s quite rare for a successful tiktokker to not have a tattle thread. Not sure what she was expecting if she wants to grow her account
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I am genuinely really sorry you went through that. No child should have to experience one iota of this and i am glad that the police took you seriously and dealt with this properly.

I do think you may be letting your hatred of Mel cloud your judgement. Just because your case was taken seriously doesn’t mean others are, it’s not one size fits all. I think it’s pretty common knowledge that SA reports and the success of them going further are pretty hopeless in the UK.

I’ve noticed you bring up her SA quite graphically a couple of times now, I don’t think it’s necessary to recount others experiences in such a way and it didn’t bare any relevance to what you were saying. Mel is many things but there is no correct way to act following an SA and I think it can be quite triggering to others who have been through a similar thing when you start berating her experience and how she’s handled it. There’s plenty of other shitty things she’s done without being so vocal on such a controversial and sensitive topic
I completely agree. Notsubmissive has taken over this thread with their essays and if you don’t agree with what they say they’ll write an essay about you 😂 Only those who are agreeing with their comments can post on the thread it seems. If they are an advanced nurse and a complete stranger to Mel I think they need to book in some therapy themselves because to pick holes in another’s story and compare it to your own is dangerous and wrong. Fair enough offer a different perspective but you have went too far on a lot of your posts and you come across as a strange and nasty person. I enjoyed this thread til you took it over now it’s become something awful.
Changed tense half way through lol don’t mind me
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The beatings we’d get as a kid from parents and teachers 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I know it’s not funny and quite traumatic memories for some people so shouldn’t be laughed about but you’re so right, it was such a different time! Some of the stuff she mentioned in particular where she said her mom claimed that someone was coming to take her away if she was naughty and I thought but didn’t we all get told this like wasn’t it the norm to hear things like ‘the police will come and take you away if you carry on’

It’s a shame that she claims to miss having that relationship with her nieces and nephews yet leaving this online trail of things her nieces and nephews will be able to view and see what she’s saying about their dad and family 🙉
I wanted to laugh react to this, but I couldn’t bring myself to it. Absolutely 10000% agree. Some of the stuff we were subjected to is wild and an offence now, but look how much it’s come on and how strong we are as a generation. My mum feels so guilty and I forgive her, even typing out the word “hate” and “mum” together made me shudder. I was a hormonal, angry, naive and immature person (I think Mel is similar) and I didn’t understand mental health. She’s an amazing human and I get it, and I’ve not turned out too bad 😂

I started watching her “narc mum” highlights and I have to say, she really is beating a dead horse. Her mums mum died, her mum inherited money, she’s angry that her mum didn’t pay for her teeth (which is her mums fault for not teaching her basic hygiene), but her mum did pay for her and her creepy fella to have a few nights away at a spa. Ok, so that’s her mums mum, if her mums mum didn’t want her to have the money, she’d have changed her will right?
Mel lived in her nans house for free after she died, and also got a free holiday. I’m sorry, what?! She could have not gone away and put the money towards her teeth, and saved money living rent free at her nans house?
She’s insufferable and takes no accountability. Her mum didn’t have to give her shit, does she not get that?
What did the brothers get? She’s entitled to fuck. All my grandparents are gone and I haven’t seen a penny, are my parents narcs too? Because I’ve enjoyed seeing them enjoy life to be honest.

she said her mother didn’t want her to get her teeth done because then she’d be better looking than her mum. Lord hath mercy.
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Whut? A photo was posted? I haven’t seen anything. Looks like it’s gone!
Yes. A screenshot of her mother’s fb showing her full name. It got removed pretty quickly by mods. Mel must watch this thread 24/7 though as she clocked it before it was removed and had made a video! I think going out of your way to find her family members on socials and stalk them is obsessive. They aren’t engaging publicly at all with Mel’s content so it really isn’t fair to invade their privacy.
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Yes. A screenshot of her mother’s fb showing her full name. It got removed pretty quickly by mods. Mel must watch this thread 24/7 though as she clocked it before it was removed and had made a video! I think going out of your way to find her family members on socials and stalk them is obsessive. They aren’t engaging publicly at all with Mel’s content so it really isn’t fair to invade their privacy.
How is finding someone on Facebook stalking?! Maybe if Mel put a sock in her self obsessed verbal diarrhea it wouldn’t be so easy to find this information! Tattlers are known for keeping receipts and remembering lies that these compulsive liars spout!
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she won't take a break off tik tok as she doesnt want to give them the 'satifaction'. just take a break ffs its an apppppp
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Mel dresses like she is at least decade younger than she actually is, she also dresses like she is many stones smaller than she actually is. Nothing suits or fits her as she buys clothes for a much younger smaller teenage Mel, when the reality is she's a 30 yr old woman who's fashion choices make her look ridiculous! It's clear she doesn't know how to dress for her new size.
The tight cropped vest tops that stretch to within an inch of their life over her boobs and stomach being a case in point! 🫣😳

I'm sure she'll blame her fashion choices, or lack of, on her estranged family, as she blames anyone but herself for everything!

Just like her behaviour online, nobody in her life seems to be able to speak out and have an open and honest conversation with her that she's behaving inappropriately online or that she's well outgrown many of her clothes. I guess they opt for an easy life rather than face the wrath of Mel who clearly can give her opinions everyday but 100% cannot take anyone else's.
I think it’s a case of her putting on a fair bit of weight and still being in the mindset she’s a size 8.
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She has been on live for about 4/5 hours! Her husband looks DONE. This girl needs serious help, I’m sure he just wants to relax of an evening after work.

On her live, she was also asked what therapy she has had. Couldn’t really answer ‘talking therapy’ what the hell does that mean! Most therapy requires talking or am I missing something? A big 180 from yesterday! Bet her husband doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going with her mood swings.
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I find it amusing that I get called out for calling out Mel's behaviour on tattle but sycophants are ok 🤣
What's the deal with Mel's senior sycophant Fran? She's all over the lives & she comments like a demented fan girl groupie. She also had to slip it in to let Mel know that she's also bisexual like Mel 😉
Is she a Mel moderator aswell? Protecting big Mel from any hurty words, the kind Mel gives but definitely cannot take! Look out Bernie, Fran's devotion to Mel knows no bounds!
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Honestly with the type of stuff she’s talking about it really is a risky giving people advice that will most likely require proper medical help

Correct!!! Also noticed she’s taken the filter off since someone mentioned the other day that she’s still using the filter! She’s obsessed with reading on here 🙈
It really is.

I can imagine when I was in my most vulnerable state with PTSD/OCD etc., I’d have watched someone like her, I’d have taken her words as gospel and if it wasn’t working, I’d have blamed myself and spiralled/done something silly.

These are such vulnerable people and mental health isn’t something to profit off or get views for.

I’m really not for it, seriously if she cared, she’d tell them to get proper help.

She’s not exactly stable herself either,.,
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Hey trolls 👋 🤣
So is calling you out for what we believe is narcissistic behaviour is trolling? Dear god. Only got half way through that boring video before I had to stop. She’s doesn’t get a huge amount of views & wont be able to be a full time creator like she’s wants. She is the centre of her own universe & unless she’s talking about herself she’s not happy. It is her platform tho so she can of course but she won’t get the interaction. I give her 6 months & she’ll just stop posting as no one will be interested.

Really annoys me that she calls our posts troll posts yet I haven’t said half of what I wanted to about her. If I did I would defo be a troll. Hence why I don’t do it. constructive criticism Mel. You should look up the meaning!
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What on earth is that last bit about 🤢 hope to god that’s not Mel trying to defend herself cus if it is then she defo has tendencies similiar to her brother saying stuff like that!


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Of course she's back, she was never going anywhere, she's got a big new car to pay for and fuel with TikTok £££.

A little while ago she posted a video saying she was worried about becoming POCD (Paedophillia obsessive-compulsive disorder) 😳 She said her husband was also concerned about this as his father is a paedophile also!

She was supposedly worried about the above happening but ignored her actual own behaviour which I believe is tantamount to emotionally abusing her nieces and nephews. She does this by causing them untold damage by over exposing their private family information to huge audiences, by oversharing & talking about the children's alleged dirty underwear, their alleged poor hygiene & all the other very personal information she exposed in her attention seeking posts about them. More things that we, complete strangers, should not know. Things they could get bullied for. Things that could destabilise their family.
Telling tiktok that information about those children was in no way protecting them, it was malicious & abusive.
** If she had genuine concerns then social services was who she should have spoken to, not a public audience on tiktok where attention seeking is her main objective.

Mel said several times her "emotional abuse" from her mum was worse than the masturbation abuse that went on between her and her brother. Yet despite knowing the powerful effects of emotional abuse, she in my opinion harmed those children by oversharing their private info which humiliates them, by causing them huge anxiety re what she's shared about them, & might again re share about them, and sadly for them for being related to an absolute lunatic on tiktok who seems determined to rip their family apart for revenge.

Yet Mel phones the police as she's the victim! Make it make sense! 🤥🙄
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I wonder why she never talks about the therapy she's had and the tools she's used to help overcome her past. When I saw her page originally I really thought it would be a place where people healed together.
Shes not interested in anyone else's problems at all, she recently accused people of "trauma dumping" on her by sharing their stories in her safe space. I'd never heard of that term but think it's quite cruel in terms of people who saw her safe place as a place to open up and share. She definitely only wants to tell her story. I feel sorry for anyone who shared their story with her and has been accused of trauma dumping. They must feel hurt, I would if I'd opened upto her.
In terms of the amount of posts she rushes out every day, I didn't realise she was on a mission to get famous quickly, to get freebies etc. That's even worse.
I cannot put my finger on it but there's something not right with her imo.

I didn’t realise she had said this! Thought she was trying to build an inclusive “safe space”? Couldn’t anyone argue that she is “trauma dumping” (as she puts it) with her page? That’s disappointing, I had liked her but recently felt something a bit off.
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Since I've been asleep, has Mel gone into the witness protection scheme yet due to her husband posting where she lives on his Facebook for goodness knows how long and making her a huge target "allegedly" 🤣
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