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Why can’t he spend time alone with his own children? It’s nice that she wants to spend time with them, but it’s not necessary to be there all the time. They should be allowed time alone with their dad.
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PTSD is a new one.

I suffered with PTSD (after a very traumatic event) and it was fucking debilitating, the last thing I’d be doing is fucking TikTok’s. I couldn’t even leave my own house at one point.

She’s really spiralling and very up and down, she says she’s the best she’s ever been and I’m honestly not convinced. She’s obsessed with her family, it’s getting a bit scary and people are pointing that out in the comments and she’s deleting them.
And just to add to the grandmas money, you got money from it. You stayed in the house for a year, so why not be a big girl and save the money whilst you were there?
39k being blown is very easy to do (it’s not even a lot of money) if you’re buying a summer house and buying posh getaways for family members and their partners.
Just be grateful and move the fuck on. If it was all for show, then why did you go?

narcs are obsessed with money according to Mel, who’s the one who’s obsessed here?
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"I have my dream house, my dream job, my dream husband, my dream wedding, my dream step children, and now my dream SUV car...

Anyway, back to focusing on being a perpetual victim by wallowing in my unhappy traumatic past for tik tok infamy" 🙄
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She’s live again drinking beer, her husband looks so over it.

Cant believe she talked about his business failure on live, I don’t think he wanted tiktok to know all of that
Someone in the comments who has called her husband a freeloader and she read it out and laughed, wow! I’m sure if someone left a rude comment about her she wouldn’t be laughing.
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Chatty Member
This woman keeps coming up on my feed and is driving me mad. Why do people air their dirty laundry in the way she does? She's said she doesn't go to therapy anymore as the talking helps but jesus... I wouldn't be sharing half of the stuff she does
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Her estranged father is her post man 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
I know!
- - -
Just caught up on this mornings video. Does she seriously think we are going to show up at her house?! 😂 Come on Mel. Someone guessed which area you were from because of your accent. Your Facebook also has a picture of your house number as well as your stepchildren. MI5 aren’t required to find your Facebook. I’m not interested in your family. I just think you need a therapist and to stop trauma dumping on TikTok in the guise of helping others.
I’d also like to repeat that having an opinion is not a crime nor are we trying to stop you posting on TikTok.
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Since I’m blocked will someone please write on here if she addresses her infecting the spa day hahaha
She said it’s scabbed over so no longer contagious. Also claimed she took her own towel, dressing gown and also called up to check with them that she was okay to go. Sorry but I could tell she was lying. Bad liars are so obvious to me
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She's comes across as very self centred and a bit of a narcissist her self . She got pulled up for doing TikTok lives whilst working from home . Quite rightly so . Her clap back video to that was very telling . I agree she needs to come off TT and get help if that's what she needs . It's seems her whole personality is about her child hood trauma
I agree. A lot of the traits she discusses her family having are actually very evident in her too. I saw on a live she said something about her job and her husband had a word with her her and told her to be careful with what she says... she was smirking the entire time. There is definitely a sense of entitlement/ narc qualities which isn't surprising if she grew up in an environment like that. I thought it was unbelievably obnoxious to have an attitude about not going live on TT during time she is being paid to do a job. Her family history is horrific but I would like to hear the other side of the story about friends she claims wronged her.
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After reading her latest post, I feel like she needs to take a good step back and realise it’s not just all about her anymore. There are other innocent children to be taking into account and the lasting effects/damages her posting online is going to do them (imagine the kids not knowing and their friends finding out). Online is forever and she’s actually creating trauma for children.
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She says these messages are harrassment, what the hell does she think her live videos of her calling put family members and sharing their private information are?

Was telling the world her mother had a termination anything to do with Mels trauma? I don't think so, it was just her selfishly spilling the family tea to hurt anyone who's hurt her, so childish. How she thinks a couple of msgs are harrassment and what she does is ok is absolutely beyond me!?

No wonder the police don't take her seriously, she deliberately oversteps the mark for shits & giggles. Today's live was a real lesson in how to be a drama queen, bottom lip well and truly sulking!
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When you reflect on the past few days it's hard to know what part of Mel behaviour was worst. I think the top of the Mels crazy list is a joint 1st for me...

The fact that Mel shared the private feelings of her stepdaughter’s odyssey into her sexuality on Twitter long before her tiktok soap opera shows how little she valued /values her stepdaughter’s privacy and she did so before tiktok oversharing began. What kind of monster deliberately outs her step child's private sexuality thoughts on social media?
Equal 1st is the cocky comment about riding her husbands face during sex which she shared on a live that attracted loads of new people, including her stepson who was on the live also.
Bearing in mind the issues of the night involved children and alleged sexual abuse why does Mel often bring her sex life and her smutiness into it?

Mels own behaviour seems to always lead to drama, why is nobody that allegedly loves her talking to her and trying to help her understand how much damage she is doing to herself her family and her reputation, as she clearly has zero self awareness to realise it herself. This woman has a job yet despite that she is promoting herself like an absolute narcissistic nut case online.

One things for sure, Mels authentic self has definitely reared it's very ugly head in the past few days. Her attention seeking "I'm taking a break but don't worry about me" post clearly demonstrates her manipulation skills as we know she's going on a planned visit to see her friend.

Mel has again shown how untrustworthy she is with private and sensitive family information and her crass, vile, disgusting sex talk live online infront of vulnerable abuse survivors and her stepson, proves how she's totally lost her moral compass to the point it cannot be recalibrated!

It's wishful thinking on my part to hope Mel goes away and stays away but sadly the allure of tiktok money is too powerful for Skanky Manky Mel. Thankfully her antics are enabling more and more people to start calling her out. Her family don't need to do anything to make her look foolish as she's doing a perfect job of doing it herself.


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She is delusional. The fact that she doesn’t listen and ignores any opinion that isn’t kissing her large arse shows that she will become a narcissist like her mother if she carries on. Narcissists will do anything for attention.
I also have talked about my trauma Mel in therapy. The fact that I don’t post it all over the internet doesn’t mean that I haven’t talked about it so save your patronising tone for your dumbass followers.
If your followers cared enough about your story they would go back and watch your old videos. You choose to repeat yourself because you have no life!
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I laughed out loud when she said that she has respected her families privacy!
I also knew that she lives in Wakefield because she was telling all of the strangers when she started doing lives. The ones she did when she should have been working! Nobody has posted your address and your family already know where you live so I don’t see what difference it makes. The harassment thing also started before this thread even existed so it’s not our fault that you thought that your brother was going to kill you.
Motor mouth Mel is a hypocrite.
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I agree! She seems somewhat obsessive and it’s not a healthy way at all she certainly does need some kind of medical intervention to help her because obsessing enough over your past to turn it into content is bad in itself and now this new obsession with on here! It’ll only end badly for her mental health wise if she doesn’t seek some kind of help for it all!
Totally obsessive! I wonder what the end point will be. What Andrew’s breaking point will be. He seems like someone who would like a quiet life and doesn’t want to spend all night on live and dealing with Mel’s drama. I’m sure that any more drama with the police would result in them advising her not to talk about it on TikTok at all.
She has probably been watched on all of her lives by her brother yet we’re to blame!
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I don’t think she is a narcissist. But I also know that having an opinion doesn’t make me or anyone else here ‘scum of the earth’. Some of the shit in that TikTok was made up in her own head.
I understand that she is defensive because she has been criticised and abused for most of her life, but it’s not our fault that she was triggered by seeing her dad either.
The whole reason this site exists is that these ‘content creators’ are constantly trying to create an echo chamber free from any form of criticism but full of wealth.
She is playing games with her own mental health by discussing her trauma online with no professional support system in place. Are her followers going to pick her up off the floor if she has a breakdown? No because they can’t.
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