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VIP Member
🙄 He is actually exhausting. I unfollowed a long time ago.
Yeah, me too. He’s a self obsessed knob head. He loves spouting off on social media but then can’t hack it when someone comes back at him. Don’t know why I ever followed him in the first place!
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I must say, the words are average at best. Fighting over them is a bit cringe as it makes it seem like he feels he’s written a work of genius. It’s actual nonsense which wouldn’t be out of place on a cushion in TKMaxx.

Good for him for turning the common experience of depression into something people can relate to. But wow does he take himself seriously!
He seems to have no sense of humour.
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Thing is, without Twitter he'd lose readers for his books. He needs it to keep pumping out the retweetable inspirational quotes and smug lefty politics (our political stances are pretty similar but the way he goes on irritates even me) that got him so much interest in the first place.
He sounds so smug being like "I have a novel to write." he never used to be this annoying.
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VIP Member
I mean, obviously, it's mean to dunk on someone's appearance (idc, I'm mean, whatever).

but, to borrow a line, don't you think he looks tired?
Defo apt to consider that Roald Dahl quote about goods thoughts making you look like you represent sunbeams and rainbows and a bad attitude the opposite (to paraphrase).
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VIP Member
Money doesn't make you happy, ofc, but a stable home life and not having to worry about whether your rent will go up next year and/or you'll be evicted at the end of your contract, or that you might not get enough work next month to pay your bills because you're on zero hours..that goes a long way. It feels a bit like when India Knight of all people wrote "The Thrift Book". Walking in the forest doesn't help if you're in an inner city flat. Going for a walk with the dog is no good if you rent and can't get one or can't afford to feed one. Saying eating pasta is fine, actually, doesn't really work when the pasta comes from a food bank.
From his place of entitlement.
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VIP Member
Hansel and Gretel in the 1980s

A Mini Metro does it. Hurtling down the bypass on the edge of the forest where the siblings have been slumbering for possibly 500 years, maybe more like 680, I can't count. The Mini Metro breaks the curse that has ensnared them for however long it's been, for some magical reason.

"What has happened, sister?" asks Hansel, plaintively. "Last thing I remember we bundled that old witch into that oven in that weird house made of gingerbread."

"And here we are. Cursèd, dear brother. Cursèd by the witch's sister, Moll Badfellow." replies Gretel, "we must leave this place."

They leave the forest.

They enter a nearby village and walk into the nearest sweetshop.

"Oho! what can I do for you, you strange looking tykes in your medieval clothing?" asks the faintly creepy looking, but obviously wise shopkeeper, played by Jim Broadbent. "Cola bottles? Flying saucers? Sherbet fountains? Any other generic sounding sweetmeats of the 1980s?"

Hansel starts, "Do you have any gingerbr-"

But Gretel interjects, "Excuse me, sir, the 1980s? Why, we've been cursèd for 500, maybe 680 years, our author can't count!"

"Oho!" replies the shopkeeper. "It seems that our author has experience of the fish-out-of-water trope! Like, maybe it was an alien pretending to be a human before but this might translate better to film! Now, I believe you like sweets, cos you I know you went off to eat that witch's house. Gobstoppers? Mary Ann toffees? No, they're for old people. It's a shame Haribo doesn't exist yet, that'd be easier!"

Hansel and Gretel conferred briefly.

"He has all the sweets! We like sweets!"

"I don't know, H, we are still cursèd by the evil Moll Badfellow and we should probably go on some sort of quest to break it and have some hilarious misunderstandings based on not understanding the time we find ourselves in."

"Can I interest you in the works of AA Milne?" interjects the shopkeeper.

And so, Hansel and Gretel lived in the 80s sweetshop forever and were allowed to stay up late to watch Dynasty
Amazing work, bravo 🙌
Just need to cast the children, oh and the witch for the flash back sequences - if we’re going 80s maybe more your Grotbags type witch?

  • Haha
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This is so true of so many influencers. Any slight difference of opinion is claimed to be trolling.
They all just want smoke blown up their arse. I genuinely would be interested to see some of the 'appealing messages' they recieve because I just haven't seen the trolling they claim exists.

The influencing gang seem to want to totally limit freedom of speech, which is baffling as it just can't happen. People are allowed to discuss and disagree they don't just have to scroll past but they are allowed to have an opinion!
Exactly. If he’s getting abusive DMs he should go ahead and publish them, name and shame the users sending them. But he won’t because they don’t exist. All he’s received is what we’re already seeing on the public platform, which is perfectly valid criticism.
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VIP Member
Why does he go on a podcast and say there's not one nice comment on tattle about him when there's several on page one? Lying really doesn't help someone's public image. Around 26 minutes in on dawn o porter so lucky podcast

I didn’t realise there was a thread about him until this morning, but having read through it all I think it’s very balanced, not completely negative at all. The man’s ego obviously can’t handle anyone with a different opinion or constructive criticism.
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VIP Member
Thank you!

Dropped the ball… I was distracted by another charlatan 😔.

They lack his usual…. signature though! I await a “imagine you are a tree” post on Instagram to confirm he is fully back.
Yeah he didn’t post anything “original”. And by original I mean his usual cliches and empty bs statements.
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New member
I'm not envious - I thought the book didn't help me in any way (provide enjoyment, provoke thought etc). I didn't understand how and why it had the rave reviews it did, which is why I bought it. I also find some of his posts really repetitive with no real help or support for those struggling.

Basically adds nothing to my life whereas a fair few 'people in the public eye' do - also suffer with long term 'recurrent mood disorder' as per the NHS.
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VIP Member
I’ll have to politely disagree with you here.

Consultants can’t work in two places at once. A family member was offered an NHS appointment for April 2023. Their parents offered to pay and they were seen within a week by the same consultant. Perhaps I worded it wrong but in my eyes, that’s a privilege not afforded to many.
yes It’s definitely a privilege no doubt about it. I was desperate for my diagnosis as I needed certain accommodations for college and work, and I was just very lucky to be able to afford it privately.
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The (admittedly fairly niche) thing that always bothered me about him is that I don’t think I’ve ever seen him acknowledge what a big difference having a loving and supportive wife must make. There will be so many people suffering just has he has, without the privilege of having a caring partner and lovely children.

That said, I am all for the MH conversation being extended to as wide an audience as possible and MH stigma being taken away, so fair play to him in that sense.
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While I do think covid should be taken seriously, Matt has completely taken this out of context.

The Rock did an IG video about he and his family (wife and daughters) having covid. They are better now after 3 weeks. He goes on about how it's the most difficult thing they have been through...but it seemed like he was talking about emotionally. As he is meant to protect his family but couldn't. Matt seems to have worded it as though The Rock found it physically hard and I'm not saying he didn't but that wasn't mentioned in the video.

Context is everything and Matt is skewing it.

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The charity shop I volunteer at is back open tomorrow (🙂) so his Reasons book is making a lovely journey down there.

His running thing is starting to piss me off too. I am absolutely for exercise. But his constant ‘move yourself’ and ‘fast 10k’ shit as a way to lift your mood is a step too far. If you are suffering from that really deep, dark depression that you cannot lift, that means you cannot wash or leave your sofa or eat anything other than packet foods, you cannot think about running. And if, for one moment you could get yourself out for a run, it would show you how unfit you are compared to when you used to run when you weren’t crippled by this horrendous disorder that the endorphins would never kick in and you would return home, broken, feeling even more of a failure.

In other news, his Instagram post from yesterday (not the ED one ) is interesting. I wonder who he is supporting 🧐.
You are spot on about the exercise.
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Chatty Member
Britney shared an image on her Instagram of a quote of his but it didn't name him as the source. Matt then tweeted this and threw a hissy fit on Insta because she didn't credit him. She probably didn't realise such a basic quote could come from a man in his 40s. He also sent his followers to spam her insta asking her to credit him. He seems like a dick.
Ahhh I remember now! Thank you. Anyone with a big following who encourages their followers to turn on someone needs to seriously reflect.
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