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No one is challenging him in the comments either which is annoying.
Yeh. A family member shared his post, so I messaged her saying while I agree with the message, he took The Rock's comment completely out of context... Most people probably don't watch the original video, they just take Matt's message for the truth, which is how so much misinformation is spread on the internet these days.

Matt also comes across as so sanctimonious. The reason I unfollowed him, a right pain in the arse.
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He doesn’t follow his own advice then? If he’s not really into TikTok & not comfortable doing videos then why would he even consider it? Didn’t he say something along the lines of if you don’t want to go to a party, don’t go. If you don’t like your job, leave, If you don’t want to join TikTok because it’s not your thing.. don’t!


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Plus there's that weird thing Influencers do where they add up all their followers across platforms to attract jobs/clients/work without acknowledging there's probably a fair bit of overlap.

In Matt's case -
IG - 728K
Twitter - 463.4K
FB - 76K
Total - 1,267,400

If he dumps twitter and FB he cuts down on his 'total followers' to below a million....
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Gosh isn’t he insufferable. Why must he over think every. damn. thing? Have a day off will you Matt and look up the definition of ‘troll’.
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Is it me or is Matt’s take on toast got absolutely nothing to do with Chekhov’s philosophical musings on existence beyond carrots?

I feel the reviewer was trying to find a deeper meaning in his tripe and missed the mark totally.

At least Matt is happy in his Matt-centric world .
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I have enjoyed his books and have followed him on Twitter, but recently unfollowed because I find him a bit pious. He has done a lot for mental health awareness but he is not my cup of tea.
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I’m with a lot of people on this thread when they say they feel bad for ragging on him because of how much he does in the mental health space, but, I just think he does so with such an air of superiority (no one can possibly be as depressed as him) and ignorance for anyone else around him that he’s always just left a bad taste in my mouth.

I read his book ‘reasons to stay alive’ thinking how great it was that someone had written a book about this kind of thing, and have had some serious MH struggles myself, so was looking forward to reading it. However, almost immediately I knew it wasn’t for me. He just came across so mopey and whiney about his life and what was afforded of him and it just made me have an immediate dislike towards him.
Fast forward to seeing him on Twitter and IG and it seems my initial feelings were corroborated. Constantly moaning about things and getting irate if someone uses an image of something he wrote and doesn’t realise it’s by him so he throws his toys out the pram - does he honestly have such a high view of himself that he thinks everyone should know who he is?

Again, I’m absolutely all for the conversation around MH progressing and people doing what they can to stamp out the stigma with it, I just don’t feel like he is the best spokesperson for it. He gives an air of being quite pompous and almost being put out that he’s got such success from this and isn’t someone I’d recommend to anyone looking for literature in this space.

Just my two cents.
I didn't mind RTSA, there were some great parts in the 2nd half. But I came away from the first half of the book feeling more depressed than I had before I started reading it. It was very bleak. I'm also fairly convinced that the incident in Ibiza was either wholly or mostly caused by him being on a very bad comedown. I feel quite bad for him and don't doubt that his depression is severe. What is this he's written on his twitter about being a recovering addict? What was he addicted to?
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So after preaching about leaving each other alone and being nice and acceptance he is mad he isn’t getting the negative energy and interactions he complains about?! Did he really just confirm that all he can do is moan about other people and their opinions?!
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Oh of course, envious, that’s it. Being a writer you’d think he could come up with something slightly more original - now I’m disappointed too.
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View attachment 1810236

nice for him that he got a relatively quick diagnosis, is it not?

call me cynical, but wouldn't it be nice if he could signpost those of us who might be thinking we have something else going on other than depression and anxiety to the seemingly very efficient services he's managed to access?

also, jack could have totally written this
Yes, I thought the same. People are struggling to access mental health services but rich white author can pay to jump the queue. Much like JM with her alleged 3 therapists on speed dial and long dayhab stay. He’s obviously been in a very dark place though and Instagram has been spared the sort of tedious bread crumbing that JM likes to drop on Twitter.

MH posted one of his wordy scribes this morning about (might be triggering so I’ve spoilered) suicide. I wonder if he reads here as he’s done a good thing by signposting a local Brighton suicide prevention charity as suggested up thread. Fewer self-centred words and more of this and some of us might find him a tad less irritating 😬
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zetta buttons

VIP Member
ADHD as well.

Read a wordy Instagram post about it (he’s binned Twitter now).
That post is too much. He could say so much more about ADHD and autism without centring himself.

However, his story aboutsuicide is much more helpful (I don’t think I have used the right term there). It is obviously aimed at comments around Stephen Boss but could apply to anyone. His content is so conflicting. On one hand, he is infuriating, on the other, with a short statement like that, he could do so many good things so the MH and mental ill health community.
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chocolate choux

VIP Member
This is from Sunday, I screenshot and forgot to post.
I haven’t paid attention to the Denise Welch drama because I don’t care, but it seems pretty self explanatory. I thought Matt’s tweet was just a generic statement aimed at the random celebrities weighing in about coronavirus as if they’re experts but turns out he’s subtweeting a specific person. Why is Matt #bekind Haig making snide comments? That’s not very on brand, is it? Really immature, too

Also it doesn’t matter that he’s declared that he’s not talking about her. A lot of people have interpreted it to be about her. She fits the description. You can’t make such a vague tweet and then say “no it’s not about that person even though it totally could be”

I’ve followed him for a while and he gives me bad vibes


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