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Someone made a jab on her IG about how there's no mention whatsoever of him and that she's clearly using him for the fame. Ouch. I also just realised she's good mates with that strange girl Zara Zoffany (the sister of Sophia Sassoon, and who was the "other woman" in the Pritchard brother break-up drama). Their workout videos are cringe beyond measure.

Sophia as in Francis’ ex!? How random. I really liked her
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Yas is alright, though she moans a lot, so she just needs to pipe down. She also needs to own that her and Miles were FWB. Her and Guy seem awkward, but I like him.
Issy is a brat who needs to get over the fact that Miles didn't want her. Harvey is also using her for her dad's business connections but can't see that.
Lily....I can't believe they've brought her back as a main cast member. She does look odd.
I love Sam and Inga too. I think they've really grown as a couple and I can see a real deep connection.
Joel needs to dump Robbie. Robbie is immature, petulant and not ready for a man like Joel.
WIllow....just go away. Who made you queen??
Haha, I agree with absolutely all this👌🏻
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I agree with you re. Zara. She seems to have come a long way since her ridiculous "YOU CAN!!" days on MiC. I give kudos to any reality star who uses their platform to promote a worthwhile cause they're actually passionate about and wanting to drive meaningful change.

Yeah, you're right re getting "sucked into the void". For me, it's grating because this tw4tbag makes a point of slagging off my posts - and my posts alone - despite scores of other people having similar strong opinions about certain cast members/the show. It's purely because I've exposed what a dodgy-ass life coach a certain cast member is and they've taken huge personal umbrage with it.

And omg, yes, am SO with you on this: "The idea that wealthy white women who do fuck all all day are career women is laughable. It’s a weird curiosity to see how these people live but what made me genuinely laugh at the hilarity was the defense of them." Apparently we're all frothing at the mouth with jealousy towards certain women on MiC and their dodgy-ass, ageing fillers and godawful veneers and hair extensions, who have achieved SO goddamn much off their own backs😂😂What certain posters on here aren't appreciating is that many of us watch MiC as we would a car crash: it's so awful but so simultaneously compelling, one can't look away!
Have you tried reporting the person?

Not sure if can say that but I doubt I would be able to report as I personally have no reason to
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Poor Paris… with commentators like that advising you on life hair choices and the like, who needs enemies eh?!

Phew! Thank God for that, don’t let the hysteria hit you on the way out…. Looks like somebody else couldn’t stand the heat after all… Toodles 👋
I don't think comments on Paris have been any worse or different to comments on other cast members and I don't see an issue with it. How you can go from saying comments are unwarranted to calling Emily a boiled egg etc, that's just the same thing but about a different person.Everyone has their own opinions and we don't all like the same people usually it's a healthy debate but this is just a big over reaction
I’m all for debate, not once have I said I’m not. It’s the venom about her hair and her salon choices and talk of Brixton and Errol etc etc that were too much. Everyone’s hair looks shit tbf. Paris’ was attacked. Again. With vitriol. Nobody has implored Willow to go to Duck and Dry in the same way.
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Chatty Member
I’m fairly certain the girl from Canada he’s talking about is called Olivia Machado. She has quite a big tik tok following and they did some lives together.
I’d really like to know more about what happened to make her tell him not to come anymore. Seems like far more to this story!

It seems weird that she posted a photo with another guy in february tho. That would be before Miles' trip?
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Is that genuinely Emily though? Who's modelling the clothes for her? Could be anyone using her name and photo...
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Does anyone know what thr story is with Olivia and Tristan? I get the feeling from Instagram they are not together. I looks like Tristan is not staying at Olivias
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Absolutely, you've hit the nail on the head. I'm bored of their lazy casting choices, which seems to solely comprise of them hiring the mates of current stars, or the Love Island-style route of sifting out some attractive Instagram "influencer" who's posh and looks the part. Give us some people with substance and personality. I really like Yasmine; she's comes across a decent and genuine person with a bit of spark about her and is well able to hold her own. Aside from her, the only decent casting choices they've made in ages - IMO - are Paris, Inga and Joel.

I watched her doc about revenge porn and thought she did a good job of it. She seems like a genuinely compassionate person who really cares about the causes she's promoting, but I find really jarring her ever-growing fixation with pretending she's posh. It comes across so fake and off-putting and takes away from her likeability.
Completely agree , I feel bad as she has done alot of good rather than just prancing around like most reality stars/ influencers but I know what you mean about the posh thing and she always says "Mummy" 😂
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This is so random but once I posted a pic of my nephews on instagram in like 2016 and Proudlock liked the pic 🤷‍♀️ he didn’t follow me or nothing I was like wtf 😂
i think a lot of influencers pay people to like/post on their behalf, to get their target audience to engage with them. The idea is that he’ll like your post, and you’ll be flattered/intrigued so you’ll follow him back/like some of his pics.

i posted a few pictures of my dog with a couple of hashtags, and noticed that under certain hashtags, the influencer account hugoandursula would comment. She’d clearly either paid an individual or had some sort of automatic set up to comment under posts with this specific hashtag. It was embarrassing because the comments were the exact same no matter what the picture.

It’s not uncommon at all, sadly, but just further illustrates how fake and insincere these people are.