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I wish they would address the issues around surrogacy more publicly. There’s so much media out there about the ethics and problems with it….look at what happened in Ukraine with women and babies left in a war zone or if you really want harrowing reads google the 1B surrogacy trade in India and how the women are treated.

just some acknowledgement from people like Ollie and Gareth on the wider issues and also the huge health issues associated for the surrogate. But all they come out with is wanting to be able to choose photos of egg donors, no mention of how traumatising miscarriages can be for the surrogate and their previous one had two. It’s all seems so selfish and entitled to a “service”.

Just annoys me that any celebrities that choose surrogacy are so ignorant of the wider ethical issues with the industry, and also refuse to acknowledge women’s health and the risk. I know it is legal but the attitude towards women just doesn’t sit well with me.
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Tbh they both stole it from Chuck Bass. It not giving what they think it's giving lol
Haha, I don't remember him ever using it in that respect. Emily bloody wishes!
miles latest is how men have it so much harder in the bedroom. god he really needs to get in the fucking bin.
grow up you literal.arogant.COCK.
him and temps going away soon.that will be fun watching the made up scenes,scripted scenes,hours making up a shot *couugh* natural holiday.

miles was appalling to inga wasnt he. wasnt that the time she came to the big house. in the disgusting days of their lockdown,covid filming sessions. she came.he new he.slept with her than ignore and treated her like shit.pushing julias (yeh right) out the way.
i think she might have even left early?
That whole storyline and how they treated Inga was fucking disgusting. Thinking back about it, the whole "I don't think you're a ten" and levels of simmering aggression shown by celery head, and both him and Miles publicly humiliating Inga like that is completely abhorrent. A case of two pathetic men and their pathetic fragile egos being bruised because a single girl happened to take a fancy to both of them but was unsure who she liked more.

Neither were held accountable for their misogyny, and are much-loved by the female cast members, while Inga has been permanently vilified by other girls, and having to put up with constantly having her name sullied and shat on. If I were here, I would have left the show long ago. Joel in this latest series would have been the absolute final straw for me.
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Ollie and Gareth have announced they’re having twins. Looks like they ditched their last surrogate and have decided to rent someone else’s womb instead as the last one was in America and the new one lives in the UK.
I hope they've waited longer than 5 mins after the positive test to announce it, this time...
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So a brief re-cap of the off-season chat in the previous thread...

* Maeva & James embarked on their parenting journey with Beau. Highlights include leaving their newborn at grandma's for 10 days, child-free ski holidays when he was <4wks, escaping to London for botox despite the anxiety of leaving home and resting an axe on him for bantz. This has earned them their own thread.

* Ollie is campaigning for 'backwards' Britain to make it easier for him to rent a womb. An icky adopted child is no good for him.

* Ruby has followed the footsteps of Chloe Green and Victoria and got herself a felon bae. Nicholas is a model she met through work but has a past of training dangerous dogs, a dominatrix mum and was (reportedly) recently released after serving time for drug distribution. Not to mention people keep commenting online that he scams women, but Ruby is all in. They will be the top billing off-season entertainment as they are starting a couples YouTube channel.

* Filming is back on. I suspect next season will premier after Love Island ends mid-March.

Did I miss anything?
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I feel really bad for Inga too and next week doesn't look any better. Ruby and Emily are just so bitchy towards her , I wish more people would back her sometimes
I feel like Inga is actually one of the more decent cast members. She backs herself, she’s honest and open but pretty vulnerable too. She doesn’t really take shit from anyone and is quick to cut people off if they treat her badly but doesn’t hold a grudge and is gracious when people apologise.

I don’t understand why people on the show come for her so much. She’s even mentioned herself she’s “easy pickings”. Joel was outright unkind, rude and judgemental towards her, probably because he is insecure in his relationship with Robbie. Does she come under fire a lot because she’s a little more sure of herself? Is it because she’s a little more bohemian and doesn’t quite fit the MIC mould? I dunno, intrigued to hear what other people think.

but then I also thought Paris was decent 🤡
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Not sure when this was filmed but for someone who has moved on and is living with a new bf, Ruby looks sooo awkward and a bit sad when talking to Rez. Not sure if it’s just a case and always will be if she doesn’t want him but she will never be happy with someone else having him.
Also, I normally really dislike Ruby and Sam Prince but actually liking them both this series.
Agreed - albeit I thought they both looked wistful. I suppose they were together a long time and it isn't an easy thing. I noticed that she immediately asked Bella if she was official with Rez- was clearly told no, and then went to Rez and pretended she thought she was his girlfriend -presumably just to prompt him into saying that she wasn't, probably so she could feel she'd got one over on her. I don't know with Ruby sometimes if she's just really awkward with people she doesn't know and it comes off horribly but I thought she was really rude to Bella, visibly off with her, went out of her way to be unkind as usual and the thing about the shoes was just pathetic really. She's obviously bothered, she almost always is and you can tell because she makes such a scene about not being/not caring.
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yeh it’s not exactly an empathetic take is it? But then it’s exactly on brand for Misogynist Miles.

didn’t he post something along the lines of men doing more work in bed as well? Like who are you kidding Miles, I can’t see him being good in bed AT ALL. Would be too busy preening and looking at himself and you just know he’s selfish AF
Miles is misogynist af, as he's proven time and time again - not only on the show, but in the many disgusting comments he's come out with on his podcast. Yet his loyal band of idiot social media followers seem to have selective hearing and continue showering him with adoration, and feeding his poor bruised ego when he (rightfully) gets pied by some Canadian girl he's never met.

As for his bedroom prowess, who knows, but remember when Inga said he played thunderstorm noises while they were getting it on🤣What a loser.
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Slightly off topic. But I follow frankie gaff on Instagram. Why does she constantly open her stories with …. “Happy…… Tuesday everyone”… “happy……….thursday everyone”. Does she seriously forget what day it is everytime she does that? I’ve noticed she does it every time
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Lily's not wrong about Ruby. She's always sticking her oar in, where it's not wanted.
Can't believe I'm saying this but this is probably the first series ever where I'm finding Ruby mildly bearable. It's probably because the two witches - Willow and Verity - now pique my annoyance more than any of the other girls😅Oh, and Emily too. She loves playing up the ditzy girl image, thinking people find it endearing when it's really not. How many times did she feel the need to mention how she allegedly hasn't read since the age of 5 in this week's first look episode😴
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I saw Ruby today in Notting Hill… she was coming out form either Zephyr or one of the flats above maybe, she had the Dr Sebagh bag with her from her stories today and got into an Uber. I wonder if she was filming MIC?

it was pretty warm today and she was wearing this god awful huge beige puffer coat. With the clothing/fake boobs and filler combo she looks super trashy in person, I think the MIC filter is pretty flattering tbh. She’s also pretty short.

I think when Inga said she expected Rez’s new girlfriend to be a bit trashy with big boobs, she was making a dig at Ruby…
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I hate how fake the interactions are. Since when are Emily and Maeva friends? And Lily and literally any of the cast? She’s Tiff Watson’s best friend and is at least 30 I’m sure…all these new cast members are in their early twenties.

I can’t stand how shady Miles and Yas have been. Why did they lie and gaslight everyone? They both look SO awkward anytime anyone brings it up. If you wanted to keep it private, they should have said so and left it at that. Bizarre behaviour from them both. I bet they’ve slept together and are lying about that as well.

Yas’s fella seems a bit wet to me. Getting strong “meh” vibes from him. Really didn’t think he’d be someone she’d go for. I think they are still together now though.

I seem to recall Paris telling Joel Robbie is inherently selfish and him getting shirty with her about it. Now he’s happy to tell other people how selfish Robbie is. You were warned ages ago by someone who knew him well!
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Yeh, Rez definitely looked wistful. They both know they are very wrong for each other but will always have that pull I guess. Ruby was positively warm towards this girl compared to that last one that introduced herself. She seemed like a really sweet, timid girl and the rudeness and intimidation literally made her cry. That’s when I really disliked Ruby. Thought she was fucking awful but she seems to have softened slightly.
I don’t think Ruby has softened, I think she just sizes up who she’s u against.

the previous girl was quieter and sensitive so Ruby knew she wouldn’t give much push back.

latest girl is a bit more outspoken and riskier to be bitchy towards, so she made a sky passive aggressive dig instead. Bullies can’t help themselves.

There’s a reason Ruby is the “happiest she’s been in forever” with her new thuggish boyfriend. It’s because they are both bullies and she’s found her level
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Oh the irony of miles flying halfway across the world only for the love of his life to get the ick, I hope Ella Ding is laughing up her sleeve.
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I feel really bad for Inga too and next week doesn't look any better. Ruby and Emily are just so bitchy towards her , I wish more people would back her sometimes
Re next week's preview, Emily's little "I'm Emily Blackwell" retort when Inga asks her who she thinks she was stolen from Maeva, who used to always say "I'm MAEVA" when people asked her the same thing on Instagram. Emily's too thick to even come up with her own comebacks, she has to recycle other people's.
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Actually think the chat about Paris’ hair is nasty and uncalled for. Maybe she likes it? Ruby’s hair, Emily’s hair also often looks shite. Habbs’ Croydon facelift ponytail doesn't suit her nearly as much as she thinks it does. Liv and Maevas hairstyles are actually AWFUL (I know Liv has alopecia) but still nobody on the show looks perfect, visits the top stylists and salons in London, why does she have to??

Admittedly Issy is lucky with her hair (genes) and that salon episode didn’t help because Paris’ hair didn’t look amazing/different but this quest for her to be beautiful and perfect and nice and wonderful and kind and the voice of reason and nice to people she dislikes and this or that when literally *nobody* else on the programme is doesn’t sit well.
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Just on ep 2 of the new season. I don’t find Yaz to be interesting in any way , shape or form. Why is she the new main character? She’s supporting cast at best. We really are just watching the dregs now aren’t we, there’s barely anyone left connected to the original/earlier cast, most have vapid and boring personalities. Why am I bothering again 😂
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I screenshot this as well but forgot to post 😂😂😂 Not sure who she thinks she is. “I’ll instruct my lawyers.” 😂😂
Imagine going to law school thinking you’ll make a difference in the world or get some really interesting cases and some nobody getting in touch to say they are offended at an article saying they’re leaving a shite reality show that people stopped caring about 7 years ago 😭 fucking hilarious
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he’s a literal moron. Cancel culture ain’t great but my God, when is it coming for Miles? He treats women horribly but gets away with it because of his thin veneer of “niceness” and because he pretends to befriend them.
Yeah I don't get it. I think Miles is far worse than Harvey but no one ever gives him an ounce of the grief Harvey gets. He's absolutely full of shit and plays the same game every time. What he's done with Yas is a carbon copy of what he did to Ruby. Making out she's his number 1, feeding her ego with compliments. Warning her off other blokes but not wanting her for himself. Saying I got your back then fucking off to Canada to see a girl Yas knew nothing about. More fool Yas for falling for his bullshit and thinking she was different to any of her predecessors.
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Re next week's preview, Emily's little "I'm Emily Blackwell" retort when Inga asks her who she thinks she was stolen from Maeva, who used to always say "I'm MAEVA" when people asked her the same thing on Instagram. Emily's too thick to even come up with her own comebacks, she has to recycle other people's.
Katie Fitch from skins was the OG of this comeback

"I'm Katie f*cking Fitch who the f*ck are you" 😂
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