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Miss Trunchbull

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A little bit of magic......WHAT EXACTLY is MAGIC? Its all bought at a garden centre and that oven has a chimney to nowhere. Please can we have some thread of reality in this shitshow? I mean enough already....get treatment ...

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Why on earth is she getting bespoke puppy gates made when they're only a temporary measure? Or does this mean she is planning on imprisoning Porter in the kitchen forever?
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This is a very delicate topic for her to make it about herself (again). Women are shammed constantly for being too big, too small, showing too much, showing too little,... But she knows showing more skin is going to get her more views and clicks and that’s the only reason she’s is doing it, not to look like an empowered woman. Why would she use different covers for instagram and TikTok if it’s not to improve her TikTok numbers?
This is the same video on different platforms:
View attachment 525798
View attachment 525799

(I’m all about women doing whatever they want with their bodies and wearing whatever they feel like. Please don’t take this as an attack to female bodies, I believe class and self confidence are more than just the clothes we wear. Also english is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes 😉)
I don’t care to look at underwear on a scrawny body with plastic tits. No creativity in presentation...just bang, right in you face lovelies, it’s a paid for add 🙄
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Watched two flogs in one evening. Never doing that again. Overdosed on Lidl’s BS.

This evening’s flog. Good lord. Where to begin.

  • She has a “meeting” with the tailor in Woburn. Why does she try to make everything sound like she’s doing business, when in reality she’s going for a service? Either way, sounds like she’s heard us loud and clear: tailored blazers look better on her than strange curtain-like dresses cinched in at the waist.
  • She describes Elizabeth Arden as “niche” fragrances. What happened to her love of Aerin and Christian Louboutin and CH fragrances?
  • A man called Harry visits the Bunga to advise on the flower beds. Lidl thought he’d say to strip back and start again, but he said they have “good foundations”. It’s not clear, is that literally? Is this referencing ripping out the coffin beds or just the pretend carrots you’ve sown?
  • She talks about a tree by her front gates. She won’t show them as “Ali doesn’t let me show the front of the house that much”. But she wants us to know that Harry has advised they are £800 (“oh wow”) trees you can’t buy in the U.K.
  • She says she’s “excited to live my life so it’s only natural that I feel excitement all of the time.” If that’s true, fair play. But I question this, as this is the same woman who made the video about Nicky and implied she was having incredibly dark, depressive thoughts? Yet, within a matter of weeks, she’s feeling excitement ALL the time?
  • She says Carrie is “back to work”. So there was a time she wasn’t working then? Where has she been? When was she not at work?
  • Carrie and Lidl go to The Old Flight House. She’s there first, before everyone else. They’ve opened early, just for her. No one else. Because she’s so special. Looking at their opening times (10am -5pm), I suspect they let her in at 9.30am so she didn’t harass their other customers by filming and cackling.
  • She’s been gifted a clam shell from the owners of The Old Flight House because she loves the place. Because she loves going there? That makes no sense. What wool did you pull over their eyes Lidl? Extra thick wool, by the sounds of it.
  • She’s bought a strange champagne frame for her bathroom. LC approved as she had her “on speed dial”. Everyone must be at the beckoning call of Little Lidl.
  • She’s bought clogs as ornaments for Ali’s office. Size 36.
  • She’s got terribly weak wrists, so weak that sometimes she can’t upload Insta stories but here she is, pulling down stacked boxes from a sitting position on the floor.
  • All these places to sit, in her kitchen, living room, her chair in Ali’s study, her greenhouse... and she sits on the hall floor. Again.



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Miss Trunchbull

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Haven’t watched tonight’s flog yet but catching up on Monday’s.

Have I totally lost my marbles or is she tottering about her kitchen in high heels here? The noise was what first caught my attention and in a later shot, she was clearly wearing her Prada boots which would be clumpy on that tumbled limestone floor, but looking again at the proportions, there’s no way her waist is this much higher than the worktop?

We’ve seen her at the worktop before when definitely in flat shoes and her hips are below the worktop, no?

View attachment 530785
She’s probably standing on that step ladder
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Yes, Thank you. :) It is just upsetting when you try to be helpful and on the other side of the conversation it is just somebody being “pa-Pa-pa-pa-pa-canthearyouuuuu-paaaa-butalsoeverybodyisalwayswrong-paa”. It was like talking to an angry teenager/child. :/
You can’t be helpful to narcissists.. it’s just not in their nature to listen or take advice from anyone, they truly believe they know everything and can never be wrong.🙄

The olive tree has only been there for a few weeks, right? Yet it's wasted away. See the day it arrived and now, the latest shots of it. I can hear its tiny screams. Sob.

Leaves blowing around the floor as Porter zooms past. In all seriousness, even trees wilt and crumble in that house. Kind of like the resident husband.
Not sure who’s withering away faster, the olive tree or Ali.... both are looking very sad and sorry for themselves...

She's always tried to make 'Glasshouse' happen, even correcting Ali! Hilarious!
Oh can you imagine one day if she slips up in her Insta stories and accidentally says ‘greedhouse’ by mistake... we all know she reads here... that would be just too hilarious!😆

She claims that Ali didn't want a birthday present from Lydia because she's been "doing the house" and that's present enough

That’s her conceited way of telling everyone she has paid for it all and Ali hasn’t done a thing ... bitch!
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Omg what’s WRONG with Lydia. It’s still against the law to go over to your friend’s house. Why does she think it’s ok for her to go over to her friend’s house to ‘bake and drink champagne’.

You must not meet indoors with anybody you do not live with, unless you have formed a support bubble with them (if you are eligible), or another legal exemption applies.

the above is THE LAW
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It's appalling! Wonder if Ali's family watch his vlogs? How heartbreaking it must feel to behold the witch in action like that.
Lydia, you can cosplay the "lady of the Manor" all you want but it's evident for most of us that you are a boob tassel wearing trogdolyte devoid of decorum.
You could tell that he was genuinely lost for words and didn't know how to respond to her. Why did he leave that in though? It was awkward AF and then led into a whole discussion about how they buy each other presents but then really just end up buying their own. It was so bizarre and actually very, very sad.
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God I hate those Extra rings. I know the cut is a bit passé, but would look a million times better if she just wore her sodding engagement ring and wedding ring as she’s supposed to. As usual, she’s made it tacky 😡
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She's probably still in bed hungover this morning. Would love for Ali to go in there clanging saucepan lids at 5am

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Yes, she said that she wants them to be removed or replaced by smaller ones (more in proportion with her body) and that she won’t go back to the doctor who did them because although he is really good, she wants somebody who is nicer...(whatever that means🤷‍♀️).
Sorry she wants a nicer surgeon? I've never heard such bollocks in my life. If someone is doing SURGERY on me I don't care if they're nice I care if they're good at their job! Imagine spending all that money on a shit boob job and justify it by saying the surgeon was nice 😂 😂
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Lydia: I need to get a bike

But you have a bike? The one you got with the basket on it? Like, last year? 🧐

I can’t believe anyone would forget they own a bike 😂. And yeah, maybe she meant a road racing bike but you could definitely make do with a regular bike for now! Madness.
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Miss Trunchbull

VIP Member
You’re not wrong - she may well have been trying to imply that they couldn’t afford them. More likely, she suggested the set to them as Ali’s gift (copying Charlie as per usual), and they were aghast at the price tag and offered money towards them. That’s what I would do if two upstarts who couldn’t cook and have never offered me a decent cooked meal - asked me to pay for chef’s knives. It would actually kill me to pay that exorbitant price knowing it was to cut up a sausage roll.

She can’t pay for a thing without telling us about it. No manners.
Let’s face it. Baked potatoes are notoriously difficult to cut. Those ‘knifes‘ will be a most welcome kitchen utensil.
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What a fucking cow . She just reminded him that she paid the difference on the knives in his vlog. Very awkward silence between them for 30 seconds. You need putting down as in a aggressive dog !!!!! Wow chav you need some serious help. Cant believe we all just witnessed your self centred attention seeking behaviour to this degree- on a another level !!!!!. I'm speechless SHAME ON YOU LYDIA . Talk about make yourself look a complete (hate this word sorry gang ) c..t . Hope all your pretend friends see this !!!!!!
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Milking Keynes

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I assume everyone else dies a little inside every time they see the word "tablescape' ?

Also, don't posh folk let their dogs sleep anywhere ? Poor little thing being trapped in that lifeless kitchen. And for those suggesting she's preggers, stop it, it's what she wants people to ask imho.
I also don’t get this - Porter is allowed out, unaccompanied, to ‘chase the pheasants’ but inside the house, his movements are completely restricted. So - no puppy gates or fencing outside - but trapped inside. Bafflin’.

Eta - Completely with you on the pregnancy issue - stop it!
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No, he can't. Because she doesn't allow a door to the bathroom.
TMI: But what if you need to wake up for a good dump? Let’s be honest, we all need our moment to go in peace and do our thing without someone moaning at us. Can’t imagine how you can’t have a sodding door on the bedroom bathroom! Ugh!

They most certainly didn't have sex on their wedding day. Remember, his mates had to put him to bed on the big day because he was so wasted. That, plus no honeymoon doesn't paint a picture of them throwing each other around a room in heated and wanton frenzied passion. They're the most sexless "young" couple I've ever seen.
Agreed! Marrying someone you love you’d want to be alone with them and enjoy your time together. These two? Pfft.

Ali looks emotionless and Lydia just wanted the image of a wedding.

Their marriage is an image. It’s all for show.
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As I'm relatively new to tattle, can someone tell me - is there a drinking game for each time she says (emphatically, with a stop between each word), "Oh. My. Goodness!"?
And why does every wall have to be either painted in Swamp Mud or Baby Diaper Brown?
In the kitchen - she wants "primitive" (the stools, table, and the new crockery), then in other areas she wants "bespoke" (puppy gates, doorknobs...oh, excuse me, door furniture!). Cognitive dissonance.
Did anyone else expect her to walk into the room in spite of the work man's ladder indicating she shouldn't? I was really expecting that to happen.
And that chair is still IN THE SAME PLACE!
She was whispering, I didn't bother to turn up the volume, and I feel I missed nothing. (Why whisper so quietly when you can't be heard? Just film the vlog later when you can speak normal volume.)
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