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Lola Faith

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I cannot breathe from laughing so much! Please please look at her reel!

Sorry i've not linked it here or taken pictures

It is absolutely bloody hilarious!

The ridiculous halfpenny dress is like a halter neck tutu and she's all dressed up in it in the Greedhouse!


Seeing as we are allowed to see people outdoors and the weather is nice today in the UK, wouldn't it have been nice to post a picture of lunch/brunch in the garden with her team or friends or family.

But no!

This is LYDIA we are talking about!

Every day is a Me day but today is EXTRA!

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in the style of 50cents in da club

'Hey short arse its your birthday
you wanna party in the greedhouse like its your birthday
you wanna sip Moet like its your birthday
but we don't give a fuck that its your birthday'. :giggle:
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years ago she said that if it wasn't for Ali she wouldn't have her career as he was the one who gave her the idea to do fashion posts and he was the one taking her blog pictures etc and now instead of being grateful she treats him like he owes her the world and is always barking orders at him like a deranged weirdo! I wonder why he puts up with it.. maybe she's good in bed lol
Don't know why she said that but she did blogging before Ali. Supposedly her Dad was her photographer back then, but who knows.
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"Bolognese is simmering away"
Screenshot 2021-04-14 at 17.33.58.png

*absolutely roaring in the background*

I mean, it's not a HUMONGOUS error, but if you can't tell the difference between simmering and boiling, maybe you don't need a £1,200 set of knives?
The bottom of that will burn, though.
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Just like Ali's ill fitting suit, this half penny dress looks just that. Like it cost just half a penny to make and they used the left over scraps of cloth on the sewing room floor to throw this ill fitting dress together for her. The bodice of this dress looks like the loose paper bag my morning scone came in. And then she styles it with her severe smooshed down middle parted helmet head of hair and takes photos in her stupid greenhouse as though it's some beautiful place? Sorry, it's not. She's packed a bunch of junk in that greenhouse and it looks dumb.

Gosh....well, what else is she going to do, I suppose. The Renos are close to being done and from what we see even the Master bath looks a shit show. The fact that she continues to let Lauren fuck this house over without stopping her is mind boggling. Sorry, but how Lauren calls herself a designer is stunning to me. But hey, it must be free which is why Lydiot's done it all. Only a fool would actually pay money for this downgrade in house design.

What really blows my mind is how this 33 year old so called professional woman bangs on about her birthday as though she is a 3 year old. I'm a little older then Lydiot and it's my birthday later this week too but I don't feel like banging on about it to everyone and their grandmother. And she does not have a birth "day", she has an entire week. It's as though the twat is still stuck in childhood but I realize as a narcissist she goes on about her birthday as though the world has been blessed to have her in it. It is not.

And I realize now she bangs on about it for months worse than a toddler, because the cheap whore wants companies to send her free shit. Well, she definitely got a cheap looking piece of trash dress from Half Penny. However, she gets flowers but nothing else now from these companies. There used to be lots of actual gifts that came with the birthday flowers from brands in previous years, remember? Well, this is the result when one acts a bitch and verbally abuses someone over hair.

I truly hope Santa finally gave Carrie a brain for Christmas and she learned to use it and finally left Lydiot. Dee is just a house assistant really as she seems to just take photos of Lydiot's dirty clothes and shoes and pops it on Depop. The only other thing Dee's done is make sausage rolls so, yeah, not much work there.

Ali looks dumb as rocks in the reel today where he fake applauds her, jumping up and down as she struts in her new ill fitting dress from Half Penny. He seems more truly enthused and thrilled when Lumi struts her stuff, if I'm honest.

You can tell he's just not happy anymore. He's lost the healthy vibe and the spark in his eyes. I think he is still a decent looking guy but he looks thin, unhealthy and stressed now. Despite the financial perks, I doubt he will stay forever. I can truly see him with a sweet, humble girl. I think he would be over the moon to be with someone as sweet and beautiful as Nicky versus this ugly, greedy troll he married.

Lydiot used to be beautiful but she has fucked her face up with all the free fillers. More than anything though, her disgusting, deplorable behavior is what has made her beyond ugly to many now.

I think she's going to be more intolerable with Carrie gone. Her videos were good when Ali was doing them all. However now with Carrie gone, what decent quality she had will disappear even further. And who is going to delete all the negative comments after each vlog now? And with Carrie possibly gone now as her manager, I only see Lydiot's 2021 career crashing and burning earlier than expected. Well, one reaps what one sows. Maybe she will finally learn the true meaning of that phrase this year.
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WTF is this hospital gown / moomoo / flour sack monstrosity?!
Screenshot 2021-04-12 at 17.20.20.png

Apparently the knives were a birthday present for Ali.. I mean, both their careers are dying anyway, no need to drag out the suffering.
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years ago she said that if it wasn't for Ali she wouldn't have her career as he was the one who gave her the idea to do fashion posts and he was the one taking her blog pictures etc and now instead of being grateful she treats him like he owes her the world and is always barking orders at him like a deranged weirdo! I wonder why he puts up with it.. maybe she's good in bed lol
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Lola Faith

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I really don't think TeaSpiller is Lydia. She is such a narcissist, she believes she is perfect in every way, she would never ever write anything in the least bit derogatory about herself, there is no way. She lives a lie, she is a lie, she's so caught up in trying to portray her warped view of 'the perfect life' she could not step outside herself and write things like that at all. If someone has been blocked by someone on here it's perhaps they didn't like the messages sent or the comments, which is guess we are all free to do if we want.

Lydia is going to milk her birthday week for all its worth as she has no other content. Most of us have booked to get our hair and nails done on the weekend as we work in the week, but no she's spending a whole day on herself today, just for a change!!!

She only posts about Ali or anyone she 'cares' about when she has to, like her Anniversary, but Ali's birthday wasn't relevant enough to post on her stories or the grid because it doesn't benefit her.

I don't believe she works more than one full day's worth a week. I think she spends so much time on her phone (we always see her glued to it on Ali's vlogs) and she stalks home accounts and other influencers. She's probably got a book of notes about who she hates, who she is copying, and what decor she wants next.

She's getting worse that is for sure.
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Miss Trunchbull

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Happy Birthday dearest Trunchy ❤ ❤ ❤ Hope you had a lovely day, and may you see many many more wonderful days ahead xoxoxo
(Apologies for the late wishes)
Actually today has been wonderful with deliveries of flowers, wine, chocolates and food...I feel very special and loved, phone calls from my nearest and dearest ones, I have had a lovely time. And the tributes and revelling I have had on here have made it absolutely official day and the documentation thereof will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you to you all for participating and bringing your fabulous quirkiness to help celebrate; what a lovely bunch of nutters, I couldn’t ask for more. I love you all 🥰🥰🥰🥰
mucholuvvo Trunchy xx
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It makes me laugh at her big age that she still has a “birthday week” and seemingly doesn’t give a fuck about Ali’s or anything else. Like, I get when you’re younger, turning 18 or 21 (depending on where you live) and go all out etc, but seriously? It just shows how immature she fucking is. Truly, I’d understand if it was actually something to celebrate, like, she’d been a key worker all last year, she’d managed to make it another year (some people can’t see themselves making it another year when they’re depressed), she’d battled covid or actually just done anything USEFUL to celebrate her life. But she hasn’t. She’s fucking useless to this world.
Lol it really grinds my gears when people bang on and on about their birthdays on Instagram, especially when it’s all ‘it’s my birthday week!!’ Fuck off.. you do realise that every single person on this planet has a birthday, 365 days of the year it is somebody’s birthday, if everyone celebrated their birthday week no one would ever get anything done lol. Maybe I’m just a dickhead but I genuinely don’t really care when it’s any of my friends birthdays... I’ll send them a card, I’ll say happy birthday, if they plan to do something I’ll go along, but I’m 26, I’m not making a big hoohar out of every one of my friends birthdays, I’d be broke it I did lol! And dw I don’t expect anyone to make a big hoohar out of my birthday either, I assume no one cares it’s my birthday.. to each their own I guess but why can’t people celebrate it quietly 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe I’m a birthday Scrooge!
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I'm still about ten pages behind so I'm sure this has been said already but I find her whole birthday week or celebration or whatever really quite gross.
Days before her birthday she posts the gifts from loved ones. On her actual birthday she posts nothing but story after story of gifted flowers and tat from brands. I realise she needed to let Tattle know she still has brands supporting her, but it's such an insight into her vile personality that she gets the family gifts "out the way" before the big day so she can beg for stuff that means absolutely nothing to show off on Instagram. I am also sickened that these brands have sent her things.

And I'm sorry but I cringed SO HARD at the reel Ali did :sick:
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It makes me laugh at her big age that she still has a “birthday week” and seemingly doesn’t give a fuck about Ali’s or anything else. Like, I get when you’re younger, turning 18 or 21 (depending on where you live) and go all out etc, but seriously? It just shows how immature she fucking is. Truly, I’d understand if it was actually something to celebrate, like, she’d been a key worker all last year, she’d managed to make it another year (some people can’t see themselves making it another year when they’re depressed), she’d battled covid or actually just done anything USEFUL to celebrate her life. But she hasn’t. She’s fucking useless to this world.
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Lydia darling you can wear the most expensive lingerie set on the planet but those breasts will never be 'classy'. :giggle:
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WATERFALLS & DRAINS !!!!! You are a drain lovely actually a sewer drain to be honest.
She needs a bike. You have one in your shed on the wall that you don't use.
Shows us all her bare minerals & Espa in her teeny tiny bathroom. Fuckwitt.
Hands nicotine orange with appalling applied tan.
She feels very Ralph Lauren in a stripey shirt & that bloody H belt again !!!!
Wanking the door handles again. She definitely gets a orgasm from those knobs.
Bedroom carrys on the doom & gloom dropcloth theme.
But guess what en-suite has a TUMBLED MARBLE FLOOR. ITS SO ME ME ME ME ME.
Well Ali definitely would get to voice an opinion would he ? . Cant do a hour of her will stomach the rest later.
I never watch any of her vlogs, I refuse to add any views that might bring her AdSense or be a statistic she can use to sell herself to brands, plus she bores the pants off me. (I'm only here for you all, far too witty a crowd to walk away from.) She doesn't follow the ACA/ASA rules and thinks she is above all that. She has chosen to put her whole life online and it eats her up inside that she knows she only has the things and opportunities she does because she was prepared to forgo her privacy and share her life for everyone to see. She hates that people feel they have a right/access to her, hates that she knows her life is a sham and hates that the only reason she has got where she has, is because her followers and their views put her there. She hates her audience but knows without them she is nothing, has nothing. She desperately does not want to be Lydia, the kid no one really liked at school again, feeling she is left out of things, having to get a regular job. So she puts on this high and mighty act online and pretends she is someone rich that people will look up to and be taken in by. Her actions betray her though, her manners, the way she speaks, all of it. You can tell a mile off when someone is putting on a voice and trying to play pretend. Her world to me seems to be cracking apart, I am wondering how long she can milk this cash cow for? Personally, I think the cow is on its last legs!
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