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Not that it makes a difference but they have the bathroom which they use for storage in between their dressing rooms :rolleyes:

Whenever she does question time on Instagram she just uses it as an opportunity to brag about herself, her house and all her belongings. I hope she doesn't get targeted by thieves as she gives out far too much information which would make her an easy target.

On the subject of thieves, I had a random but slightly concerning thought. I was watching one of their vlogs the other day, I can't remember if it was hers or Ali's but Ali was in the kitchen with Porter and the kitchen doors were just wide open, Ali was throwing a toy for Porter to go fetch. I was wondering do they leave those doors open when they are upstairs/downstairs/elsewhere in the house? Someone with bad intentions could very easily make their way through the farmer's field, through the sprinkling of trees into their garden and into their house. Dog nappers have gone through more difficult things to get to dogs/puppies and so have burglars, they have a lot of expensive stuff on the ground floor of their house which could easily be taken including Porter.

I know it's a bit dramatic but with how much they advertise themselves and their belonging on the internet it just made me think, wouldn't you be a little concerned?
Welcome back! Love the lil avatar :)
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Oh they’ve also saved her on the peach highlight story ... and you can comment on that too! 🍌

shame on them!

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Margo Polo

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Ok, I'll fly over to attend this event. Muddy fields!! Jumpy claps. I'll be Oompa Loompa orange fake tanned, in a brand new tweed field jacket, jodhpurs, and Hermès jumping boots. You'll be able to see me before I arrive because all the price tags will be blowing in the wind. You'll soon forget about the price tags when you see my deep brown, unblended contour. I'll bring my rambunctious puppy, who won't be lethargic or frozen still at any moment. And for food I can contribute platanitos maduros fritos (friend plantains 'natch), champers and a tin of tuna (no mayo, sorry don't want to get fat). Oh, and a vape pipe we can all share, but hide from the cameras. Everyone should practice eye fucking themselves in their cameras for our selfies. Pucker up your duck faces, banana lovers.

In all seriousness, scanning the video a lovely Tattler posted earlier, this struck me. Why did the original builders of this bungalow use so many different colours/textures when building this new build? Were they trying to use spare materials? When you see it as a whole picture, it feels like it was built as cheaply as possible, thrown together per se. The jarring mismatch of the material's colours would have been top of the list to fix IF I'd have been stupid enough to buy this new build bungalow. Same at the entry with the SOLID OAK PORCH OF DREAMS(!!), that black and grey modern tile next to the red brick is such an eyesore. And why for the love of all that is holy, why have Ali and Lydia repainted rooms more than 3 times, but not painted the shed? It looks like it is rotting. A lick of paint would do wonders for the structure.
I think she’s copying lottieshousebuild on IG. If you see her outside entrance way and her beams in the kitchen that’s who’s she’s copying. I’ve seen L like posts.
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Oh my! I’ve just seen her Q and A on insta and it’s just ridiculous. Phase 1 of renovations so what were all the other ones?!? Painting the black living room she said was no the perfect colour and she wouldn’t touch. Repainting again kitchen, apparently renovating in phases but not enough money to change plug sockets. I just can’t keep up or cope with the hypocrisy and lies and to be frank total bullshit.
How is she even doing all of this? Is it just all free?
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I am in total agreement about the teeth and the work on the house. I think the teeth were photoshopped in that picture, I remember thinking this at the time she suddenly put that photo up. It was like she had suddenly had her teeth done overnight.
Teeth in the latest vlog look nothing like the super even teeth in the photo.
And the work on the house seems to be taking quite some time, I think she is dragging this content out for whatever reason.
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Active member
I completely agree with all your points, I just thought that lydias appearance (with indicators specific to ED’s, rather than natural thinness), eating and exercise habits, obvious need for control (which is the stem of most ED’s) combined with how she talks about her size (making sure we know how exceptionally ‘tiny’ she is) are concerning and -as someone who is naturally very slim, but then developed an eating disorder - her recent appearance changes all are red flags for having an eating disorder.
Obviously I could be wrong, and she’s just eating unhealthily with no further issues, and I’m reading into it too much into it because of my own experiences.
No worries, I get your point and I do agree in a way. It just wanted to put a reminder out there :) 🥰
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Right this is petty I know don’t have to tell me. But whyyyyyyyyyy does she only curl the ends of her hair. It looks nice on some people but it just looks like her curls have fallen out at the end of the day to me. Like can’t she switch up her hair and be creative. For a fashion blogger she’s not creative in the slightest
She s just too damn lazy!!!
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Don't be starting the shindig without me folks, I am on my way.
I am booked on the mail train from home to Darwin (top of Australia) then I have passage booked on a slow boat to India, where I will stop in for supplies, then its overland to Turkey then a ferry across to France where I will pick us up some lovely Hermes STUFF then on the Eurostar to pick up sister from London, so we should get to you all by about this time next year.
I will bring Tim Tams, Lamingtons and Pavlova, you will love it all.
I have attached a pici of the style of outfit I will be wearing along the way, just to scare of any unwelcome advances on the journey, I know only too well how my wittle moley woley face and teeny tiny waist can excite even the most jaded of suitors. The lycra packs well and is able to withstand many hours on a hot train. See you all soonish.
I’m more than happy to pick you up in my pre-loved Tardis @toomuchstuff ... no trouble at all! 😉
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This is not gravel, it's a lightweight man made clay pellet which is filling the trays and providing drainage as well as holding onto moisture.
I do hope the floor is in because it's going to be a right pain in the assthetic to move that staging...especially if the clay pellets are saturated.

By the way, my tent will be pitched next to @Oops... at our get together and I will be offering free gardening advice in the few hours until I can no longer speak which time I will be speaking in Latin!
I Eleagnus pungens maculata welcome that! I will be bringing some mature Cordyline australis atropurpurea ‘nana’ for the goody bags with me on the day so if you did lose your voice I might be able to help out a little. Mind you I might be a bit busy telling fortunes by reading poems and trying to find Gary Barlow when it actually comes to it. But you have my support should you need it. Not that you will. Shove off @Oops... and stop butting in... :sick:
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I remember from some of the old house videos that their relationship was very different so hear me out....

Lydia has always been awkward and I think this also is the case in showing affection to Ali. But it was clear to see he adored her and wanted to build a life with her. She got upset when they put the xmas tree up for the last time in the old house and the video ended on him hugging her to comfort her and her hugging him back.

Since the house move I think she has lost herself, who she is and where she is going. I feel they are wanting different things. Ali up to this point has been trying to keep her happy as he still adored her. But she has become so lost, she is becoming angry and spiteful to those closest to her.

She is too difficult to have an honest conversation with Ali and brainstorm together ideas to get her back on track, together. He is creative, let him help you! You might be surprised. Also, take viewers feedback on board.

I think what I am trying to say is that he is going to end up burnt out from trying to save her from herself and he will either leave or his family will hopefully step in and talk some sense in to him.

Some late night musings.... apologies for rambling on.
That was perfect on what's going on and great advice and very sweet helpful advice and I know we all despise her for her wrong doings but the good in me doesn't want to act out like she does and be the same nasty person she's become! I struggle with this alot and I want for her to be punished in a sense but I don't want to be that mean person and have hate in my heart for her or anyone else!! Would I ever want to trust her or be friends with someone like her absolutely no but I don't want to see anyone that is truly suffering from depression and or going through a tough time and make it worse but at the end of the day she does deserve to get people to call her out on her b.s.!!!!
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am i the only one who sees no teeth conspiracy here? her teeth look exactly the same as they always have in every picture/video. the only picture being used as evidence for her having veneers/bonding is one with her teeth clenched, and the slight overbite hiding the gaps in the bottom teeth. i really don't think she got her teeth done.
yes I am with you on the tooth front. Her teeth look the same to me. I think maybe she did something to them for that photo she took of her smiling and saying they are perfect.
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Someone needs to inform this woman about banana gate....
She has been crawling up this Irene’s backside lately so Irene is lapping it up. Check out Irene’s greenhouse! She would love Irene’s life!
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Didn't she say she was using some fancy sustainable products that came in little glass tubes and replacing her cleaning products with them?
She did and she lies... About anything and everything! And btw absolutely no f@@ks given.
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I also agree with @bibbitybitt. Her frame is not that of someone who is eating a healthy, plentiful diet. Neither does she look toned and strong so it can't be exercise that's causing it. She reminds me of models in the mid-90s with lollipop heads and heroine chic bodies. It was criminal that magazines, advertisers and photographers glamourised that look and I never ever want to see it return!! So when she cinches in her waist like that and mentions she's a size 4 constantly, it really makes me concerned for her and particularly any impressionable young girls who follow her.

More recently I've been shocked to see her hobbling about like a frail old lady. I'm really not being mean for the sake of it, this is genuinely what my eyes see.

And some sort of ED would also explain the snippy hangery temperament.

I feel sad for her. Her job, the scrutiny she's under, the pressure to maintain her lifestyle and the stress of keeping up with her lies and fake persona must be a big contributing factor (despite her 'I don't give a fuck' vibes).

I really believe she needs to remove herself from social media, get herself well again and restart her career doing something else (property development or interiors perhaps). Yes she will likely have to accept that she'll need to live more modestly but part of her growing as a person will be learning to step down from the pedestal that she's clinging onto, and accepting that she's just like the rest of us. Fame, adoration and beauty are fleeting for most, it's time for Lydia to get real, get well and consider the future before she crumbles.
Yes I agree with you. Much as I dislike her there is a part of me which feels sorry for her. She does need to get away from SM for a while and maybe get some professional help.
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