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One thing I don't understand is the hate for Lumi? As far as I see she's just a cat being a cat and doing cat stuff? Am I missing something? She never hurt anyone, did she? I get not being a cat person, but is such hatred towards an animal justified?

I'm not judging or policing, I'm just genuinely curious as to where the hate comes from.
Agree... Lumi is adorable... I ❤ animals.
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OK OK I will give the tassles to someone with a pair of tits .. hmmm what to wear?
Got DREAAM Asbestos jacket (well if I am going to get 3rd degree burns do it right NOT Half-arsed from boohoo or KM) with a pair of vaginal prolapse inducing vomit coloured leggings .....herpeeeez boots and a firkin .. DONE and Done!!!
@Stephano - I will need a very smart armed guard on the day so I was wondering if you might do me the honour of riffling through your rifles (they’re at the Jermyn Street - James Bond end of your wardrobe where the prolapses used to be). I’ll be sending an armoured car to pick you up. That‘s if you wish to accept the challenge. :rolleyes: (Don’t tell M btw - she’ll go all Judi Dench on us again...)
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Margo Polo

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Nope. It was #gifted. Everything is free (#pressproduct), then she sells it on and makes coin for her coffers. With highly inflated shipping fees, of course.

I wonder how much of this renovation is gifted. I have a feeling a huge chunk is. Her new stairs, floors, carpeting, mattresses, all the paint, furniture, wallpaper, beauty treatments, hair colouring and treatments, brow microblading, dining table, etc. was all #gifted. Her cars (Range Rover and the Aston), and the previous car which was a Mercedes coupe, she got a massive discount on the lease payments. This is why she has a large chunk of change in her company account. Even the ridiculous new diamond bands she wears with her engagement ring were #gifted. If she has to pay for something, it will be the cheapest option available, like tuna and pasta for their nightly dinners. Or she might spring for takeaway pizza and Taco Bell. She is a master at getting free shit. She doesn't spend her own money to buy things for her family or friends. Just recycles her own freebies. Truly, this is her big skill in life. Grifting.

I bet it really burned her ass to have to pay for Porter. I wonder if she has tried to expense his purchase cost since it is evident to anyone with a brain his purchase was strictly for the content she could get. #everyonelovesapuppy

The problem is that because she has to take what is given for free, nothing ever looks cohesive. Freebies aren't stylish.
Oh, I did not know that! Thanks. Yeah, those diamond bands do not suit the engagement ring. I noticed she’s always changing up her earings and necklace’s, I figured the paying gig was over and into another.
I bought that horrible hair shampoo she recommended. She raved on about it, twice in fact. The second time, she said she uses it all the time yet the bottle looked full from the first time. I’m sure this shampoo turned her hair red and ruined it as I have very similar hair to hers.
on a side note, I read the info about Lyd and they missed out I think she did her office twice... and the furniture must have been on lone and she kept on getting rid of it and... don’t forget she redid the hall entrance to downstairs with that round table.
Also, she never gives credit to the people that tell her how to do things properly. She somehow knows how to do something a few videos down the line but must think we are stupid as we can see the comments. A caring person would give thanks to that person showing gratitude. I love Victoria from TheFow as she takes time out to message people back saying thank you etc. shes very gracious.

Anyone spot these Insta stories posted yesterday?

Holland Cooper re-posting ITF and Lydia re-posting a story she’d been tagged in. Not like Lidl to miss an opportunity to tag HC so she could also get a re-post... perhaps she’s worried about the backlash she received last time? And she knows people were messaging HC to make them aware of her behaviour?

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I wonder how many.... I think Victoria is woneedful.
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I found some screenshots on my phone from 2020. They're taken from Lidl's Instagram stories.
She kept making sly digs at Nicky for months after the hair appointment and here's some proof!

(I think I remember her saying that the person in the 1st photo isn't actually her but she saved the photo because she liked it - then adding the caption in 2020) obviously 🤪😂

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Excellent photo hoarding! This needs to go in the wiki! She AND Amelia were doing this at the same time. I wish I had kept my screenshots
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Since it’s Saturday so I have a little spare time and since you have asked (I think @Hunevoque2 once asked too) I will attempt to tell the sorry tale. Apologies for the length of it...

I boycotted Hermes in 2004. I did so because of an extremely tiresome and stressful experience with them in their Paris store. (I think it may have been that store that refused Oprah entry because she was a woman of colour!!:mad: ) But - I digress...

So - the year before, I had met a Lady whilst making a series of TV programmes for a well-known company. (I’m no one special or famous, I just had a particular skill they needed for the program.) She was a very commanding woman - very tall and very elegant. She could fill a room with her presence. We really hit it off. We really got on with each other and we laughed and laughed and laughed together. We stayed firm friends until her sad, untimely death some years later.

This Lady was extremely grand and a force to be reckoned with. Some found her to be prickly and aristocratically high-handed. She never was with me but she was formidable when you saw her in action. I loved her for this because she was such a kind and lovely woman when you got to know the real her. She was a lot older than me but that didn’t matter because we shared similar interests and an almost identical sense of the absurd. She was great fun and a truly wonderful, supportive friend to me.

She had a big Birthday coming up that year and so I took her to Paris as a treat. We shopped...every day we shopped...

One of our excursions found us in Hermes. My friend raised an eyebrow and immediately a lovely silk chair appeared for her to sit on whilst I frolicked in the frocks. I bought a grey coat (worn twice but still in wardrobe) and then we just wandered together throughout the store. I mentioned that I was looking for some cutlery having recently bought a London flat and was fed up bringing knives and forks from home when I stayed there.

She found some...She urged me to buy it because it was lovely to look at and she said it suited me (I had always wanted to look like a fork and anyway she was the best friend to go shopping with because she always told the truth AND she always found the loveliest and most perfect things for me. She had SUCH a good eye. I trusted her implicitly.) So after not much deliberation I went ahead and bought a whole canteen of this beautiful cutlery. As it was fairly heavy they said the would post it to me in London. So comes the day - comes the cutlery - and I admit I did a thrilling unboxing when it arrived. I laid it out and I gave myself praise for choosing so wisely.

In a VERY short time the silver cutlery turned orange and then brown. So I polished it, stored it back in the big boxes it came in and didn’t think any more. Until, I had to use it for a bash I was throwing in town. Lo and behold - I opened the box and it was orange and brown again. So I cleaned it again and repeated the whole charade. I got fed up with this so told my friend. She came to stay with me that weekend and I showed her. She was very put out for me and said she wished she had never set eyes on it as she felt responsible for urging me to buy it. I assured her this wasn’t the case. Anyway, she decided that next morning (Saturday) we were going to Hermes in Sloane Street (very nearby) and SHE was going to complain!

She sailed into Hermes like a galleon. She quite literally opened the boxes and emptied them noisily on the glass counter and told the SA in no uncertain terms that their cutlery was utter rubbish! (She did not use the word rubbish btw). I was like a rabbit caught in the headlights standing behind her watching this scene all pan out. The SA then said (and I quote) Madam, this silver needs cleaning! My friend then royally KICKED OFF! She explained she had had silver all her life. Her family had used family silver all their lives. She had family silver open to the public. She was well aware that silver needed cleaning, however it should not need cleaning EVERY DAY! The SA took out a silver cloth and cleaned one spoon. He put it on the counter and we watched it turn pale orange in front of our eyes. He explained he would have to send it back to Paris and have tests done on it. So my cutlery was confiscated and sent back to Paris. It could not be dealt with in UK. WHY? Who knows...

After many weeks nothing was heard from Paris. My friend came to stay again. She carted me back to Sloane Street and a chair appeared (for her) as soon as we entered. She explained that nothing had been done and demanded a full refund. She was told that that would not be possible and that SHE had to get in touch with the store in Paris!! We went back to my flat and she did - in flawless French.

This carried on getting batted backwards and forwards for months. In the end they rang me and told me there were indeed problems with that consignment of cutlery and that they were sending me a credit note. My French is poor - very poor. However, I managed to tell them I did not want a credit note - I was much more in favour of a full refund please. NON! NON! NON! It was not company policy to give refunds - only a similar amount to what I had spent in Paris (taking account of fluctuations in currency meanwhile). I was told that they had given me their permission to spend this similar amount in their store in London. I was so hacked off by this because it now meant I had to go and spend a fairly significant amount of money on things I really didn’t want or need. Like a leather pochette containing a battery light to shine on the keyhole of my front door and a watch I would not normally have chosen to buy. This along with various scarves and almost every scent bottle they sold completed the wretched transaction. It was a dreary shopping excursion undertaken with no enthusiasm, which took hours just to get goods to the value of.

So that’s why I have very good reason not to shop with them ever again. They produced sub-standard cutlery and I had to pay the price for it. There was no apology - no uptake of responsibility - just hard-nosed retention of my hard-earned cash. THE END.
Thank you.
What a very bad experience. I have noticed that one of my silver bracelets is always brown and black when I pull it out of the box!
Also I tried on some jumping boots, and noticed that the leather was really wrinkled and bad looking on the back,didn’t purchase because I couldn’t even get my foot in😂.
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Gift bag on admission, contains:

Small bottle Sauve
Pair luxury tights (can be worn back to front and under leggings)
Soon Come limited edition beauty items (as yet unreleased)
Luxury Oven Mitt (Gló label - just the one)
Head & Shoulders (extra strength 100ml)
Are you sure the Soon Come products are "beauty"? 🙈
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I have heard of three people who died from falling off of a ladder :cry:
Maybe that is what she wants! Big life insurance to buy her cods wallop forever house!

Ok first impression from Alis vlog, SHE IS NOT A HAPPY CAMPER.
Her vlogs she was reasonably happy pottering around d in the shed, Also vlog she is pissed off at him, at the dog, at the world.
Maybe she should leave him and give him the house and dog!
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Chatty Member
I studied Anatomy and Physiology extensively over the course of my six years at University, yet not one of my lecturers ever explained the term ‘dinky dink’.
View attachment 464601

Also, apparently eye drops are a weapon!
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I swear one of these days I’m going to eye-roll myself into another dimension and not even my pre-loved Tardis will have the ability to save me! 🙄
😆 that first photo looks like she is about to brush on a Charlie Chaplin moustache to go with her Charlie Chaplin eyebrows 🥸.. she has them painted in extra dark today 🤢
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Who was she coping back then ? I would wear most of the outfits even few years Later so I would love to follow original because lydia’s fashion now can be inspiring only for 50+.
I would like to follow modern succesfull woman
I am sure at some point she copied Annie Jaffrey, but if you find the other OGs, post it. I liked her old style too.
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Miss Trunchbull

VIP Member
What is Josies eBay site called?

And Lawks a mercy, fuck me sideways, Gordon Bennett

Oh for fuck sake. I'm all for evolution of taste and style in relation to home decor but this is not that.

There is no earthly reason that one sitting room needs to be repainted once a year! The world is on fucking fire and we could do with less paint tins in landfill thanks!
Her carbon footprint is probably larger than a small country.

I think if she stopped renovating for a week she would have a complete mental break as she would actually have to look into the void that is her life. At this point the void would probably stare back.
She might put filler in it
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I've left a comment on Rodial.....will see how long it lasts 🤔🤔

*Well it didn't last very long...its been deleted already 🤨 Though there is still a couple not been deleted and were posted a couple of hours ago.....they must have missed them 🙄
I have added mine to several pics in hope they stay <3 keep going guys and someone will hear :)
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Milking Keynes

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It was on display with NO fanfare whatsoever...(as far as I am aware it’s been crickets since it appeared). I have absolutely no love of Hermes for very good reasons, so could not be more apathetic to any of the Hermes trumpet blowing. ;)

Edit. Having said this I do love @FarNiente’s handbags - but that is the only exception I can make :love:
Don’t leave us hanging, @Oops, spill the tea!!
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I am in total agreement about the teeth and the work on the house. I think the teeth were photoshopped in that picture, I remember thinking this at the time she suddenly put that photo up. It was like she had suddenly had her teeth done overnight.
Teeth in the latest vlog look nothing like the super even teeth in the photo.
And the work on the house seems to be taking quite some time, I think she is dragging this content out for whatever reason.
The only bit I can't get is in each blog she mentions what the weather has been like that week, and it's correct. Like her in there greenhouse... so far this year, last week was the only week it would have been nice enough weather for that
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I studied Anatomy and Physiology extensively over the course of my six years at University, yet not one of my lecturers ever explained the term ‘dinky dink’.
View attachment 464601

Also, apparently eye drops are a weapon

I swear one of these days I’m going to eye-roll myself into another dimension and not even my pre-loved Tardis will have the ability to save me! 🙄
Let me know when you are planing on leaving please because I definitely want to join you! Rather hoping that by then my pre-unloved Tardis might be working again so I will be more than happy to collect you on our way to Wherever...Same arrangement as usual - you bring the Tim Tams and I’ll bring the Chateau Plonk. 🍷
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It seems like the black walls might have gone (we shall find out on Monday) - love that she’s using monkey emojis. I think everyone associates monkeys with eating banana 🍌

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We had a poll on 30 Oct about when the living room wall colour would be changing. It seems only 5 people back then thought the wall colour would never change...

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I’d forgotten about that poll! 🐒🐵🙈🙉🙊🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌
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OMG didn't she change ALL of the hardware to shiny nickel when she moved in? I'll have to research this... be right back. Changing hardware on all of the doors is no joke expensive. And using that term is no joke pretentious.
Yes, I believe she used a small independent company that for some reason I remember someone coming on here and commenting on how expensive it was for the company. They might have given her a hefty discount rather than supplied them free of charge.

Edit: I am wondering if it was @Ravenstown that said about it, I think it was a company in Stony Stratford.
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