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Scence 4. Clearing in the Wood. Day.

As the curtain rises we see our clearing in the wood with the wonderful Christmas tree SR. It’s all starting to look very festive indeed and the eagle-eyed amongst us will notice that several of Our Lurkers beautiful eyes are missing now! The entire Company of 64 are gathered together to welcome some Newcomers. All the Fur Babies do like a good Newcomer. Sherlock; fresh from the shoulder of Ed Sheeran and in great voice tonight skips across the stage holding paws with Charlie - a stunning British Shorthair cat (not to be confused with Charlie (Panda Bear) the Havanese). Smokey carries in a ladder on the top of which lies Maddie; our beautiful new Yorkshire Terrier. Smokey gently helps her onto a comfy bale of hay at the side of the Christmas tree. ASM’s have been told not to move anything on stage since Maddie is now unable to see and we don’t want her to be bumping into anything. She’s a little hard of hearing too, so all the Fur Babies will speak a little louder tonight. A cushion is brought onstage by Stannis in order to help support Maddie’s legs. Maddie has an incredible singing voice, however she hasn’t told anyone about that yet as she is incredibly modest. Tweedles the Yorkie floats onto the Rainbow Bridge holding paws with our new Poodle - Coco. The Company are so happy and delighted to welcome these 4 new Fur Babies. There is much waving and smiling. Casper, the Cocker who loves attention, has been to collect Ma Pastry’s latest cake which has been lovingly baked to celebrate the new arrivals. He only took the tiniest lick of the icing on the journey from her kitchen, so absolutely no-one notices. Casper gives all the new Fur Babies a nice slice of cake. Today, our Fur Babies wish to recount and recite a popular Fur Baby Fairy Tale. Smokey, Sherlock and Buttons step forward and go and stand from left to right on the three dwarf-walls SL of the porch. Roo, Makan and Klaudio each stand on a dwarf-wall SR of the porch. The eagle-eyed amongst us notice that the porch has a new sign nailed over the old sign. It says Dunvloggin’. When everyone is in place a hush falls as a hologram appears CS. Eloise Ich-Liebe-Dich - a beautiful Spitz looks out into the audience.

Eloise Ich-Liebe-Dich the lovely German Spitz
Was prone to temper tantrums and threw many hissy fits
She attached herself to arguments and wantonly chose strife
She had a very stubborn streak and growled her way through life
She always chose the hard and stony path on which to walk
And when she reached a crossroad she would always choose the fork
That led her to a problem - she could never understand
Why life was always difficult and never what she planned

Eloise Ich-Liebe-Dich was very fair of face
But no-one seemed to like her - she was always in disgrace
Surely everyone could see the beauty of her coat?
Since no-one gave her praise she learned to keep herself remote
And haughtily and glacially she held her head up high
She never showed her feelings - no-one ever saw her cry
She kept herself quite separate and she never joined the pack
When other dogs gave her their stare she’d just outstare them back

Eloise Ich-Liebe-Dich was no-one’s dog of choice
Until the day when lost in thought she found she’d lost her voice
This really gave her grief - should she give up - throw in the towel?
How could she live her life without the comfort of her growl?
She felt nervous, unprotected - every dog could smell her fear
And thus by this strange turn of fate a miracle grew near
Without her strident voice she could no longer have her say
And suddenly - from nowhere - other dogs came out to play

They ran along beside her and admired her lovely form
The bigger dogs protected her - they made sure she was warm
They licked her eyes and nuzzled her and told her that she was
The sweetest natured Spitz they’d ever known - this was because
She’d lost her biting edge - now she was friendlier it seemed
And Eloise was happier than she had ever dreamed
Now Rufus The Retriever with his long and wagging tail
Began to write her letters which he posted in the mail

Another hologram appears next to Eloise - it is Rufus The Golden Retriever

Her days now spent in merriment without her rasping voice
Made Eloise appealing - she was everybody’s choice
And dear and faithful Rufus with his huge, most ardent heart
Retrieved his heart’s desire by letting Cupid shoot his dart
They made the perfect couple and their beauty was now paired
As Eloise Ich Liebe-Dich - no longer fraught and scared
Took every lead from Rufus - her brave leader of the pack
Who gazed at her so lovingly - as glazed, she gazed right back

Without the stress of loneliness she once more found her voice
And now they‘re paired together as they run and they rejoice
Her voice now soft and gentle - more contrite and more subdued
For Rufus made his mark on her and now she was imbued
With gentle words of love in this reciprocal romance
His love released her true voice giving both of them a chance
And now he speaks the words she never heard and never knew
Rufus - Oh Eloise - Ich Liebe Dich - I really, truly do


Copyright 2020
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Showing my age now but does anyone remember the donkey jackets worn in the 70’s?
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She actually seems more insane every day. I think she’s losing it. When I started watching her, she was in the old house and was so beautiful and her style was cute and Ali looked good. Now she looks like an aged transvestite and he looks like she sucked the life out of him. Why isn’t he trying to still be fitspo? He looks like like a juiced lemon. Honestly it’s so sad. She needs a really good shrink but I doubt she would ever listen to anyone who dares to be honest with her
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I usually don’t mind when influencers talk about their periods. It’s often seen as this gross and taboo thing women should almost just hide and I think it needs to be normalised more. However, her self diagnosis of PMDD without ever going to a doctor and talking as if her periods are the worst in the word is irritating. Sorry, but she has the money to pay for several different things and clearly private doctors for her acne. It isn’t like she has to go out and work 12 hour shifts in excruciating pain, or she has to look after anyone other than herself. She can curl up on the sofa with a hot water bottle and some pain killers. Some people, like me, can have periods that are literally so painful you cannot move. Throwing up, migraines, back pain etc. What do we do? Have to go to work, get on with our lives. Unfortunately. When mine got so bad it was effecting me being able to work, you know what I did? Went to the doctor. Pushed for help. Not sat in front of a video and moaned about it in front of a camera as an excuse for being lazy, or being moody or nasty to everyone. I understand that when it comes to women’s health, more often than not, they are shrugged off with doctors and some people simply don’t have the time to be going to the doctors all the time. SHE DOES. She has all the fucking time in the world. She spend THOUSANDS on absolute useless shit but can’t spend money on a good therapist or finding out the cause of all these so called health problems she has? She will pay £200 for a blood test for her non existent acne but won’t go to the doctor for anything else? She’s a joke. Her slap is fucking dry and flaky because she dyes it every bloody week! Function of beauty are known as overpriced shite. Imagine spending so much money on re-doing your house 5 times and not investing in yourself and your health when you have time and money to. She’s a joke.
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If your core values and beliefs don’t align with so many people, Liedia... don’t you think it’s YOU who’s the problem?
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I used to really love her content back in like 2016/2017 but I feel like she’s gotten lazy with it now..

Never going to happen unfortunately this is the future of advertising, I work in the fashion industry and so many companies have removed traditional marketing budgets in replace for budgets especially for digital influencers and bloggers 😭
Not true ... I work in fashion and Digital Media .... it is not going to happen with vloggers ...we have cancelled all collabs with bloggers for 2021... our brand is not going to be reliant on ppl that can't deliver .... we have noticed that Vloggers and bloggers make up 30% of our market and they actually hinder our growth! They don't deliver the persona we want ....
The fact if you look at stats is that Vloggers are dying .... they dont have the percentage pull they had in 2019. They have a pull but to a very small market.
The blogger /vlogger market is dying .... it's evident on every forum you can find.
All vloggers have 1 problem... the answer is this ... they get given far too much and they don't appreciate the brand .... the brand needs to succeed on a certain buy in from consumers .. and you don't get it ... Am I right or not?
So you continue to give and give and give and you get about 20% back from vlogger discount codes? Am i right? It is text book ... Blogger life and Vlogger life is dead or is dying .... Chiara Ferragni was the first .. but she doesnt vlog or blog anymore ,,,, she knows the industry is dying!

I have so much info in this .... IF YOU WANT IT I HAVE IT !!! It is not a career or an option for Bloggers/Vloggers anymore ...Get a marketing professional and work at building your brand!!!

I am not using influencers fo my new brand ...I want to launch in 2021 but if i have to use a blogger I will happily suspend it !!! That is being a "Boss"

With love xxxx

View attachment 341278
Night night tattlers...
Thank you so muc @Delizia ...I am sure @Oops... is happy for this ... love love love xxxxxx
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Lola Faith

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If you were gluten intolerant you would not eat bread and cheese and then a burger in a bun the night before a photo shoot!
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Can I just say this and then I’ll be quiet? Lydia announced there was a plaque for the dog’s name on that ridiculously thick collar. I would never put my dog’s name in his collar. Why? Because if someone wanted to steal him he would know what name to call him. I’ll just leave that here...
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Why did I do it? After months of not watching a single video of hers, I caved. And now my blood pressure is through the roof!


Woman!! When will you realise that you are the creator and reason behind your own tears. No one else but you instructed the greenhouse and porch installation. How do you think they would appear, in a poof of magical denial dust?? Let go of the constant perfectionism and you'll live a happier life.


Woman!! You could at least try to seem a little grateful for your team gift. At least some thought went into it, unlike the regifted PR products you'll no doubt give your team. Why make a comment about the fabric as though you're allergic to anything except silk, cashmere and linen? After all, we've seen you in far worse examples of polyester.



Bish, you're a snob. Get over yourself 😏

I'm off to enjoy a modest, mediocre, authentic and RELAXING day in the life of me. And you do you, lovely.


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Watched 5 & 6 just now .. I am sorry but I had to have a break from them ...IT ..WAS ..THE ..ABSOLUTE..DREAM not watching them but then again do you know what, I actually only watch them to realise how great my life actually is. Some people actually watch them and feel bad about what they have and I am here to tell those people no matter how much or how little you have, you have a much better life regardless.

Answer why? : Because you live a "real" life full of loved ones around .. not closed in mentally and pysically ....Her life is not to be emulated but to be pitied! My boyfriend who is Italian and has no concept of social media (Lucky him) as he choses not to be public on anything, said "Why the fuck do you watch her if she is so annoying?" ...." Do you think she has a better life than you?" ...." Is she so interesting?". And you know what Tattlers I asked myself the same after and really it's a NO on all counts I took a break and it was amazing .. her life is 1 big borefest full of neediness and opening of endless packages. Is this life? Is it something to be envious of ... an everconsuming need within you to have things for the sake of having them?

Anyway I digress and I promised myself less words and less monologues wasted on this Bish and her elf husband moving forward.

So in the vlogs what did I get out of them?


1: She has robbed me of less than 2 hours of my life and braincells : Bitch you are getting the bill for that.
2: Grey is not called Oatmeal ... it's just a simple visual look at the garmet darling.. doesn't take much!
3: Liliysilk is evidently made in China ... where you love to get all your goods from .. so happy to see that your cheapness hasn't left your taste for 1 minute. The masks won't protect you 1 bit .. just saying.
4: Jumper dresses have to be worn as they are ... if you have 1 that is shapeless it is because it's cheaply made and has no structure ... hence your everconsuming need for a belt .. it's not to show your shape .. it's because the garmet is shit and cheap!
5: Don't try fake crying about the disaster that is your house .. you want everything now now now and this is the consequence so I have no sympathy at all ... stop doing 6 million modifications to a house that will be remodelled next year again for content. It is called being "Counterproductive" Look it up!
6: Not going to even broach the subject of the garden/Greenhouse/deathbeds ... we all told you so and you didn't listen .. so fuck you!

All in all .. more baubles on the already vulgar tree ... you are really short of content .. the whole Vlog shows this is evident .. the timing of the filming .. the dates of previous reels etc coinciding with this .. the outfits being the same ... boring.

7: The dog collar will fit your husband .. it will break a Daxie's neck ... I will simplify for you ... "YOU FUCKED UP WANTING FASHION OVER PRACTICALITY FOR A DOG" ... move on and get a collar that is for the breed you chose..TWAT!
8: You really are a snotty bitch arn't you .... That gift from the girls was either a dig at you as you are too precious and they see it and want to make you look rediculous or you are an ungrateful bitch. And you made me laugh about the flammability of the garmet .... uh "Hello" you partner with Bohoo? .. please do enlighten me on this stance you have?.

9: Most important, and I won't go into detail as all Tattlers have mentioned it, ...You should re-name the bugaglow.. "Covid Mansion" ... why are you unable to follow rules Verruca ....they are there for a reason ... tradesmen/ painters/office staff (Losely termed)/ gardeners ... well you must have a law unto your own called "Lydias law" as I am pretty sure us mortals don't have all these people in and out of our houses without masks or gloves on??? EXPLAIN PLEASE.

Vlog 6:

1: You hair looks shit.. is shit .. will always be shit.. end of.
2: Disgusting ..your inner child only comes out when parcels arrive ... the way you act over a box of "Toys" gifted/ PR'd whatever is really telling .. you are immature .. always have been .... I will let you into a secret at this point because at 32 you need someone to tell you..... (Life doesn't owe you shit earn it .. you don't beg for dont subtly put a cry for help out on the internet every reel or shut the fuck up whatever hardship you have had in life and you get it yourself).
3: The Study looks shite .... plain and simples..the colours are too dark .. with the Addams family lounge it will clash will hate it ..guaranteed .. no no not an opinion a FACT!
4: Carolina Herrera ..... whoever does their PR needs a good kick in the arse .... you don't deserve anything however cheap ity looks from any designer .... you can't lay the table to save your life are un-educated (FACT again not opinion)....perfume on a table no no no. Burger and chips and haddock and chips to sell a fashion product .. no no no again.
5: Get some lessons on how to read ands write as you really struggle both of you and it's sad to watch ... it's not cute at all.. I find it seriously unprofessional ... I am a manager and if I saw any of my staff mis-spelling emails or adverts they would be in my office the next day explaining why! They represent a professional business ... no way in hell can they afford to make such mistakes over and over, which makes me seriously doubt the brands that continue to work with you both!

Game over for this saga couple.... it won't be long....

Hi Tattlers xxxxxxx
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Just a suggestion, I would like for this poll/questionnaire whatever its called, to be about US.
I was wondering the other day where we are all from. Now without leaving anyone out and basing this on that Lydiot is an English speaker so I will assume most of her followers are English speakers as are most of us here, how about something like this, also are we limited to the number of options we can have?? Something like -

Were are you writing from:
  • UK
  • USA
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • India
  • South Africa
  • Other
Is anyone else interested??

Of course if we can have other countries the more the merrier but I imagine there is a limit, hopefully not a too small limit.
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She’s trolling us, surely
So she posts that photo, looking like shite, in a dressing gown and showing off rings not from Tiffany. Though she had a degree in marketing?????? Utterly clueless.

Don’t make the mistake of getting older! What you need to avoid this mistake is a coffee and new zip up hoodie.
If Joey Essex and Lidl had a son, it would be Ali.
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I remember the slip dress fashion in the 90’s. Wearing them with a jumper was definitely a thing back then. I see it’s coming back. Doesn’t fashion just rotate anyway? This is how it should be done. This woman looks gorgeous (carriebradshawlied website)


I cannot believe this. Lydia got Lumi from the same breeder I got my beautiful Gracie from. Ours is a retired breeding queen and she’s so pretty 😍
This photo is from when we first got her. She’s a bit plumper now lol!
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Who else is waiting for Lumi to spot that dead pheasant thats on top of the tree and jump up to catch it knocking the tree down in the process? :giggle:
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Oops, what do or have you done work wise in life to be so talented in this area?
My business life is far removed from this but I’ve always loved writing. I was an only child so I used to entertain myself with my own poems and stories - I‘ve written since I learned to write. :)It makes me happy 😂 x
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She’s hunched over this counter like she’s eating her shit meals. With NO MASK! And I’m just sick to death of all of this me me me buy buy buy.

I hope Lumi scratches it.

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Bowie and Beauty. Refusing to get off an old washing machine to be brought to the recycling centre 🙂
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S’me again...If any of you with Fur Babies in our Panto have the time please could you let me know if/how they react to spiders please? I’ve gone off on another roll thanks to our @AmaliaLana ;)

Whilst I’m here...we’re now up to 68 Fur Babies.💕 So I thought it might be fun if we could get the final number up to 100 for the final scene on 23rd December. So if you have a Fur Baby or lovingly remember one who is at Rainbow Bridge all you have to do is mention their name, sex, species and any idiosyncrasies you’d like to see included. In addition (please bear with...) if they are rescued please could you mention that too?

Thank you x
Sooo this is my little (not so little anymore, lol) boy. His name is B.G aka Bigi (pronounced Beegee) - i hope this makes sense, I’m not english - and he is 6 years old now. We don’t know what breed he looks more like, but he is mixed and I think one of his parents is a westie.

He is the sweetest boy, a bit too lazy, but he loves anyone who comes into my home and wants all the love back. Everytime someone comes into my home I get a little offended when they don’t give him attention. He is my family, you have to say hi to him when you visit me! I can’t put into words how much I love my baby, he is the best friend I could ask for! ❤
Here you can see him with longer furr and after a fresh cut.

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