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I thought Ali was having this new office space because he wants his dressing room to be just a dressing room? It used to be “Ali’s office” but now it’s “the home office”. Guarantee she will be in there all in his face all the time because she wouldn’t want to be down with the team (when was the last time we saw her down there ”working”?

I give it a month before she wants to re-do it into a lighter, fresher, feminine will be “my office” and Ali will be back upstairs in his dressing room.
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Pasta and cheeseView attachment 296306 is all they eat 😂
Sorry, but that looks dry and disgusting. And her adaptation of the original recipe was what? The lazy version so she did not have to soak the cashews? She'll now start making lazy changes to recipes and say she came up with recipes from scratch. Soon she'll have a book or some crap. She is the biggest, dumbest fraud of all influencers. And the smugness of her face in that pic with Ali, I just want to bloody slap some humility into the twat's face.
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Oh god, I hope your health will progress soon. Wish you the best💐
Thanks, loves. Hopefully I'll be able to add to all the good news soon - so many new houses, marriages, and babies to come! I'm so excited for you all ❤

In between all the wheezing I'm always laughing at the comedy, pictures, and poems here
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Genuine question. I’m born and raised in London so I just wanted to ask if it was normal to call the people working on her house ‘tradesmen’ or ‘tradespeople’. If anyone comes round I would usually just say “the plumber is here” “the builders and painters are working in the living room today” not tradesmen. I just wanted to check if that was a normal way of referring to people working in her house or if that was just another Lydiaism to sound more upper class.

(I know they’re actual tradesmen/tradespeople btw. I just mean is that how the everday person refers to them as opposed to just calling them the painter/the decorator. Just wanted to confirm haha)
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The only example she gave for wearing anything from the nasty gal haul was this would be great for "wearing around the house".
She'd better not sit too close to the fireplace in those clothes, with that fibre content, they seem to be a bit of a fire hazard. She'd be better off prancing about in her (gifted) pyjamas and dirty but cosy gown as she normally does.

Anyone think Lydiot will be gifted the Dior / Harrods / Net-A-Porter / YSL / Jo Malone / Space NK / F & M / Liberty / The White Company / Charlotte Tilbury / Cult Beauty etc Advent calendars ? Or when (and not 'if' lol) she does not receive any from the preferred luxe companies on her radar, will we be subjected to a magnificent rant (in her car) that she does not care for Advent calendars ...
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New vlog titled "I apologize" Well, if it was clickbait the video would be at least 24h long. I really don't know what to expect. Came here in hope someone already gave it a quick ff view and said something about it.
She’s sorry for saying she had nothing to be grateful for. She just has TOO many things to be grateful for that she couldn’t possibly think of anything else. She wouldn’t ever say she’s grateful for her materialistic things but things like having coffee in bed in the morning. If people aren’t grateful for things then they are in a really bad place. She isn’t one of those people btw! She can’t help how we perceive her words though. She just wants us to broaden our vision. Everyone else in the world takes the internet at face value. Not little miss Lydia though.
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The morning run on stories that Ali filmed, she looks like she’s literally shit her pants and she’s trying to make it home 😂
She’s doing the Phoebe from friends who’s shit her pants impression.
I can’t take this woman seriously.
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Her latest vlog, 8:06-8:16 was uncomfortable to watch.. and then that fake looking smile around 8:19.. is it me, or Ali looked scared of her? Like she is that school bully he is afraid of? He also looks exhausted..
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Elle Belle

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Elle Belle I just want to say how much I appreciate your posts, I used to watch Lidl’s videos but now i always read your posts first and then maybe watch (and skip through) her flogs. Can I ask, how long does it take you to come up with the recaps? I hope not too long! 🙈

Off topic, ABSOLUTELY beside myself, am doing a house renovation and we’ve decided on the most beautiful kitchen, the colour is... Sage 😭😭 It really is beautiful but every time I think of my dream kitchen I think of Lydiot. So cross with myself ☹☹☹

Edit: hopefully she’ll move on from sage and I’ll never have to think of her when I’m cooking real food? *wishful thinking*
Aww I'm glad you appreciate them. 😘 I write whilst I watch, so not too much longer than the vlog. I wouldn't have the time if we hadn't been in and out of lockdown. I actually find it strangely addictive and cathartic from work. 😂 But I guess we all do or we wouldn't be following her, even if just on here.

I bet your kitchen will be original and suit your tastes. 😍 Plus, like you said, she'll soon move on. Mole has been mentioned a few times now. 😂
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Thing is we all know the truth. She's a fucking fraud and deep down she knows it too. She can reach a million by buying a 100 000 fake followers if she wanted but deep down she knows it is not real, not authentic.

It is a facade. She desperately needs to portray fake success of reaching a million when the fact is she could not, has not and truly did not.
As fake as her marriage, put on posh accent and wannabe Cotswold Manor
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I can't wrap my mind around how fucking stupid it is to have a "pre-lockdown" hang-out. Does she not have a brain? That's where I am with her currently. I can't understand someone being so purely unintelligent that they think like her. You know the country is in such a severe state that a lockdown is you use that as a deadline to get an additional social engagement in? You think Covid-19 isn't going to be serious until the clock strikes 12? Is she FUCKING stupid? The reason the government warns for a lockdown is so people can CANCEL their plans and prepare, not to get another fucking social evening in. Irresponsible, reprehensible, embarrassing, shameless cunt. Sorry for my language, I just cannot reconcile that people are fucking DYING and there's people like Lydia who see lockdown as a curfew. For the love of god, THINK of someone other than yourself.

Fucking insane.

Tbh unfortunately so many people think like that. Here in Slovenia we went into lockdown three weeks ago and all the bars and restaurants closed on saturday; I probably don’t have to mention how packed were all the places the previous day. My friend’s husband is a police officer and he said that not a single person he stopped that night was driving sober. Two weeks later full effect of that showed and we now have third worst rate of cases per 100k in Europe, in UK numbers that would mean 60k new cases everyday. People don’t learn, and they don’t care until it affects them.
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Given that she drinks like a cow ( I do apologise for insulting a cow), how often is the freeloader cheapskate going to be BEGGING for alcohol to fill that all up? She just wants it to look lux yet she can't even pay for a proper lux sofa...I guess all the begging has yet to work since she is still stuck on an IKEA sofa :ROFLMAO:
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Milking Keynes

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First... I can NOT believe I ever liked watching her yammer on and on about herself that are uninteresting topics like getting up early and writing lists.

I cannot STAND people that make sure you know what time they wake up and how EARLY it is. Honestly, any real early risers just get up early and that is part of who they are. Just like people who like to stay up late... they don't tell everyone who will listen how late they stay up. She has to mention this like some badge of honor. And she's an idiot... she's just now realizing to get up an hour earlier she might need to go to bed an hour earlier. Frankly if she just watch back this portion of the vlog that should put her right to sleep. :sleep:
I reckon she’s lying through her teeth about getting up at 5am - we never see her near the island at that time cos we would peek the clock behind her. I’ve never seen it read a time before 3pm. Total bullshit. She has nothing to get up for except run along her “private road”. And how did the make believe pervs see her naked reflection on a chrome bedframe with all the security around her “private road” . She has never had a trick or treater at halloween because of the privacy of the “private road”. Jesus - she must have said it four times.
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I did it. I listened to the whole podcast. I did it for you. No one else has to do it.

The house they tried to buy before The Bungalow (the one she's totally over but made a freaking scrapbook about) was an old nunnery, apparently.
She says in this podcast that they "wouldn't let us buy it" - like, maybe because it's out of your budget??? You wanted to gut the property, redo the plumbing, the electric, and slap on THIRTY-TWO windows. No wonder they didn't want you to have it.

She talks about the process of finding their current house. The heartbreak of not being able to buy the nunnery. They even considered renting it! Can you imagine? Renting? Like a peasant?
Eventually though, their agent showed them to a house in the pitch black down a 2km road in the middle of nowhere. And they fell in love with it, because it looks like a cottage from the front but the back is covered in windows. It really brings in the light. Not enough for your personality, though.

They move on to the topic of decorating the house. Instead of buying a period property, they bought The Bungalow to really put their own design stamp on it. She admits "I can't do anything in the house unless I clear it with my husband first, just purely because he doesn't want me doing things a hundred times over." Gee, I wonder where he'd pick up a worry like that :unsure:

She talks about the living room with the black walls, and notes "I feel so accomplished that I did it myself" - err... Bitch, who painted it? Who made/assembled the furniture? Who wove the rugs? Who mounted the TV? Who put in the fireplace? Who installed all the lights? Who painted those freaking paintings?? Who hung them? Seriously, what did you actually do in that room???????

The host mentions "the key to all this is planning," because apparently this room was "planned to a tee", with everything "moodboarded". That's not a word. Why is it changing again? How many times have you "planned"??

Moving on to the topic of Christmas: "It's not like I pay people to do my trees for me." Technically true, only because you didn't pay Sarah-Jane...
She claims she had 4 or 5 trees last year. We know it was 3. One of them in that room you never go in. Let's just call it 2. It's still excessive.
She says they get very excited for Christmas. They got married at this time of year. It's her happy time. THEN STOP READING TATTLE.

This year she's partnered with Place To Be, a charity for children's mental health. She's designing a wreath for them. I can't believe I've been dealing with depression and anxiety all these years... If only I had a wreath, I'd be cured!
Fear not, she takes her wreaths very seriously. "A wreath on your front door, I just think it says something about the person that lives behind that door." It does. It says that they have the money to waste on wreaths. MULTIPLE wreaths, dying a slow death in the attic.

The host asks for a sneak peek of what might be in the wreath and on her tree. "I'm IN LOVE with feathers from the pheasants," she emphasises. She'll still continue to dress like she shoots them, though.
Some rooms aren't decorated for Christmas. It's kept to the living spaces so that you don't "get sick of Christmas." I'm sick of you. Get me a wreath, stat!

She notes that Ali's family have formed a lot of traditions over the years, and she's gotten to know them over the years, especially since they hosted last year. One of the traditions is that they stay in their pyjamas all day. So she has special "Christmas pyjamas". The host notes that they have to be silk pyjamas, you've got to have a bit of glam. Veganism and Chistmas can't go together, of course.

Speaking of her origin story, she ended up going to university at 21, as a mature student. It'd be generous to call you mature, even 11 years later. She wanted to do a fashion marketing degree, but she wasn't allowed on that course so settled for a business degree instead. What A-levels do you need to be denied a place on a fashion marketing course?
She always had diary entry websites, growing up. She started taking pictures of her outfits on the floor of her university accommodation and posting them online. Eventually she graduated to wearing them. She has a passion for documenting her life in that way. She'll be flogging an autobiography soon. For what achievements? You tell me.

Having started a YouTube channel elevated everything she was doing. She couldn't imagine a more perfect career. For her. She specifies, "for me". I don't think she's ever learned the words "you", "he", "she", or "they". They're called PRONOUNS, Lydia. Never mind, we've lost her already.

"I'm not the kind of person who can do the same thing every day," she notes. Couldn't possibly run down the same road, drink the same decaf, eat the same gruel, boss around the same husband, check on the same "sprootlings", sit on the same sofa, in front of the same fire, and fight over the same LaMer cream. Oh no, not this mole!

She admits she gets bored easily. If she had gone on to the career she orignically intended, she would have ended up restless. That's an odd way to pronounce "unemployed".

She's adamant that her core audience is over 35, and she has more viewers over 55 than under 18. Someone get the fire extinguisher, the bullshit detector is ablaze again.

To wrap up, the host gives Lydia an opportunity to promote her social channels. She says that she uploads her home updates most frequently on her home instagram account. You know, the completely dead one. The last post was 2 weeks ago, and it's a recycled picture.

That's it. My apologies for not being able to live up to the standard of @ElleBelle - I'm sure there will be plenty more material to practise.
Thank YOU so much for taking one for the team and listening to the BS and delivering so hilariously!

I love how she's not credited Steve Conowhatever black walls/branch/bust inspiration of dreams that she did ALL BY HERSELF. Everything is ALL her idea to copy . And we all know that is 2 months ago - on it's way out for RUSTIC fuzzy balls and poo colored pheasant wallpaper, fake beams and fake paneling. (And FAKE gardening cause um... it's the covers fault for not arriving in time for a frost)

Really NO WONDER she has NO friends and no industry friends and very few really amazing business partnerships. I know it's sort of famous how she and Claire fell out... but this Frow "separated at birth" has turned into a "Lydia who FRENEMIES" and I have to think it's because Frow saw 👹 and RAN RAN RAN for the hills.

At a minimum she should have said "I'm so blessed in my JOB to promote companies that I'm exposed to and work with so many new products that I can showcase in my home. many items are part of a partnership that I believe in and am so blessed to have and keep for years and years to come". That's transparency and gratitude... oh shit... she could have listed every single thing in her home for 17 years and filled a gratitude journal. But we should know she's already thankful in her "mind".
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This needs multiple 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
So over her shit!

Lol! 🤣🤣🤣
God help us if she actually designs her own range of clothing and has to think about sizing and fabrics and customer service!
What will be the clothing company name, ''Cinchby''? and slogan: ''I''ll cinch in, and you do you lovely x''..? :unsure:
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Miss Trunchbull

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She’s read here how we tried to calculate her height in relation to the sofa width, so she’s extended the blanket right to the end. And she’s sat upright to ad£ further length. I reckon her feet end at the nearest cushion to her on the left (tee hee). We’re ahead of you Lids. We have loads of Degrees and stuff so this is a breeze.

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