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VIP Member
I've just watched Lydia's latest vlog rather than unpack, both can be argued to be as equally dull. 😂

- She's woke up with a spring in her step as she thought her cleaner was coming, but then remembered the lucky moo is on holiday for 2 weeks. She left the bungalow to get messy as she knew the cleaner was coming. Lydia, you have so much skank in your DNA.
- She's going on a press trip to the Shard. Why does she flick her hair every time she mentions she's a GHD ambassador though? I would insult your hair here, but but you would only take it as a complement Lydia.
- She advises Lumi is going to be livid as they've been snuggling like besties with Ali being away. Lumi gives no shits Lydia. You really shouldn't act this hard to get when you're already so hard to like.
- She's popped on her Reiss jumpsuit to pack and clean the house. Normal people wear joggers. Sorry you can't see the fact that you're batshit crazy.
- She's taking nice pyjamas, comfy clothes and maybe a nice outfit to wear drinking cocktails in the hotel room, but will probably just wear her pyjamas. So you go all the way to London to wear pyjamas, but in your house you dress up to compete will a stage performing drag queen. Girllll makes no sense.
- She slummed it on her last trip and used Ali's hairdryer. She's going to treat him to a new one. Why. Don't. You. Just. Let. Him. Share. Yours? You know like most couples.
- She's on the hunt for a mask that doesn't destruct her makeup as much. There's only one trouble with your face Lydia - it shows - even with a mask!
- Cawwee decided that as Lydia's not got much to do tomorrow they can drink some wine tonight. I guess you have an entire life to be an idiot so what's another day off?
- She realises the suite is all hers, 'wait am I staying in this suite?', cue all the arm flapping, screeching, lisping and so on. She later tells us she made a tit and a knob of herself for not realising it's her suite. We know Lydia. We just watched. She apparently needs to get cooler at being a blogger who knows she's staying in suites. You just read it out that you're staying in a suite with 360 views. On camera. At the beginning of the vlog. What a pretentious fake dumb ass. This will obviously take up a whole chapter in her autobiography. The autobiography though. What, and I cannot express this enough, the fuck?
- She emphasises it's a bougie bath in a boogie suite. Even in the description she's bragged it's a 3K per night stay. I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.
- She's not tried the GHD Rise, as she's waiting for the GHD girl to show her, as last time she did it all wrong. Do we get to see this demonstration? That'll be a no. She's used GHD's since she was 16. She definitely said since 10 in another vlog or post until we pointed out GHD hasn't been established that long. I know you eat a lot of gluten, but can you die of constipation? I ask because I’m worried about how full of shit you are Lydia.
- She shows us the toilet and says she always remembers the toilets in this hotel. A douche bag of your magnitude could cleanse a whale's vagina.
- She's actually doing a giveaway for one of the GHD Rise. These are the only giveaways she ever does. Well you know because they're free.
- It launched on the 14th August. She then said the GHD Glide sold out in weeks. So why the fuck are you promoting this weeks later when it could have already sold out? Everyone’s entitled to act stupid once in a while, but you really abuse the privilege.
- She reads out the description of the GHD Rise and acknowledges it sounds more intelligent than her. Don't be too hard on yourself Lydia. The only thing I don’t like about you is that constant inhaling and exhaling habit you have.
- She's on third day hair. She's happy she doesn't have to wash her hair tonight either. What. A. MF. Skanky. Lazy. Ass.
- She advises make sure you brush your hair before using it as well. I advise make sure you don't bleach your hair 4 times in one day. Apparently the GHD Rise gives definition to the colours in her hair. RED and yellow and pink...I can sing a rainbow.
- She's caved and ordered chips before dinner. Again. Who actually does this? You must have a very low opinion of people if you think they are your equals Lydia.
- Cawwee's opening the champagne and Lydia says don't point it in my direction. I've never prayed for something more. She says here's to post-corona cheersing. What the actual fuck? I go away for a week and not only is she writing an autobiography, but the pandemic is over too. Come back and talk to us when your I.Q. exceeds your age Lydia.
- She answers the room phone saying Millen residence, and then tells the staff member they're both gluten free and make sure they bring lots of mayo and lots of ketchup. You really can't put a flower in an asshole and call it a vase.
- Cawwee thinks Lydia needs to start growing sunflowers and taking her vegetables to competition. She's joking, obviously, but you can literally see the cogs in Lydia's brain turning.
- The happy birthday Miranda thing. (It's a video that went viral last year of a couple wishing their friend Mirander HB from the Shard). But if you don't explain the context the giggling lisping shit coming from her mouth is just not funny.
- She highlights the vegetable salad starter is one big plate of Lydia's favourites. My irony detector just exploded.
- Cawwee asks where Lydia's champagne is, she says on the coffee table, Cawwee asks are you not finishing it, she says yeah and hand gestures for Cawwee who has just sat down at the dining table to go and get it. You have your head so far up your ass Lydia, you can literally chew your food twice.
- Cawwee says if Lydia was here with her husband and she with her friend they wouldn't be sat here in their pyjamas. Didn't you once put a shit load of spot cream on your face when you got into bed on your anniversary trip with Ali though? #couplegoals
- She just said to Cawwee 'remember I spat some of that out' whilst Cawwee goes to get the bread. You should really come with a warning label Lydia.
- She tells us they've shared knickers. If she's got coronavirus then Cawwee's got coronavirus. I don’t know what your problem is Lydia, but I’m guessing it’s hard to pronounce.
- Cawwee's friend told her she walks like 'Micky' from the east end. Spot on fwwwenddd. Spot on. 👏🏽
- Yep she does get in the car in her sweaty yoga kit. Lydia, you didn't evolve from apes, they evolved from you.
- She wishes they had gone for a night walk along the Thames, but they had champagne. You must have been good at arithmetics at school; you add dullness, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance.
Divine! Welcome back @ElleBelle
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It does look quite shit. Very red on top. She will have some interesting roots as it grows out, if it doesn’t all snap off.

Adpat haha

"Painting the new greenhouse lilac and why I need to say this now"
or something like
"This needs to stop"
"Our new property" (the glass house of course)
"I'm in fear for my life" (because someone mentioned a murder of crows on tattle)
"My new Hermes order" (literally an order delivered by Hermes delivery service, of course with insurance)
Vague as possible but still click bait.
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View attachment 226256
Hahahhaha - they ordered a take away. Of course they did. Hahahahahaha. Oh Lydia and Ali, you are the gifts that keep on, keep on, keep on giving.

God I’d be so embarrassed if I bragged about a dinner with my adult friends.... just to order takeaway? Call it what it is, it’s not a fucking dinner, you can’t entertain for shit, you’re not wining and dining (or fooling) anyone

does she genuinely not understand we don’t buy into her pretence? She hasn’t got the class to even be able to fake the lifestyle she wants
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The fact she takes off bank holiday Monday as if she works hard all week and thinks she deserves it is so fucking funny to me. Like, all she does it sit on her sofa, buy some clothes, throw some stuff in a thermomix and change outfits a few times.
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"And that ladies and gentlemen shows how you should never doubt yourself". And that ladies and gentlemen shows how she really has a serious ego problem. She can't even take a comment about how you pronounce Nice.
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I still can't grasp why she needs personal assistants other than she can't or won't do anything for herself.
It's so strange. How much is she paying them? If she's paying them a living wage then she must be earning quite a lot of money.
Which makes me :sick: only because she's not nice. She's not a Boss-Babe. A Boss-Babe is capable and accountable. She is neither.

The more I think about it the worse she looks. Her sense of entitlement is growing. It's very sad how she makes everything about herself.
She could do so much more to help others even if she were to actually give good reviews of products she is sent. She sometimes notes them and then tosses them to the side. But no, she complains about receiving products unless they are deemed luxe in her mind.

I'm likely slow to pick up on this up but in case I'm not alone... I bet she doesn't steam the clothing before she "styles" it and "presents" it to her viewers because then she can't send it back. I don't think she keeps very much of what she shows us. She orders on voucher and then sends it all back after she gets her content. 🤑 Rinse and repeat. Why can't she shop her EXTENSIVE wardrobe and show us how she styles things she already has.
We are in a PANDEMIC, LYDIA... not everyone can shop with abandon like you. Many of us are still worried that we could lose our jobs as this isn't over yet.

She's just so lazy and she gets so much. Noting this doesn't mean I am jealous. I don't want to be her. I just use to enjoy living vicariously through her and now I find myself irritated because she's just so ungrateful to her followers, including me, who have allowed her to achieve this level of "success."

I'm not even going to address the constant remodeling of the bungalow. That's just plain excessive. 🤬

She's a mean girl and that makes me sad. 🥺 I keep hoping she'll redeem herself but she keeps digging the hole deeper.
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View attachment 227075

Spot the sausage rolls in the bowl on the right lol! Also you'd think they'd put the hummus in something more 'luxe' with the way she drones on about tablescapes 🙄
Always the same food: cheese, sausage rolls, humous, »balsam », chips,bread and oh a mini veg.(tomatoes).Just for the pic! And champagne what for, or is it just bubbly !
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Elle Belle

Chatty Member
Lydia Millen #37 flutes, ginger roots and penning her life memoirs of all her snarky disputes
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In the last vlog, she put on the green jumpsuit, "just to pack" like a ridiculous twat.
that got me too - cos it’s so comfy she said. Who puts on a £300 fitted jumpsuit to pack a suitcase and claims its cos it’s comfy? That outfit is something I would wear to a wedding! In fact most of what she wears to potter around the bungalow is completely inappropriate for doing nothing at home. Though in reality, that isn’t what she wears around the bungalow, it’s all for the gram. And how sad is that...dressing up with a full face of make up for the sake of a photo to give an impression of this high end glam lifestyle. What an utter waste of time 🤦‍♀️
Incidentally the Reiss jumpsuit is miles nicer than the sage sack she wore to her “press trip”. She should have kept it on.
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I'm really confused, is it written glassware or glasswear then? I googled it, and both showed up. So, Cambridge dictionary suggests Glassware when I typed Glasswear... Are they both doing the same mistake?
Trust me, it's glassware in English.

Her weak wrists will never be able to lift Le Creuset....I struggle when a casserole is full.
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Chatty Member
Did anyone catch the "art" that Inthefrow featured in her latest vlog from today? Is that really a photo (or painting?) of three bums in the air????

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Maisie doats

Well-known member
Basically, Lydia used Claire for her connections in the luxury fashion industry. Lydia was immensely jealous of Claires home and money (and I'm sure that Claire also thought she could use some of Lydia's YT followers too). Anyway, Claire said in a vlog that she was hurt badly and that part of the reason of the fallout was because Claire decided to panel her office (now baby's bedroom) and this other person (Lydia) kicked off and said Claire was copying her, even though Claire had been doing panelling in her house long before Lydia had even bought the bungalow. Even Claire said it was totally ridiculous as loads of people were putting panelling in their house and she'd done it before, but that's the kind of person she was.

I think Lydia also muscled in on one of Claire's jewellery brand partnerships.

Claire also went into great detail in the comments section of a video (which all named Lydia as the influencer she fell out with) saying to be careful of people that keep saying they're a good person and how they know they're a good person, because it's people like that who are actually the worst. They will stab you in the back then make a point of trying to convince themselves they're a nice person because in actual fact, they will crawl all over you if it means getting themselves further ahead.
Claire also mentioned that she was asked by Lydia where was a nice place to buy a house. Claire suggested around the Essex area and Lydia said that would be the last place she would buy one. Claire says she was really disappointed in her and her high and mighty ways. End of friendship. It was on one of Claire’s youtube vlogs a long time ago. I can’t remember which one.
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Milking Keynes

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I’m going to say this again hopefully for the last time. She needs to stop with the # be kind crap. Having an opinion on something ( clothes in the dryer on a hot day, Miss sustainability) is not meant to be unkind it’s meant to highlight her lack of sustainability while she preaches how to be sustainable to others. #be kind never entered her head when she made a 9 month pregnant woman cry. That’s down right bullying and it has to be highlighted. The sub that she read the comment from says she was finding it hard and could hardly maintain feeding herself. Lydias answer? Oh I need to help you out, I can send you something. NO. She took that comment and made it about her as always. In all the time I watched her it was very rare to see her comment back something nice to her subs. The only interaction was usually to be # UNKIND. Suddenly she is interacting with these subs now. I wonder why🤔. Time will tell. Sometimes you have to be #CRUEL TO BE KIND.
This is all down the the PR person she met while at the Spa. There has been a real reach out to subbys since then that she normally couldn’t give a toss about. Now, it’s the Q&A, the replies to comments (strategically - only those that sympathise with her plight, and now she says she will read out some of the comments from hereon in.

Towards the end of the comments, someone says that they have never seen a single negative comment on her youtube channel and the general consensus is that they are deleted and the comments to which she refers are sent to her instagram. So the question is, why raise the negativity on her youtube when the same negativity is deleted/blocked?

She really is all over the place. She doesn’t make sense at all. She has the most ridiculously extravagant life but is trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes and get away with it. You’re right about Jaclyn - monthly arrears and poverty - but she still repeats the quote without a morsel of empathy and continues to open parcel after parcel! Honestly, she’s shameless.
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I couldn’t get through the vlog. I find the friendship between her and Carrie incredibly forced and inauthentic and uncomfortable to watch. And her chatting about being super productive .. so admitting she usually isn’t despite her usual protestations about how busy her ‘grind’ is.

And the kindness and shiz.
Influencers have co-opted the (very appropriate) case that being in the public eye shouldn’t warrant invasions of privacy and uninformed criticism. These vloggers are publishing content that displays their habits. When those are unpleasant, unhealthily misleading or immoral (sustainbility hypocrisy and such) it doesn’t fall under the remit of unwarranted criticism or an invasion of privacy ... so stop pretending you are Harry Styles being stalked and photographed and scrutinised you dumbass.
They really think that just because their life is ‘public’ it cannot be fairly criticised. Just ... try forming that point in to a coherent sentence and it is impossible without it being circular reason and just plain dumb.

If you don’t want people to see your faults and discuss them ... stop showing everyone and gaining off of the feedback you cretinous lump.
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Does anyone else think that Dee was taken on for Carrie to train her how to broker Linen’s deals with PR company’s? Linen won’t want to do this herself and it would be cheaper to pay someone part-time to do it rather than pay a fully-fledged Agent. The reason I ask is because it’s abundantly clear there isn’t enough work for two staff members and Carrie must surely want a career change now that the Linen bubble might be a little less airborne than it used to be...
Dee is that girl that watched "The devil wears Prada" and is now the main protagonist in the low budget version "The silly moo moo wears sage".
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Lydia Millen autobiogate synopsis
1. how to overcome online trolling (by deleting, of course 🤣)
2. screenshots of positive comments she receive 🤮
3. more pictures of her scrunched up "smiling" face
4. her fav luxury boots
5. how to luxury hike and pubcrawl simultaneously
6. secret to tidying up the house (aka get yourself a man-servant who will do all the chores for you while you lay in bed & cope with all the evil in life ;))
7. how to overcome the loss of your dream house (exclusive pictures of the house that got away)
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Lydia millen

  • Daily Ad Revenue: $ 70.00 - $ 587.00
  • Subscribers total: 847,000
  • Subscribers today: 0
  • Views total: 136,421,266
  • Views today: 117,327
  • Videos total: 515
  • Videos today: 1
  • Page views: 1,974
  • Last Updated: August 29,2020
  • Time tracked: 1794 Days
She is buying followers and views the jump is always 1,000 and she might be doing it as a drip. Because if she is growing like we are suppose to think her revenue wouldn't be static. She was making more in 2016-2018 from her YouTube video's the charts are attached. If advertisers or brands find out she'll be black balled.

She is buying followers the jump is always 1,000 and she might be doing it as a drip.
DateSubscribers - (change)Views - (change)Videos - (change)
May 8, 2020847,000 - (0)136,421,266 - (+117,327)515 - (+1)
May 7, 2020847,000 - (0)136,303,939 - (+70,831)514 - (0)
May 6, 2020847,000 - (0)136,233,108 - (+141,731)514 - (0)
May 5, 2020847,000 - (+1,000)136,091,377 - (+199,474)514 - (+1)
May 4, 2020846,000 - (0)135,891,903 - (+59,173)513 - (0)
May 3, 2020846,000 - (0)135,832,730 - (+77,040)513 - (0)
May 2, 2020846,000 - (+1,000)135,755,690 - (+119,902)513 - (0)
May 1, 2020845,000 - (0)135,635,788 - (+149,817)513 - (+1)
April 30, 2020845,000 - (0)135,485,971 - (+83,480)512 - (0)
April 29, 2020845,000 - (0)135,402,491 - (+136,018)512 - (0)
April 28, 2020845,000 - (+1,000)135,266,473 - (+144,477)512 - (+1)
April 27, 2020844,000 - (0)135,121,996 - (+59,764)511 - (0)
April 26, 2020844,000 - (0)135,062,232 - (+76,412)511 - (0)
April 25, 2020844,000 - (0)134,985,820 - (+115,007)511 - (0)
April 24, 2020844,000 - (0)134,870,813 - (+148,512)511 - (+1)
April 23, 2020844,000 - (+1,000)134,722,301 - (+76,184)510 - (0)
April 22, 2020843,000 - (0)134,646,117 - (+129,074)510 - (0)
April 21, 2020843,000 - (0)134,517,043 - (+142,173)510 - (+1)
April 20, 2020843,000 - (0)134,374,870 - (+67,269)509 - (0)
April 19, 2020843,000 - (+1,000)134,307,601 - (+94,630)509 - (0)
April 18, 2020842,000 - (0)134,212,971 - (+143,095)509 - (0)
April 17, 2020842,000 - (0)134,069,876 - (+165,918)509 - (+1)
April 16, 2020842,000 - (+1,000)133,903,958 - (+101,748)508 - (0)
April 15, 2020841,000 - (+1,000)133,802,210 - (+175,627)508 - (0)
April 14, 2020840,000 - (0)133,626,583 - (+206,772)508 - (+1)
April 13, 2020840,000 - (+1,000)133,419,811 - (+81,079)507 - (0)
April 12, 2020839,000 - (0)133,338,732 - (+93,490)507 - (0)
April 11, 2020839,000 - (+1,000)133,245,242 - (+136,742)507 - (0)
April 10, 2020838,000 - (0)133,108,500 - (+152,539)507 - (+1)
April 9, 2020838,000 - (+1,000)132,955,961 - (+78,256)506 - (0)
April 8, 2020837,000 - (0)132,877,705 - (+121,715)506 - (0)
April 7, 2020837,000 - (0)132,755,990 - (+152,177)506 - (+1)
April 6, 2020837,000 - (+1,000)132,603,813 - (+72,184)505 - (0)
April 5, 2020836,000 - (0)132,531,629 - (+91,217)505 - (0)
April 4, 2020836,000 - (+1,000)132,440,412 - (+127,596)505 - (0)
April 3, 2020835,000 - (0)132,312,816 - (+141,101)505 - (+1)
April 2, 2020835,000 - (+1,000)132,171,715 - (+79,435)504 - (0)
April 1, 2020834,000 - (0)132,092,280 - (+147,391)504 - (0)
March 31, 2020834,000 - (+1,000)131,944,889 - (+167,155)504 - (+1)
March 30, 2020833,000 - (0)131,777,734 - (+76,272)503 - (0)
March 29, 2020833,000 - (+1,000)131,701,462 - (+95,311)503 - (0)
March 28, 2020832,000 - (0)131,606,151 - (+172,184)503 - (0)
March 27, 2020832,000 - (+1,000)131,433,967 - (+144,929)503 - (+1)
March 26, 2020831,000 - (0)131,289,038 - (+87,026)502 - (0)
March 25, 2020831,000 - (+1,000)131,202,012 - (+133,700)502 - (0)
March 24, 2020830,000 - (0)131,068,312 - (+134,090)502 - (+1)
March 23, 2020830,000 - (+1,000)130,934,222 - (+67,718)501 - (0)
March 22, 2020829,000 - (0)130,866,504 - (+84,202)501 - (0)
March 21, 2020829,000 - (+1,000)130,782,302 - (+117,116)501 - (0)
March 20, 2020828,000 - (0)130,665,186 - (+119,166)501 - (+1)
March 19, 2020828,000 - (0)130,546,020 - (+75,945)500 - (0)
March 18, 2020828,000 - (+1,000)130,470,075 - (+130,596)500 - (0)
March 17, 2020827,000 - (0)130,339,479 - (+101,491)500 - (+1)
March 16, 2020827,000 - (0)130,237,988 - (+49,982)499 - (0)
March 15, 2020827,000 - (+1,000)130,188,006 - (+59,898)499 - (0)
March 14, 2020826,000 - (0)130,128,108 - (+83,488)499 - (0)
March 13, 2020826,000 - (0)130,044,620 - (+95,144)499 - (+1)
March 12, 2020826,000 - (0)129,949,476 - (+62,219)498 - (0)
March 11, 2020826,000 - (0)129,887,257 - (+111,678)498 - (0)
March 10, 2020826,000 - (+1,000)129,775,579 - (+106,705)498 - (+1)
March 9, 2020825,000 - (0)129,668,874 - (+50,373)497 - (0)
March 8, 2020825,000 - (0)129,618,501 - (+65,196)497 - (0)
March 7, 2020825,000 - (0)129,553,305 - (+90,969)497 - (0)
March 6, 2020825,000 - (+1,000)129,462,336 - (+101,540)497 - (+1)
March 5, 2020824,000 - (0)129,360,796 - (+73,943)496 - (0)
March 4, 2020824,000 - (0)129,286,853 - (+119,180)496 - (0)
March 3, 2020824,000 - (0)129,167,673 - (+124,073)496 - (+1)
March 2, 2020824,000 - (+1,000)129,043,600 - (+58,306)495 - (0)
March 1, 2020823,000 - (0)128,985,294 - (+72,245)495 - (0)
February 29, 2020823,000 - (0)128,913,049 - (+112,601)495 - (0)
February 28, 2020823,000 - (0)128,800,448 - (+114,895)495 - (+1)
February 27, 2020823,000 - (0)128,685,553 - (+49,356)494 - (0)
February 26, 2020823,000 - (+1,000)128,636,197 - (+83,079)494 - (0)
February 25, 2020822,000 - (0)128,553,118 - (+101,060)494 - (+1)
February 24, 2020822,000 - (0)128,452,058 - (+51,657)493 - (0)
February 23, 2020822,000 - (0)128,400,401 - (+62,957)493 - (0)
February 22, 2020822,000 - (0)128,337,444 - (+105,933)493 - (0)
February 21, 2020822,000 - (0)128,231,511 - (+107,804)493 - (+1)
February 20, 2020822,000 - (+1,000)128,123,707 - (+68,822)492 - (0)
February 19, 2020821,000 - (0)128,054,885 - (+118,284)492 - (0)
February 18, 2020821,000 - (0)127,936,601 - (+127,028)492 - (+1)
February 17, 2020821,000 - (0)127,809,573 - (+53,863)491 - (0)
February 16, 2020821,000 - (+1,000)127,755,710 - (+61,438)491 - (0)
February 15, 2020820,000 - (0)127,694,272 - (+80,994)491 - (0)
February 14, 2020820,000 - (0)127,613,278 - (+97,637)491 - (+1)
February 13, 2020820,000 - (0)127,515,641 - (+60,294)490 - (0)
February 12, 2020820,000 - (+1,000)127,455,347 - (+114,771)490 - (0)
February 11, 2020819,000 - (0)127,340,576 - (+136,956)490 - (+1)
February 10, 2020819,000 - (0)127,203,620 - (+58,299)489 - (0)
February 9, 2020819,000 - (0)127,145,321 - (+71,053)489 - (0)
February 8, 2020819,000 - (+1,000)127,074,268 - (+110,538)489 - (0)
February 7, 2020818,000 - (0)126,963,730 - (+137,548)489 - (+1)
February 6, 2020818,000 - (0)126,826,182 - (+56,516)488 - (0)
February 5, 2020818,000 - (0)126,769,666 - (+105,873)488 - (0)
February 4, 2020818,000 - (0)126,663,793 - (+121,272)488 - (+1)
February 3, 2020818,000 - (+1,000)126,542,521 - (+58,192)487 - (0)
February 2, 2020817,000 - (0)126,484,329 - (+68,471)487 - (0)
February 1, 2020817,000 - (0)126,415,858 - (+116,163)487 - (0)
January 31, 2020817,000 - (+1,000)126,299,695 - (+124,642)487 - (+1)
January 30, 2020816,000 - (0)126,175,053 - (+60,254)486 - (0)
January 29, 2020816,000 - (0)126,114,799 - (+111,376)486 - (0)
January 28, 2020816,000 - (+1,000)126,003,423 - (+130,554)486 - (+1)
January 27, 2020815,000 - (0)125,872,869 - (+54,206)485 - (0)
January 26, 2020815,000 - (0)125,818,663 - (+60,976)485 - (0)
January 25, 2020815,000 - (+1,000)125,757,687 - (+94,025)485 - (0)
January 24, 2020814,000 - (0)125,663,662 - (+98,580)485 - (+1)
January 23, 2020814,000 - (0)125,565,082 - (+63,576)484 - (0)
January 22, 2020814,000 - (+1,000)125,501,506 - (+107,399)484 - (0)
January 21, 2020813,000 - (0)125,394,107 - (+123,441)484 - (+1)
January 20, 2020813,000 - (+1,000)125,270,666 - (+66,602)483 - (0)
January 19, 2020812,000 - (0)125,204,064 - (+73,580)483 - (0)
January 18, 2020812,000 - (+1,000)125,130,484 - (+116,086)483 - (0)
January 17, 2020811,000 - (0)125,014,398 - (+143,876)483 - (+1)
January 16, 2020811,000 - (+1,000)124,870,522 - (+77,252)482 - (0)
January 15, 2020810,000 - (0)124,793,270 - (+121,942)482 - (0)
January 14, 2020810,000 - (+1,000)124,671,328 - (+149,420)482 - (+1)
January 13, 2020809,000 - (0)124,521,908 - (+64,595)481 - (0)
January 12, 2020809,000 - (0)124,457,313 - (+80,089)481 - (0)
January 11, 2020809,000 - (+1,000)124,377,224 - (+121,620)481 - (0)
January 10, 2020808,000 - (0)124,255,604 - (+144,750)481 - (+1)
January 9, 2020808,000 - (+1,000)124,110,854 - (+86,450)480 - (0)
January 8, 2020807,000 - (0)124,024,404 - (+133,518)480 - (0)
January 7, 2020807,000 - (0)123,890,886 - (+137,755)480 - (+1)
January 6, 2020807,000 - (+1,000)123,753,131 - (+48,716)479 - (0)
January 5, 2020806,000 - (0)123,704,415 - (+52,427)479 - (0)
January 4, 2020806,000 - (+1,000)123,651,988 - (+55,397)479 - (0)
January 3, 2020805,000 - (0)123,596,591 - (+52,489)479 - (0)
January 2, 2020805,000 - (+1,000)123,544,102 - (+47,314)479 - (0)
January 1, 2020804,000 - (0)123,496,788 - (+41,515)479 - (0)
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