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Elle Belle

Chatty Member
I've just watched Lydia's latest vlog rather than unpack, both can be argued to be as equally dull. 😂

- She's woke up with a spring in her step as she thought her cleaner was coming, but then remembered the lucky moo is on holiday for 2 weeks. She left the bungalow to get messy as she knew the cleaner was coming. Lydia, you have so much skank in your DNA.
- She's going on a press trip to the Shard. Why does she flick her hair every time she mentions she's a GHD ambassador though? I would insult your hair here, but but you would only take it as a complement Lydia.
- She advises Lumi is going to be livid as they've been snuggling like besties with Ali being away. Lumi gives no shits Lydia. You really shouldn't act this hard to get when you're already so hard to like.
- She's popped on her Reiss jumpsuit to pack and clean the house. Normal people wear joggers. Sorry you can't see the fact that you're batshit crazy.
- She's taking nice pyjamas, comfy clothes and maybe a nice outfit to wear drinking cocktails in the hotel room, but will probably just wear her pyjamas. So you go all the way to London to wear pyjamas, but in your house you dress up to compete will a stage performing drag queen. Girllll makes no sense.
- She slummed it on her last trip and used Ali's hairdryer. She's going to treat him to a new one. Why. Don't. You. Just. Let. Him. Share. Yours? You know like most couples.
- She's on the hunt for a mask that doesn't destruct her makeup as much. There's only one trouble with your face Lydia - it shows - even with a mask!
- Cawwee decided that as Lydia's not got much to do tomorrow they can drink some wine tonight. I guess you have an entire life to be an idiot so what's another day off?
- She realises the suite is all hers, 'wait am I staying in this suite?', cue all the arm flapping, screeching, lisping and so on. She later tells us she made a tit and a knob of herself for not realising it's her suite. We know Lydia. We just watched. She apparently needs to get cooler at being a blogger who knows she's staying in suites. You just read it out that you're staying in a suite with 360 views. On camera. At the beginning of the vlog. What a pretentious fake dumb ass. This will obviously take up a whole chapter in her autobiography. The autobiography though. What, and I cannot express this enough, the fuck?
- She emphasises it's a bougie bath in a boogie suite. Even in the description she's bragged it's a 3K per night stay. I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.
- She's not tried the GHD Rise, as she's waiting for the GHD girl to show her, as last time she did it all wrong. Do we get to see this demonstration? That'll be a no. She's used GHD's since she was 16. She definitely said since 10 in another vlog or post until we pointed out GHD hasn't been established that long. I know you eat a lot of gluten, but can you die of constipation? I ask because I’m worried about how full of shit you are Lydia.
- She shows us the toilet and says she always remembers the toilets in this hotel. A douche bag of your magnitude could cleanse a whale's vagina.
- She's actually doing a giveaway for one of the GHD Rise. These are the only giveaways she ever does. Well you know because they're free.
- It launched on the 14th August. She then said the GHD Glide sold out in weeks. So why the fuck are you promoting this weeks later when it could have already sold out? Everyone’s entitled to act stupid once in a while, but you really abuse the privilege.
- She reads out the description of the GHD Rise and acknowledges it sounds more intelligent than her. Don't be too hard on yourself Lydia. The only thing I don’t like about you is that constant inhaling and exhaling habit you have.
- She's on third day hair. She's happy she doesn't have to wash her hair tonight either. What. A. MF. Skanky. Lazy. Ass.
- She advises make sure you brush your hair before using it as well. I advise make sure you don't bleach your hair 4 times in one day. Apparently the GHD Rise gives definition to the colours in her hair. RED and yellow and pink...I can sing a rainbow.
- She's caved and ordered chips before dinner. Again. Who actually does this? You must have a very low opinion of people if you think they are your equals Lydia.
- Cawwee's opening the champagne and Lydia says don't point it in my direction. I've never prayed for something more. She says here's to post-corona cheersing. What the actual fuck? I go away for a week and not only is she writing an autobiography, but the pandemic is over too. Come back and talk to us when your I.Q. exceeds your age Lydia.
- She answers the room phone saying Millen residence, and then tells the staff member they're both gluten free and make sure they bring lots of mayo and lots of ketchup. You really can't put a flower in an asshole and call it a vase.
- Cawwee thinks Lydia needs to start growing sunflowers and taking her vegetables to competition. She's joking, obviously, but you can literally see the cogs in Lydia's brain turning.
- The happy birthday Miranda thing. (It's a video that went viral last year of a couple wishing their friend Mirander HB from the Shard). But if you don't explain the context the giggling lisping shit coming from her mouth is just not funny.
- She highlights the vegetable salad starter is one big plate of Lydia's favourites. My irony detector just exploded.
- Cawwee asks where Lydia's champagne is, she says on the coffee table, Cawwee asks are you not finishing it, she says yeah and hand gestures for Cawwee who has just sat down at the dining table to go and get it. You have your head so far up your ass Lydia, you can literally chew your food twice.
- Cawwee says if Lydia was here with her husband and she with her friend they wouldn't be sat here in their pyjamas. Didn't you once put a shit load of spot cream on your face when you got into bed on your anniversary trip with Ali though? #couplegoals
- She just said to Cawwee 'remember I spat some of that out' whilst Cawwee goes to get the bread. You should really come with a warning label Lydia.
- She tells us they've shared knickers. If she's got coronavirus then Cawwee's got coronavirus. I don’t know what your problem is Lydia, but I’m guessing it’s hard to pronounce.
- Cawwee's friend told her she walks like 'Micky' from the east end. Spot on fwwwenddd. Spot on. 👏🏽
- Yep she does get in the car in her sweaty yoga kit. Lydia, you didn't evolve from apes, they evolved from you.
- She wishes they had gone for a night walk along the Thames, but they had champagne. You must have been good at arithmetics at school; you add dullness, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance.
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My fave part... “I feel like you guys really haven’t understood how busy today has been” 😂😂😂 I’m deceased!!

Lydia’s day - got dressed and showed off outfit. Stood there whilst Alitex measured her greenhouse. Sent the raised bed company the dimensions Ali drew up. Unwrapped dog presents. Gave to dog. Unwrapped flowers and put in vase. Unwrapped a load of other shit. Had a meeting with another interior designer about her next round of changes. Ranted about people being mean. The end.

My day - got dressed, got my 2 kids dressed, did their breakfast. Drove daughter to nursery, dropped other daughter at camp. Worked 9-5 driving around between 5 clients, grabbed lunch in my car. Picked up daughters, came home. Set up some activities for them, made their dinner, bathed and put them to bed. Got onto computer to do work admin, prepped for work and packed bags for work tomorrow. Got changed, did a 30 min workout, cooked dinner (and watched the vlog!) ate dinner, tidied up and made packed lunches for the kids tomorrow. Showered. Collapsed into bed. Then repeat x5 Days a week.

I’m not complaining, I love kids and my job. But Lydia. You. Are. Not. Busy.
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Elle Belle

Chatty Member
Hi Tattlers

Oh my god, why are you still here Nicky? I can't believe you had the audacity to unarchive that post. What will my 3 brand partnerships think? The chains on my mood swing have literally just snapped. Again. Are you jealous that GHD made me an ambassador and not you?! I know there are two sides to every story, but she's a douche in both of them. Roses are red, shit is brown, so shut the fuck up and sit back down.

And that nobody influencer launching a tanning kit WITH actual fake tan and free postage. It's not Glóby though is it? It doesn't have my name on, so it's obviously not going to sell out. I always laugh when people try to hurt my feelings. As if I have any he-he-he. With a fuck fuck here...and a fuck fuck a fuck...there a fuck...I don't give a fuck fuck. It's not that I don't regret burning all my bridges with Claire, Frow, Despina, Nicky, the Neighbours and so on, I just regret that some of them weren't on those bridges when I burnt them. My happy place is when their happy place is burning. I'm not bitter though, if Nicky came to my 300,000 acre manor, I'd still cook her lunch, but she'd only get HALF a baked potato with a plastic pot of beans and have to grate her own cheese.

Can you actually believe that Alitex are not gifting me a greenhouse now after all your trolling? Even after I've helped thousands upon thousands of small part-time pipe-dream businesses achieve their success. And even after I allowed them to include my husband's name in their brand. They apparently don't do freebies for influencers they say. I could eat alphabet soup and shit out a better argument than that. But luckily I'm now getting a free outside garden. Al-fresco cheesy baked potatoes are the dream. And before you all say it, I don't have a begging problem. You have a problem with my begging. So that's your problem. So I had a mamas' night out to cheer myself up. I was on babysitting duty though as I'm not a mama never yet. My husband said to me the only way I'd get laid is to crawl up a chicken and wait.

Did you all see I'm thinking about penning my own autobiography? All about me. It'll be a Times bestseller. I'm thinking of entitling it 'She was not fragile like a flower. She was fragile like a bomb.' Once upon a time I was sweet and innocent then shit happened. You will never understand how much adversity and trauma I've actually been through - growing up a pauper, only bring introduced to the Clinique 3 step regime at 13, homelessness, only getting a cameo not a lead role in an Ndubz video, overdosing on laughing gas in Ibeefa, only winning ONE lousy award, still not finding the perfect sage bag. The moral of the story is that I always go into fight of flight mode. I'm emotionally stable as an Ikea table you see. Sometimes I just need a HUG(e amount of money.) If I'm being real with you all, sometimes I wish I was a nicer person like Ali, but then I laugh and continue my day. You can call me a bitch. But a bitch is a dog. Dogs bark. Bark is on trees. Trees are in nature. Nature is beautiful and so am I. So thanks for the compliment.

I've definitely over-exerted my brain now, I'm still recovering from brain damage as you all know. I'll have to go and have a nap, and let my house elf of a husband continue with the chores given the lucky moo cleaner is on holiday. Silly sausage taking time off, she'll regret it coming back to find I've had gluten pizza and not flushed the toilet......on purpose he-he-he. Why should I have to even do anything myself? Think about it, every corpse on Mount Everest was once a highly motivated person. Stay lazy is therefore my motto. Here's to a bank-holiday weekend of top draw banter, outward smiles and inward screams.

Love Lydia (I'm not perfect. I'm original.)
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When you're spelling 2 out of 4 words incorrectly, should you maybe try to sneak into a primary school zoom lesson?
Yes. The answer is yes.
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I never have done anything like this before gone online to complain about a vlogger, but yesterday's vlog was the last straw. Lydia reading that poor woman's comment, if it is to be believed a real comment. Though it was really Lydia's reaction when reading the email where the poor woman was talking about how she can't pay rent, her bills and is only having two small meals a day to conserve money. Lydia then went on to complain about how some people are mean to her. How tone deaf do you have to be? I get the feeling Lydia is a very emotional person and being a vlogger is probably not the job for her because of that. But I watched some of her earlier vlogs and realized what a different person she is now from the grateful and real woman I saw in earlier vlogs. The woman I see now seems entitled and not self-aware in anyway. It reminded me of the social-psychologist Paul Piff and his Rigged game of Monopoly. These experiments –conducted at the UC Berkeley campus — involved the secret recording of multiple “rigged” games of monopoly in which one randomly-chosen player in a randomly selected group was given certain a priori advantages…such as: twice the money, greater ability to move around the board (more than two dice!), and more access to resources (higher bonuses for passing go.). According to Piff, the goal here was to study how “a privileged player in a rigged game behaves”. After just fifteen minutes of play for each game, the researchers began noticing “dramatic” behavioral changes in the advantaged players…observed changes ranged from louder, more forceful movement of their game piece (and other “displays of power”) to seemingly trivial things like eating more pretzels. In one humorously shocking (or shockingly humorous) example, one of the advantaged players, after successfully winning the game, was heard explaining what he had done, strategically, to succeed and win. This example speaks to “how we make sense of advantage”, says Piff" Over all, the most consistent behavioral change observed is one that may not come as a great surprise to those of us with more worldly experience…manners, or rather, the lack thereof…"

Today I unfollowed both of them. Ali seems nice enough but I just don't want contribute to delusions of grandeur. Unfortunately for them both earnings in the next year will be very hard to come by for a vlogger because no one has money spend and certainly not on luxury because the world wide economic crunch will continue.
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Can't wait to see what this week brings in the bungalow
This!! I just realised, I tune into Lydia like some sort of reality show. It’s almost like it must be scripted it’s so good. At least one WTF moment in every video. She is actually gold because it’s hard to believe one person can be so totally misguided, out of touch, fake, narcissistic yet at the same time so full of it and self righteous.
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Elle Belle

Chatty Member
It was private CCTV on private property. Nicky doesn’t have to block anyone out. Lydia has no rights.
Yes, legally speaking Lydia has no rights for a libel (written falsehoods) or slander (oral falsehoods) case. As you correctly point out, it's domestic CCTV so data protection laws in the UK don't apply, as long as the footage captured is on Nicky's property/grounds. Nicky would require justification for publicising this footage, which is easily argued in that Lydia continues to, either inadvertently or deliberately, make indirect claims of her hair damage (the bleached four times in one day, for example.)

Lydia couldn't sue Nicky for defamation of character if quite simply there has been no defamation. If she's acted in a unprovoked harassing manner, then there has been no FALSE STATEMENT of her that unjustly harms her reputation. The CCTV intrinsically speaks for itself. She can't deny it's her. It's quite straightforward, unlike for example, the Coleen Rooney vs Rebecca Vardy case. For those not in the UK, they're both footballer's WAGS, and Coleen made public that Rebecca leaked info to the press on her seeking gender fertility treatment from her private Instagram account. Prior to this, Coleen had planted stories with narrowing selective viewing of the followers she suspected of leaking until Rebecca was the only one left. Legal technicalities come into play as Rebecca can counter argue that she wasn't the only one who had access to her phone or her account, or that she was discussing Coleen's personal matters with a mutual friend and a third party overhead this, for example.

Lydia would essentially be backed into a corner. In her best interests, she could either acknowledge her wrongs (hell would freeze over first) or remain silent. Checkmate. If she did retaliate with her 'version of events' then she needs to tread carefully regarding her claims and have evidence to back this up, or Nicky could issue her own defamation lawsuit against Lydia. I know Lydia has already alluded to the causation of her hair damage being bleached four times, but she's not actually directly incriminated Nicky yet by not identifying any names, so Nicky's grounds for a defamation case currently are weak. I imagine Nicky archived her post whilst she sought legal advice. The only ramification Nicky would have in publicising the footage is Lydia's die hards getting salty at her.

Shoot your shot Nicky. 🙌🏽 I can't wait to witness Lydia living her best life on the loo in the powder room.
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A couple VLOGs ago she wrote in her Title of the video Shopping at Chanel, Dior.
Whereas, in reality she did not show neither Chanel nor Dior stores and just chatted one line in the taxi. Someone commented saying you added 7 adverts in this video, you added in the title saying shopping in Chanel but you didn't show those stores, isn't this clickbait? And she deleted that comment. I mean isn't that the truth? How can she say people are being nasty to her, when someone is just pointing out the truth.
She claims she is just living her life, agreed.. we are all just living and doing the bare minimum to try and get through this phase. You have the liberty to shop and travel -- sure go for it. I am not going to judge you or hold you accountable.
But when I am coming to your channel for something I admire, isn't it okay for me to come to your channel and express disappointment when you do something that's not nice, like why is the resolution to that just unsubscribe or unfollow but dont leave nasty comment. When you want me and my subscription to leave good things under your video, why can't I as a viewer express my disappointment.
I know some people have told her to die of horrible diseases, and I never wish that on her or anyone obviously.
But I do have the right to say "Lydia, when you did not show the Chanel store, please dont add it to the title. You obviously did that to attract more views" WE BOTH KNOW (Her and I that was the reason she added the word Chanel, cause everyones curious to know what's in store... and what the price of those items) that was the truth, then why cant I say that?
If I say that do I become a HATER? Just because we get to watch youtube technically for free means we dont owe anything to these influencers? You recommend amazing products and we buy them through your links, we patiently sit through a 41 minute rather boring video just to get to the end of the video and know what the bag purchase was. when we show that determination, why cant I express my disappointment on something.
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Lydia: Us influencers don't get enough praise for helping start up businesses

Also Lydia: I'm wearing these new silk mask that was sent to me, I have no clue what the brand is.

For someone who raves about helping start up/small businesses, I would think she would take notice of the brands that send her PR.
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I really think Lady Lydia is very impulsive. She sees something someone else has and she must have it. Once she has it she seems to despise it. She is trying to fill a void in her life but stuff won’t do that. She needs to work out what will genuinely make her happy and stick with it.

Well that was deep for a Sunday morning lol
Lydiot is the Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) of the British Influencers.
In the movie, the scene where the guys are comparing business cards and Jared Leto's character shows the guys his business card, so much nicer than all of theirs ... and Patrick/Christian Bale starts mentally raging and losing his mind with jealousy. Because HE has to always be the best, and everyone must compete with HIM and not vice versa. She has to always come out on top. Lydia is PATRICK BATEMAN.
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Maisie doats

Well-known member
I’m going to say this again hopefully for the last time. She needs to stop with the # be kind crap. Having an opinion on something ( clothes in the dryer on a hot day, Miss sustainability) is not meant to be unkind it’s meant to highlight her lack of sustainability while she preaches how to be sustainable to others. #be kind never entered her head when she made a 9 month pregnant woman cry. That’s down right bullying and it has to be highlighted. The sub that she read the comment from says she was finding it hard and could hardly maintain feeding herself. Lydias answer? Oh I need to help you out, I can send you something. NO. She took that comment and made it about her as always. In all the time I watched her it was very rare to see her comment back something nice to her subs. The only interaction was usually to be # UNKIND. Suddenly she is interacting with these subs now. I wonder why🤔. Time will tell. Sometimes you have to be #CRUEL TO BE KIND.
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