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Milking Keynes

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Is her head getting bigger ????

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She is determined to flog the Vaha to a death through her aff links. People - for the love of god, just use You Tube! I’m doing 30 day yoga challenge with Adriene for beginners (yes, I’m late to the party but better late than never😉) and no smudgy prints all over shop either.

And yes, her face is bigger - the objective is to inflate it so it makes the waist look smaller. 😴😴
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Hello everyone!

Another long time lurker here 👀

In addition to Lydia’s usual stuck up, shitty behaviour - I am just so angry that she’s gone and bought an Isabella, double dapple (I believe?) dachshund.

After banging on the first time round with porter about all the “research” she did, how much she looked into dachshunds and all that bull - and then this is the puppy she chooses?!

Many of you have already explained the problems these little dogs are prone to, and quite right too. She’s picked one of the worst dachshunds she could for it’s own health.

She has either lied and not done the dachshund research she claimed to have done, or she knows about the issues with this type of Dachshund and ignored it. Either way, she’s a shitty Doxie parent.

It’s so cruel on the poor dog itself, breeding of these dogs should NOT be encouraged. Not only has she paid into this problem, she is also in a position of influence, and no doubt some silly followers will take interest in the same dog now and like Lydia, not research the breed or find out and not care about the problems, and so it goes on.

What a stupid, silly bint!
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I've been MIA the last 4 or 5 days due to Internet problems BUT I am back now and trying to catch up. What exactly did she receive in Christmas PR from brands this year besides the tossed to the side Jimmy Choo shoes? I just can't watch her vlogs anymore because the time investment has no ROI for me. It's all blah, blah, blah, lies, more lies, and the embarrassing flexing. Plus, I am hot into Diane Gabaldon's latest Outlander book (Tell the Bees that I am Gone) and I am savoring every one of the 888 pages. There is only one more book left in the series and it takes her about 8 to 10 years to write a book so it will be a while before there is another. I pre ordered this book in the fall of 2020 and it just arrived right after Christmas. Best book so far besides her side Outlander book The Scottish Prisoner and her novellas. Lots of back story and Easter eggs in the novellas.

She's not interested in doing vacay things like museums, real antiquing, swimming, real hiking, walking around and taking in the sites, trying new things, and just sitting and relaxing. No, she wastes 2-3 hours in the mornings putting on her face and then spends the remainder of the day taking photos of herself and drinking. When I am on vacation I might put on mascara and lip balm during the day and then light makeup for a nice dinner out. My wardrobe will consist of comfortable non binding clothes and loose sun dresses. Tamara always looks like she enjoys her vacations, Josie looks like she enjoys her vacations, Frow looks like she enjoys her vacations, but Lydiot not so much.
You are so right about Elsie not enjoying vacay things.... I think its because unless she can show it off on Instagram she isn't bothered! She's all for show, always has been. No interest or hobby is ever from a real passion with her, it's all for appearances sake and showing off. So of course when(if) her and Ali are ever on holiday together it's alien to them. She doesn't know how to have a good time because she's usually always just taking photos to portray a fake online persona. Even their anniversary stay was a bloody ad for Thyme! She has no hobby in life other than buying/ begging for things and showing off online. How bloody sad is that????!!!!
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If she's doing it to try and keep up with Vic and Josie and the likes, then I don't think it will work.

Personally I'd rather watch a Maldives or Dubai vlog that someone shrieking and lisping at their new puppy - no matter how cute the puppy may be.
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Why does she call the dog a ferocious beast? Does she think it makes her dog seem cuter? Honestly how people aren’t embarrassed to walk rats on leads is beyond me, if you’re rescuing a dog and giving it a better life fair enough but to choose a little scratty dog is just 🤮.
That's a bit mean, I have 3 dachshunds and I wouldn't say they are rats on leads or little scratty dogs :cry:
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I see a massive shift coming in her channel towards wellness and mindfulness. It's a cynical change in gear for Elsie as her talentless self has been shown up and is ageing (as an influencer).... So let's go down the multi billion pound industry of wellness.

The obsession of 'always remaining happy' is incredibly unrealistic for anyone to maintain. As humans, we have not evolved to remain in this state, more of survive and reproduce. If life throw lemons and curve balls at you, which it invariably does, how you gonna cope with that if all you spend your time doing are things that keep you happy?

If you are financially sound, how about donating your time to helping others, charitable work which will give you that sense of satisfaction rather than the pursuit of happiness as the means and an end.

Her shrill repetition of 'I'm always happy, I'm always happy' is the least convincing part of her flogs!
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She MADE, MADE Ali say on camera that they’re getting a dog cause “she deserves one from all the progress she’s made”

A dog is a living, feeling animal. Not a fucking reward or trophy. "All the progress she's made" - so let's look back 1-2 years ago. She was screaming at hairdressers, setting up witch hunt WhatsApp groups, smashing her windows, snapping at anyone and everyone. Shes still a cunt. Perhaps she's gone from humongous cunt to slightly less humongous cunt (I don't see it personally). But she has one hell of a lot of work and redemption to do to truly make "progess". How about apologising to Nicky for progress you tosser.
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I think for sure intomissimee. For the reasons a tattle posted about the no pj ad for Xmas AND a lot of talk in this vlog about needing to order thermals. She usually talks about all of her base layers from them and links them below. No links. No mention. And we know she don’t need more under whatever’s cause she has enough for 20 people free from them.

In addition to Ghd, st tropez, Dior, Lily and beans, estee lauder, louboutin, maybe even by terry because lots of influencers did by terry things this year.

I would think she would realize KM is all that’s left for a big payday and that she should save. But her spending is out of control bigger than ever ever before.
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I am surprised that Lydiot would be hurt by a brand moving on. As a self-proclaimed Boss Babe, she should know it is all about business and when a client F$%ks up and it hurts the brand then they are going to move on. She also needs to realize that influencers are a dime a dozen and they can find a prettier, younger, more professional (knows how to say the brand name correctly, is prepared for meetings, meets deadlines ahead of time, and spells words correctly on SM where their brand is the topic), harder working, drama free, and less expensive influencer at the drop of the hat. Brands have also seen how Lydiot can turn on them in an instant if she thinks she has been slighted in the least like Holland Cooper, Dior, Jimmy Choo, the flower lady who sent her monthly flowers and then she said she didn't like flowers, etc. She has also narrowed her aesthetic to such a point as it is appealing to a small specific audience. Plus, Granny Chic is not trending as of late. She mistakes the few who post themselves watching her vlogs as fans but most are fellow Grammers or YouTubers just looking to self-promote. She is a lot like Trump and is easily fooled by flattery. And then she has that BOT problem and her problem with the govt and not following rules. It's like the Sword of Damocles hanging over her huge head.

I‘m struggling to remember the Rodial filtergate. Please would someone briefly fill me in on what happened?
I remember ages ago the uncomfortable ‘interview’ she did with the owner. I tried some of the products but wasn’t impressed at all…
She used a blurring filter in her paid post and then claimed it was the Rodial powder that by magic made her large pores and textured skin look perfect. She got called out on it and then called in for a meeting with Rodial.
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She’s already unfollowed the dog breeder page she had been following.

Got what she wanted from them at a discount presumably and now a swift unfollow.
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Her "they hurt my feelings" comment is just more proof that Lydia is forever an overgrown child who thinks any kind of honest feedback or repercussion is just "bitter jealous haters trying to knock her down".

Meanwhile she just stomps all over people's "feelings" and gives zero tosses about ruining their day. I mean I really REALLY love how she treats her BBF? employees? paid-cronies? They pull up to her house to come to work to only be told that they have the day off? WTF. Any decent boss would, oh I don't know, TELL THEIR EMPLOYEES THAT THE DAY BEFORE?

That's not how you treat your "BFF" nor how you treat your "employee". What a rubbish friend AND employer.
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I’ve been a silent reader for so long, I thought it’s time for me to contribute. I live all the way in Australia & can honestly say we find her just as annoying! When I first started watching her videos I enjoyed them, however, overtime I have grown to despise her. She tries to come across as this wealthy, classy individual, when she is just not, that’s why it translates as try hardy & artificial. She tries to imitate her friends and their lifestyle, for example through her overnight obsession of making her house look old and antiques. Why wouldn’t she just buy an old house and do minor upgrades, it would’ve saved her so much money. I see what she’s trying to do with it but it just dosent work and it makes me cringe. Don’t even get me started on Ali and his boring ass videos, you can tell he too loves to fit this pretentious, classic persona. His videos have to be the most boring thing I’ve ever watched. Like he’ll just ramble on like his life depends on it, and shows the most random things like every single minute of his life is so interesting. Like can he just shut the fuck up and do the thing, you don’t need to talk for 20 fkn minutes.

The bitch literally looks like a man with long hair, I always thought what an odd pairing the two where, since I USED to think Ali was somewhat attractive (thank God that ran its course). However, I believe Ali is genuinely missing a few Brain cells and is there to make Lydia feel good about herself.Also, not to mention he has the personality of a cork so they go perfect together.

Also, I’m actually so sad I missed that live that Lydia did with the brand. Were there really only 34 viewers???😂 I want to know what the comments where and see the look on her face.
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So can everyone on here universally admit Lydia is cruel to her animals as when I mentioned it about a year ago I got slagged off. (Not by everyone but some of you claimed how she treats Porter is right and looking after a dog is an individual choice and it’s an opinion if you are a good owner or not.)
Lydia has got another dog for insta likes, hence his colouring. This dog looks cuter than Porter so now he will be pushed to the side like lumi as all Lydia cares about is herself and how much attention she’s getting. Lydia isn’t a dog person, she can’t look after the one she’s got and has been constantly cruel to Porter since she’s got him and I would dread to think what goes on off camera as she’s only started being fake nice to him and letting him out the kitchen when her followers called her out on it. She fed lumi the wrong food and made her need vet treatment, she lost lynx (could argue it’s not her fault he went missing but she shouldn’t of let him out when she just moved into that house and lynx didn’t know his surroundings), tbh Lumi doesn’t even like other cats so she really shouldn’t have got Lynx in the first place, she then got that other cat for a few days and stressed lumi out then sent the cat back to his original home, she forgets to feed Porter, she doesn’t care where he is when she walks him as he’s always behind while she looks at herself in the phone, she used to drag that poor dog out when her was a baby for her own pleasure and enjoys the sound of Porter crying. She wont even fence off her garden to keep the dog/s safe as she like to pretend she owns the “wood” behind her house. Lydia is cruel, selfish and careless. Horrible horrible person and it’s know wonder she’s never happy.
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My gosh she is never happy, is she? Purchase after purchase...Hermes bags, clothes, jewelry and watches, cars... she is never happy, she sets a goal in her life for that period- next purchase. After she buys that thing, no matter is it a car (defender) or a ring, she never feels happy. She just feels empty and only way she can make that better is to find another goal, another thing to buy.
I don’t mind if she spends her money on material things, it is her money (and I think money is getting tighter), but what I HATE is that she saw a puppy online and immediately said I will buy him. A puppy is not a toy Lydia, he is not a ring you can shove in back of your drawer and forget about it!! Now that you bought another thing (for you puppy is a thing and god forbid if you adopted, in your head that doesn’t sound posh). At least Porter is not alone in that dark mushy green dungeon, but I truly feel sorry for all those animals. We all saw Lydia in her true nature in Ali’s vlog, she is cold hearted bitch that is angry, grumpy and bitchy all the time. Awful, just awful.
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Guys I re-listened to the brand part. She said brandS hurt her. BrandS that she was loyal to and worked with for years. So it’s more than one.
then I reckon Holland Cooper is definitely another. Hurt her because they rightly backed ITFrow over Lidl.
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Did you guys notice the absolute death stare when Ali kindly offered a delicious looking truffle chocolate:

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