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Chatty Member
I hate to say it and it’s a bit unfeminist of me but I think Lucy and others (Sophie Milner is another example) are getting to their early thirties and just having a breakdown because really they haven’t done much with their lives other than post on social media for the last 7/8 years and their content/engagement is drying up and they don’t know what to do about it, hence mental breakdown.
Agreed. It's like, to heavily paraphrase that one line in 'Showgirls': There's always someone younger and hungrier waiting in the wings. I think people have tired of the whole 'thin white girl preaching body positivity' shtick and her engagement can't be as good as it was but what else can she do?
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Well-known member
Her friend Movewithtara has started onlyfans. Each to their own but I think I’d die with embarrassment advertising an only fans to people I know. If I had one it would be completely separate to my social media but then it’s a good way to promote it
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Chatty Member
Anyone else feel like Lucy's ads for companies aren't very good...she always seems like she's taking the piss out of them or something? Her latest one for Misfits...she's literally chucking a load of their new protein bars onto the floor?!?!

Also I've noticed recently she's barely sharing any content that isn't advertising. Presumably she makes enough from the (distinctly average) nobs app not to bother?
It's like she wants to do that 'I don't care about sponsored content, it's so cringe' bit to seem relatable but obviously she does care because money. Like everything else she does, it's all performative.
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VIP Member
I mean, just stop using filters etc? Just stop it. She's an influencer with a cult following (ha), people would notice. Sometimes silence speaks louder than shouting.

See, here's the thing with the podcast, if she wasn't trying to come across as 'inclusive' then it's fine. There's nothing technically wrong with three white women creating a podcast to talk about their middle class opinions on things that don't really affect them. I personally don't like the podcast, I find it vapid. But some people would like it and that's fine.
However, when a large part of your brand involves talking about diversity and inclusivity, it's glaringly obvious when she misses that completely and that should have been picked up on. But witnessing her behaviour with people commenting on the Facebook page (even the one comment that said something along the lines of 'Lucy is great but let's check our parasocial relationships, she did fuck up', Lucy completely went for her) I imagine she's very difficult to work for as she won't take any criticisms.
Yes you've summed up what I thought RE the podcast perfectly!! Thank you
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Give it a rest. Is this a lucy mountain thread or covid thread? I don't know why the hate towards her so much on covid, we may as well list the hundreds of thousands other people who aren't always wearing a mask then 🤷‍♀️
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VIP Member
Anyone else feel like Lucy's ads for companies aren't very good...she always seems like she's taking the piss out of them or something? Her latest one for Misfits...she's literally chucking a load of their new protein bars onto the floor?!?!

Also I've noticed recently she's barely sharing any content that isn't advertising. Presumably she makes enough from the (distinctly average) nobs app not to bother?
She makes shit loads, she's just bought a house and been on a lavish trip away

I genuinely think she's one of the most tone deaf people I've encountered on this app
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New member
What happened? :eek:
Basically there was a WhatsApp group for the local area (up north) and there was a LOT of bullying in it. Calling people out over very small things, openly saying in the group they didn’t like me, didn’t think I should be part of it, and also going as far as to make an Instagram and reposting my photos with horrible captions. I told Lucy and she basically said ‘well you must have done something to upset them, just apologise to them or grow up’ like okay I get she doesn’t own that subset of group, but to openly just say ‘yeah I accept stuff like that’ is so wrong.

Not to mention the fact all of her ‘models’ are POC or not ‘social norms’ and openly said she doesn’t want anyone modelling her stuff who’s thin or blonde (I mean…are we not allowed to just be into fitness) you can’t just pretend a group of people don’t exist?’
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VIP Member
Does anyone else think she has split up with the new boyfriend? She’s been really sad for a week or two now
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New member
Anyone else remember the one when a girl asked how to wear white socks with trainers? Not like looking for style tips, just genuinely had no idea 😂

Lmaooooo I have a screenshot of this one that I sent to my friend is disbelief that anybody could be so useless
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VIP Member
She pissed off to Ibiza last year at the height of the pandemic then had her boyfriend over all the time breaking lockdown..totally not shocked.

Tbh I really liked her but now she’s actually really gotten on my nerves and I’ve unfollowed her.
This pissed me off no end and I think I unfollowed her not too long after this along with several other influencers who buggared off to Dubai later in the year.
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VIP Member
Totally agree to all of the above - it’s a really creepy advert and I don’t get why they don’t even speak?!?

I love that she says she hates diet culture but the last few years in the first week of January exploits and benefits from it by releasing an advert saying ‘fuck New Years resolution diet culture, buy my exercise and recipe app - it is totally anti diet culture’

the app itself might not promote diet culture but you’re still profiting off it by releasing new versions and/or heavily advertising and discounting at this time of year, don’t pretend that you don’t know exactly what you’re doing and who you’re specifically targeting??

Like it’s fine, it’s a marketing decision and can be justified by saying you’re trying to reach those customers at this time of year when people are more likely to be thinking about exercise thanks to diet culture, but it just feels odd to not acknowledge the slightly ironic timing of these releases. Idk if I explained that well 🤣

You did explain that well. That's bang on and I didn't think of that myself. She made it worse by instagramming her own feelings about gaining weight a few weeks back. I think she's taken on this certain persona, and it's not really genuine.
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Active member
It all kicked off yesterday on her Facebook group. She has been asking for volunteers to help manage her Facebook group in return for a free subscription to the app and people are saying she should pay for their labour 🍿
Lool I am on the FB group too, some people are a real hoot over there. Remember TWgate
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Chatty Member
I can still see her too.

itseems like she has been on the verge of a breakdown for the past few years though.
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Chatty Member
I don't know if it's just me, it probably is but everything about her is starting to really grate on me. She comes across so condescending. The way she speaks, the way she moves her mouth, her blatant performative activism only when it suits her. She's just obnoxious to me.
Yep. Agreed. And I used to worship at the Lucy altar… Just seen she’s off to Glasto now after what looked like a separate getaway only days earlier: really living the “influencer” life now isn’t she, not even slightly relatable.

Also side note, someone asked her why she drinks diet Monster if she’s anti diet culture (because she “prefers the taste” apparently): no love, it’s because Lucy is just as obsessed with being thin as she always was.
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VIP Member
so I have to be honest, I downloaded her app and signed up for it for a month and I’m glad I only did it for a month. The app is genuinely so poorly laid out and the junior guide for example, is not user friendly to people new to exercise. Her workouts would benefit from speak along videos you could use whilst you work your shit out but it’s kind of embarassing fumbling around in the gym trying to work out what she’s doing from your small phone screen.
I think the app had a good premise and we need more exercise/workouts that aren’t calorie based but she’s so far past the mark on this one, I found the app really user unfriendly.
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