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Was just thinking this. We get it you breast feed Lucy. We don’t need to see you breast feeding every singleeee day now put ur golden boobs away. Why not a simple pic of her and her mum?? 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Hang on, hang on, hang on… She breastfeeds… wow, that is brand new information! Why hasn't she ever mentioned it 🤔
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She has such a tough life tho you know ...having to load the dishwasher ,clean 3 toys off the floor ,she would have heart failure in my house.
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Shes unbearable isnt she?? King Roman!! The only mother to have breastfed, the only woman to have given birth, the only mother to juggle childcare whilst working!! 1st class pleb
Working is debatable. I’d like to see her work in an office 8:30-5:30 every day and have to get King Roman to and from nursery / childminders and still find time to cook him dinner and do all of the housework and washing etc
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My sister used to worry that her little boy (12 months) wouldn't clap. I told her not to worry, have you ever seen a 30 year old man who can't clap? (Barring a developmental issue of course, her little boy is neuro-typical) They all catch up and even out in the end - what they do at 6 months, 9 months, 12 months ends up irrelevant to the course of their lives, so I can't for the life of me understand why Lucy likes to brag about it so much. I wonder if she tells people what age she sat up and what her appetite was like as a baby? No one cares.
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No one...

Absolutely no one....

Lucy - im still BREAST FEEDING so need extra calories

Can she go one day without reminding us all she is still BREAST FEEDING like she's the first woman to do it. I mean I'm not even a mum and its pissing me off the amount of times she goes on and on about it 😒

Also yeah dont get me wrong she does look Absolutely amazing. But so do other mums after having a baby.. unfortunately quite alot of other mums dont feel or look so great and if they are following lucy who is trying and failing at being a real down to earth mother, I can imagine how low these other mums will be feeling.

I'm not buying she ever put on 3 or 4 stone...
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I bought the shakes and they were expensive. I changed to my protein ones in the end, they are much better price wise and I always get about 40% off through uni days. But the point I'm making is that they ARE nutritious in a sense. It's the pyramid scheme like you say, people don't like that and it is very pricey.

There are MUCH cheaper ways of getting nutrients in your diet than this shit.
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Chatty Member
This is the longest he has been away it’s strange.
It’s weird she would rather stay down south with Roman on her own than be with Ryan and Scarlett.
It’s like she wants just Ryan and his other family is a inconvenience
I’ve seen her use lockdown in passive aggressive replies to questions about her avoidance of anything to do with Ryan’s daughter or family! Absolute bullshit. She should want her son to grow up with his sister. She should be in residing in Manchester during lockdown so that Ryan doesn’t have to choose between his children while can’t travel as frequently. She can work from Manchester, there is a home set up there. She’s just a selfish bitch & why he allows it god only knows, no wonder his family hate her!
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Struggling to juggle work and breastfeeding? What about us that worked actually out of the home and had to pump and store and feed when we were together, without gifted elvies and whichever other pumps
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I find it strange that she wants to stop breastfeeding at one. I know, her body, her choice, totally respect that. It just feels like such an arbitrary time to stop, and Roman clearly still enjoys it. I BREASTFEED my little boy, he's a week older than Roman, I can't imagine stopping any time soon, especially because my son still gets so much comfort and connection, not to mention nutrients and antibodies from it. It's obviously her right to give up and want her body back, I just find it doesn't really align with her mother nature breastfeeding boss babe image...
I don’t think she enjoys it. Feed him for a photo shoot, talk about feeding him... won’t feed him in the evening, won’t feed him at night. I think it’s part of the image and she doesn’t enjoy it, it’s sad
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I have exclusively breastfed all of my babies up to around 6 months old (my third is now 5 weeks old) but I can see how people like Lucy making a big song and dance about it every 5 seconds can make mums who can’t or choose not to breastfeed feel inferior. There’s ‘normalising’ breastfeeding and then there’s pushing it upon people. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned how I’ve fed my children on my social media because quite frankly it’s not that interesting and a mundane part of raising children like changing their bums or giving them a bath. Although saying that Lucy did like to tell us all about every single one of Roman’s nappies in the early days!
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I am 9 months post partum and am the same size as lucy. I have gone from a size 12 to a size 6. But I don’t diet and only do a daily walk. No time to actually exercise with a 9 month old! I don’t think you should shame someone for losing too much weight. I would never comment on someone’s weight gain after pregnancy. Even if I thought it was because they weren’t eating healthy/ was actually concerned.

The same thing happened to all of my sisters whilst they were breastfeeding. So I am 100% sure it is genetic. It is probably the same for Lucy.
I'm not trying to shame her I apologise if thats how it came over. With Lucy we know she diets and we know she exercises a lot so to me I just don't think its all from breastfeeding and genetics with her. Could be tho.
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She must get a lot of hate on her insta posts. The current one posted 2 hours ago only had 28 comments and they are all calling her super mum basically

Ps she doesn't look healthy in that picture, really skinny
I agree, she looks shockingly thin. Not trying to be nasty at all, it’s very concerning how gaunt & fragile she looks. But then remember she’d just had Roman & Ryan commented on a bikini pic of his sister in law “can we swap” I imagine she feels lots of pressure to stay underweight. They’re both so shallow!
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Oh and she doesn't know if she has post natal depression or not!!
God give me strength!
If you have it lucy trust me you bloody well know it!!
She is just so vague and vacuous!
Also i saw an article in the metro where she was complaining about trolls!
I'm sorry but stop whinging why put yourself on a public platform and draw attention to yourself then?
It couldn't be because thats how you generate clicks and income what with product placement and ads...?
Or the fact that your ego gets a boost by showing off how you lost all the baby weight the fact that you want to shout from the rooftops about how you can breastfeed like you are the only woman who has ever lactated!!
She should go to albania (where my husband is from) where nearly every woman breastfeeds (mainly for economic reasons but they also have a very family friendly culture) and keeps house and home and cooks and sometimes works and looks after people and does it from love 💕.
If they have any problem then they go and stay with their mothers and get a bit of tlc until they feel better.
Its a mutually supportive system of women looking after each other none of this whiny self entitlement or feeling victimised or complaining all the time or it has to be said showing off!
Honestly they could teach people like lucy so much about how to care for others how to be respectful and more importantly how to be modest!!
Of course arrogant vain people attract negative attention (so called trolls) what they forget is that without that very same attention they have no income and no audience?
She is addicted to performing for the camera lens (i'm not surprised she is with an actor how apt!) she loves to big herself up and feel like earth mother incarnate (even though she really isn't).
Trust me she got really lucky with (golden child) roman he seems like a pretty easy going placid little chap that naturally feeds and sleeps well (and yes i have had a child like that bless him!).
It is however the luck of the draw my first child was very heavy 2 weeks late got dragged out via c section didn't stop crying for weeks on end (so much so that other people in the hospital were complaining that my baby kept them awake!) was constantly fussy windy and hungry (wow what a combo!) so i never had enough milk either from breast or bottle!
Was very temperamental and restless and i think highly sensitive and took a couple of years to calm down!
Oh and left my scar covered body like an abandoned building site/wreck!
So she (lucy) should try that on for size and then still see if she could pout around in slinky underwear (because she has to be a yummy mummy thats her whole sales pitch)
and take selfies of momma and child when you have that frazzled look of disorientation dark circles your belly is now a cushion for propping up milk bottles and you haven't brushed your hair or had a wash or even been to the toilet without being followed about by high pitched wailing that sounds like a whole fleet of ambulances/police sirens! so much so that actually you almost feel like you wish someone would come and take you away for your own good!
Just so you could think straight for 2 minutes yes try having that lucy and then answering the question about whether or not you have post natal depression?
Uumm err well oh bore off!
Also people are not trolls just because they don't give you the adulation that you clearly think you are entitled to!.
Just grow up never mind bringing up a baby you need to be brought up first!!
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Sticky One

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Ok so I watched both Lucy and Danielle’s story and as much of a twat that Lucy is and so preachy, I do agree with what she is saying. And she didn’t once mention Danielle so don’t know why Danielle has taken it personal, oh yeah because Herbalife is a mlm
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He broke up with her because she didn’t “do it for him anymore” when Scarlett was around 1
I personally can't see him and Lucy lasting I think he is the kinda fella who gets bored after a while plus I think he always looks miserable as hell with her
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I am also BREASTFEEDING and still probably a stone heavier than I was before I had my little boy and started BREASTFEEDING (with my BREASTS). It looks like she needs to up her calorie intake because I'm sure looking so fragile and thin can't be good for her BREASTMILK production. Of course some women are naturally thin, but I think she's gone beyond what is natural for her at this point.
You can’t be BREASTFEEDING Lucy is the only mother to walk this earth that’s BREASTFEEDING 😂
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I’ve had to unfollow lucy I have a 8 month old son a 15 year old and 13 year old daughters. I’m currently working at home doing all my husbands business admin , and she makes me feel so shit!!! The way she constantly flaunts her stick thin post baby body down our throats , the fact she always bangs on about fitness 24/7, Romans home cooked food all day every day , his amazing sleep !!!! I just hate how smug she is!! She wouldn’t know a full days work if it killed her!!!
My baby has ellas pouches sometimes, my baby has the shittest sleep schedule in history my post baby body is awful!!! Lockdown not helping but people like Lucy trying to be superwomen, all the whilst living in fuck off big houses money no issue , really are affecting mums mental health!!
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People out of work having trouble with money not able to buy loads of presents for christmas and barely getting by mid pandemic ...
Lucy: Hey look at all this expensive shit i got my baby who is dressed in ralph laren (only the best for king roman 🙄)

I literally feel like the worst mother now in the world for only getting my 9 month old 4 presents which are small and cheap as i'm on extended maternity and not getting paid for it and only dealing with 1 income and having to pay rent, bills etc and make sure baby is fed. Thanks for that lucy 🤦‍♀️
You're doing great! As you say your baby is only 9 months old and this may not be much comfort but he won't remember this christmas. You're focusing on the things that matter the most. And your baby will be happy to be showered with love and cuddles from mummy. Lucy is just too interested in showing off and gloating. Babies don't need ralph laren. They just need simple tops, bottoms and onesies with the occasional cute outfit. Babies get messy. Whats the point of forking out for something that will get messy and been outgrown very soon.
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IF you’re going to get someone in to do your Christmas decorations for you

1) don’t splash it all over Instagram, especially when we are in the middle of a pandemic (when so many people are worried about how they will afford even the most basic of Christmases) and lockdown (where people haven’t seen their families in months but hey someone decorating your tree for you is obviously essential)

2) try and justify yourself by saying that you are a ‘busy working mama’

Lucy, you’re LAZY. Plain and simple. Busy working mamas are those who are out of the house from morning until night, quick tea bath and bed for the kids. Who have to try and find time during their working day to express milk for their babies who they barely see. You try and be relatable but you fall on your face every.single.time.
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