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VIP Member
Can someone please explain to me why all these pointless celebrities are being gifted an obscene amount of free crap from Aspinal’s London when there’s thousands and thousands of families in this country who could do with new clothes / food/ shoes for their families ?
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Why has Lucy gone straight back down South after the funeral? Can she not stand to have Roman in Manchester or something 🤨 You’d think she would want to be there for him during this hard time and have his son close! Not as if shes back to back with work that she cant do at home. Selfish mare
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First day back at work today after a years maternity leave, working from home, i forgot to take a photo of me sitting at my kitchen table in my lounge wear with heels on feeding the baby 🤦‍♀️
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Not only the obscene amount from aspinal but that food company sending Roman free food essentially. That made me so angry. She can well afford to feed her kid as we have seen on a daily basis where there are many who will be struggling so much right now - where is their free gifted food?! And then as someone said , to be posting all this free stuff?! So tone deaf.
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Nice little bit of rule breaking from Princess Lucy, they’re at Adam and Caroline’s having a roast, table set for 9 indoors on Scott’s story! Lucy and Ryan haven’t posted the roast yet though
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Chatty Member
Of course she has to add in the fact Roman is still sleeping and has been for nearly 13 hours!! Yes i absolutely am jealous right now as i've been up every hour with mine since 11pm and then she decided she was up for the day at 4 😩 braggy twit
Its ok people theres more sleep regressions for Roman to come 😂 god I am so bitter. I just want to see if she tries to outdo Lydia. I get vibes they’re friends but always in competition.... or I am making this up because I am very bored in this pandemic and need drama
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Btw my comment was not condoning the method. I’m a sucker who cuddles baby back to sleep every time she wakes up, much to my husband’s disapproval 😂
I'm the same 😂 i crumble when I hear my son cry, I go to him straight away! I'd take the less sleep if it meant he werent crying and upset 🥺
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Maybe he's crying because he's sick off her shoving her phone in his face every 2 seconds and posting him online to millions off people 🤔
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Yeah she doesn’t seem like someone who would take a step back while someone else had issues going on and support without making it about her.
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VIP Member
Why has Lucy gone straight back down South after the funeral? Can she not stand to have Roman in Manchester or something 🤨 You’d think she would want to be there for him during this hard time and have his son close! Not as if shes back to back with work that she cant do at home. Selfish mare
I’d like to say maybe work commitments but then I realised she hasn’t got a proper job 😂. I see Lucy tagged Ryan in a story of her and Roman saying “we love you” feeling a bit pushed out Lucy?! She’s just the type to be craving his attention constantly
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I was really shocked by her story this morning with the lines round her eyes considering she’s not even 30. Not in a shaming her kind of way but I’ve never seen lines like that on someone so young, made me wonder is it a Botox thing, seen similar happen to older influencers on social media, they overdo the rest of their face so the eyes over compensate.
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I breastfeed my 10 week old and it hasn’t crossed my mind once today to take/post a picture of it to social media. I get that people are trying to ‘normalise’ it, but surely the more you ram it down people’s throats the more it’s seen as something different 🤷‍♀️

I just feel sad for Roman that his mum lives most of their lives through social media rather than being present for him and only him.
I absolutely agree. I fed for 7 months before extreme reflux meant we stopped - I feel like the more it’s rammed down peoples throats, the more it’s a thing?

I took photos for my memories but I would never ever share them. They’re personal and special to me
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In the photo of Ryan, Lucy, his daughter and Roman, not only is Lucy sucking her tummy in but she also looks like she's got the most fake smile ever... almost pained.
I'm sorry but she doesn't look healthy in that picture. She is starting to get too thin. Scarlett looks bigger than she does and she's 11/12? I think she either needs to eat a touch more or exercise less. Her neck, how old is lucy? 29? You usually see necks like this on much older women, its often a sign you're starting to lose too much weight. Also nearly two bottles a night? WTF?
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Penny for them

Chatty Member
ffs Roman turned 1, 8 days ago and she’s banging on about feeding over 12months 😭😂 I’m still BREASTfeeding my 18 month old and don’t get me wrong my mum and sister have made a few comments about when I’m stopping etc but I don’t need some fucking zlister ex towie cast member to make me carry on 😫 why do these influencers thinks so highly of themselves
This 👌
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'Finished the lot!' she says. Loads of fish left, a big broccoli floret and half the corn on the cob by the looks of it 😂 it's more than my little boy eats by a long way but he's hardly licked the plate clean has he, King Roman.....
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I agree, she looks shockingly thin. Not trying to be nasty at all, it’s very concerning how gaunt & fragile she looks. But then remember she’d just had Roman & Ryan commented on a bikini pic of his sister in law “can we swap” I imagine she feels lots of pressure to stay underweight. They’re both so shallow!
And don’t forget he left Tina O’Brien not long after Scarlett’s birth because ‘she didn’t do it for him anymore’
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