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Chatty Member
Just catching up and the lap dancer chat 😂😂
Who's gonna risk getting concussed by that massive chin, imagine her bopping about on someone's lap, the jaw would be right at face level. If this is true then Liverpool must have had a sharp increase in head injuries.. and retracted balls.
Just imagine paying for a lap dance & seeing this face gurning at you 🤢😂


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Gaaaawd, Please don't all jump at me :D I wasn't for one second suggesting her defence should have set her free or imply that she was at no fault, but they could've got a lot more experts to testify for her - for example around her mental state around the time. Many people claim "insanity" or stress or anything else to justify their actions. I also always see many times, odd weird doctors to testify for baseless cases. I am surprised they couldn't even get one single nurse or doctor, even a non-respectable one.

And given all the support she had, more "friends" to testify what a "great person" she is to support her character.

I am not saying this would have helped her, just that it would have been a more balanced defence.

They proved it wasn't hyperinsulinism anyway and that it was man-made insulin that was used.
She can’t use an insanity defence though if she’s claiming she didn’t have anything to do with the deaths. That only works to reduce the charge from murder to manslaughter due to diminished responsibility.

As for medical experts, expert witnesses in the U.K. are held to a higher standard than some other countries. It’s not just a case of paying someone to testify to whatever you want. They have to have certain credentials, and if they can’t rule out the circumstances put forward by the prosecution, they wouldn’t help the defence. I fully believe this is why he didn’t have any, I doubt it’s for a lack of trying.

Character witnesses are a possibility, but when the charges are this severe I don’t think they’d hold much weight tbh.
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He makes me want to vom. Absolutely gross
Imagine being so obsessed with Lucy Letby that you’ve stopped shaving/washing, started day drinking and stay up to 1am making YT videos about her.

Get a fucking grip.
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I’m so irritated by people repeatedly saying that Lucy Letby must be innocent because the evidence was circumstantial and she had no motive.

They can’t cope with the realisation that some people wear masks.

To me, LL is very similar to Chris Watts. On the outside, nobody could believe he would do what he did to his own children.
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I bet those 10 days between first verdicts and final ones felt a lifetime!
It was so hard, hubby was furious it was still going on and that I kept needing to go to court, he was like WHATTT still nothing and I was like nope, I could speak to my mum (we attended court together since the beginning) and O’Lee other than that nothing, it was so strange I don’t want to sound like a weirdo but all of us said it felt surreal we were walking around, seeing people write things etc and were like 😳 if only you knew… we knew it was going to be so big and nobody knew… we’d see things on fb and here and would’ve loved to have been able to say, but we knew the jury were doing such a good thorough job we couldn’t let anything get in the way. Being able to sit in the cafe and on the train and actually speak about it was soooo strange. I remember messaging our family group straight after and being like ‘finale, done, finished’ and they were all like thank god- they were fed up with us not being at home 🤣🤣
It was so hard, hubby was furious it was still going on and that I kept needing to go to court, he was like WHATTT still nothing and I was like nope, I could speak to my mum (we attended court together since the beginning) and O’Lee other than that nothing, it was so strange I don’t want to sound like a weirdo but all of us said it felt surreal we were walking around, seeing people write things etc and were like 😳 if only you knew… we knew it was going to be so big and nobody knew… we’d see things on fb and here and would’ve loved to have been able to say, but we knew the jury were doing such a good thorough job we couldn’t let anything get in the way. Being able to sit in the cafe and on the train and actually speak about it was soooo strange. I remember messaging our family group straight after and being like ‘finale, done, finished’ and they were all like thank god- they were fed up with us not being at home 🤣🤣
Then they were like wow it’s major news, we were like… you think!!!
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Personal opinion on his actions or morals are perfectly reasonable, but all witnesses in this case who are anonymous are anonymous for a reason and this was approved by the court. Any attempt to change that is absolutely out of order.
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Tilly Kister

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The terminally thick as shit are everywhere unfortunately.

Innit he looks like a proper seat sniffing nonce
Who’d wanna join their live stream/zoom call circle jerk?

Hard Pass.
I'd do it just for shits & giggles but he'd never let me in. I'm the one who asked him why if St Sarrita had got her 7 year Cambridge PhD odyssey it wasn't lodged on Ethos. So it could never have even been submitted let alone awarded.

I don't think he likes me.
Christopher Jefferies? He got annihilated in the press. The media misconstrued his neurodivergence as guilt.
I saw a documentary once where they spoke to him years later. It was still haunting him and there are still utter fools who seem to be of the "where there's smoke there's fire" school of thought idiocy.
Well he still hasn't blocked me so I might give it a go.

Btw is it just me or does he look like the demon spawn of Rod Stewart and Nigel Havers?

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Right so I've had more time to analyse where the science on trial guy is going with this chart. He is making the assumption that all pregnant women only go to the maternity hospital in their area, this is very wrong, they can chose where they go and there are a lot of out of area births. He is then not only assuming that all west Cheshire babies are born at COCH but all neonatal deaths occur after the babies have been transferred to other units. However not all neonatal deaths involve NICU, some are cot deaths, late miscarriages and terminations where the baby has taken a breath.
While the increase in deaths was shocking for a small unit if you place those statistics in a bigger enough pool it may not look significant.
Both my babies born over half an hour away from where I live, 40 minutes actually and in different counties! Yes they’re absolutely conflating the neonate period with having had neonatal care.
So if you’re reading here still guys - you’re all idiots that should shut the hell up 💕
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Chatty Member
Just a quick update. I’ve reported the Joker. I’ll let you know if I hear anything more about it. The Evil clown 🤡
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“The note might have been important if you read The Sun” 🤣 hiya Crime Scene 2 Court Room babe! You should have joined us over here! Do you like Turkish Delight and are you ginger?

Great take down of the utter misinformation being spread by the loons. I think for me, the significance of the notes has always been that.. they only knew she was there at each of these unexplainable and sudden deaths/near deaths when they began investigating, then they discover all the forensic evidence of harm (babies full of air splinting their diaphragms or in their greater vessels, right by the catheter site), horrible injuries, unexplained bleeding, then on top of that two indisputable poisonings on her shift.. and when they finally make their arrest it’s there written on paper “I’m evil. I killed them on purpose”, placed and kept within a diary, in a room full of confidential paperwork, with the babies from the case collated and stored together in a bag. It’s just inconceivable that anyone can think that’s a poor unfortunate set of events.
She must be the unluckiest cunt on earth. 🙄

I think I’m the second unluckiest though. I fell, and a bird shat on me today. 💀
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Serene Serena

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There's a post on Facebook going the rounds saying Lucy has been attacked in prison but haven't heard anything anywhere
I think that's been debunked as a fabrication. I would imagine it would be on the news if she'd been injured by another prisoner.

On a personal level, I don't wish her physical harm. I wish her misery, disappointment, sadness and desolation for the rest of her days.
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David Wilson has had to remain on the ‘outlier’ train because he can’t face backtracking that he got it wrong. Lucy ticks most of the HSK boxes and @OldBlondie and @MmmB777 were shouting about that from very early on.

When he was filmed for that panorama it was before the verdicts and I very much got the impression he didn’t know any of the detail about the case. Both him and Judith didn’t even read the post it note properly.
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so what’s their plan of action? Throughout the trial they seemed certain they have the evidence. So they are just waiting to submit it to a legal team that will listen to them?
Well, that’s a very good question!
My understanding was that they’re all going to get into groups based on which experience/skills they each have (eg doctors in one group, lawyers in another, nurses, content creators, stats people, people with IT knowledge etc) and just “get to work” apparently. Although exactly what they’re supposed to be working on wasn’t really explained.
Their main focus atm seems to be on content creation and marketing for this grift campaign, they talked a lot about the importance of spreading the word of her innocence on social media and getting the message out there.

In terms of the legal team, I’m not too sure. Quite a few people have been in contact with LL’s mate Dawn who has said she’s going to put all of this science on trial crap to LL and see if she wants to try and appeal with it or not.
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Gaaaawd, Please don't all jump at me :D I wasn't for one second suggesting her defence should have set her free or imply that she was at no fault, but they could've got a lot more experts to testify for her - for example around her mental state around the time. Many people claim "insanity" or stress or anything else to justify their actions. I also always see many times, odd weird doctors to testify for baseless cases. I am surprised they couldn't even get one single nurse or doctor, even a non-respectable one.

And given all the support she had, more "friends" to testify what a "great person" she is to support her character.

I am not saying this would have helped her, just that it would have been a more balanced defence.

They proved it wasn't hyperinsulinism anyway and that it was man-made insulin that was used.
They can’t argue her mental state or actions at the time if she is denying she did anything…
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He mum going crazy shouting g at Jan, she stomped off burst into tears, her husband took her back over and 30 seconds later she was joking with her. She was saying about the defence wanted to start on a Monday and judge said no on the Friday she lost the plot saying it’s not fair for every day then when Jan said something she screamed oh yeh you just stick up for them again! 😳 Jan was their everyday ever supporting them there was literally no need
So safe to say her mum is a dick then? Unbelievable she’s carried on so alarmingly when all those parents are sat listening to how their babies were killed. What’s the dad like? Makes me wonder if she’s turned into a murderer from being a spoilt brat as a kid and her mother knew what she was capable of
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New member
Somebody recently posted a video of a psychologist who said LL absolutely exhibited Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy. She said MSP is a psychosis and LL is a psychopath.
She listed the signs which included attention seeking behaviour and other things.
Haven't read past this but who said that? If they're a psychologist they should know better.

1) Psychopathy and psychosis are completely different things. Being psychopathic essentially means you're antisocial and lack empathy. Being psychotic means you believe or sense things which are not based in reality. People with psychopathy tend to be cold and calculating whereas psychosis is terrifying and tends to make people paranoid and erratic.

2) MBP is not a psychosis. There's no evidence that people with MBP truly believe that other people have illnesses - if they did it would be considered psychosis. People with MBP knowingly fabricate illness in others, normally for emotional gain for themselves.

I'd have serious doubt in the qualifications of a psychologist who claimed that psychosis is part of psychopathy or that MBP is a form of psychosis.
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Chatty Member
I can't read the link but I assume that was paid by the government since everyone has the right to be defended.

Frankly I would ask for my tax money back that went into her defence. A blind snail would have done a better job frankly. I am all for her being guilty but I believe her case could've been defended a little better.
How so, given that she's guilty and also agreed to the facts that BM was initially disputing, e.g. the insulin?
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Has anyone else watched the investigation video by Cheshire Police on youtube? Not that I ever had any doubt but for me that was the nail on the head. Most of the court case I had to read second-hand from people that were there to get a feel for it but the investigation video really came from the mouth of the wolf so to speak.

I can't envisage how anyone could ever think she is innocent after watching that.
I especially liked how they really explicitly said they didn’t go into it looking at 1 person.
They weren’t even sure if a crime had even taken place so remained open minded.
Also the fact they gave different officers different babies really did keep confirmation bias at bay.

I have previous experience with police investigations (nothing as large as this) and didn’t have a doubt the investigation was thorough but I was really glad they explained this in their documentary.

These idiots with this “science” shite can try all they want. The investigation was sound, the MEDICAL EVIDENCE IS THERE which PROVES foul play and there are further babies she has likely harmed. Good luck to them really because I think they’re flogging a dead horse here. Be VERY interesting if Letby herself refuses their “help” what will they think then? 🙃
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Picturing LL in nipple tassles and perspex 9 inch heels has killed me this morning.

Wonder if she got her strippers work uniform from Matalan?
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