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Yes it’s contempt of court. She shouldn’t have been feeding that back to people. There was an embargo, o‘Lee and noseymoo couldn’t talk to us during the deliberations/once partial verdicts had been heard.
Indeed, I was fuming with rage when I was told about the leak. Us court regulars reached the same conclusions regarding the source of said leak
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Narcissism thrives in healthcare jobs
There may not be many serial killers but there’ll be a fair few narcs
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Is there anyone with medical or NICU knowledge who can confirm that LL taking a photo of a baby on 24hr breathing support without their tubes given the justification that she was ‘cleaning them’ is fucked up or no? I’m guessing it probably is.
It's majorly fucked up. My baby needed those tubes. She painfully struggled to breath without them, if they were removed to see if she could breath air on her own she was carefully monitored and placed back on them if her blood oxegen level dipped.

They simply would not be removed for cleaning, they would be replaced with a new set and they most certainly should not be removed for vanity reasons.
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It seems to be a trend that people can get out of stuff for 'feeling uncomfortable' about doing things - it happens at my workplace (university, so canary in a coalmine for this sort of thing). I wonder if it's about people finding out that nothing happens if they refuse to do things on these grounds because authority doesn't know how to respond or compel people?

After the relief of Letby’s convictions and sentences, I’m becoming more horrified with the NHS managers who, in effect, enabled her. Thank god the enquiry is now statutory.

When you have something like a hospital, full of highly-qualified professionals doing their very specific thing and key support from everyone else, the managers need to be an excellent calibre, having a highly-informed overview, and appreciation of all the special issues which will arise. Instead many are mediocre people who get into those positions through self-promotion, pretence to trendy political attitudes and the supposed benefits of having run accounts for Marks & Spencer or whatever they did before.

At the enquiry, I want to see explanations from that woman who took Letby out for coffees and nurtured her grievance – presumably based her entire response on the in-house pamphlet on bullying in the workplace while dismissing all the concerns of highly-experienced professionals on the ground – I bet she’d be on you like a jumping spider if you got anyone’s titting pronouns wrong though.

And the senior manager who resigned with a statement put together from a Scrabble-bag of bullshit bingo words – I want to see him at the enquiry too, looking forward to that.
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When Letby is charged with even more baby cruelty and baby deaths, will her supporters still maintain she is Little Miss Innocent?
Yeah how do those statistics look when she is actually on shift for SIXTEEN!!!! 🤯deaths (now at 1 in 7 years!) and 30 unexplained sudden collapses? And that’s what we know they’re hot on the tail of right now but there’ll be more. How many more insulin poisonings on her shift till they believe it was her 🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel fairly sure there’ll be more of those.
They should shut the fuck up already because they’re going to look more and more moronic as time goes on 😅
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Yep I don’t obviously know letby personally … but I would like to think if it was my daughter or a friend after listening to all that day in day out I could see there was only 1 murdering liar in that court … love is blind as they say tho … who knows even if she did admit it to um… they would probably say.. oh no ya didn’t … don’t be saying such things 🙄…. Like when the mother apparently said “I did it take me”…. No sympathy for all them dead babies and grief stricken parents (well none that’s been reported) xx

Thanks for the insight xx probably be a while b4 she can get a job tho … there was a mention in 1 of the papers about keeping her occupied with a open university degree … ridiculous imo… she will probably enjoy that!!!! I’d much prefer to imagine her washing dirty knickers or cleaning toilets !!! A role that isn’t skilled and no1 looks up to her unlike being a nurse where she was looked upon highly xx

yes her scrubbing tit toilets for 10 quid a week pleases me …. She did call the plumber to the stand at court about the sewerage flooding the floor … the tit killed the babies according to her… so u spend ya miserable horrid life cleaning other folks tit now letby 👏 xx
She would have to pay for the degree, its not that simple, or apply for a prison grant detailing how it would help her get employment when she gets out, oh wait ......
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I do think they genuinely believe she's innocent.

Confirmation bias is a powerful force. If you start off with a firm fixed belief, then it encourages you to focus on evidence that supports it and either denigrate or totally ignore evidence that contradicts it. The more emotionally attached you are to the belief, the more powerful the effect is. And Lucy's parents desperately want to see her as innocent.

So they cling to arguments that in their view undermine the allegations such as "of course she was there for all the collapses since she was most qualified to deal with the sickest babies out of all the nurses and she did so much overtime and the wicked doctors excluded the collapses that she wasn't there for" and "they were sick babies and liable to collapse anyway, and the doctors were negligent and looking for a scapegoat", etc etc...while ignoring arguments such as the insulin poisoning that even Lucy admitted someone must have deliberately done.
I think by admitting she is guilty her parents and these loyal friends would have to admit something about themselves also. They can’t do that.
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The media are just printing all the gossipy shite. Like her affair with no name and her cryptic code in her diary. Why not expose that she left a child with injuries that could only be likened to a car crash victim. It’s just so shit imo. They’re trying to paint the typical story of “she was a nice normal nurse with no troubling warning signs” when anyone who has followed this case knows full well she’s weird af. They’re loving the “mystery” that they themselves are creating as obviously it sells papers and gets them clicks. Disgusting imo

Yep. How could anybody so ordinary, that went in at midnight on her day off and had moved copious amounts of confidential paperwork which they lied about having, have committed these crimes eh. Can’t even bring myself to watch the panorama because I know I’ll just get pissed off 😅
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you might not have caught up with the threads yet but before Janet locked her Instagram we discovered she had pictures at his cat cafe. So I’d put money on it coming from Janet to Jammy.
Oh my god no I’ve not been able to read anything at all, I knew it. How she can sit there scowling at those from court 8 then go blabbing to him is ridiculous. The CPS know where the leak came from hopefully they went knocking at 6am to him too! The thing that annoyed me was him saying well I wasn’t there so the contempt of court doesn’t stand for me… wtf I half think he wanted it mess the trial up! We literally were sworn to secrecy and the press etc. Infact one of us 6 court regulars just missed one of the verdicts and saw us outside and we literally stood like hi 👀 you ok, and said nothing he guessed and said I understand we’re under embargo and we still didn’t agree or disagree! That’s how seriously we took it! Yet he’s blabbing I do understand from the surface you can see why she was lovely Lucy but clearly there was another side too…
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When in the dock she was robotic just sat looking ahead, no emotion no nothing cool calm collected with her comfort blankets.
Once or twice she swaggered in with her hair in a pony tail swishing it around.
Oh and she couldn’t be opening files and turning pages she would roll her eyes. Correct even the slightest mistake / slip of the tongue. Occasionally she would ask for a break if she was feeling the presssure
When in the dock she was robotic just sat looking ahead, no emotion no nothing cool calm collected with her comfort blankets.
Once or twice she swaggered in with her hair in a pony tail swishing it around.
Oh and she couldn’t be opening files and turning pages she would roll her eyes. Correct even the slightest mistake / slip of the tongue. Occasionally she would ask for a break if she was feeling the presssure

He mum going crazy shouting g at Jan, she stomped off burst into tears, her husband took her back over and 30 seconds later she was joking with her. She was saying about the defence wanted to start on a Monday and judge said no on the Friday she lost the plot saying it’s not fair for every day then when Jan said something she screamed oh yeh you just stick up for them again! 😳 Jan was their everyday ever supporting them there was literally no need
I feel troubled about the mother’s influence the more stuff I hear about her. It’s such hideously inappropriate behaviour in the circumstances. It’s certainly no excuse as I imagine most people with narcissistic parents are more likely to end up empathising with abuse victims, not perpetrating it. But I do wonder what the effect of being exposed to someone like that could be over time in susceptible people.
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Somebody recently posted a video of a psychologist who said LL absolutely exhibited Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy. She said MSP is a psychosis and LL is a psychopath.
She listed the signs which included attention seeking behaviour and other things.
Yeah I have very little faith in "psychologists" that equate heavily stigmatized psychosis with psychopathy. LL does not display any signs of psychosis in any way at all, wether that's MBP or experiencing psychotic breaks, otherwise she would be displaying very chaotic psychotic features and she wouldn't of been able to hold down her nursing job for so long.

She has mental capacity and none of these "psychologist" opinion can change that.
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Why is it that literally all of the Letby defenders are either
1) Thick as mince
2) Conspiracy theorists
3) White supremacists
4) All of the above


Below are some of the other tweets from “the joker”, I’ve put them behind a spoiler because they’re genuinely some of the most vile things I’ve ever read





Seriously, this is the man who everyone is currently praising for “debunking” the confession note 🙄. Fucking head case needs to be on some sort of register.
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Arguing with Facebook pricks to make my self feel better 😂 apparently you’re not allowed to call them thick, which is ironic because at-least what I’m saying is based on actual evidence 😂
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I’m not a violent person, I’ve never had a fight but that absolute nut job Dick Gill winds me up so much! I’d like to knock him out or stick pins in his eyes!!
This post shared on twitter, is a great article by Liz Hull ( sorry I can’t share the link) & that twat Gill has made sick comments, he’s an absolute c*nt!!


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The nursing profession does seem to attract more than their fair share of uncaring sociopathic individuals. You only have to read the NMC Hearings and Sanctions page to realise that.
Latest hearings and sanctions - The Nursing and Midwifery Council (
The midwife's "assisting" with my first labour were bitches. They attached me to a gas and air cylinder that was empty and refused to believe me until an hour later. And don't get me started on the post natal ward. One roughly grabbed my tit without asking and shoved it into my baby's mouth. No dialogue or explanation. Ok, my technique was wrong but where's the kindness? I was hooked up to an IV and had a catheter and they ignored my requests for water for hours that first night. Ended up hobbling off to find a drink myself. This was despite them threatening me that the catheter wouldn't come out if I didn't drink enough. Toilets had other women's used maternity pads spilling out of the bins. Ok, the last point wasn't their fault but some nurses are fucking nasty.
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