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Myra Hindley adored her dog but the police put it down as they knew it would upset her. If her cats are rehomed I hope they are not treated badly as it's not their fault they belonged to her. But some people are so nasty but there is no need to sink to Letbys 'level with her cats.
I don't think they deliberately put Hindley's dog down, they were attempting to ascertain it's age (as it was in some of the photos on the moors, so they hoped that by getting an accurate age they could pinpoint when some of the murders/burials took place) but unfortunately it didn't survive. Apparently when she was told that it had died she went nuts, shouting that the police were murderers.

I have wondered about Letby's cats, I'm surprised her mate Jan didn't adopt them as she seems to like feline friends!
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Omg Janet Cox visits the Paws Cat Cafe.

Jammy Radnor owns it. 👀
Who was it on Facebook who kept alluding to things in court that shouldn't be reported- ie the partial verdicts? If it was Jammy, then Janet was obviously running her mouth about things that I'm sure weren't meant to be disclosed.
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Whaaaat 😭😭😭😭
View attachment 2407574

This rings a bell, I’m sure I noticed the story at the time of the original arrest. I thought it was weird, why would someone poison a patient on PICU? Was it an overdose of a palliative patient? What made it a suspicious death? I thought maybe a distraught family had made an accusation in their time of grief but if that was so, surely an arrest wouldn’t be necessary. Now I’m fearing the worst as it seems they are looking at other deaths on that unit. So hope I’m wrong and we’re not looking at another Lucifer.
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They really actually don’t know a thing about the case do they 🙃 it’s fucking painful how idiotic they are.
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To me, LL is very similar to Chris Watts. On the outside, nobody could believe he would do what he did to his own children.
Both covert narcissists. When the mask slips I think it's a bigger shock for people.

Can't stop looking at Jan's Insta. She's so gormless
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wine o clock

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Does anyone know where this picture comes from? It’s not her original arrest as she wasn’t wearing jeans!

View attachment 2408221
Think this was when she had to keep reporting in the police station you can see her mother in the background (probably part of her bail conditions)
There was another pic of her … in some kind of disguise …. Big floppy hat and sunglasses…. If anything it drew attention to her as she just looked ridiculous. Xx
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When in the dock she was robotic just sat looking ahead, no emotion no nothing cool calm collected with her comfort blankets.
Once or twice she swaggered in with her hair in a pony tail swishing it around.
Oh and she couldn’t be opening files and turning pages she would roll her eyes. Correct even the slightest mistake / slip of the tongue. Occasionally she would ask for a break if she was feeling the presssure
When in the dock she was robotic just sat looking ahead, no emotion no nothing cool calm collected with her comfort blankets.
Once or twice she swaggered in with her hair in a pony tail swishing it around.
Oh and she couldn’t be opening files and turning pages she would roll her eyes. Correct even the slightest mistake / slip of the tongue. Occasionally she would ask for a break if she was feeling the presssure

He mum going crazy shouting g at Jan, she stomped off burst into tears, her husband took her back over and 30 seconds later she was joking with her. She was saying about the defence wanted to start on a Monday and judge said no on the Friday she lost the plot saying it’s not fair for every day then when Jan said something she screamed oh yeh you just stick up for them again! 😳 Jan was their everyday ever supporting them there was literally no need
Think poor Janet needs to reconsider who is really worth being her friend. I can understand its very hard for Lucy's parents to accept what's happened but it's time for Janet and Dippy Dawn to wake up and smell the coffee and stop wasting their time on an evil baby killer. You would have thought Lucy's mum would have been kinder to Janet as allies must have been hard to find.
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Court in general has been the weirdest, heartbreaking, yet interesting time.

There were so many odd things that happened mainly to do with LL’s mum, she had a massive argument with Jan one day shouting at her in the corridor shouting ‘you just stick up for them again then’ meaning the prosecution 😳 she used to be really nice to one of the court regulars, say hi etc to him, then got him into a corner and asked if he was LL’s friend, when he said no a law student she never spoke to him again except to moan at him once. She had a go at most people in court 8 at one point or another. Don’t get me wrong it must’ve been horrific for them but it did seem odd. She took photos of the press too and collared them if she wasn’t happy with what they’d written about her. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and I can see where LL gets her narky side from im afraid.

In general, the police the crown prosecution etc have all been incredible, you couldn’t ask for a better team, I’m actually missing court days already. And made friends - how bizarre!

The babies families I have nothing but the hugest respect, the dignity, and strength they’ve shown is incredible. All I can say is you don’t know how strong you can be till strong is all you can be, they all seemed to lean on each other too which was lovely. It’s all for them ❤

The verdicts jeez
I arrived about an hour after the first ones. I walked in and it just felt ‘off’ I had to be warned that anything I may hear cannot be repeated and that I’d be in contempt of court and possibly face a 2 year sentence hence why I came off here altogether. It was the strangest feeling. Happy for the right result for the insulin babies. But I was more in shock that after all that time they’d only reached 2 verdicts. We all thought it was going to be a longgggg wait. That’s why he offered them a majority verdict I think. At the same time we all thought that they’d done the hard part, they’d said someone was harming babies. They said it was her so with cross inference they should’ve followed. But nothing for 3 more days. Jammy Radnor blabbed on fb! I’ve never reported something as quick in my life, also heads up they have a social media team working 24/7 monitoring every single comment on here and fb and reddit etc etc

So Friday… I got the train with @O'lee but I needed my lunch so grabbed a sandwich and walked into court for 1pm start then he said he was going to ask for anymore verdicts my jaw must’ve been on the floor I wasn’t expecting it at all. I could barely breathe. The official said in an almost town crier voice ‘it’s been x hours and x minutes’ then asks them in order on count 1 have you reached a verdict then the Forman said yes or no, on the ones he said yes they then say on the count of the murder of Mickey Mouse do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty and they said guilty and honestly I was so tense, I realised after I was holding my hands so hard over my face I had left marks, it was relief scared, happy sad and everything inbetween there was 6 verdicts that day and they became a blur. 4 were murder 2 were attempted. After a couple of the verdicts there was this wailing crying guttural sobbing, it could be heard above everything else, I couldn’t tell who it was it was horrific, I was filling up in shock it was the most surreal horrific moment. LL left, so I knew the noise wasn’t her, the babies families left and then I realised it was LL’s mum. I left the courtroom as her mum left so I ran back in. It was awful we all split up needed some time for it to sink in and have a little moment. Apparently one of the babies parents put their fingers in their ears and walked out.
Afterwards I felt awful for them, that was their moment and instead of being about them it was all about LL’s mum. I get that she’s upset and horrified but she still has her daughter! Those poor babies families don’t!!! And they should’ve had their moment their justice…
It was horrific I don’t even have the words for how it felt like even though I went on the fence and then thought she was guilty it’s the finalness the fact like she really is a serial killer. I’ve sat and looked at this cold narky woman and she’s actually killed these babies. LL saw the first 2 lots of verdicts but then she didn’t come to any of the end of day court sessions only mornings. Judge asked BM about it he said he would find out. Then that was it the low life scum never ever came back out not even in the mornings! She hid in her cell with her comfort blankets and wouldn’t come up. The last power she had and she used it! She’s sick!
The week after there was more verdicts, I missed those first ones. On the Thursday they were asked again and gave 2 more verdicts and were asked if they thought they would be able to reach verdicts on the others and they thought ‘maybe’
Friday came and the video of her being arrested was leaked and it seemed suddenly tense and we were called in again, they were asked if they had anymore verdicts, they didn’t he asked them if given more time they could reach Verdicts and they said no, that was it… one heartbroken family ran out, that was the hardest part. All along I thought the Verdict would be a good job well done moment, but without answers for some it wasn’t… I wish they’d all got an ending, some closure, it was awful. I actually don’t understand with cross inference how they didn’t find all guilty’s if I’m honest and it felt cruel to the NG or no verdict parents. But that’s the law that’s how it works and I really do think they’ve done a thorough job.

That was it he let the jury go and thanked them and it ended. The press knew it was coming I had to get out I needed air it was horrifically sad the press were all filming already we waited around to hear what they had to say in the press conference and then we went to a cafe and talked for the first time in the open, it was hard not being able to offload even to family before then. We all pretty much felt the same glad for the right results in the guiltys but we couldn’t shake the sadness for the other families…
I went on holiday before sentencing, but cried my eyes out listening to the pod and watching the sentencing.

Even 2 weeks on I can’t get my head around it all, not sure I ever will. She seems so ‘normal’ from a distance.

I have no doubts there’ll be a part 2… it blows my mind that she actually exists, like she actually did it, like I knew she had from seeing and hearing her but actually seeing in person the true evil that she is is incomprehensible.
Taking her freedom isn’t enough. Those poor defenceless babies 😭
Thank you so much for sharing this. I feel emotional reading it, so I can’t even begin to imagine how you must have felt living it.

@OldBlondie you asked us to tag you so you wouldn’t miss her post 😊 hope you join us again soon and that you’re okay x
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He gave her information from a meeting about the deaths of the triplets, and forwarded and email she shouldn't have had sight of.

The (unnamed) doctor messaged Letby: "You need to keep this to yourself. The meeting this afternoon looked at everything with Baby O & Baby P from birth onwards. [NB. Name of Baby O and P redacted]

"We reviewed everything. Room / meds / medical reviews and actions. We looked at all documentation med & nur. If you've any doubt about how good you are at your job - stop now.

"The documentation was perfect, everybody commented about the appropriateness of your request for a review of Baby O following vomit. (name of baby O redacted). Your documentation of the resus / incubation / drugs was faultless.

"There is absolutely nothing for you to worry about. Please don't.

"There are going to be some recommendations based on staffing / kit but there was no criticism of either resus.

"This is staying quiet until has been to exec's. We're looking at [third triplet] care on Thur.

"E had nothing but good things to say about you."

Letby replied: "Ok......I Really appreciate you telling me - it won't go any further. I was one member of a huge team effort, but you know I've been carrying the worry of the 'what if I wasn't enough' - it's reassuring to hear that it doesn't appear that anything could have been done differently, or that I didn't act on or do something I should have. Thank you."

Letby is sent an email, made by Countess Dr Stephen Brearey, advising that the deaths of Child O and Child P were likely to result in an inquest, as the cause of both deaths was 'unexplained'.

Letby asked: "It's a bit of a worry if it's going that far. Do you think I'll be involved?" Letby is reassured: "Probably not."

The doctor added: "I know you won't say anything - this email has to stay between us, is that ok?"
While many people have said that Lucy killed to get Dr Noname's attention, I'm now wondering if she never fancied him or got a thrill out of shagging a married man but wanted a doctor onside to find out insider info. Karen Rees was obviously groomed by Letby, the number of times her name features on the white post it note.
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The fact they think the whole case was based on the post it notes genuinely proves how little they know about the entire trial.
Plus, I’m sure when they come to try get their evidence/appeal through the proper channels that calling the judge unhinged for no other reason than they disagree with the verdict will definitely get them far 🥴
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i haven’t caught up, but your post has prompted a memory I have from When I was teenager in hospital. I had a standard op got sent home and a few days later my wounds haemorrhaged in the night, luckily I woke and I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance. Anyway I had to stay in for a while can’t remember how long now to recover. There was one nurse on the ward who was absolutely vile to me, I remember when I felt well enough to walk to the loo on my own, she tried to insist she had to go in with me (I was 15). I didn’t want her to and I explained I was fine and could manage I was feeling a lot better. The bitch then grabbed my arm and dug her nails into me and dragged me there, I was so shocked and upset that I didn’t argue and she then came into the loo with me and watch me pee, then she walked off when I had finished and I had to walk back to my bed on my own anyway, didn’t make any sense. Was fucking weird, I should have reported her but she scared me. She didn’t nurse me again after that but I remember her scowling at me everytime she passed me.
Some nurses are complete
bitches calling them angels is a joke.
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Quoting myself here but someone has actually posted on YouTube saying that a Lucy was doing Gods work as those babies were going to grow up evil and we should be thankful for Lucy’s “work”
I am utterly gobsmacked
I guess in a sense it’s good that the people that think she’s innocent are all absolute freakshows / conspiracy theorists / Janet’s. People will soon be sick of that shit doing the rounds, rather than entertaining it. And their campaign will go off with a whimper a little more than Dicky does when he’s tugged one out over that pic of Letter’s court shoes
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My understanding is you can only contact a prisoner if you know them and the way they do that is that you should know their DOB or have their prisoner number. The prisoner would provide their number to their family / friends they want to be able to contact them. I don’t know how it works in America that allows for all these women to write to SKs. But in England they won’t allow prisoners to receive hate mail or otherwise from people they don’t know.
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Her mates have closed down their FB profiles today too. So they probably only got to catch up with Tattle at the weekend :p

I've actually wondered about this. The only clip I have heard of Lucifer is the monotone 27-second clip of her being bored and not giving a shit in police interviews. The police, at some stage, often release the interview tapes for public consumption, i.e. Ian Huntley, Jamie Bulger killers etc. Does anyone know if they'll do this with Lucifer? Does a certain amount of time have to elapse before this happens?
I was wondering about interview clips too. I’m surprised they haven’t released more and had wondered if they were saving them for something. Either for another documentary or if there are issues with potential retrial.
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