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oh god. I don’t know her but checked out her stories. Immediate big red flag ‘I spent the last 24hrs reading up on the case’ 🚩

Ok so where was she the last 10 months? Did it take prosecution 24hrs to deliver their evidence?

Yet again, another thicko who seems to think a few hours reading a few selective bits of a 10 month trial is enough to decide ‘something doesn’t sit right’ and that there is ‘zero hard evidence’.

At this stage anyone saying things like that are really showing themselves and their stupidity up.
Oh god I carried on listening to her shit. Clear to see where she’s done her research now

‘apparently there were sewage problems causing bacterias that cause all these symptoms’ 🥴
Fuck me. She’s clearly been on green goblin Twitter because apparently other reasons for the gas is because they can’t be handled and can’t be burped.

- - -

Oh look where she gets her info from Hahaha

The panorama is so bad. The psychologist geezer tries justify the note 😂 he starts adding words like “they think” I killed them on purpose. “They think” I’m evil. Absolute clown
He’s a prick 🤗 on good authority from those that have had to suffer working with him.
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I can't read the link but I assume that was paid by the government since everyone has the right to be defended.

Frankly I would ask for my tax money back that went into her defence. A blind snail would have done a better job frankly. I am all for her being guilty but I believe her case could've been defended a little better.
Her defence needed an expert witness to cast doubt on the medical evidence, I don't believe they didn't consult a neonalist just that all medical opinions came back that the baby's were attacked while Lucy was there. Therefore BM could only use a plumber as he was the only witness who wasn't going to end up backing up the prosecution.
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Hopefully kneevo loses a load of followers from her bullshit ramblings inspired by that twat green goblin. What a silly bint spreading misinformation after doing 24 hours research. What does she think has been happening for the past 8 years?!
Honestly I can't believe these idiots are allowed anywhere near the Internet let alone given a platform to spout their shite.
I hope they aren't chosen for jury duty any time soon.
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Chatty Member
Even more than the spectre pf a predatory paediatric nurse on a killing spree terrifies me, the growing knowledge that there are so many apparently ordinary citizens on the UK with incredibly disturbed thought patterns is a horrifying revelation to me. Apparently Lucy did it because she was unappreciated at work. Or as mercy killings- hedge your bets - and if it was revenge slaughter this "person" can see it from her point of view and may well have done the same.

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I can't even deal with the stupidity and downright ignorance from these absolute village idiots anymore.

I've felt underappreciated, bullied and downright fed up at times in my job and I have managed to compose myself and prevent myself from stabbing and killing the children and teenagers I work with.

Also, if you've not experienced a NICU then just shut the fuck up.

I honestly don't care what Letby was going through or what made her do it. I care about those poor babies who couldn't stop her or tell anyone what was going on and their families who have spent years dealing with this and now have to deal with the pathetic neckbeards, weirdos and idiots trying to extend that awful time with their appeals, their theories and 'science'.
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Cunning Linguist

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The Science on Trial groups are literally dying on hills that make no sense... That bar chart is terrible and doesn't make any point except that they are all dickheads who like to waffle.on and confuse folks into believing their cause.

Honestly, I would feel sorry for anyone suckered in to donating, because that money won't be used for Letby or freeing her. However, I don't because there is enough warning and how to be money wise information out there. If you want to be a complete moron who trusts a bunch raving mad conspiracy loons, who are happy to be in contempt of court and commit abuse (more than likely amongst other things) then that's on you.

I just hope that they get laughed at and go away soon so these families and anyone else affected by this awful ordeal can have some peace.

Letby killed those poor babies.
The stats actually prove she was there at every single death and unexplained collapse.
This is what worries me a bit - before I started digging into this case, I came to it interested because I thought it was the worst miscarriage of justice we’d ever see. Several months of research and I don’t like to think how many thousands of hours of my own personal investment and reading into all the evidence and I came to a different conclusion. But I’m reasonably well-educated, I’m reasonably intelligent (quiet at the back 😂), and if I started off with serious doubts then I can see people coming to this case knowing nothing and their first introduction being the green goblin’s swastika theory or the stale ham sandwich of a human that is Richard Gill spouting his nonsense conceivably convincing them and them donating. 🤢 Ah well, buyer beware, I guess.
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Court in general has been the weirdest, heartbreaking, yet interesting time.

There were so many odd things that happened mainly to do with LL’s mum, she had a massive argument with Jan one day shouting at her in the corridor shouting ‘you just stick up for them again then’ meaning the prosecution 😳 she used to be really nice to one of the court regulars, say hi etc to him, then got him into a corner and asked if he was LL’s friend, when he said no a law student she never spoke to him again except to moan at him once. She had a go at most people in court 8 at one point or another. Don’t get me wrong it must’ve been horrific for them but it did seem odd. She took photos of the press too and collared them if she wasn’t happy with what they’d written about her. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and I can see where LL gets her narky side from im afraid.

In general, the police the crown prosecution etc have all been incredible, you couldn’t ask for a better team, I’m actually missing court days already. And made friends - how bizarre!

The babies families I have nothing but the hugest respect, the dignity, and strength they’ve shown is incredible. All I can say is you don’t know how strong you can be till strong is all you can be, they all seemed to lean on each other too which was lovely. It’s all for them ❤

The verdicts jeez
I arrived about an hour after the first ones. I walked in and it just felt ‘off’ I had to be warned that anything I may hear cannot be repeated and that I’d be in contempt of court and possibly face a 2 year sentence hence why I came off here altogether. It was the strangest feeling. Happy for the right result for the insulin babies. But I was more in shock that after all that time they’d only reached 2 verdicts. We all thought it was going to be a longgggg wait. That’s why he offered them a majority verdict I think. At the same time we all thought that they’d done the hard part, they’d said someone was harming babies. They said it was her so with cross inference they should’ve followed. But nothing for 3 more days. Jammy Radnor blabbed on fb! I’ve never reported something as quick in my life, also heads up they have a social media team working 24/7 monitoring every single comment on here and fb and reddit etc etc

So Friday… I got the train with @O'lee but I needed my lunch so grabbed a sandwich and walked into court for 1pm start then he said he was going to ask for anymore verdicts my jaw must’ve been on the floor I wasn’t expecting it at all. I could barely breathe. The official said in an almost town crier voice ‘it’s been x hours and x minutes’ then asks them in order on count 1 have you reached a verdict then the Forman said yes or no, on the ones he said yes they then say on the count of the murder of Mickey Mouse do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty and they said guilty and honestly I was so tense, I realised after I was holding my hands so hard over my face I had left marks, it was relief scared, happy sad and everything inbetween there was 6 verdicts that day and they became a blur. 4 were murder 2 were attempted. After a couple of the verdicts there was this wailing crying guttural sobbing, it could be heard above everything else, I couldn’t tell who it was it was horrific, I was filling up in shock it was the most surreal horrific moment. LL left, so I knew the noise wasn’t her, the babies families left and then I realised it was LL’s mum. I left the courtroom as her mum left so I ran back in. It was awful we all split up needed some time for it to sink in and have a little moment. Apparently one of the babies parents put their fingers in their ears and walked out.
Afterwards I felt awful for them, that was their moment and instead of being about them it was all about LL’s mum. I get that she’s upset and horrified but she still has her daughter! Those poor babies families don’t!!! And they should’ve had their moment their justice…
It was horrific I don’t even have the words for how it felt like even though I went on the fence and then thought she was guilty it’s the finalness the fact like she really is a serial killer. I’ve sat and looked at this cold narky woman and she’s actually killed these babies. LL saw the first 2 lots of verdicts but then she didn’t come to any of the end of day court sessions only mornings. Judge asked BM about it he said he would find out. Then that was it the low life scum never ever came back out not even in the mornings! She hid in her cell with her comfort blankets and wouldn’t come up. The last power she had and she used it! She’s sick!
The week after there was more verdicts, I missed those first ones. On the Thursday they were asked again and gave 2 more verdicts and were asked if they thought they would be able to reach verdicts on the others and they thought ‘maybe’
Friday came and the video of her being arrested was leaked and it seemed suddenly tense and we were called in again, they were asked if they had anymore verdicts, they didn’t he asked them if given more time they could reach Verdicts and they said no, that was it… one heartbroken family ran out, that was the hardest part. All along I thought the Verdict would be a good job well done moment, but without answers for some it wasn’t… I wish they’d all got an ending, some closure, it was awful. I actually don’t understand with cross inference how they didn’t find all guilty’s if I’m honest and it felt cruel to the NG or no verdict parents. But that’s the law that’s how it works and I really do think they’ve done a thorough job.

That was it he let the jury go and thanked them and it ended. The press knew it was coming I had to get out I needed air it was horrifically sad the press were all filming already we waited around to hear what they had to say in the press conference and then we went to a cafe and talked for the first time in the open, it was hard not being able to offload even to family before then. We all pretty much felt the same glad for the right results in the guiltys but we couldn’t shake the sadness for the other families…
I went on holiday before sentencing, but cried my eyes out listening to the pod and watching the sentencing.

Even 2 weeks on I can’t get my head around it all, not sure I ever will. She seems so ‘normal’ from a distance.

I have no doubts there’ll be a part 2… it blows my mind that she actually exists, like she actually did it, like I knew she had from seeing and hearing her but actually seeing in person the true evil that she is is incomprehensible.
Taking her freedom isn’t enough. Those poor defenceless babies 😭
Wow I’ve just read the first part of when the verdict came out 😭 you guys 🥺 people moan about tattle but honestly what a lovely community we’ve got here ❤ we all said we wanted to be there for verdict but we also would’ve liked to see how it all unfolded, someone mentioned her work colleagues saying the alarms always went off on her shifts I’ve not seen this anywhere, what else did they say? Is there anywhere to find it?
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The only thing that stands out to me is her motive. She had attention from the Dr she supposedly fancied, he was clearly interested in her. I don't think she'd need to do what she done for that. Although, I do wonder what they would have spoken about had it not been for all those deaths. But to kill babies for the sake having a conversation starter just seems odd.
That wasn’t her motive though.

The OG members of the thread will be able to give you the specifics but he didn’t come on the scene until she had already harmed, and killed, a number of the babies.

Also, killing babies for any reason is a bit more than ‘odd’ don’t you think…?
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Tilly Kister

VIP Member
He's so fucking odd
Oh now I get it. He's got that philia thing. The one where people are only attracted to violent criminals.

Hang on I'll look it up.


Yep that's it. Many people seem to think this is an attraction limited to women who write to men on death row but it isn't. Both the attractive Manson killers had a swathe of admirers writing to them declaring their love, fighting for their freedom. Hindley had plenty too. I believe that Joanna Dennehy gets fan mail as well. It's a proper psychiatric disorder and needs a great deal more research done on it in my opinion.
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They’ve got spies 👀 🕵️‍♀️ 🕵️‍♂️ 👀
Us tattle eejits better watch what we say 🤣🤣🤣🤣

infiltrate them?!
They are as thick as pig shit.

The evidence speaks for itself, she’s guilty so all those tin foil hat nut jobs can run on🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️
They are sooooo embarrassing 🥴 I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a spoon than be involved with those balloons 🎈

it’s the disrespect to the families that annoys me.
Imagine defending a baby serial killer 🥴
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It is actually immensely insulting to the families of these poor babies and also insulting to the police that have dedicated their lives to this investigation. Do you think they wanna be knocking on doors to tell parents their baby might actually have been murdered rather than passed away from medical reasons? Do you think they want to be delving into the medical records, trying to understand things they’ve not been trained in? Do you think the medical professionals want their work to be questioned? Do you think they want to have to defend their medical practice? No one wants any of this so the fact they’re claiming such bizarre things, threatening people with blackmail, trying to get the “free Lucy” hashtag going is actually a disgrace. I really hope Cheshire police are on top of this and are aware. I hope they’re monitoring everything that’s been posted by these idiots.
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Yes this crossed my mind too as I’m also a daughter of a narcissistic mother so can see some signs of that in Susan Letby. I actually thought this very early on in those messages we heard from Lucy about her parents being suffocating etc and why it also frustrated me when people said Lucy had an uneventful and happy childhood with loving parents. Childhood emotional neglect such as having narcissistic parents is so incredibly damaging but very little is understood compared to physical abuse (and SA). I think most people are actually unaware about CEN but there are some experts that think we are on an epidemic scale of it.

this is wild speculation as we really don’t know but if that’s the case then her dad could be an enabler of Susan and also a victim of emotional abuse and controlling behaviour. I see that in my own dad, who I can feel very sad for but also angry at too.
I'm so sorry you had to grow up with that Tofino 🩷 I have been no contact for nearly 5 years now, best decision I ever made.

I suspected when I read the texts as well about the suffocation but hearing about the wail in court gave me serious flashbacks and I suppose in my head it confirmed it for me. I know we don't know for sure, but Narcs seldom get a diagnosis and I think with our real life experience we are probably pretty spot on!

I really do think it was just a perfect storm, so many children experience this kind of abuse and if anything they go on the be the most soft/kind hearted people as a result but there is always that anomaly and a person predisposed to cruelty will just have that cruel nature amplified by this treatment.

Sadly I think you are so right about the experts who think we are about to experience and epidemic of CEN abuse. Just look at all these "influencers" who use their children as content and mini sales reps!?
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Well-known member
As if Lucifer wears visible shoe liners with her kitten heels to pole dance in :ROFLMAO:

Re being a lapdancer, sounds like B.S to me, she would have failed her lapdance audition for turning up in bootcut jeans and a cami top from Peacocks.

Some freaks have been doctoring photos of LL to make her more attractive. I swear her face has been melded into Kate Middleton in the 2nd one. I get the feeling that there is an odd need amongst some people to sexualise her because she's young, female, slim and has blonde hair and god forbid a young woman in the public eye isn't sexualised!

Also given LL will be segregated from the general prison population for ages it's highly unlikely she's been attacked unless the prison staff have had a go!!


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wine o clock

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I did actually have this small teeny tiny belief or hope!!! … that these scape goat theorists would actually accept the juries verdict shut the duck up and have some respect for them teeny babies parents. But no … how utterly disrespectful !!!!

After all these years of searching for answers to be dragged threw a near year long trial …hearing horrific details about their babies … for the absolute witch to not even attend sentencing they are now faced with these single celled offensive groups going hell for leather to free the most prolific baby murderer the uk has!!! 😳 They are an embarrassment to our justice system. Pity they can’t be locked up with IT. 🤮 xx

And yep ok … her 2 little dreary mates may be sticking by her … but for gods sake keep it to ya bleeding selves!!!! They will be first to be moaning when they start getting threats and abuse !!! 🙄 xx
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wine o clock

Active member
Haha! Knew his work was shoddy… Now he’s been called out by his own loons 😆

This one… without the guilty hat 😆
That’s the 1…. What does she look like. Looks like she’s been in her mums dressing up box!!!! If that’s not a fail proof way to get folk looking at her I don’t know what is!!! Ashamed of attending the police station so she wears a really crap disguise … but not ashamed of walking round London with some1 else’s husband!!! 🙄 xx
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I was wondering about interview clips too. I’m surprised they haven’t released more and had wondered if they were saving them for something. Either for another documentary or if there are issues with potential retrial.
I definitely think this is why more haven't come out. They're not done with her yet.
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Looking at the graph if Cheshire West and COCH were the same wouldn't the data be the same. The yellow bar shows less deaths, than the grey, in 2015 and 2016, because its deaths per 1000 babies, and more babies are included which brings the death rate down.
Imagine being a clever scientist and statistician and not being able to understand a simple bar chart that 10 year olds are taught to interpret in primary school. Fucking pricks.
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Tilly Kister

VIP Member
F***ing lunatic. What is wrong with these people?!
What's amusing though is if that petition is on Change dot org they always ask you to donate to help spread your petition but the money just goes to general revenue and has eff all to do with how many people will see the one you just signed. Then they sell all your info to marketing companies & you're deluged with spammy messages and emails about shit wine club memberships and dodgy time share units in Morecambe for the rest of eternity.
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