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VIP Member
Science on Trial posted saying that deaths continued to rise after Lucifer was taken off the unit. They used a graph that most of us have seen before, the one that has the area figures on it where COCH figures are in grey & shows that deaths decreased. They are stating that COCH has the only maternity & neonatal departments in the area, so it proves that deaths increased instead of decreased. A few people called them out over it & argued that they were misrepresenting the data. I think they are too. I’ll share the screenshots so you can see what you think.
I thought Cheshire West also included Warrington hospital which has a maternity and NICU.
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I’ve still not read everything, who is mark? Have the crazy James’ not had anything to say since the verdicts?
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Does anyone else recall seeing a full and un-redacted version of the spreadsheet that shows that she was on shift for all the collapses ? All subsequent versions show names blurred or blocked out. I definitely remember having a good look at it. I have a feeling either Sky or Dan put it up but I’m sure it must have been taken down swiftly as being in breach of the anonymity directions for some witnesses. Do any of you also recall this, or am I going bonkers?
I saw it last week, either on Gill’s site or another of a similar ilk.
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Briefly, he’s a (once respected, now not so much) statistician who was involved in exonerating the Dutch nurse Lucia de Berk who was convicted of several murders in 2001. She was subjected to an obviously unfair trial and was convicted based off of some dodgy statistics and analytical tests which genuinely couldn’t prove that she’d poisoned her patients. He then did the same for an Italian nurse who was also convicted of murdering several of her patients.
Since then he’s developed a bit of an obsession with the idea that LL is innocent and throughout the trial made dreadful accusations against other/ involved in the case, particularly Dr Jayaram and Dr Gibbs who he claimed had actually euthanized the babies. He contacted Letby’s defense and sent them a “report” containing a load of nonsense science and attempts at insulin calculations written by his scientist mate who is, in the nicest way possible, an unhinged domestic abuser. The defense told them to fuck off, so he then sent it to judge Goss, who also told them to fuck off.
At that point, Cheshire police got involved and sent the Dutch police to pay him a visit (he’s British but lives in the Netherlands), they essentially told him that unless he stopped trying to interfere with the case, he’d be held in contempt of court and arrested the next time he entered the UK, which he was not happy about at all and claimed via a soundcloud recording that it was blatant “fascism”.
Since the verdicts have come out he’s created an organization to try and get Letby freed (which includes a link for donations) and has been demanding journalists to interview him and begging people to let him onto their podcasts.
All in all, he’s basically just a massive grifter with a massive ego.
Bloody hell! Thank you so much x
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Chatty Member
It's gone from the highly intelligent and respected, KC barrister, BM, trying to defend Lucy to the dregs of the internet.
Yeah, even the conspiracy weirdos are now throwing people under the bus!!
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It seems to be a trend that people can get out of stuff for 'feeling uncomfortable' about doing things - it happens at my workplace (university, so canary in a coalmine for this sort of thing). I wonder if it's about people finding out that nothing happens if they refuse to do things on these grounds because authority doesn't know how to respond or compel people?

After the relief of Letby’s convictions and sentences, I’m becoming more horrified with the NHS managers who, in effect, enabled her. Thank god the enquiry is now statutory.

When you have something like a hospital, full of highly-qualified professionals doing their very specific thing and key support from everyone else, the managers need to be an excellent calibre, having a highly-informed overview, and appreciation of all the special issues which will arise. Instead many are mediocre people who get into those positions through self-promotion, pretence to trendy political attitudes and the supposed benefits of having run accounts for Marks & Spencer or whatever they did before.

At the enquiry, I want to see explanations from that woman who took Letby out for coffees and nurtured her grievance – presumably based her entire response on the in-house pamphlet on bullying in the workplace while dismissing all the concerns of highly-experienced professionals on the ground – I bet she’d be on you like a jumping spider if you got anyone’s titting pronouns wrong though.

And the senior manager who resigned with a statement put together from a Scrabble-bag of bullshit bingo words – I want to see him at the enquiry too, looking forward to that.
I agree with this wholeheartedly but the problem with NHS managers is that there are very, very few with a background in any other industry. If you’re only recruiting from a very small pool the mediocre are over promoted. The NHS needs to be a much more attractive employer and recruitment needs to spread its net far wider.
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Karen Rees is trying to save her own skin with that interview. Sadly what was said between her and the consultants is he said/she said as there is not any written or spoken evidence (that I know of?).
Came to share the Nottingham story but I see someone has already beaten me to it! Absolutely awful, we think LL is an evil monster and her crimes are incomprehensible but you can sort of compartmentalise what she’s done by thinking she’s a one off, it’s very rare that this sort of thing happens etc. and then you read that actually it might have been happening in another trust too. Truly shocking 😔
It’s tragic and horrible, but unfortunately as regards the NHS this could just be the tip of the iceberg. The tendency to suppress criticism and threaten whistleblowers extends into every aspect of the organization, but it can’t do this indefinitely.
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Boring as fuck to be honest. Sarrita speaks with a very posh accent and she also waffles a LOT, so I zoned out for most of it.
Around 125 people attended and about 95% of them were literally in their 70s. There were frequent interruptions because a lot of the boomers couldn’t figure out how to mute themselves 🤣.

She talked about the funding for LL’s appeal and said that she will not start collecting donations until LL confirms to her whether or not she wants to use the same defense solicitors as last time for her appeal. She also said she is in contact with BM.
She was pretty disgusting at one point and spoke about the babies as if they weren’t even human. She referred to them as “samples” and “control groups” and said that the babies who survived should’ve been used as a control group and studied further or something?? Idek what her point was but it was utterly bizarre.
I’ve attached a couple of clips so you can see what “the scientist” sounds like lol.

The only other interesting thing I have to report is that there was a journalist present. Her name is Felicity Lawrence and she writes for The Guardian. Looking at the other pieces she has written made me quite concerned that she might be about to put out some articles actually promoting these people 😬.

View attachment 2408456
View attachment 2408454
Boring as fuck to be honest. Sarrita speaks with a very posh accent and she also waffles a LOT, so I zoned out for most of it.
Around 125 people attended and about 95% of them were literally in their 70s. There were frequent interruptions because a lot of the boomers couldn’t figure out how to mute themselves 🤣.

She talked about the funding for LL’s appeal and said that she will not start collecting donations until LL confirms to her whether or not she wants to use the same defense solicitors as last time for her appeal. She also said she is in contact with BM.
She was pretty disgusting at one point and spoke about the babies as if they weren’t even human. She referred to them as “samples” and “control groups” and said that the babies who survived should’ve been used as a control group and studied further or something?? Idek what her point was but it was utterly bizarre.
I’ve attached a couple of clips so you can see what “the scientist” sounds like lol.

The only other interesting thing I have to report is that there was a journalist present. Her name is Felicity Lawrence and she writes for The Guardian. Looking at the other pieces she has written made me quite concerned that she might be about to put out some articles actually promoting these people 😬.

View attachment 2408456
View attachment 2408454
Disappointed not to see an electric saw in the corner, knives stuck in the wall and a petrol can next to the printer…
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Chatty Member
But wasn't that said just by a PLUMBER who was the only expert witness the defence brought to court?

No offense to plumbers out there but if you compare it with the 20473628 doctors and other expert witnesses the prosecution brought in to explain how things ACTUALLY happened it pales in comparison....

oh god. I don’t know her but checked out her stories. Immediate big red flag ‘I spent the last 24hrs reading up on the case’ 🚩

Ok so where was she the last 10 months? Did it take prosecution 24hrs to deliver their evidence?

Yet again, another thicko who seems to think a few hours reading a few selective bits of a 10 month trial is enough to decide ‘something doesn’t sit right’ and that there is ‘zero hard evidence’.

At this stage anyone saying things like that are really showing themselves and their stupidity up.
Oh god I carried on listening to her shit. Clear to see where she’s done her research now

‘apparently there were sewage problems causing bacterias that cause all these symptoms’ 🥴
Fuck me. She’s clearly been on green goblin Twitter because apparently other reasons for the gas is because they can’t be handled and can’t be burped.

- - -

Oh look where she gets her info from Hahaha
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New member
If it was the one I watched, that was posted on here, they didn't mention psychosis at all. They just said their opinion was that Munchausen's was part of a psychopathic personality, which isn't an unreasonable viewpoint.
Ahh OK - thanks that sounds more reasonable!
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Chatty Member
The last picture is wild. Theyve not followed closely enough to know that Dr j and Dr no name are two different people, yet they’re happy to go on social media and boldly defend a serial murderer of babies, all whilst accusing another person of the crimes based on absolutely nothing 😂 what a time to be alive
Bloody nutter 😆 can’t even get Dr J’s name right, called him Ravi JayJam! 😂
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VIP Member
Call me stupid but did at least 13 babies not die at CoC during the period of the case, so why is the grey line still only at 3.25ish deaths per thousand? Shouldn’t that be 3.25 deaths per hundred?
I mean I’m stupid, but am I now just showing my stupid?
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