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They’re now saying the part where it says ‘they used’ as in ‘how can things ever be how they used to be’ is ‘they accused’ (as in the police) & apparently they were told by the police that’s what it said. Absolute b*ll*cks! 🙄
Doesn't really make sense "How can things ever be how they accused, they won't, I killed them on purpose" surely she would just write "Falsely accused of killing babies".
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Another new 1…. She has been slashed and had boiling sugar water poured on her … they probably still blooming processing her/it … she has probably got that many demands!!! She won’t of been left alone for a minute .. never mind had opportunity to wonder round mixing wi other inmates and brewing up!!! Xx

all rumours and gossip will start now … 🙄 the facts and evidence are all that we need …. GUILTY as charged!!! Lifed off and even dick fill the absolute idiot can’t change that!!! Lol xx
Trouble is there are quite a lot of thickos who will believe that she was a lap dancer and that she has been attacked in gaol they are not capable of thinking beyond what they read in the scummy tabloids.
The nursing profession does seem to attract more than their fair share of uncaring sociopathic individuals. You only have to read the NMC Hearings and Sanctions page to realise that.
Latest hearings and sanctions - The Nursing and Midwifery Council (
My goodness to here's an awful lot 🤔
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Thats the only bit I could find about staff concerned alarms going off, I think original was on sky news at the time.
The current staff have all been very quiet but I think they were told by the trust not to speak about it.
Not sure if I have said previously but thank you for your court reports was so informative, can’t believe the mother was shouting at Janet Cox after all she’s done to support them!
Aww Thankyou 🥺 I know I couldn’t believe it. Even now Jan is saying she’s innocent
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Chatty Member
Something is a bit off tho I don’t recall any men that came regularly… I can’t work it out unless he was in the press room
I "think" he is a journalist so he would have been in the press room. That's just from memory from watching other vids so I may be wrong
Obviously he has to operate under the assumption that she's not guilty, and his job is just to refute the evidence presented by the prosecution. If he can't, then there's not a strong enough defence to prove reasonable doubt. Exactly right, she had a fair trial, refuted what little he could, jury didn't buy it, she's exactly where she belongs!
Not necessarily. You can have a great defence that implies you admit your own guilt. In that case they can just aim to get you the least amount of years (something else that didn't work for her either). But in this case, she wouldn't admit to being guilty or even feeling any guilt or remorse for her actions so there was little the defence could do in that instance.
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Chatty Member
How stupid are they. It’s just a theory and not the slam dunk they think it is. They have no idea what her intentions were when she wrote it. Whether she meant it. I can also see a guilty person capable of writing a note like that. Either because they can’t cope that they have are about to be caught or because they wanted to play some stupid game knowing the police would find it.
I agree, they are idiots!
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Chatty Member
I hope they continue going down the rabbit hole of the notes and they waste even more of their time in such pointless facts.

We should provide them with even more creative alternative options for transliterating the notes I think. That will help them.
He’s debunking the white one now & says he’s got a non redacted copy that shows that someone else harmed the babies. The deluded twat 🙄
Doesn't really make sense "How can things ever be how they accused, they won't, I killed them on purpose" surely she would just write "Falsely accused of killing babies".
No sense at all


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Well I could see why everyone thought that, it was too weird to be true but apparently with many charges it’s normal. It was so weird seeing the polls and not being able say a word knowing how much you’d all love to know and he’s off blabbing
Was he in court or did he get his info via Janet Cock?
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Chatty Member
She might appeal the sentence.
Im on the fence about that. I think that it makes sense that she would given that she claims innocence. But at the same time I think she never provider a reasonable explanation as to what else couldve happened so if she appeals what would be her reasoning? I may completely wrong but I thought maybe you have to have to basis for the appeal. Or is that just in the States?
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I just think the Letby's next move will be to appeal as that is really her only hope. I think they will be looking into it with a proper legal team they need a lot more than science on trial. I think the only way she will get out is if there is new medical evidence. I hope she doesn't for the families sake but you can see Lucy's mum chomping at a bit desperately looking to clear her name. Do you think the Letbys would need to pay for it themselves.
I feel like she has nothing to lose so will probably try and appeal but I really don't believe it will go anywhere at all.

Slightly different note but the babies who had no verdict or NG does anyone know are they going to push for a retrial of those? My knowledge of how the legal system works is pretty minimal so not sure if that's possible or not likely for them.
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Tilly Kister

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Don't know if those outside Australia can watch this but if you have a VPN set it to Australia and you can. It's quite thorough for a 30 minute rundown.

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some are but I also think most are wonderful. I have had 99 percent positive experiences and only encountered that one negative one, so I wouldn’t want tar them on with the same brush. For example, I had a particularly long and traumatic labour, I went through 9 midwife’s during my first labour (yes it was that long), my last ones had so much empathy that they were crying with me at the end, I’m talking full on sobs like it was them going through my labour. I’ll remember them forever❤ I couldn’t have done it without them.
Oh no not all my any means the nastyones are in a minority but the do exist. Your labour sounds horrendous!!!!
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Does anyone know where this picture comes from? It’s not her original arrest as she wasn’t wearing jeans!

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I’m personally for special measures for witnesses/victims in court. The majority of the witnesses in the letby case were named?
If it’s the choice between getting key evidence Vs not having that evidence because you don’t want to make someone feel comfortable enough giving it then it’s the evidence all the way.

I agree it shouldn’t be given to just anyone & despite my moral opinions of Dr NN, I believe it was right to give him anonymity. He was seen in court by those who were there, but the restrictions in place allowed him to give his evidence which was the most important bit to allow for justice for the babies.
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Chatty Member
yes I think they are absolutely misrepresenting the data. It would actually be laughable if it wasn’t so heartbreaking. They are showing their stupidity again.

I haven’t looked deep enough into this but if it’s based on where the baby lives and not the hospital born at then I presume that the ONS stats for neonatal deaths would also include any neonatals that died at home or another hospital. For example Leighton Hospital in Crewe (not Cheshire west) is often the main hospital for people in Northwich (Cheshire west) to give birth at.

They just have no idea what the circumstances were in any of them. Just because COCH is the only hospital in Cheshire West with a neonatal unit doesn’t mean they are involved with a baby from Cheshire West who died in the first 28 days. They may have never even met those babies but being accused of being responsible for the deaths! Idiots.
I was thinking the same thing, thanks for explaining. These idiots are so annoying!
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Unless she took a (presumably unpaid) extended leave of absence to attend the trial for all those months, Janet can’t still be working.
Isn't she retired now? I'm sure I read an article saying the friend supporting Lucy's parents was spending the first days of her retirement in court
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