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Well, that’s a very good question!
My understanding was that they’re all going to get into groups based on which experience/skills they each have (eg doctors in one group, lawyers in another, nurses, content creators, stats people, people with IT knowledge etc) and just “get to work” apparently. Although exactly what they’re supposed to be working on wasn’t really explained.
Their main focus atm seems to be on content creation and marketing for this grift campaign, they talked a lot about the importance of spreading the word of her innocence on social media and getting the message out there.

In terms of the legal team, I’m not too sure. Quite a few people have been in contact with LL’s mate Dawn who has said she’s going to put all of this science on trial crap to LL and see if she wants to try and appeal with it or not.
hahahaha this is kind of what I was expecting.

They were meant to have the ‘evidence’ a few months ago that Ben Myers didn’t want anything to do with which made him a bad barrister and this case the biggest miscarriage of justice in entire British history. What happened to that? If they have the evidence to exonerate her then no social media campaign and ‘getting the message out there’ is bloody needed.

They are nothing more than just a sick bunch of Lucy fans.
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I can’t look at Twitter anymore cause the fucking wildness & absolute fucktards on there just makes me wanna commit multiple section 18 offences.

NN’s kids aren’t GCSE/ALevel age (and I’m pretty sure I found the right guy) so the whole oh they’re doing exams they don’t know about my involvement etc is cause they are children & clearly easily fooled, he’s a deceptive cunt.
I can't believe I used to believe he was a single doctor 🤦

Now I just thinks he's incredibly cowardly himself. Remaining anonymous for anxiety? I'd be anxious too if I was having an emotional (and perhaps physical if having weekends away) affair with a serial baby killer while I was married with kids and sending confidential patient information over Facebook and then when my side chick is moved over concerns of unexplained baby collapsed and deaths, emailing her confidential information regarding her.

I don't believe for a second that's he's remained anonymous to protect his wife and children. He's done it to protect hinself and his career.

I know it's a drop in the ocean compared the the higher ups, but I wonder if he will be required in the statutory inquiry?
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They say the note ramblings aren’t an indication of her guilt but to me they’re one of the more obvious parts of evidence.

I don’t think she’s having a breakdown at being accused. I think she’s absolutely flapping it because she knows shits about to hit the fan, all this “no evidence, slander” nonsense looks more like something she’s repeating to herself for reassurance.
All the perverts can talk about her “anguish” all they want but she’s absolutely shitting herself in them notes and there’s nothing that could convince me otherwise
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Someone who works in the sex industry will have a level of self awareness that means they don’t dress in a way that makes you think they get their style inspo from the freemans catalogue. It’s been a laugh this morning though, ngl.

the note with ‘I’ll never marry’ etc was found on the search after the second arrest, not the initial one ie is a reflection of her thoughts knowing she was going to be charged at some point.
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As the old adage goes, you can’t polish a turd. Like others have said, I think BM did the best he could with what he had - I am happy her defence cost so much tbh, shows she had a fair a trial as she could have with the best possible representation, another up yours for the conspiracy theorists who said it was sub-par.
Also, as value for money - 9 month trial and all of the work that went into it and beforehand, £1m ain’t bad for making sure an evil child killer is banged up for life and unable to hurt any others.
Yep I think it was worth every single penny of taxpayer money to make sure she never sets foot outside of prison ever again.

I’m also unsure how the defence could have done a better job. What kind of defence does a guilty person actually have?? Myers ensured she had a fair trial but there was literally nothing to defend because she did it. Plain and simple.
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No way they could of listened all that and believed she was innocent !!!
I do think they genuinely believe she's innocent.

Confirmation bias is a powerful force. If you start off with a firm fixed belief, then it encourages you to focus on evidence that supports it and either denigrate or totally ignore evidence that contradicts it. The more emotionally attached you are to the belief, the more powerful the effect is. And Lucy's parents desperately want to see her as innocent.

So they cling to arguments that in their view undermine the allegations such as "of course she was there for all the collapses since she was most qualified to deal with the sickest babies out of all the nurses and she did so much overtime and the wicked doctors excluded the collapses that she wasn't there for" and "they were sick babies and liable to collapse anyway, and the doctors were negligent and looking for a scapegoat", etc etc...while ignoring arguments such as the insulin poisoning that even Lucy admitted someone must have deliberately done.
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Does Sarrita see the babies as some kind of scientific experiment, instead of people who collapsed and died because they were attacked. I'm sure she's very good at science but this is NICU babies, most NICU babies don't die and what happened was very unusual. Its annoying when these people who aren't neonatalist presume they know more than the experts.
I think there is a general misunderstanding amongst Letby supporters that NICU babies are all on the precipice of death and that they're more likely to die than go home which really isn't the case. Some of these people seem to be conflating intensive care with palliative care.
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I've been following this guy's youtube (journalist?) for a while now. He attended the full trial so has a very solid first hand experience of the case, plus has done a lot of research. His latest video breaks down what the green note actually says and condemns the sleuths for misinterpreting it.

But the most interesting thing he says is that these notes, and in particular, the green note, were of very little importance to the case. Maybe 5mins in total of questioning out of 50 hours, so the prosecution case was not remotely based on the notes. Also, the green note in particular was barely mentioned in court. The yellow(?) note, where LL writes as if the triplets are all dead, although one is alive, was a more crucial part of the enquiry.

He also praised Tattlers and the wiki 🥰 So HI THERE - I'm a fan of your videos!

Here is the link for anyone that wants to watch it.

I recommend all of his other videos too for a fully unbiased view of the case from beginning to end.
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For those querying laundry - every function you do in your house, washing, drying, washing up, cooking is a 'prison role' - the majority of prisoners have to work or they get in to trouble (loss of income, loss info visits etc)

So certain wings have certain wash days, you leave it outside your cell like you would a wheelie bin on the street, and the laundry prisoners pick it up, under supervision, wash it and dry it and give it back. they then get paid their £10 ish a week.

This goes for all functions listed above, and more. Some prisoners work in 'garment making' so in women's prisons they make those shitty grey joggers and hoodies for men, they get bagged up and sent to male prisons.

All roles are very manual, very repetitive and you can only change with permission ..... the best job is the library, the older prisoners generally get that, sitting and giving out books and delivering books to those who are not allowed out their cell (think Shawshank!!)
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Chatty Member
I’m so irritated by the number of fools who haven’t even bothered to listen to all the trial information but have convinced themselves that LL isn’t guilty. Have you seen that website which is trying to say the science behind the trial was wrong??

I really do believe that these are the same people who think Covid was a conspiracy.
I actually believe the media have a role to play in this nonsense too, the panorama doc had that psychologist geezer talking crap about “circumstantial evidence”. I’ve not seen any of the mainstream media talk about cause of death and how experts could determine that these children were murdered. They seem too busy talking about hospital failings, blaming the NHS and preventing this in the future. I think if it was explained how we know these babies died it would stop more people jumping on the “ I’ve not followed closely but something doesn’t feel right” bandwagon
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Yeah they’re literally lying about the note and have rewritten it. Hence the super clever coloured text so that they can completely fucking invent things 😑 scumbags. And yes I will bully you, cos you’re a bunch of unshaggable fucking weirdos with the mentally ill Worzel Gummidge as your leader. You deserve bullying. Depraved to lie about this stuff.
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Even more than the spectre pf a predatory paediatric nurse on a killing spree terrifies me, the growing knowledge that there are so many apparently ordinary citizens on the UK with incredibly disturbed thought patterns is a horrifying revelation to me. Apparently Lucy did it because she was unappreciated at work. Or as mercy killings- hedge your bets - and if it was revenge slaughter this "person" can see it from her point of view and may well have done the same.

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Errr not sure about anyone else but if I felt miserable, neglected and humiliated at work then I would…. get another job? Not kill babies.

someone please check this person’s background and if they have contact with anyone vulnerable.
Apparently tattlers are childish, schoolyard bullies!! 🤣🤣
Who are we bullying? The baby killer? Boo hoo.
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Did you log in to the zoom meeting? How was it?
Boring as fuck to be honest. Sarrita speaks with a very posh accent and she also waffles a LOT, so I zoned out for most of it.
Around 125 people attended and about 95% of them were literally in their 70s. There were frequent interruptions because a lot of the boomers couldn’t figure out how to mute themselves 🤣.

She talked about the funding for LL’s appeal and said that she will not start collecting donations until LL confirms to her whether or not she wants to use the same defense solicitors as last time for her appeal. She also said she is in contact with BM.
She was pretty disgusting at one point and spoke about the babies as if they weren’t even human. She referred to them as “samples” and “control groups” and said that the babies who survived should’ve been used as a control group and studied further or something?? Idek what her point was but it was utterly bizarre.
I’ve attached a couple of clips so you can see what “the scientist” sounds like lol.

The only other interesting thing I have to report is that there was a journalist present. Her name is Felicity Lawrence and she writes for The Guardian. Looking at the other pieces she has written made me quite concerned that she might be about to put out some articles actually promoting these people 😬.

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