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I feel uncomfortable with hearing all the bad stuff about her parents, as far as we know they haven’t done anything wrong. Didn’t the investigative staff say that they think her parents were in the dark about the severity of the charges? I think she had them hoodwinked completely…to them she was nice vulnerable Lucy who needing protection when the nasty doctors bullied her. Yes, it was bad her dad spoke with the hospital but I bet she really manipulated them. As for her mum, I bet she is just completely at sea and was just acting instinctively when she called out in court ( and at the police). I really hate to think how I would feel if it was my child being accused of such awful crimes, I wouldn’t be able to get my head round it and I’m sure I would say and do inappropriate things. Her parents are going to have a terrible life now, maybe they deserve it but maybe not.
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Some people seem to think that the fact that she wore kitten heels with socks is a sure sign of a "weirdo" and can obviously lead to murder her clothes have been discussed quite a bit along with her psycho eyes etc etc and the fact that she loves her cats all irrelevant to her murderous behaviour.
Heroin or whatever your name is. do you really think people have discussed her clothes here with any real seriousness? Come on now. Are you just ignoring the fact that all the actual evidence has been discussed is so much depth here. There are some really knowledgeable people here and it’s insulting to insinuate that they are basing there opinion off her appearance
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Interesting part on the operation hummingbird documentary

They have a central reception team that deals with any public/media enquiries relating to OpH instead of it going through the main control room.

Part of what they do is monitor and assess any threat, risk or harm related to social and digital media 👀 do you think they have come across our threads?

Bet Richard Gill was top of their list.
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DM Me Hun

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Don’t know if anyone saw but someone called Bev Allitt posted on Facebook last night that they’re definitely making plans for her to go to Rampton.
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She’ll go down the mental health route.
And where she is being sent is well equipped for women with mental health issues.

She isn't going to Rampton. Judge Goss made that perfectly clear as did her defence lawyer.

Perhaps in 20 years. But not now she isn't. That would mean she'd have to own up to something.

Not happening.
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The thing is, anyone following closely from the beginning or understands how she came across in court knows that the narrative of sweet innocent nurse except for all the murdering she did, simply isn’t true.
- she absolutely had fallings out with other nurses there and maybe more will speak out or they’ll want to never be associated with it all ever again. Letby refers to the “not so nice things” people have been saying about her capabilities and her insistence on always being in room 1 which definitely pissed people off
-something happened with Dr B the female doc from the Gang of Four as letby said on the stand she didn’t have a good working relationship with her. I imagine this doc saw straight through her and letby didn’t like it.
- ‘at least there’s some nice people on tonight’, the faces that don’t fit, slagging absolutely anyone at any opportunity. The idea she was sweet to everyone is bollocks. Including texting snidely about parents of the babies. She would belittle people regularly.
- on more than one occasion in the case, she was overriding and being snappy when others suggested babies needed to be moved to nursery one (babies that would soon be dead). Why would a good nurse do that? Why would they ignore advice, why not reflect on their opinion? The people describe being put out by it and being shocked by her tone. Her mask slips. She wasn’t nice.
- she made herself a nuisance on a number of occasions. Had tantrums over which room she was in - shown in texts and the accounts of the shift leaders. She told them the other nurseries were boring - what nice nurse says this? The babies aren’t there for your entertainment. What made her think she was special and didn’t have to work where she was placed? That’s not something a nice or quiet person kicks off about. She thought she was special and superior. Her needs should be met at all times and when they weren’t she would take it into her own hands.
- she told off student/younger nurse for (correctly) shouting for assistance when a baby was deteriorating. They were shocked and taken aback by her attitude.
- the day after baby Ps death she is texting laughing about everyone being in chaos at work and running around and being stressed “lol” she didn’t have a caring bone in her body.
- she CONSTANTLY text and checked Facebook at work. There is no way she was a dedicated committed nurse. She either skipped that feed that NJ called her out on or she shoved it down that baby. I expect she was skipping feeds or inappropriately feeding babies at every opportunity in favour of texting and doing things she found more entertaining than “just feeding and changing babies” her words again. Vile. That means those babies are well and progressing- you’d think she’d welcome that kind of care given she’s been around 13 deaths and scores of near fatal collapses in a short space of time
- several times texts with “friends” were tense. Some calling out her utter weirdness and bitchiness and then at the other end of the scale many times people replied with “get some sleep now”(eg shut up and get the message that this is too much) “well you should get counselling if you’re just crying then, why wouldn’t you” etc. I really don’t doubt that many people found her draining, annoying and self absorbed. Jesus the way she went on about her needle prick - after two healthy babies had died, lord above. There would 100% people that saw her for the attention seeking narcissist she was. Mel Taylor I’m sure did.
- she constantly draws everything back to herself. Now maybe Dawn and Janet enjoy that in a friendship, they could be sweet and look after her. Please Lucy, tell me your traumatic birth story again so I can hug you and feel wonderful about myself. Same vibe as to why Noname got his rocks off being her saviour. Some people enjoy taking that role in a friendship. She played the victim superbly. However many noticed this behaviour. Screeching “it’s always me” and wailing on after baby I’s death shocked the trainee GP. Everyone on that unit knew baby I well and were mortified by her death, they wrote a letter to management about how hard it had been. How many times does she text people to tell them she’s crying, she’s sad and then if they point out anything about her bad luck she snips and shuts it down and gets shirty.
- that’s because she’s not getting the response she wants. She kills baby C because of this. She even says in police interview “I hadn’t gotten the response I wanted” from her friend that told her yes you’re being mean and weird demanding you should be back in room one. People serve her needs and when they don’t she is frustrated and rude. The babies don’t serve her entertainment needs then she forces them to. She was cross with baby Ms parents once their baby had survived. How could they take away her special moment? Her sympathy. Her attention. imagine being a parent in that situation and recognising the nurse is being rude to you 😵💫
- the nurse that believes her baby was attacked by letby (I fully believe this) said she made a FORMAL complaint over Letby’s comments to her. And you have many of the parents noticing her bad and inappropriate behaviour. She wasn’t nice and she wasn’t kind.
- call me old fashioned but nice people don’t engage in months of late night texts and meals out with married men - puke. That’s why she found these revelations excruciating. She probably desperately wanted to say the real reasons she was doing these things - because she could talk endlessly about herself and the baby deaths.
- she’s been described as quiet and awkward. She went out but left early. She did salsa and concerts but did she engage much in social situations that actually require in-depth conversation or complex social cues? No relationships. Her friends could come to drink but they couldn’t stay. Did she ever not just switch things back to herself? Alison Ventress was moving to New Zealand and yet somehow letby managed to make it about her and the distance for her parents 🥴. Did she ever have interest in her friends if it wasn’t just to support them (get off on their grief and stress) over the deaths that she repeatedly wanted to engage in conversation about even when others were tired of it.
- she even made it about herself at the triplets death, so much so it sounds like the parents felt the need to console her. It was picked up on multiple times that she enjoyed this aftermath, having to be forcibly told to leave parents to grieve, acting excited about taking the triplets photos as if it was a bounty pack, buzzing at baby Ps debrief when everyone else was distraught.
- She’s quiet, shy and awkward because she’s a shape shifter with no actual interest in anybody not because she’s a little sweetie pie. Everyone is a pawn in her game. Obsessed with real people and their raw real emotions because she has nothing inside her at all.
- how many times in court did the mask slip? Baby E&F’s mum thanked her for taking the stand and used that exact phrase 💕 the truth came out. Petulant. Snippy. Barely able to control it even with her whole life on the line. Not able to emote for the babies. Only for her room. Her life. Her cats.

“I’m a problem to everyone that knows me”
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I can’t believe to even think what those poor families have & are going through.
The fact the doctors that raised concerns had to APOLOGISE to her. It is absolutely appalling.
That is what I find most unfathomable - there have been multiple cases of nurses and doctors murdering patients, if concerns are raised, it needs to be taken seriously. The first rule of safeguarding is that you have to 'think the unthinkable'.

Non clinical staff should not be able to wield power like this to shut down potential investigations.
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Chatty Member
She’ll go down the mental health route.
She took a huge gamble by not using the 'diminished responsibility' defence in her trial She wanted to be believed as completely innocent and perhaps thought she'd get away with it. If she'd been indulged and protected by her parents all through her life, she potentially thought that others would do the same. When the COCH top brass indulged and protected her against the 'bad people picking on her', that added power to her elbow. So, she likely believed the trial would go her way, too. Sounds like she was used to getting her own way. This time, she didn't and her refusal to attend the remainder of the verdicts and her sentencing amplifies the reactions of the spoilt child she probably is. Mummy and daddy couldn't bail her out of this one
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I am confused as to why people are still wondering why she killed the kids. She was trying to get the attention of the doctor she was obsessed with. He was the one who was called when there were emergencies.
Every article I have seen has mentioned this.
That was the way she got closer to him, before they started their relationship outside the hospital
She had been killing babies for months before he arrived in the scene, I think it wasn't until Feb 2016. He first gave evidence for baby L, so she had been murdering and attempting to murder babies long before him.
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On gb news just now, a former prisoner said they won't be able to protect her from other prisoners all the time, so she will probably be in her cell for long periods of time. She will hear the shouts of "child killer" from cells above her, below her and next to her.
Good !
I personally think she’s experienced her fair share of this already and that the very real and constant threat to her life is a much better explanation for any PTSD symptoms than an extremely tame knock at the door for her arrest which she answered with a smile 😑
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Being a baby killer must be the absolute worst thing you can be - anywhere, but especially in a women's prison. She will be the lowest of the low. The most prolific baby killer of modern times? Literally no one in there can possibly have done a worse crime.
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Latest from the coward's friend Dawn. Media spoke to her today just before the WLO was given. Spoiler alert: Still thinks she's innocent 🤦‍♀️ These are the people who are obviously academically intelligent (she studied at Warwick uni) but who would get conned by Tinder Swindler types. Far too trusting.

"Approached by The Telegraph on Monday to ask whether she maintained her stance following her friend’s conviction, she replied: “I stand by that statement.

Ms Howe is one of several friends and former colleagues of Letby who had offered their support throughout the trial. Janet Cox, an ex-colleague, is believed to have attended the trial on a number of occasions alongside Letby’s parents."

I bet if a good male friend were accused of rape though, she would believe the victim. It's this weird belief everyone has that women can never be capable of anything evil.
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They mentioned Joanna Dennehy today as a fellow whole life tarriffer…I’m listening to a podcast about her with Emma Kenny now…funnily enough JD is from Hereford too…what’s in the water there 🤨
It's odd how similar looking they are! Serial killer eyebrows?


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I can’t remember the archive site which enables paywalled articles to be read.
can anyone help with this one?

Managed it

The parents of one of Lucy Letby’s victims wanted the police to investigate the death of their baby girl but were told by the trust it was “out of the question”.
Delivering her victim impact statement at sentencing, the mother of Baby D said she had immediate suspicions about the circumstances surrounding her daughter’s death in June 2015.
“Things just didn’t add up,” she told Manchester crown court. “When I left the hospital, I requested [Baby D]’s medical notes and mine. I got clued up on medical terms, neonatal death statistics, guidelines, protocols.
“I was knocking on doors, asking questions, meeting with doctors from the [Countess of Chester Hospital] and even the management team. We got a solicitor and I wanted the police involved. At that stage I was told that this was not a criminal matter so the police was out of the question.”
An inquest was ordered to investigate the cause of her daughter’s death but a week before it was due to take place in 2018 the family was told by police that Letby was about to be arrested on suspicion of Baby D’s murder. “Thank God the police started their investigation,” she said.
Her testimony will raise more questions as to why executives at the hospital waited until May 2017 — nearly two years after Letby began killing babies — to call in detectives.
Consultants who worked on the unit have said that on at least five occasions they raised urgent concerns with the managers about Letby’s connection to the series of unexplained collapses.
On one occasion, in October 2015, they were “fobbed off” and told to “see what happens” by Alison Kelly, the director of nursing. Letby went on to kill two more babies.
One doctor, John Gibbs, told Letby’s trial that hospital management was “reluctant” to involve detectives. It is alleged that when doctors suggested going to the police, executives warned them that doing so would result in “blue and white tape” all over the ward, damaging the trust’s reputation.
The mother of Baby I, whose murder on October 23, 2015 was the impetus for the doctors to contact Kelly, said that the family had suspicions that someone had harmed their daughter.
She said: “[Baby I’s father] was convinced someone had done this to [Baby I]. I would tell him: ‘Don’t be stupid, who would deliberately hurt our tiny daughter? It’s the grief that makes you think that.’ But there was never a real explanation to why she died. We dug for years trying to get answers for what had happened and we have been in some very dark places mentally.”
In response to claims that they were slow to act, hospital executives said that they “followed the evidence” and denied being reluctant to call in police.
Ian Harvey, former medical director, said that the evidence they had for Letby’s involvement was “limited” and “circumstantial”. However, Dr Ravi Jayaram claimed it took police only ten minutes of listening to consultants’ concerns for them to take the matter seriously.
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Oh we’ve got his initials, didn’t realise! Is that from people who went to court? I’m pretty sure that’s close to identifying him so I’d be careful
No we’ve always called him Dr Noname hence he’s Dr NN on here a lot of the time. Can sometimes be referred to as Dr Noballs, Dr Choccycock or Dr Cockingtoninthesummer.
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I think she’ll end up in rampton. They know she’ll be attacked / murdered in prison.
How can she be sent to rampton when she’s not insane or have any mental health illnesses? Lol. You don’t go there for safety. She’ll be in segregation in a cat A prison wing
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A lot of comments on different sites about a nurse in the Netherlands who was acquitted after 6 years in prison and absolutely convinced this will happen in this case too 🤯 apparently because they have the same name. It’s baffling.
Was the poster called Richard Gill by any chance? 🙄
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