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Chatty Member
I honestly think if she wasn’t a young, softly spoken, blonde haired, white woman, she wouldn’t have half the support and disbelief that she has benefited from the whole way through. Whether we like it or not, it is evident from all the reporting that she’s enjoyed the privilege of her appearance. “How did this sweet girl become a killer?” etc etc.

What makes her a sweet girl? None of these people writing about know her to claim that she’s a nice girl. How many other murderers - serial killers get this level of sympathetic reporting? She’s milked this “nice girl” thing and she used it to commit these crimes, and is still benefiting from it because despite her “confession” there are people who don’t believe she’s guilty.

What’s so special about this killer?
100% I’m normally against bringing race into things that have nothing to do with it, but I truly do believe that the fact she is a slim, blonde, middle-class white woman who’s not ugly is the reason these people are struggling to believe she’s evil. I’ll admit, in the early days I also thought she looked too sweet to have done this, but unlike others I acknowledged my unconscious bias once I heard a modicum of the evidence against her and corrected myself.
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inspector on the Cheshire police documentary was trying hard not to break down but said at the end every member of staff that worked and is working on operation hummingbird are not they same ppl they were at the beginning of the investigation 💔
one of the police liaison officers said normally they have to deliver bad news to one set of parents then go home, but they had to in this case ,go on to the next parents and ones after. They were all emotional drained.
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Just listened to the podcast from today. They said they can report for the first time that she was always seated in the dock before they all arrived. So basically, she didn’t have to walk to the dock. She was already there.

Something to do with her PTSD and hyper vigilance whereas we know that in reality, this was another form of control.
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I can’t believe to even think what those poor families have & are going through.
The fact the doctors that raised concerns had to APOLOGISE to her. It is absolutely appalling.
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I am confused as to why people are still wondering why she killed the kids. She was trying to get the attention of the doctor she was obsessed with. He was the one who was called when there were emergencies.
Every article I have seen has mentioned this.
That was the way she got closer to him, before they started their relationship outside the hospital
BIB - Exactly that. Every article. Not court. Article. They will try and romanticise her reasons for doing so.

She was harming and killing long before she became infatuated with him.
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Just doing my back-to-school prep for my new class of 7yr olds and it hit me hard that a quarter of them represent the tinies she killed!
A quarter of a class of bubbly, excited, noisy, funny 7 year olds... gone... life stolen in the cruelest of ways by someone that should have protected them.

Never mind throwing away the keys - melt them down and make a bullet.
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In my experience even in terrible cases the defence will throw in “they are of previous good character”, with someone with no previous convictions. To me this shows how everyone including BM, couldn’t offer anything…..because he knows. Even to say this wouldnt have been appropriate today, I’m glad he didn’t, but I think it speaks. It confirms for me (not that it’s needed but we’ve seen what he says) he knows she’s not of previous good character, knows she’s done this before, knows she is evil and that she did this on purpose……fucking evil bitch
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Just read some absolute shit on MN by someone who thought Letby wouldn't have been sentenced as harshly as she was as a neonate isn't a "fully formed human" like an 18 month old who can smile and interact!! I mean WTFing hell!🤢😡😡
That's chilling. Part of me thinks it must be a troll, that the nation's biggest parenting forum surely won't have mums who believe their babies weren't "fully formed humans" until they reached eighteen months old. But another part of me knows that a lot of people really do think this way. It's how they talk about severely disabled people all the time. I have a sister who was born with profound congenital disabilities and who died when we were children. (I've never been able to bring myself to write 'had a sister' - she'll never be past tense to me, no matter how much time passes.) One of my nephews has the same condition, but he has thankfully lived to adulthood. Growing up I had to hear so much shit about them from people who really thought they were being kind and sympathetic. My personal favourite was the curious, "Do you think she knows who you are? I mean, does she see us all as the same or are you special to her" - and then, without waiting for an answer, "I hope not, that would make it really hard for you if she dies." When she died there were people who told us as a family that it was "probably better for her this way" because "at least she'll be at peace now" and that we "had to think about what was best for her even though it was sad for us". Looking back I don't know how my mum isn't in prison for chucking them all in the sea. But that's what you learn when you have a profoundly disabled loved one: a lot of people just do not see a fellow human when they look at them. They feel very sorry for them, they'd never want to hurt them, but they don't understand why the death of someone like that wouldn't be at least partly a relief. And if you're going to base your definition of humanity and personhood on someone's physical and cognitive capabilities, well, it's only logical that babies don't count as people yet either. It wouldn't surprise me if Letby exaggerated her victims' medical conditions in the way she did not just to cover her tracks, but because she really thought - and/or expected other people to think - that the death of a very sick or disabled baby isn't such a big deal.
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Heroin or whatever your name is. do you really think people have discussed her clothes here with any real seriousness? Come on now. Are you just ignoring the fact that all the actual evidence has been discussed is so much depth here. There are some really knowledgeable people here and it’s insulting to insinuate that they are basing there opinion off her appearance
But on the flip side.
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I shop at matalan and have a teddy on my bed. In fact my Teddy was from matalan as i saw it was on offer for £5 if making a purchase and i thought it looked cute and cuddly. I was going to take a photo of the label but it’s all faded as I’ve had it that long. Arrest me now!
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Chatty Member
I’m glad she took the stand. It pushed me off the fence and I think it did a lot of others too. I’ve said this before but BNE gave her the rope and let her hang herself.
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Emma Kenny's been silent since the verdict I see. She's not willing to admit that she was wrong about this evil cunt, eh?
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Took a few days off and missed 4 new threads, not sure I can catch up on everything but sobbed at my desk while they were reading the impact statements, and absolutely delighted (probably the wrong word in this context!) that she got 14 WLO, although there was never really any doubt about that once found guilty.
The press coverage has been overwhelming after the silence for so long, I’m unsure how it’ll work with any retrials or future trials in that regard, I think you’ll struggle to find 12 unbiased jurors now!
Ps the DM’s clickbaity headlines about how cushty prison is are just that, and it plays well to their readers. Frankly I couldn’t care less if she wallpapered it in unicorn wallpaper, she is trapped there, under the control of prison guards for the rest of her life. Let’s face it, if lockdown taught us anything it’s how difficult it is not being “allowed” to leave your house, even with all the creature comforts you may have. Being in prison would be 100000x worse, even with a couple of posters. I hope she spends the rest of her life looking over her shoulder and contemplating what an evil person she is.
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Maybe some people are joking but I really think others are totally serious about her "weird" clothes etc etc Her relationship with her parents does seem a co dependent one though and she did complain that they were smothering her I believe.
😑 no. Nobody thinks she is guilty because of those little things. And honestly only someone very self absorbed would interpret it to mean that they’re being personally insulted. Some of us have admitted to having the similar stuff in our houses or wearing similar stuff and going to those shops!! It’s not how anybody determined her guilt.
But actually, we are allowed to look at what she wears or her infantile bedroom etc and think about it. She dressed very differently to all my friends and myself when I was that age and she seemed to socialise with much older or more fuddy duddy types (soz Dawn and Janet ✌). If you watch the Allitt tapes, the detectives mention that she dressed differently to young women her own age too. It’s not at all an indicator of her guilt and you’re insulting people’s intelligence with that remark, but it isn’t out of the realms of discussion and you’d be best not to tell people off about it. Just ignore it if it upsets you. We’ve not been here 11 months because we think the kitten heels did it.
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One thing I’ve always wondered about in awful heinous cases like this is their lawyer. How do you defend this? I understand everyone is entitled to defence and a fair trial but how do you sleep at night knowing the next day you’re going to court to try and get this person off? Truly boggles my mind
I've lurked in this thread but not posted.

Having worked with criminal defence lawyers, they generally have what I'd consider a fairly flexible set of morals.

I was also a juror on a high profile case (I'm now discharged from jury service for life, although I'd do it again if I was called). The defence barrister was very, very aggressive with the witnesses (victims - we found the defendant guilty, unanimously, on all counts) and would use anything at all to discredit them. They were treated like they'd been accused of a crime. I appreciate that everyone is entitled to a fair trial and he was doing his job, but it's not a job I could do.

Regarding other posts about LL's motive - we need to remember that someone with heavily narcissistic traits, other people aren't full and independent human beings in their own right. To them, everyone is just an extra in the show where they're the main character. Other people exist to meet their needs, no more and no less. They do not inhabit the same objective reality as the rest of us, and they are relentless in their pursuit of attention, be it negative or positive.

I'm sure it's been said, but my (entirely speculative) view is that she went into that line of work because it's a very outwardly "heroic" sort of job. "Look at me, caring for the most vulnerable in society, aren't I lovely and amazing?" but for anyone who's ever known a narcissist, you'll know nothing is ever enough for them - they are black holes for people's time and attention.

Her decision to commit such horrific and unthinkable crimes might well have been opportunistic - she wasn't getting enough admiration simply being the lovely nurse, so why not manufacture a crisis? When you don't see other people as human, it's a win win isn't it? Either you get to save the baby you've deliberately harmed and you're the hero, or you don't and you get to centre yourself in a tragedy. And when everyone else exists for no other reason than to meet your needs and you're totally devoid of empathy, harming others isn't really "wrong", it just is what it is, which is why she's got absolutely no remorse.

The most shocking part is how basic she is. A truly bland and uninteresting human being who would otherwise fade into the wallpaper. But perhaps that's part of the problem. She believes she's truly special and in reality she is absolutely unremarkable and totally forgettable in every way. But nobody will forget her now.
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No I know he can’t, and I respect that. But the plumber added nothing to the trial in my opinion.

Other regulars haven’t been scathing of ‘new’ members - unless they have been defending that thing, which I certainly am not.
I think the point of the plumber was to show she wasn’t lyinwhen she randomly blurted out about the shit flowing out of the sinks.
I think BM did a good job with what he had to work with. He tore expert witnesses to shreds, placed doubt in families testimonies (which was hard to read about). There was mountains of evidence against her, he had fuck all to work with. Then she couldn’t even keep her story straight on the stand and told ridiculous lies like not knowing what commando means….
He’s a top KC for a reason.
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I don’t understand how race is any part of this. Look at BA? She’s white too. People suspected her because she ‘looked’ and acted off. People wouldn’t suspect Lucy would they because she played her role perfectly, it’s only that she is more devious than BA might have been at hiding her true self
Making absolutely no comment on the race part..
Plenty of people had suspicions about Letby though, at least 7 consultants. Actually with Bev, one consultant eventually thought it was her and one didn’t. That was still more to do with her always being there when things happened than her nutty behaviour. Whilst they knew she was pretty shite they just wanted an extra pair of hands. Nobody thought she was as batshit as we all know she is now. Bev was the village baby sitter in Corby Glen. She was her teacher’s favourite. The twin’s mum made her godmother to the surviving twin that she had severely disabled. The parents were so adamant that police were wrong about lovely kind Beverly that they hired a private investigator to prove it wasn’t her. I would say actually far more people suspected Letby than Bev.
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God, maybe I’m just so jaded and cynical, but no, I don’t think she’ll kill herself nor do I think she’ll have a hard time in prison. She rates herself so highly that she believed she could fool an entire NHS trust and let’s face it - she nearly did. She manipulates and twists everything to her advantage. That’s her modus operandi and even though she’s got a life term, I don’t believe for a second this is the end of her manipulation. There’s no humbling of this psycho. She’ll convince a prison guard, the visiting doctor, the art therapist teacher, whoever she connects with in prison that she’s a victim in all of this. Maybe they won’t buy it at first, but she’ll get around them. Be it post its, wall art or teddies bears, she’ll succeed.

Probably ten years from now, we’ll be reading in the Daily Mail how she runs an underwater basket weaving class every Tuesday in prison and no one can believe she was ever convicted on these heinous crimes.
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Several points …

I think the extensive search was because the case was so huge they didn’t want to chance missing anything. I’m sure they didn’t think she had babies under her lawn but she could well have buried trophies there. They wouldn’t have wanted to fuck it up by missing even the smallest thing.

I’m sure I read that she was suspended from her admin job after the first arrest in 2018 and sacked once charged in 2020.

She didn’t try and pin it on Dr NN. Why are people making stupid shit up? Nor did he know what she was up to. Do you really think in an investigation this big that they’d have missed that 🤦‍♀️ he was made anonymous because he is clearly a lying, cheating piece of shit with very poor judgment who was unprofessional by sharing information with LL at the time she was moved off the ward, and continued to see her well into 2017 even though consultants were insisting she had murdered them. I’d say the abrupt end to their relationship came when he found out she was being investigated for murder.
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